“In Lak’esh A La K’in”. We are ONE

rainbow tribeI love how my higher self reminds me to stick my camera in my pocket to capture images as I walk. They often lead to these blog posts. This is part of a mural at the Harvey Milk School here in San Francisco. It is around the corner from where I am at present. I love how the rainbow tribe that we are all a part of, is depicted. We are dancing together in harmony and unity! There are stars all around guiding us and joining in our joy. The earth is crystalline and her light shines through to play with us.

I love how I can be with myself through the many waves of emotions of a day and watch as I return to this place of joy and peace. No one told me that it works this way. We are taught to hide our pains and sorrows away in the back of our hearts to protect us. Instead, the old feelings block the flow of love that we are. Our hearts are designed to pour forth love like a faucet pours forth water. If we jam something in the spout, the pressure will build up until it bursts. Our hearts are the same. Years of accumulated pain has built up and the incoming energies are forcing the love in our hearts to burst through and wash the pains away in its mighty river. So cleansing and freeing. All of us are wanting to be this love as it is encoded in our dna, it is who we are as a species. We came here to be transmitters of love. All that we see that does not match the reality of love, is there for us to flow back to love. I have been practicing this with judgment. My, how deeply ingrained is this habit. Notice the word, habit…that means it is a behavior that can be changed. As anyone, thing, situation

butterfly woman

I love my butterfly friend for expressing her nature so beautifully. My judging mind can loosen its grip and be grateful for the pathway she opens of greater authenticity for all by dancing her light in the world.

comes into my experience and I begin to see a label of any kind emerge, I am placing a STOP sign in my brain. Stop Linda and flow your river of love into yourself for judging yourself in any way. For all that I judge in another or a situation, has a lesson for me. It is a trigger awakening me to an area that is asking for my love. I see a heavy women in her spandex clothes and I flow a river of love to the part of myself that believes that I must dress a certain way or be a certain size to be loved. I love that aspect of myself that believed that lie and in doing, I heal that illusion for many. Once you begin this practice, it becomes fun as you see opportunities for freedom arising as judgment releases its stranglehold on you. I was shocked at how fast and furious judgments of all kinds flew through me! I flowed love to the aspects of me that felt shamed by my judgments and loved her for out-picturing the programming that she was conditioned by. In loving this aspect, the shame lifts and I am free to be more conscious of my judging nature and to change it.

Peggy Black and her team of angels (Copyright 2006 © Peggy Black, Transducer, Scribe and Witness.All rights reserved.) offered wisdom and guidelines for our new multidimensional selves. One of the suggestions was:

Always ask yourself is this word, action or emotion being offered life-diminishing or life-enhancing.

This practice helps as thoughts arise and we take the moment to decide whether to continue in that vein or chose another more uplifting one. She continues with this:

You are here to transmute and transform energy through the alchemical chalice of your heart.

I love the chalice of my heart!! It has become such a dear symbol to me over the past year or two as I think of my heart as a chalice of love offered in service to the Creator. Here is the last I will share but you can read the others here:  http://lightworkers.org/wisdom/148920/wisdom-and-guidelines-multidimensional-humans

Each time you shift and emotional response from anger or judgment to love, joy or gratitude you are doing global service work on a personal level.

Isn’t that amazing? How we are serving others as we serve ourselves. That never fails to tickle me! It reminds me that we live in a win-win universe of such love. Honor the love that you are and turn on your heartlight! Let it flow to all as well as to yourself.



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