Glorious Morning

fullsizeoutput_4712I awoke at 3 a.m., then 4 a.m. came around until finally at 4:30 a.m., I decided to heed the bird song calling me outside. The sky was inflamed with a orange rosy glow that lit the fire in my heart. I stood on my stoop and breathed it in. I then went for a walk, following that open sky to bathe in that light. I stopped by the creek, to watch the tumbling waters reflecting the sky glow. As I walked back to my place, I saw a rainbow arcing over the western sky. Wow, no rain, where did it come from? Such a magnificent surprise to begin my day. I went upstairs to my apartment to get my coffee grinder and beans. I took them out to the barn to grind as it makes a loud noise. I did not want to awaken my son and his family downstairs as with a one year old in residence, every hour of sleep is precious.

When I got back inside to make my coffee, a gentle rain began to fall. Mist filled the sky and I knew that I had experienced a blessing this morning. The rest of the day calls for a steady rain so I had my walk and beauty blast in that brief window of time.

Hearts greet me everywhere, my computer cord's pattern this morning.

Hearts greet me everywhere, my computer cord’s pattern this morning.

I am off to get a crown on a molar that had broken. I thought of the times when I have felt my true crown and the jewels on it. I know that I do wear one and have at times, been gifted with the knowing of a new jewel being earned. Today, I am going to imagine everyone’s crowns and feel their light shining through. This knowing makes my posture better as I hold my head high to carry it with grace. My grandchildren have this natural wonderful upright posture. The little one has just begun walking on her own. We were playing with bean bags and carrying them on our heads. She can take steps with one until she shakes her head in laughter and it falls.

Yesterday, I went out to my former hubby’s property with my grandson after we had finished our schooling. It had rained the night before so the three of us were working on clearing the meadow of sapling sprouts…….pines, firs and beech. It is satisfying work as you uproot them, especially when you are able to pull up a long root. My grandson used them like whips to hit along the ground. As we were crawling along, clearing in a sweep, we discovered that the wild strawberries were ripe. Oh my! Some as tiny as your littlest fingernail, others as big as your thumbnail. Tiny jewels of exquisite sweetness. We had a wonderful morning clearing and eating. It is a beautiful property that has a large few acre meadow surrounded by woods. It feels like a sanctuary. I will bring the little one out this weekend to enjoy a strawberry feast. Her little fingers will delight in picking the tiny red jewels.

Bouquets of wildflowers are once again available.

Bouquets of wildflowers are once again available.

Life is made up of these moments. I have not had any extra energy to write in so long. All my being has been consumed with caring for my two grandchildren and working on the other planes of existence. I have felt fried by the intensity of the energies pouring in. It takes all energy for my body to receive and flow and anchor the light pouring in. At the same time, we are being our alchemist selves, transmuting the rising density into liquidlovelight. Whew!

I sense the easing flowing in as more and more of the heaviness gets lifted. There are days where I feel so buffeted by the harshness of the current matrix, that I want to wrap myself in a cocoon and sleep the time away. I am so ready to have more creative energy freed up for myself. We have poured out our light to bring in the new reality of peace and oneness. It is time to pass the baton to a new generation of awakening souls as we live the ease and joy that dances in our hearts. I am ready for this!

I want to sew and paint and write. I need space and freed up energy to begin any of these things. I took my first trip out of Vermont, after two years of being in place. It has been decades since I have remained in one place for so long. Always, trusting the timing and what my soul calls me to. I drove eight hours to meet my sister in our childhood happy place. She drove eight hours from the west and me from the east. It seemed fated that it was the halfway point for each of us and landed at my grandparents’ place where we spent much of our childhood. My grandparents’ house looked worse for wear which was a sadness. It was lovely to visit the pond of farmer friends’ and sit on the cabin’s porch swing and catch up on our lives. There was a breakfast with my mom’s sisters which was another catch up time. It was a sharing of love and care that warmed my heart. We took our youngest sister out of the nursing home for a picnic. I had not been back in decades to see these folks, as we had moved to California. It was interesting to be known as my maiden name….to reclaim an aspect of my younger self.

0I had felt a bit under the weather before the drive but felt I was to go. A bad chest cold plagued me and made the time uncomfortable. I was grateful to make it back home as I did not feel strong enough to do the drive. I informed my higher self, that this was the end of harshness. I am up for flowing with ease and grace. I have spent years upon years, doing earth work. Now I desire and intend to use my energy to create beauty. To live as an example of ease and joy and lightness.

My grandson and I picked huge dandelion puffs to blow and make a wish on a recent walk. He asked me what I wished for. I had been thinking of a sweet little house of my own and expressed that as my wish. He humbled me when he related his wish that everyone was happy. Oh, these little angels of light have come shining love. I am grateful that I have these two little ones in my presence often. They remind me of the truth of love and keep me feeling the wonder of this earth.