
Balancing home with a cloud..form and formless.

Balancing home with a cloud..form and formless.

Home….my ninth morning waking up in my own bed. What is different is that I feel that I am still traveling. I am here yet there is not the grounding or sense of place that was. Some part of me remains in that tunnel of light that carried me home from Western Australia. I sense  movement ahead. That my place is yet to manifest but is being prepared for me.

So I float. Today I must gather some force and clear my space as I am hosting the family for an Easter brunch. I enjoy creating beauty and comfort for others. I look forward to having the family all together for the first time in a couple of months.

Now to find the pink cloth napkins and the small glass Easter eggs, to pack away the summer clothes from my trip, to bake the scalloped potato casserole to be reheated tomorrow morning, to clean the bathroom. Whew… step at a time.

Seeing through a new lens.

Seeing through a new lens.

The sky is lightening in bands of grey and white. Sun is forecast for later and a friend is wanting to walk. That means it is time to move and get my space ready so that I can enjoy what the day offers. A concert at a monastery this evening looks inviting. I went to the community dinner last night with most of my family. I am heeding the inner prompting to be more in the world. There are plenty of opportunities in this small town to participate in.

I have received, “Welcome home” greetings as I have been moving about the town. Amazing how two words can create such a warm feeling in my heart! Home. It does not feel like my home yet as much as that idea is possible in this moment in time, it is my home.

This sculpture captures the feeling of where I am.

This sculpture captures the feeling of where I am.

I sense I am in the space between…..not anchored above or below. Discovering how to be in a new way. As if the internal scaffolding that held me for so many years, is being dismantled. Our personality selves are collapsing and we are discovering how to walk as the lovelight that we are. A flame encased in form. It pulses and moves and takes no direction from my personality. It is. I AM. Learning to breath and move as it, surrendering all control.

Easter weekend, the resurrection…..playing out before our eyes. This is the new that I embodied to live. I am so grateful to be here to live it.

Halfway Around The World

fullsizeoutput_530bSitting in my comfy 1940’s style chair by the window, I pull back the curtains to watch the sky lightening outside. Coffee and toast at hand, heater humming its warmth across the room, my brave cyclamen plant waving three perfect red blooms as I contemplate where I am.

Six weeks ago, I flew halfway around the world to revisit a place and people that had been instrumental in affirming myself as someone worthy of love. Fifty years ago, I had pursued an inner urging to be an exchange student. Yes, that was the directive that I heard. There were none in my school but I knew that such things existed. I researched how to become one at the library. Remember card catalogs and books being the source to turn to for knowledge? After a time, I found the Rotary Clubs and sought out my local one which knew nothing of the programs. After persistence on my part, I made it through the state qualifying interviews and succeeded in being sent to Albany, Western Australia……halfway around the world. You had no choice as to where you were being sent, your information went out and a Rotary Club somewhere in the world, picked you.

fullsizeoutput_52f1Fortune shined on me as that turned out to be my Cinderella year. I had spent my life as the “little mother” in my family with five siblings. It was a harsh environment for my sensitive soul as alcohol, anger and violence were part of my life. Acknowledgement was found through doing for others so it was a complete reversal to experience others doing for me. I was feted and celebrated. I had been determined to shed my shy girl persona and make the most of  every opportunity to live anew. I was blessed to meet a group of friends who embraced me with such acceptance and love that my life was forever transformed.

Beautiful cottages in Albany, WA.

Beautiful cottages in Albany, WA.

There were a few return trips and when not there, an unsettling yearning for that life. After completing my teaching degree in the USA, I returned to apply for my residency in Western Australia. During that trip as I was awaiting a teaching post,  I was shown that it was not the life that I had planned before incarnating. It was too easy and I had agreed to experience some difficult lessons in this completion lifetime and they were to be found back in the USA with family and others. I listened and followed my inner guidance though it was a searing wrench to leave that life behind.

Marriage and children happened and the years passed in a blur. Then seventeen years ago, I once again returned at the urging of a friend, who understood that I was in dire straits. Western Australia worked her magic on me and I was able to find the strength to end my marriage of twenty-four years. My friends gave me back pieces of myself that I had lost in the long dark tunnel of marriage with a sex addict.

View of the harbor at my favorite place, Albany, WA.

View of the harbor at my favorite place, Albany, WA.

