Slowing in the Cold

IMG_0050The sun is out, the sun is out! Woohoo. The temperatures are still below zero degrees fahrenheit but they will warm up with this sunshine. Yesterday was a day of stillness and quiet. I did not go outside except at sunset as I had glimpsed the glorious magenta spilling its beauty across the sky behind the barn. I ran out and climbed the hill to witness it as it faded to deepening blues as the sun truly set. The snow is deep and I had on my knee high winter boots but still managed to get snow down the back of one as I slid down the hill. Ah, time to change socks and stuff newspaper in the boot to dry.


The last of the light.

The last of the light.

My day started with a feeling of loneliness as I listened to the family below begin their day with piano music and the little one’s sounds. Weekends are their family time and my time to rest from caring for my grandchildren. I sat with the feeling and watched it move. It became a feeling of appreciation for my lovely space where I can be in my own energy. Expansiveness followed as I breathed into the quiet. I laid on the couch with a library book that had a strange cover that put me off. The notes sounded intriguing but I had not felt drawn to it. The book turned out to be wonderful. It is called “The House In The Cerulean Sea”. It speaks to our outer differences and finding the beauty within each one. It is magical and delightful and brought deep joy to my day. The characters are still alive in me today and I sense will live for a time with me. They are a group of magical children with unusual gifts in an orphanage run by a man who is the last of his kind, a phoenix. One child is the antiChrist, his father being the devil, a female gnome, a shape shifter, a sprite, a wyvern, and a blob with eyes on stalks.  A caseworker, steeped in the rules of the controllers arrives to write his report and is transformed by them all. It speaks to the conditions of our world today with all of its government controls and dark underbelly that is now becoming known. The main character has his heart cracked open and we witness the discomfort of discovering that his world was all based on lies. This is happening in present time and it takes strength to see with new eyes and let go of the programming and begin to trust what our hearts know as truth.

A friend sent me some meyer lemons as I was missing my tree. You cannot get them here. They are such a treat! I made lemon bars for everyone.

A friend sent me some meyer lemons as I was missing my tree. You cannot get them here. They are such a treat! I made lemon bars for everyone, even the librarian!

I have been using the library online books for the most part yet enjoy holding a book in my hands and being away from the computer screen. I do not wear a mask, it is my honoring of my own sovereignty that tells me that there was not a health reason, rather it was a means of control and submission. So, I go about my life and for the most part, I am not challenged. The local librarian has other ideas and does not allow use of the library without donning a mask. She and I have had discussions about this as it libraries are publicly funded spaces. The compromise is that I stand in the foyer of this lovely little library and she stands in the open door and shows books to me to choose from. Or she packages up a box of books, with notes as to what they are about and why she liked them and leaves them in the foyer on a table. The system works, we have agreed to disagree and I laugh as she hands me a bag of books, as we can be right next to one another. It highlights some of the ridiculousness of these times as well as the heart to heart connections that can be made. I went from feeling anger at not being able to use the library to now an appreciation for our relationship that has developed through it all. I sense that within the next month, all the restrictions and mandates will fall away and it will become a distant memory. I pray for this, especially for the end of the vaccines.

Barbed wire wreaths...lovely!

Barbed wire wreaths…lovely!

The day allowed me a nap, a letting go of projects that lay about, a tuning in. We are so programmed to do and not be. We do not value the beingness and yet that is where the true treasure lies. I spoke with my elder son during the day as he was lying in bed slowing awakening from a nap with the sun on his face. Imagine the joy that he radiated as he reveled in that warmth and beauty. That is what changes our world. The feelings of oneness, of wonder, of joy. My grandchildren give me these opportunities to experience the wonder more fully as they discover rainbows from a crystal or how the light switch works, or the joy of clapping one’s hands. The more spaces we can find ourselves being, the more space we offer one another and this earth. It is through our joy, our knowing that we are worthy not because of what we do, rather by the essence of our beingness. I am here allowing God to breathe through my body, allowing experiences to be felt and recorded, allowing lovelight to flow.

I have been watching a bit of the truckers’ convoy in Canada. What is wondrous is the feeling of joy that folks are experiencing. The support, the coming together after two years of separateness, the unity all fill the field with love. That is what is changing our world. The inner feelings that then move out to create form in this physical world of ours.

A birthday box of magic from my sister. such a treat.

A birthday box of magic from my sister. such a treat. Love in a box!

I was out at a restaurant with my former hubby….an rare treat for me as I do not go out in the evenings for the most part. As we were enjoying our meal as well as the musician who was singing and playing his guitar, a wave of love came over me. Tears followed as my heart felt my partner’s deceased mother. She was a fierce lover. Alcohol could make her fierce in not fun ways but it was the essence of her that flowed through my heart. She was love. She held huge love for all who were hers. I felt such gratitude to feel her essence and to know that is what we can hold for one another. Our personality selves can be so small and yet our hearts are as wide as the universe. It is a time of wonder as our I AM presences integrate into our bodies more and more. Our personality selves are dissolving into the field of love as divine will moves through us, rather than the limiting human will.

In every moment, we can lean back and allow ourselves rest in that love. We can trust our higher selves to run the show, we can trust our hearts to be our map. We can allow the lovelight free passage through our bodies, keeping our hearts open in all ways. It is a time of flow, of letting go, of deep trust. Magic and miracles abound when we take the time to be with them.

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