Departure Defined

imageWhat does it mean when I hear that I am going? I am amazed at how deep is the knowing and how peaceful is the expression of it. On one level, it means nothing. On another, there are many doors. I feel the completion of my mission in every cell. Do I have any idea what this looks like? No. It is not knowable. I have been following the clues I receive.

There are tears of joy, tears with no source other than an over flowing of emotion which seeks release. Tears as I learn to allow my fullness room within this body. The tears assist my heart to expand to make room for more of me. The words that have played the past few months of almost constant movement from place to place have been: You are going to more, not less. They are a mantra I live by. We are evolving, always! Ascension is not an end point. Our time on earth is but one part of our continuing story. I was called. I came. I have contributed my piece. That allows me a great sense of peace.

The stillness as we allow our boats to float.

The stillness as we allow our boats to float.

What does leaving look like? Feel like? I have no clue. Ever since I heard that physical ascension would be possible for some in this lifetime, I knew that I would be one to experience it. I write to open a pathway for others. All of our paths are unique yet we glean comfort and information by sharing our journeys. I am sharing the clues that I follow. I do not have details as so much that lies ahead will be beyond our vocabulary to explain. I have known that what I desire is beyond my ability to imagine.

Feelings waft in and I follow their trail. I feel unattached to outer activity. There are no projects or desires calling out to me. I have been on this path of being for so long and it has been the dominant calling, taking all my energy. Doing comes in the driving in my beloved Maxie as we traverse landscapes, following the call. There is no feeling of landing though that intention was there for an autumn landing when I first headed out this past summer. I have sought the feeling, body desirous of place and stillness yet it has not come. Floating…that feeling remains.

Following the curves of the path as best I am able.

Following the curves of the path as best I am able.

Change is constant, all is fluid motion. Trusting that what is my truth in this moment may not be in the next. Allowing this. No holding to anything or anyone. I feel no things undone. I trust completely that all that is needed in each moment is brought to me. The other day, I thought of someone who had once been close to me and since moved on. She popped in, I opened Facebook and her picture was staring at me on my newsfeed after not showing up for ages. Then a sign appeared on the roadside with her name jumping out at me. I followed the swell in my heart and sent an email of love felt. She responded in kind. Complete. There was no trying, no efforting, simply following the feeling of love and appreciation that arose.

I was taken into a dreamscape of my love pod which opens occasionally for me. My youngest son was there with his love as I was with mine. I was holding and consoling his determined toddler, expressing his frustration so like my son when he was that age. There were horses and joy and peace. I know that I will live this. On what level? How? I do not know any of the details, only that the vision of the love pods that I have held for decades, is coming into fruition and I will be a part of it. My sense is that we will be free to move between dimensional spaces, no longer limited to viewing only one reality, rather many will be open to play in.

This shot is looking up a section of a huge redwood which had been cut to clear the road. You cannot tell what you are seeing from this perspective yet it was very clear from a distance. This is true for us as more dimensions open to our sight.

This shot is looking up a section of a huge redwood which had been cut to clear the road. You cannot tell what you are seeing from this perspective yet it was very clear from a distance. This is true for us as more dimensions open to our sight. Photo taken by my friend, Bev with my phone as it was on her side of the road. Thanks Bev!

So will I be here for Christmas, the New Year? I can only live that question. It does not concern me as I know all is aligned and cared for. I am always in my perfect place for my highest good. I ask to align that with the highest good of all and therein find peace. As they are one and the same as the knowing of our oneness takes root. Perhaps the change will be one of discovering my body filled with vitality, bursting with creative projects that seek form. Perhaps it will open with the discovery of myself existing in multiple realities, with one continuing in this known landscape. Perhaps it is beyond all thought.

What I do know is that as I have detached emotionally from people, place and things, I have expanded in my capacity to love everything. Especially myself! I have fallen deeply in love with who I am, feeling a reverence and honoring for the being that I AM. What a wonder! As that love explodes, it opens the gateway to loving all others. Every sentient being on this beauty filled planet of ours. The reverence and love for our Mother Earth is there in every best of my heart. There is no separation. No need to offer her a thought as it is offered in every breath. Separation dissolves to be replaced with this immense soaring freedom. It is intoxicating and yet quiet. Fireworks yet peace. As our heart beats without our conscious thought, this lovelight moves like a river through me. Source gives, I open to receive and allow its passage through this body chalice. All effort, all trying ceases. I observe what flows in and allow it to follow its natural course. I do not have to direct it, control it, instruct it. I am called to live it. All of me is engaged in this.

I have come to love the uncertainty found wrapped in the midst. To flow into the mystery and allow.

I have come to love the uncertainty found wrapped in the midst. To flow into the mystery and allow.

One may question why I have stated that I will depart. Why put myself in a position where I can be proved wrong? The fields of right and wrong are collapsing, opposites dissolving into wholeness. There is only my truth in this moment and yours in your moments. My writing is offered as I am guided to share. The words encoded beyond their meaning with liquidlovelight. I am the scribe, offering form in these letters, to be infilled. As always, take what resonates, leave the rest. We are guided every step of the way. We are so loved and cherished. We can best express this by cherishing ourselves as our Mother/Father does. In loving me, I love you. We truly are walking each other Home.

12 thoughts on “Departure Defined

    • Dear Markus,

      Heehee, yes to tackling all that comes my way.
      The warrior in me, always at the ready. Now the lovelight flows as the sword is sheathed and the heart lights the way.

      Ever my heart shining for you,

  1. Happy Thanksgiving Linda. There is a great peace and feeling of freedom in knowing we are moving on, whatever that means and however soon is ok and since timelines and dimensions are changing and we are moving on to more, nothing is lost just expanded with ease and love.
    Blessings of Love and Laughter,

    • Dear Nancy,
      Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours. Nothing is lost….always more. What peace that brings as we open ourselves for everything!


  2. Linda,
    I’ve been loving your messages, especially of late. Perhaps because I so relate to them and to your process. Blessings to you dear woman and a very Happy Thanksgiving to you and your beautiful family wherever they may be on this day.
    Peace and Light,

    • Dear Alex,
      Thank you! I am with family today and feeling so very blessed. The love is shining so bright for us all.

      Blessings to you and yours on this day of gratitude. I am grateful for your radiant light!

      And lovelight streaming,

    • You are welcome. Each of us following our scripts as to how we walk these last steps.

      Blessings to you on your journey,
      With love,

  3. Dear Linda

    Blessings from the heart.

    This so resonates for me at this time…more and more dissolves at this time…and the veil is slowly lifting, so that more is visible. Greater and greater love flows in and life becomes truely magical…

    It was your sister’s sharing that brought me here…just following the curves on my path.

    I am greatful for your sharing.


    • Dear Henrik,

      I love following the curves on our paths! It is what brings us Home. So many of us are feeling the veil lifting, the love expanding. Thank you for shining your great heart to light the path for others. It truly is time to turn on our heartlights!

      Blessings of joy and love,

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