Fast forward to the present, finding my life consumed by children and grandchildren, coming through a health journey of a broken wrist and back issues, I was once again encouraged by a friend to take a break for myself. It proved to be another layer of completion with the land and the people. It was the first time that I was able to leave Western Australia without feeling as if I were being torn apart. It seemed that I floated there through that long flight and floated back out. All with ease and a sense of peace.

The daily sunshine infilled my cells as did the swimming in the Indian Ocean. Here are some snapshots of my time:

Standing thigh deep in the ocean, chatting with a friend as we watched the sunset. He says, “Don’t move.” I look about and watch a sting ray glide by, with its gently rippling wings.

fullsizeoutput_530cSitting in a friend’s painting studio, listening to him as he works on a large canvas. Sharing thoughts on art and life, a hum sounding between us.

Crawling into crisp cotton sheets in a girlfriend’s house that is funky and beautiful. It feels like living in a William Morris world where only things of beauty exist. Art and textiles, beautifully crafted clothing (she is a fashion designer and incredible seamstress) delicious food, books and deep conversations…all nourished me.

Preparing the evening meal of cheese and crackers to accompany their daily glass of wine for the dearest family of my exchange years. Now, ninety and ninety-three years old, they are both still have their wits about them, as they say. I spend days going at their pace, leaving for walks and swims during their rest times. Quiet conversations and a surprising apology and healing from a painful incident seventeen years before with the woman. We were able to find a bridge of love between our differing beliefs. She was so grateful for the opportunity to make it right in person though I had not held any negative thoughts and had written to her of my understanding of why she had acted as she did. Being together cemented the love that is true between us.IMG_20240217_123930705

A boat ride to check a friend’s cray pots and watch a dolphin swimming alongside. The surprise of an octopus in the pot whose head was full of cray meat that it had sucked from the limp crayfish. Its tentacles came writhing out of the confines of the pot before slithering out completely. My friend quickly cut off its head and threw it on the bottom of the boat. The octopus continued to slither about, startling me into pulling my legs up onto the seat so as to avoid the touch of its tentacles. Yikes! When we returned back to the house, my friend gathered gear and shouted for me to grab the octopus to bring it in as he would cook it. I used all my courage to pick up it up now that it had stopped writhing about.

fullsizeoutput_52beWalking in the bush and seeing a kangaroo hop past. He then stopped to turn and look at me. He stood up and twitched his ears, one way and then another. He scratched his side, looking so human as we communed without sound.

Awakening to the raucous cries of various colorful birds outside my window.

Sitting with earphones, listening to something on my computer while my friends sat in front of the tv. All of us eating our dinner, together yet separate. The feeling of peace and ease amongst us, palpable.

The heartache of being so far away when my three year old granddaughter was very ill for a week. I wanted to get on a plane immediately and fly home but it was right at the beginning of my trip and the logistics would take time to arrange. She recovered thankfully but it was a scary time for my son and daughter in love. I knew that I did not want a life so far from her or my grandsons.

A morning spent with the eighteen year old daughter of a dear friend. Walking about, snapping photos, loving her. She says, “You are a cheerleader, you should be a life coach.” My heart happy for the opportunity to cheer on such a radiant soul.

The bush with its eucalyptus trees.

The bush with its eucalyptus trees.

Lying on a beanbag chair at park to watch an outdoor movie with dear friends. Sharing the popcorn and our picnic dinner as I took breaks from the screen to look up at the stars. The joy of the Southern Cross constellation once again being in my view.

Sleeping in so many different places, at times feeling undone, wanting the comfort of home. Thoughts of changing my ticket to an earlier return arose.  Breathing in, sitting with all the discomfort until the loosening and letting go internally. The surrender to the moment and recognizing the up and down nature of it all.

Hearing my friend tell a young man, “Don’t use sarcasm with Linda, she does not like it.” I ask how he knows that. He says he has known it since he first met me at 18 years of age. Marveling at all that we still know of one another from that first year that I came to WA.

Looking through old photos of our youth and of the lives we have all lived since then. Marriages, divorces, children, grandchildren, parents dying, depression, health issues…’s many challenges faced and lived. Looking back and looking forward to all that is there for us.

The deep sobs that caught me as I said goodbye to people, not wanting to let go. Some partings so bittersweet as I knew that I would not see them again due to their age and health. Most others, I knew not when we would be with each other again. Always the lesson to love fully and freely in every moment.

