Moving in the Moments

Mount Shasta came out one morning in her white cloak to be admired.

Mount Shasta came out one morning in her white cloak to be admired.

Third day of intense head pressure. Trusting that ease is found in this day. I have been kept to the moments. Yesterday I went to look at a couple of small condos on the other side of Mount Shasta. A totally different view. More masculine than this side with the heart carved in her slope. It is high desert country there, expansive, elements harsher, the lake almost gone with the lack of rain. Yet, all changes as it has been raining since I arrived, moisture swelling the buds and infilling the dry creek beds. What a gift. I felt the balance of Mount Shasta more fully, the masculine and feminine integrated in her being as well as my own.

Later…fourth day and I was able to move. My head was clearer, the pressure released, my gratitude immense! I took a walk as the rain had stopped. A friend and I were dazzled by the light dancing on the water in a diamond pattern that sent up golden, magenta, and blue rays of light. A tree, shedding its leaves, the sun turned its spotlight on, turning it to liquid gold. We passed a tree growing a magnificent fungus that looked like a huge clamshell, a seat for a faerie queen. As we sat by Lake Siskiyou’s edge, my friend said, “Look up!” Two eagles flew low above our heads, wing to wing. They seemed to fly in slow motion as we felt them glide over us. We looked at one another with awe and a deep appreciative sigh. We knew ourselves blessed.

The faerie queen's throne

The faerie queen’s throne

Waters flowing in the creek outside my window, pine and cedar smells drifting in with the sound of rain falling. It has been a day of magical moments. I ran into a friend I wanted to see on the path in the woods. Tonight, three of us pooled our food and made a yummy dinner. We had a special bottle of organic wine to celebrate this day where we all felt a shift in the energies, a lightening. We lit candles and strung up Christmas lights. We sat in front of a blazing fire in silence, our spirits full.



Being present in each moment, savoring its gifts, whether of head pressure or eagles majestic flight. I am grateful to be alive on this blue jewel of Earth.

6 thoughts on “Moving in the Moments

  1. Living each moment is so beautiful.
    Wishing wonderous moments for this Full Moon are in store for you. May you find what you are looking for.
    Peace be with you my Sister.
    Gorgeous fungus photo, what a find!
    Blessings to you.

    • Dear Moon sister, Beverly,

      Each moment a capsule to be infilled. I have found all in this now.
      What a moon!

      May She bless and hold us all,

    • Dear Steven,

      Thank you, I so love Mother Nature. It is a pleasure to share her beauty.
      I agree with your link about the cosmos’ beauty.

      Blessings of love on this full moon,

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