Flowing the Energy South to Shasta

Mount Rainier glowing in the evening light.

June is here with all of its glory for us. It was time for me to leave and take the energy I had brought to Mount Rainier from Mount Shasta and flow it back south. The two mountains were glad of the communication as was I. I am so grateful for the feeling of community that I experienced during my time. This is being carried with me as our pods are getting ready to gather. We had to become mature enough, leaving behind our personality selves in order for the living together to work on the level we desire it. The releasing continues as the leaving brought up some old patterns in me that were difficult to experience as I watched them flow through me. What I am learning is that the energy shows me truth and I can trust it. When something shifts, I must follow it. The movement is quick these days and there is little time to ponder. When I feel it take a turn, I am to let go and move with it. This is the time of flow!

Maxie with her chucks in place so she doesn't roll into the sea.

The eclipse energies came through on the first to cleanse my body in preparation. Base of neck and shoulder activated, body aches and headaches, nausea. I could only lie down and allow them to play out. I pointed out to my team that I needed to be driving the next day so this was their day so make the most of it while I was able to be still. They did! I awoke clear and ready for the day. (thank you team!) About an hour into the drive, I decided to take an exit to the capital, Olympia. I had a peek at the capitol building, I so love domes! I stopped in the visitor’s center and asked about the drive around the peninsula. The young man assured me that it was worth the extra time. For some reason, I decided to take the journey, envisioning in my mind, Hwy 1 in California, with its  dramatic views of the Pacific Ocean. I laugh at what my mind will tell me to get me to agree to some pretty outlandish stuff. The drive added about  three hours to my trip, did I need that?? For the most part I found myself staring at trees on both sides of the highway despite the line on the map that led me to believe that the road was right on the coast. I love trees but not hemming me in. I found myself saying ho’oponopono for miles on end. OK, I see that there was a higher plan as I have often done this, flowing rivers of forgiveness along the Pacific coastline. This particular piece needed this done, it seems. So after some frustration,  I surrendered and took in the beauty of it all.

I love the feeling of orange and pink together!

This morning I find myself just a couple of hours north of Mount Shasta. There is an excitement about these next few days. I do intend to be transformed by the energy of the eclipse and the Venus transit. There is tons written about this time and for me it means that I have access to so much more of myself. I am laying down all former beliefs about who I am and opening to the highest aspects of myself that can anchor into this body. I am ready to embrace my Venusian self of love and beauty. Venus is all about love!

I had a wonderful meeting with a soul sister and her Black Madonna while I was in the north. She was gifted the Madonna many years ago when she was in Spain. It was carved in the 1500’s, and she is an amazing being. The statue holds the energy of all aspects of the divine feminine. In my communion with her, I was shown information about Book of Love that was written by Mary Magdalene and Yeshua. It was hidden for centuries due to the church’s program of keeping people enslaved to the patriarchy and their own coffers. The history is not my forte, but what is important to me is that the Magdalene’s are on the planet now. The women who hold the Christ consciousness and the Book of Love’s teachings are all around the world. I saw that my heart contains this book. It was encoded within me as well as many others. I could feel that this was done for safekeeping. The codes would be accessed when the time was right. This Venus transit is the key that unlocks the codes. We are ready to return to the truth of love. We are open to knowing a love that transcends the boundaries of the conditional love that we have lived. We want deep communion with one another’s hearts as well as with our Mother Earth and all her creatures and kingdoms. Oh, how blessed is this time!

Now to walk as that love in the world. Oh, that my presence can emanate the Magdalene’s love. That our hearts can be the chalice for a love so pure that it can change the world. Yes, this love is coming to change our world. Hold to your visions of the world that you wish to see created during this next few days. Turn from the noise of the outer illusion, and sink into the beauty and wonder of a world of peace, harmony, abundance for all. A world where each person knows their own beauty and sings it out to the cosmos!

This post gives some good advice for this week:  http://www.therainbowscribe.com/hilarion2012.htm

I will write again after the transit on the 5th/6th. I am attending an event where we will be in ceremony for the next three days as we move through this sacred portal. I will be with my friend, Chief Golden Light Eagle and his clan and all others who were called. Remember, we are all in our right place to experience these energies. Gift yourself with inward, quiet time as the heavens align to lift the veils and bring in more of our starry natures. Intend and allow yourself to be transformed. Bask in the wonder of it. I love you all.


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