Now the opportunity to stay more connected through live chats, email and letters for the older ones who do not do technology. I will make the effort as these friendships are true and have withstood the test of time. Many with decades between conversations and yet the knowing of one another’s hearts alive and well. I realize more deeply how these heart connections are forever. I know myself to be blessed.






The New Year Is Here

fullsizeoutput_5233The Winter Solstice is the start of the new year for me. I have never resonated with January 1st as the date. Energetically, the Solstice holds the potential for new beginnings. I love to celebrate with a fire, releasing all of the old, creating space for the new to infill my being. This year, it was our family Christmas celebration as well as my eldest grandson departed the next day to spend his holidays in Quebec with his Papa and other grandparents. We had a lovely evening which was highlighted by my eight year old and two year old grandchildren dressing up in white robes and silver crowns with lights (battery operated fairy lights) carrying candles to light ones passed out by them to the family. All was in darkness, the children rang bells to signal their approach and cue Silent Night to begin to play. We sat in the dark and watched the light come forth with our two angels flowing down the stairs. They took it very seriously, walking in silence to distribute candles (the youngest’s duty) and to light the flames (the eldest’s duty). There were tears as the magic of fire and music touched hearts. The children then distributed the cookies that they had helped me make and decorate. After the dinner and exchange of gifts, it was the highlight of the evening. The children were so touched by the experience and both thanked me numerous times for creating this opportunity for them.

IMG_0158Moments of magic are missing in our lives. It is not only for the children that we need magic, it is for all of our souls. When we experience it, our souls echo with memories of participating in rituals that created feelings of wonder. I want to bring more of that into my children’s and grandchildren’s lives. I want more in my life! My grandchildren are already asking about the next time we can do something like this.


It is meant to be something shared in community. There are schools, Waldorf Schools for example, that do foster magic in their curriculum but by and large, it is left out in our schools where the focus is academics and test performance. As a community, we need to bring magic back into our lives. Other countries do a better job of including the children in events rather than the separation by age that is so common in the USA. I recall spending a New Year’s Eve in Spain in the coastal town of Nerja with two of my children. On the Balcon de Europa, which faces the Mediterranean sea, townfolk gathered to celebrate the New Year. Everyone had twelve grapes (one for each month) that you were to eat with each of the twelve clock bell strikes.  Each grape represented a wish for each month of the coming year. They were to bring good luck. Grapes and champagne enjoyed by young and old. Fireworks and dancing enjoyed by whole families together. A memory of magic that all shared in.

IMG_0199Our new way of living will include so many more celebrations aligned with nature. As we gather with our soul tribes in villages or my term, love pods, we will be more connected to the landscape. Nature offers her cycles of seasons that lends itself to rituals around planting and harvest, growth and rest, darkness and light. The movement of the sun, moon and planets offer markers for our lives. We are moving into a deeper connection to the plant, animal and elemental kingdoms. 2024 will see more migration as people will feel called to move to places on the earth where they feel more in resonance with the land. Drawn to the place where their soul dances on the earth. Soul tribes will come into being as folks’ frequencies will guide them to one another. That deep love that we all crave will blossom amongst all the kingdoms as all remember how to communicate from the heart. Imagine a daily conversation with the trees, the birds, and ground where you live. Imagine strong hugs with one another as love flows freely from heart to heart.

Maxfield Parrish was famous for his magical landscapes.

Maxfield Parrish was famous for his magical landscapes.

There is so much freedom ahead if we are willing to take it. We are being supported by our ancestors and our future selves to bring all of our Christ light into our forms. This is the wonder and magic of Christmas. To birth the Christ light in our own hearts and walk it into this world. The little children and babes being born, arrive with it intact. They are living love, they spread it through their sparkly eyes and hearts that love unconditionally. There are times where I am stopped in my tracks when one of my grandchildren beams at me. The light is so bright and pure.

May we cherish this light and one another’s hearts. May we know our own beauty and walk it into the world. May wonder and magic flow into our lives as we reclaim our innocence and joy. May peace prevail on earth.


We have been frozen in old roles of pain and separation. Now the snow melts, the ice departs and our true beauty blossoms.

We have been frozen in old roles of pain and separation. Now the snow melts, the ice departs and our true beauty blossoms.

This word has been playing in my mind since a conversation with a friend. She told me of her experience seeing a father hug his young daughter at the grocery store. She could feel how safe that girl felt in her father’s arms. For so many of us, that was not the case. It is something that I have not experienced from a father, a husband, nor a lover. Instead, I had to learn to carry my own safety within. Not a bad thing and yet it meant that my masculine side was dominant as it had to be in charge, making sure that all was well.

