The Power of The Heart Flame

IMG_20230913_121009254_HDRThere is something new happening. My mind had a habit of ruminating on issues, ways that I wanted things to be different, usually for ones that I love. The habit of control that has lessened over the years yet would still rear its head on too many occasions.

Of late, it has taken a new turn. Now when such thoughts come, I hear very clearly, “This is not mine. This is not mine.” I watch as the thoughts drop from my mind into the flame of my heart. There they are consumed by that love flame. I take a breath and another. I allow myself to rest in that suddenly cleared mind space. It feels different. It feels freeing.

It is happening rapidly now, the awareness, the knowing that it is not my issue, the dropping down into the heart and the flame of love reaching up. Oh, what joy! What spaciousness there is available. A new bandwidth of peace that I can rest upon. The field of my being is stable, disturbances lessen and fade away.

A new perspective offers a new view.

A new perspective offers a new view.

Each new frequency, that we become a part of, offers us a new landscape to inhabit. This one has wide open views and gentle breezes flowing. The music of this space sings me and I feel comforted.

Change….Climate and Otherwise

IMG_20230912_081035138_MPI was mulling over a comment that someone made a post on facebook. I had remarked that on my recent trip to the Atlantic Ocean, I was surprised by how warm it was compared to decades ago when I last swam there. Someone admonished me, saying it was a result of climate change and I should be worried. She felt that I should not be feeling joy about the warm water but instead anger and fear. Interesting. We have been so programmed to feel guilt, shame, worry, and fear.

We are in an evolutionary cycle of change. A big change! It is a privilege to have a body and be a part of this transformation. Mother Earth knows what she is doing, She knows how to heal and move herself into a new space. We are being given the same opportunity to trust our own knowing and clear ourselves of all that is heavy and false.

Nubble LIghthouse near Ogunquit, Maine.

Nubble LIghthouse near Ogunquit, Maine.

My joy in the ocean is more healing to us all then to not partake or to choose to swim alongside anger and fear. I was reminded of my own body’s changes brought about by menopause. I had historically cold hands and feet.  Menopause changed all that. My hands and feet are now warm. Do I rail against my body for these changes? No, I appreciate them. We are always changing. Life changes, the earth changes. Nothing stays the same.

Years ago, I was given a vision of the earth’s temperatures evening out and becoming temperate everywhere. You could pick fruit from the trees, vegetables from the ground, the sun gave nourishment and the waters to swim in were warm and sustaining. Cool drinking water bubbled up from springs deep in the ground. A Garden of Eden where we communed with all of the elementals and Mother Earth herself. Everything needed to sustain life was given freely. We walked in peace and love and harmony with the All.

IMG_20230912_105633659_HDRSo, no, I will not walk with guilt or a sense of shame for being a human on this planet of ours. I recognize things have been done that were harmful. Yet to carry that burden does no one any good. Heavy dense feelings are to be felt and released. There is much of this becoming visible for all to see, to feel and to let go.

Then we return to our natural state of wonder, joy, and love. There is beauty everywhere if we have eyes to see. I played with the ocean and she played with me. How grateful I AM!

Wobbly World

fullsizeoutput_513eEverything feels off these days. I intended to book a place to stay in an area on the Maine coast that I had heard of. Instead I booked a place where I had once intended to spend the summer with one of my sisters. She lived here for a couple of years. So, here I am. Is there some reason that I had to circle back here? How did I book this place?

I feel muddled. Everything shifts….intend this……that happens. Buy something to eat… does not taste right. Put on clothes….they feel uncomfortable. My belly is bloated……sleep is full of strange dreams and does not provide rest. I start something and then I am doing something else. I find myself stopping in the middle of things and asking myself,

Why am I doing this? What is going on?

It is as if I am shifting between timelines, between different aspects of myself.

The sound of waves crashing and gulls calling is comforting. I love long walks on the beach but find I am running out of energy quickly. Grey, rainy weather for the few days that I am here. Sky and surf blur in a soft liquid grey. Umbrellas and flowers offer pops of color.

It feels like I am seeing through a filter, my lens is salt encrusted and everything is muted. My senses seem dulled. I observe myself with a kind of wonder. Who am I in this moment?

I feel done with this earth experience. I cannot find anything to pull me forward with anticipation. I am present and find moments of joy in my grandkids, in the beauty around me, in the juice of a ripe peach dripping down my chin. And yet….it does not satisfy. I feel myself detached, floating in emptiness.

This open vista of sky, surf, sand calls part of me forth. I feel I could walk out into the barely perceptible horizon line and disappear. The old is fading, the new as yet uncreated. This space that offers only breathing room. I take a breath and then another. I am here.

Ok, photos will not load…..another glitch in my world.


Layers Continue to Unspool


Birthday balloon and flowers for my 8 year old grandson.

This morning full of clouds with barely a hint of sun struggling to break through, my heart is lifted by Yo-Yo May’s music that threads it way through my heart. My elder son stops in to give me one of his big bear hugs that infuse me with his huge capacity to love. On my walk, I picked a bouquet of wildflowers to brighten my table. Ah…it is the little things.

Unspooling….being a weaver of liquid lovelight, I often see images in the form of weaving. The past few days, I have felt the unwinding of the threads. It has been a journey of gradual awareness and depth of feelings found and expressed to a letting go, over and over. I carried the strong heavy cords to others in my life that could support and pull them through turbulent seas. Cords that could haul one from the depths and provide a lifeline to their own hearts. All of this, we came for. To assist with our heart’s light, to offer love unending.

Now there has been a sea change. We are moving into sovereignty and cording of any kind no longer works. Except for mamas with their little ones. Those hold connections of a protective love. My heart has pathways of love flowing at all times to my grandbabies. As a grandmother, those threads are light yet strong. They are not binding rather enriching from both ends as the liquidlovelight travels back and forth.

On the porch of our community library.

On the porch of our community library.

The heavy cords changed over time to gossamer silk threads that spun and danced with the movement of my breath. Now, oh my, now, this morning, they have lifted off.  My heart feels so free and expansive. Now there is only soulshine….liquidlovelight pouring in and flowing out, in and out with each breath I take.

Where once I had felt triggered by the choices or behaviours of some dear to my heart, I now feel only joy and love. I am free! I am showering them with my lovelight in a detached manner. Present, full, shining. There is no need to change anyone or anything. All is perfect. I am truly discovering the depths of the mantra that I have held for years:

Honoring the holiness of each one’s path.

No longer repeating it in my mind while my heart was deeply involved in trying to change another. Now it is truth that I embody. A world of difference. To be free to love everyone and everything. To know that we all have our own I AM presence guiding us. That we all choose what experiences we wish to have. That we are all creator beings and create our worlds.

It is as if I am on the sidelines, watching the game play out. I have lived being in the thick of the muddle and chaos on the field. It has lost its appeal. I sit back now allowing the compassion to flow. I feel so deeply the tenderness of each soul. Oh, we humans are an amazing species.

My favorite color combo, pink and golden orange.

My favorite color combo, pink and golden orange.

Now we are witnessing the birth of the new human. One that lives and moves in love. Joy is the new vehicle for learning and growth. Struggle and hardship are of the past ages. We have explored those for lifetime after lifetime. The peace that flows with the knowing that this play is over. We are ready for a new game. We are ready to bring heaven to earth.

Gratitude flows that I still have a body. She may be battered and worn but I feel the rejuvenation dancing in my cells. There is so much ahead for us to live. Blessings of lovelight to us all!