We are now in the time of balancing our masculine and feminine energies within so that we may manifest divine union partnerships in the outer world of form. I can feel them coming and it sends chills through me. The masculine’s main role is as protector of the feminine, the floor beneath her feet. For the feminine to truly open to the masculine, she needs to feel that floor, solid and strong under her. Only then, can she fully open her rosebud of love to bloom in its full beauty.

I do not know the artist but give credit to their creativity. The feminine bringing her gift of flowing water in the chalice of love.

I do not know the artist but give credit to her creativity. The feminine bringing her gift of flowing water in the chalice of love.

The feminine is the receiver, the tuner in to the wisdom of the cosmos. She flows with the tides, the earth’s magic. When she is embraced and held by the masculine, she can let down and allow herself the freedom of this flow. Oh my, typing these words brings tears as I can imagine the relief of such freedom to truly be present with all that is. Not having to watch the boundaries, navigate the banks of the river, instead to simply flow with the energies. To be the mother of the babe and know that she can be fully present for her child as her partner has her back. He holds the container around the her and the child, allowing them full play within.

I witness this with my youngest son and his wife and children. There is such ease, deep honoring on both sides. The joy is palpable as their family flows in its rhythms together. These are the new holy families. The Christ child born within each one.

My knowing is that there is a large group of women, who have been on their own for years or decades, like myself. We have spent our time doing our inner work, clearing and healing the shadow within as well as within the earth herself. This has helped to free the feminine energies as balance is restored on the earth. The patriarchy is in its last gasps as it surrenders to its true role as the masculine protector of the feminine rather than as her overlord.

Now we stand as equals, looking through the eyes of love.

Now we stand as equals, looking through the eyes of love.

Now we women are ready. We are done with our work of healing wounded warriors. The masculine has been wounded by the age of patriarchy as much as the feminine has. It is time to heal on both sides. There is no blame nor shame, It is time for each to come into our hearts and find and live our joy. To care for ourselves, first and foremost. The feminine has had the strength and support of one another on this healing journey. Society has made that more difficult for men to access. Yet, the young men are seeking it and finding their own way to mastery, despite not having role models in front of them.

May the men open to their healing work and have the courage to offer their strength and protection to the women in their lives. May the women, open our hearts to allow this protection in. To let down our walls and trust that we will be held. There are lifetimes of pain to surmount to come to this place. Our feminine wisdom has not been received in ages past. The men’s strength has been used against women and themselves as they used their power to hold down women. Men have been barred from receiving the tenderness that their hearts yearn for.

Coloring a new path between the old broken male and female. A joining of color and light.

Coloring a new path between the old broken male and female. A joining of color and light.

In truth, we seek that balance. I see these pillars of divine love as these unions come together. This love will light up the world and create new life, new frequencies to walk in. Magic is afoot. We are asked to hasten its arrival by caring deeply for ourselves. Loving ourselves, filling ourselves with love and following the path of joy, will liberate us all. No longer doing for others in ways that do not light our hearts. It is time for all to claim their sovereignty and walk in their own Christ light.

What a time to be alive. I can feel the celebration as these unions come into being. We are ready. May we allow the joy to wash through us, after lifetimes of living sorrow. Joy is now the password and the way. Let us light this world on fire with our love!



Eclipses Edging Us On

It was to be done outside but the wind was high. So i created it inside.

It was to be done outside but the wind was high. So i created it inside.

In Vermont, we were only to see a partial bit of the eclipse. I intended to head up the hill to the Common where telescopes and eclipse viewing glasses were available. Instead I spent my time with energy dancing on my crown, with my eldest son and my newest grandson sharing my space. My son and I took turns holding the baby, he slept for about three hours on one or the other of us.  His mom said he had not slept much the day before and I echoed that in my body. I had felt scattered and jittery all day on the 13th. Head and chest pressure pulsing and my mind scrambling around this way and that. So on the eclipse day, the three of us rested together. As the baby slept, my son and I rested, occasional words flowing up and then dropping into the pool of silence. I saw us weave a tapestry of light. Each of us contributing our streams of color, electric blue shimmering in silver from my Archangel Michael son, orange pink from my heart and warm golden light from Weaver (yes, his name suits him). All merged and woven into a fabric of such beauty that my eyes teared up.

Vermont's colors changing.

Vermont’s colors changing.

The pool of peace that we created was nourishing for my heart and carried me through the day. Later, I walked to meet my daughter to take a walk, new to me, through the woods. We spoke yet the peace and stillness remained. Words beyond words walked with us.

Earlier hugs and moments with my youngest son as he brought his baby to me for holding. He and my daughter in love were hosting eleven babies/toddlers for a pumpkin painting morning outside. The sounds of laughter and tiny running feet flowed up to us as Weaver spun his cocoon of quiet and peace.

These are deep times of change on our beautiful planet. My three adult children walk this path with me. We planned this well and I rejoice in the knowing and love that we share. Change is in the air, I can feel the opening to newness as more of our wholeness returns. I do not see the hows or wheres or whens yet feel the opening to change.  It reminds me to savor this time, this sweetness that we share.

A ramshackle carving studio I pass on my walk. This owl greets visitors with his sharp eyes.

A ramshackle carving studio I pass on my walk. This owl greets visitors with his sharp eyes.

There is some grieving as we all let go of relationships and patterns that no longer serve. No more holding space for others despite how our hearts ache in that truth. We carry lovers’ hearts and have had lifetimes of lifting, encouraging, supporting. Now it is time to fully cherish ourselves. To give to our hearts what we gave to others. To hold our own hands and hearts and shine our lovelight out into the world of form. It gets easier, as the knowing is so present that each must walk this time of choice. Each is free to grow and change or stay closed.

Most will choose to walk through to the new as hearts beat in that unity and desire for peace and love. Despite differences, despite unconsciousness…..most will walk through. This gives me peace, knowing that so many, the majority, may have not brought oneness through to conscious awareness and yet…..their hearts know this. Their hearts beat to the drum of unity.

fullsizeoutput_515aThe feelings are so full for the tenderness of us all. What dear children we are. May we learn to play together in harmony, to live in peace, to walk in full awareness of the oneness of everything. I am alive in these moments. I am awake and will not sleep again.

This quote touched me. As we do not dress in our warrior outfits nor swing our swords in the physical. Yet, we do, night after night, moment to moment, we stand in our courage and strength to bring it all to the love that it is. Warriors of the hearts we are. Honor yourself for this. We came for this time. We are able for it.


Courage is not simply one of the virtues,
but the form of every virtue at the testing point,
which means, at the point of highest reality.


The Power of The Heart Flame

IMG_20230913_121009254_HDRThere is something new happening. My mind had a habit of ruminating on issues, ways that I wanted things to be different, usually for ones that I love. The habit of control that has lessened over the years yet would still rear its head on too many occasions.

Of late, it has taken a new turn. Now when such thoughts come, I hear very clearly, “This is not mine. This is not mine.” I watch as the thoughts drop from my mind into the flame of my heart. There they are consumed by that love flame. I take a breath and another. I allow myself to rest in that suddenly cleared mind space. It feels different. It feels freeing.

It is happening rapidly now, the awareness, the knowing that it is not my issue, the dropping down into the heart and the flame of love reaching up. Oh, what joy! What spaciousness there is available. A new bandwidth of peace that I can rest upon. The field of my being is stable, disturbances lessen and fade away.

A new perspective offers a new view.

A new perspective offers a new view.

Each new frequency, that we become a part of, offers us a new landscape to inhabit. This one has wide open views and gentle breezes flowing. The music of this space sings me and I feel comforted.

Change….Climate and Otherwise

IMG_20230912_081035138_MPI was mulling over a comment that someone made a post on facebook. I had remarked that on my recent trip to the Atlantic Ocean, I was surprised by how warm it was compared to decades ago when I last swam there. Someone admonished me, saying it was a result of climate change and I should be worried. She felt that I should not be feeling joy about the warm water but instead anger and fear. Interesting. We have been so programmed to feel guilt, shame, worry, and fear.

We are in an evolutionary cycle of change. A big change! It is a privilege to have a body and be a part of this transformation. Mother Earth knows what she is doing, She knows how to heal and move herself into a new space. We are being given the same opportunity to trust our own knowing and clear ourselves of all that is heavy and false.

Nubble LIghthouse near Ogunquit, Maine.

Nubble LIghthouse near Ogunquit, Maine.

My joy in the ocean is more healing to us all then to not partake or to choose to swim alongside anger and fear. I was reminded of my own body’s changes brought about by menopause. I had historically cold hands and feet.  Menopause changed all that. My hands and feet are now warm. Do I rail against my body for these changes? No, I appreciate them. We are always changing. Life changes, the earth changes. Nothing stays the same.

Years ago, I was given a vision of the earth’s temperatures evening out and becoming temperate everywhere. You could pick fruit from the trees, vegetables from the ground, the sun gave nourishment and the waters to swim in were warm and sustaining. Cool drinking water bubbled up from springs deep in the ground. A Garden of Eden where we communed with all of the elementals and Mother Earth herself. Everything needed to sustain life was given freely. We walked in peace and love and harmony with the All.

IMG_20230912_105633659_HDRSo, no, I will not walk with guilt or a sense of shame for being a human on this planet of ours. I recognize things have been done that were harmful. Yet to carry that burden does no one any good. Heavy dense feelings are to be felt and released. There is much of this becoming visible for all to see, to feel and to let go.

Then we return to our natural state of wonder, joy, and love. There is beauty everywhere if we have eyes to see. I played with the ocean and she played with me. How grateful I AM!

Wobbly World

fullsizeoutput_513eEverything feels off these days. I intended to book a place to stay in an area on the Maine coast that I had heard of. Instead I booked a place where I had once intended to spend the summer with one of my sisters. She lived here for a couple of years. So, here I am. Is there some reason that I had to circle back here? How did I book this place?

I feel muddled. Everything shifts….intend this……that happens. Buy something to eat… does not taste right. Put on clothes….they feel uncomfortable. My belly is bloated……sleep is full of strange dreams and does not provide rest. I start something and then I am doing something else. I find myself stopping in the middle of things and asking myself,

Why am I doing this? What is going on?

It is as if I am shifting between timelines, between different aspects of myself.

The sound of waves crashing and gulls calling is comforting. I love long walks on the beach but find I am running out of energy quickly. Grey, rainy weather for the few days that I am here. Sky and surf blur in a soft liquid grey. Umbrellas and flowers offer pops of color.

It feels like I am seeing through a filter, my lens is salt encrusted and everything is muted. My senses seem dulled. I observe myself with a kind of wonder. Who am I in this moment?

I feel done with this earth experience. I cannot find anything to pull me forward with anticipation. I am present and find moments of joy in my grandkids, in the beauty around me, in the juice of a ripe peach dripping down my chin. And yet….it does not satisfy. I feel myself detached, floating in emptiness.

This open vista of sky, surf, sand calls part of me forth. I feel I could walk out into the barely perceptible horizon line and disappear. The old is fading, the new as yet uncreated. This space that offers only breathing room. I take a breath and then another. I am here.

Ok, photos will not load…..another glitch in my world.


Layers Continue to Unspool


Birthday balloon and flowers for my 8 year old grandson.

This morning full of clouds with barely a hint of sun struggling to break through, my heart is lifted by Yo-Yo May’s music that threads it way through my heart. My elder son stops in to give me one of his big bear hugs that infuse me with his huge capacity to love. On my walk, I picked a bouquet of wildflowers to brighten my table. Ah…it is the little things.

Unspooling….being a weaver of liquid lovelight, I often see images in the form of weaving. The past few days, I have felt the unwinding of the threads. It has been a journey of gradual awareness and depth of feelings found and expressed to a letting go, over and over. I carried the strong heavy cords to others in my life that could support and pull them through turbulent seas. Cords that could haul one from the depths and provide a lifeline to their own hearts. All of this, we came for. To assist with our heart’s light, to offer love unending.

Now there has been a sea change. We are moving into sovereignty and cording of any kind no longer works. Except for mamas with their little ones. Those hold connections of a protective love. My heart has pathways of love flowing at all times to my grandbabies. As a grandmother, those threads are light yet strong. They are not binding rather enriching from both ends as the liquidlovelight travels back and forth.

On the porch of our community library.

On the porch of our community library.

The heavy cords changed over time to gossamer silk threads that spun and danced with the movement of my breath. Now, oh my, now, this morning, they have lifted off.  My heart feels so free and expansive. Now there is only soulshine….liquidlovelight pouring in and flowing out, in and out with each breath I take.

Where once I had felt triggered by the choices or behaviours of some dear to my heart, I now feel only joy and love. I am free! I am showering them with my lovelight in a detached manner. Present, full, shining. There is no need to change anyone or anything. All is perfect. I am truly discovering the depths of the mantra that I have held for years:

Honoring the holiness of each one’s path.

No longer repeating it in my mind while my heart was deeply involved in trying to change another. Now it is truth that I embody. A world of difference. To be free to love everyone and everything. To know that we all have our own I AM presence guiding us. That we all choose what experiences we wish to have. That we are all creator beings and create our worlds.

It is as if I am on the sidelines, watching the game play out. I have lived being in the thick of the muddle and chaos on the field. It has lost its appeal. I sit back now allowing the compassion to flow. I feel so deeply the tenderness of each soul. Oh, we humans are an amazing species.

My favorite color combo, pink and golden orange.

My favorite color combo, pink and golden orange.

Now we are witnessing the birth of the new human. One that lives and moves in love. Joy is the new vehicle for learning and growth. Struggle and hardship are of the past ages. We have explored those for lifetime after lifetime. The peace that flows with the knowing that this play is over. We are ready for a new game. We are ready to bring heaven to earth.

Gratitude flows that I still have a body. She may be battered and worn but I feel the rejuvenation dancing in my cells. There is so much ahead for us to live. Blessings of lovelight to us all!

New Landscape Opening

IMG_20230809_194538641_HDRFrom the time that I was a little girl, I saw my life spiral out in front of me like chapters in a book.  Lately, I feel a new chapter opening. Maidenhood and motherhood behind the crone calling me forth. I am the grandmother to three angels, a role that I cherish and accept responsibility for. It is a source of joy to me. Yet there is more.

These past few weeks, I have felt aspects of my relationships with my adult children and former husband come to the fore. The old patterns felt confining and exhausting. I spoke my fatigue to each one as I recognized that it was time for me to shift my overgiving energy.  My children responded well, for the most part, understanding and cheering me on as I claim more of me, for me. Former husband, not so much but that informed me as to the firmer boundary that I needed to reinforce and maintain.

It is difficult to embrace and enjoy aspects of another and at the same time maintain a firm boundary around aspects that are draining to me. There is that muddy area to traverse, as to how much room to allow the relationship in my life. Our frequencies are moving further apart and my job is to allow it to naturally fall where it will without my propping it up. I know that role of cheerleader well. It is time to put down the pompoms and let myself and each one find their own way. Always the love but from a wider viewpoint.

Nature shows us the divine design.

Nature shows us the divine design.

The crone is calling me from the personal into the wider more impersonal sphere. I recall a feminine deity coming to me, showing me her sword. She said, “Love is truth and truth can be fierce!” She guided me to a more compassionate place, showing me how sympathy was a lesser vibration as it was not seeing the soul as whole and capable. Compassion was a frequency of love that could feel with another without taking it on, without seeing the other as needing fixing or help. It was being present with another from a neutral space yet one full of love.

At first, I was surprised at how I felt. A shaming energy emerged that said that I no longer cared for others. This had been part of what I experienced in the past when I set boundaries with ones who wanted me to rescue them time and time again. This feminine deity showed me that the shame was to keep me in that space, to take me from the truth of love.

How did the universe create this heart on a piece of soap? Magic

How did the universe create this heart on a piece of soap? Magic

This new stage is very present now as I feel a restlessness that heralds change ahead. I want to move, to create, to connect. Yet, my body feels exhausted. The thought of packing a bag, getting on a plane, searching for camping or hotel accommodations weighs me down before I even begin. A sea of aloneness surrounds me. All signs pointing to an ending and a new beginning. I sense that I am to move out of my hermit/ family stage and into the wider world. I can feel the swirls of energy and colors vibrating out ahead. It is a this AND that kind of time. Hot and cold, wired and tired, simultaneously.

The old ways of moving will not work which is likely why my body resists dealing with the restlessness in the old way. The new is not online yet. I can feel the void, the emptiness of the space. No familiar landmarks to guide one, no ancestors to lead me on, no inner promptings. There is only silence.

I have dreamt of this. A blank canvas to weave light upon, to create in ways I do not yet know. Wanting a life beyond what I can imagine. My imagination is limited by what I have lived and read and observed. I am eager for this unknown though my legs feel as wobbly as a toddler’s  first steps.

fullsizeoutput_5102Playing with my two year old granddaughter yesterday, she gave me a clue. She said that she was the wife and needed to take a walk alone. She had her flashlight to illuminate her path and she hummed as she walked. I was the husband and my job was to stay put as she explored. She could travel out humming the new into life but be assured of my presence as she returned. For now, I take her advice and stay in the present as the new lovelights explore out ahead.