Eclipse Was a Game Changer

Mount Shasta

Mount Shasta

Mount Shasta welcomed us for the Blood Moon Eclipse. My three adult children accompanied me, my former hubby holding the energy at home as we successfully laid down our soul family template of light. A dear friend came and held a cocoon of support about me as she played her part and sat with me in the brisk air on the deck as the moon and earth’s shadow did their dance in the sky. At one point, she knew that the Telosians, our inner earth family members were out on the mountain top. We could see the mountain shining its whiteness behind us as we faced the moon lighting the sky in front of us. She sensed their excitement as they were able to amplify the effects of this moon for the good of all. They had a big trampoline type device that they were using to draw the energy of the moon through the center of the earth and reflect it back out to the Great Central Sun. I saw that they were wearing white robes and marveled at the lightness of them as I felt mine on me. It was a frigid night and I wondered at the thin weave of the material as I felt its radiant warmth about me. I then saw how it was woven with sunlight, so as to be light yet held the warmth of the rays. Wow, I have seen myself weaving liquidlovelight but never thought of it in a practical application! How wonderous! I laughed as my Telosian self realized I knew myself as her and she as me. A sweet moment shared.

IMG_6599The completion of my family’s part in this eclipse, was like a deep sigh running through my body. For weeks, I and many others, had been involved on the inner planes, aligning and adjusting things in order for the greatest good to be realized from this eclipse. It had been my focus and end point. I was so grateful for each member of my family for showing up. The next day, I felt such a huge release in my body. I wanted only rest. We went up on the mountain and sat with her to breathe in the new energies. Later we took a nap by the lake, the mountain looming above us, an eagle soaring, the trees whispering, the water lapping and the earth sending gratitude for a job well done. Amazing how the gratitude goes both ways as our hearts melt in the wonder of participating in these events we called into being.

IMG_3202-1There was a naked jump into a freezing crystalline creek followed by sitting on a rock throne to dry off in the sun. The water washed all efforting away as I was given the understanding that I would no longer transmute or clear energies through my body. We have spent a lifetime doing that and my body felt it. Now there is a new way of ease and grace. Intention and attention does the work. I am free to be in a new way. Hallelujah! The eclipse energies had been so intense and I felt fried inside as I had struggled abit to expand enough to be a conduit for them to flow through.

Easter love flooded the planet with its resurrection flames. Now the Cardinal Grand Cross is here with more gifts. What a blessed time. I have witnessed irritability come in as well as waves of sadness and remnants of old stories as my body adjusts to the new frequencies. At night when sleep eludes me and my skin feels too tight, I wonder how much longer it will take, how much longer can I take? Then I surrender once again and allow it all its place.  All is being washed clean. No more stories, no more small Linda only this mystery of love.

Floating free

Floating free

I know nothing.  I feel delight in the expansive freedom that is wafting its fragrance, enticing me forward. I am allowing this love to live me, to move me as it will. I know myself ready for what is to come, feel the spaciousness of the new landing. There are no anchors nor tethers remaining. I am complete. The eclipse was my last assignment in the old energies. I allow myself to float fully in the new. How that shows up in my life is the mystery I live. I was guided to give my banking info to my family to make use of if I move to a new realm. What does that even mean? I have no clue and know there is no point in making a story about it, rather to follow the guidance. I am feeling the expansiveness as well as at times, a squeezing as a frequency confines. No juice remains in the old and the new sparks in and out. I am wriggling out of the cocoon into the light of the Creator’s love. May this love live me. It is the all to me. Delving into the mystery, pulling weeds in the garden, spinning in the heavens, weaving lovelight into radiant garments. This is where you will find me. Living the mystery of the great I AM.

Breathe in the New to Expel the Old

IMG_6538Are any of you still standing in these waves of energy? Intense has a new meaning this month. Yesterday I went to an old granite quarry that is now a park with a couple of friends. There was a rock there that had beckoned to one of the women in her dreams and she was delighted when she was led to it in the physical. Leopold, my lapis skull wanted to come along to enjoy the day. The sun was hot and after watching a lizard puff in and out on a rock, I found myself doing the same, feeling that I was melting into the stone. At one point, I found myself moving my arms skyward and chanting an ancient song. The voice that came through felt to be an earth deva that had witnessed man’s abuses. Hers was a long lament, asking to be witnessed by our trinity. One woman kept the rhythm with a stone as the notes sounded and the other grounded deep on the rock that called us there. My sense was that the sadness of the past needed to be witnessed by our love in order to be freed. It was an honor to allow it expression. Butterflies flitted about, beauty in motion, confirming the release.

Leo in his commanding position.

Leo in his commanding position.

Not much sleep last night as the energies kept rolling in. Sitting with an unease in my body to see what it needed from me. I was feeling the layer of muck and mire that Tuesday’s blood moon eclipse offers to release. My body was unsettled as to how it would be able to allow it to move through this system. In a chat with a friend, as I followed her suggestion to move back and see the larger picture, my body let out a deep sigh. Ah, yes, I can enlarge my field to the size of the planet and beyond if I need to. This eclipse is clearing all of the old that we are releasing. I am able for this, to do my part. This body is able. Waves of gratitude streaming to her as I feel this truth. The other piece that came in from my friend and confirmed by my body, is that we are to breathe in the new energies in order to expel the old. We have released so much and done our clearing work. In the past, we have released in order to create space for the new. This last bit is different in that it will dislodge as the new lovelight flows in. The in breath of love dispels in the outbreath, the old. Wonderful!

A vortex of reeds and flowers that was the highlight of this year's flower and art show in San Francisco.

A vortex of reeds and flowers that was the highlight of this year’s flower and art show in San Francisco.

I also was given my first glimpse past the eclipse cycle into the month of May. Oh, the joy! It feels like it holds our deepest desires made manifest. It feels so full of love and connections and beauty. Spring fully in bloom, trailing scented blossoms everywhere. I am drinking that lovelight in as my being feels comatose today. Allowing the scents and birdsong to wrap me in love as I move like a lumbering elephant through these moments. My spirit is dancing in May as I plough my way through April’s clearing gifts. Everything feels like jello, thick and viscous. Some instinct swings my trunk, clearing a path. I close my eyes and allow my heartlight to guide me as my being sleeps. I surrender and trust that this broad back and wide elephant feet are leading me to joys unimaginable.

The Banquet Table is Being Laid

I am enchanted with the scent of the citrus trees, intoxicating me.

I am enchanted with the scent of the citrus trees, intoxicating me.

Each day unfolds like chapters in a complex book, multilayered, leaving you flipping back to the beginning to recall the characters and how they and the storyline all fit together. Lately it feels as if the access is denied as the past (as in an hour ago) disappears from the screen of my mind like smoke. We are being seated in the present more and more. There is only the NOW is becoming our reality. I thank God for this.

My vision of late grows more vivid and exciting despite feeling as if I am standing on quicksand that threatens to engulf me at times. There is no more firm footing as I have let go of attachment to the way this reality presents itself. I can be in waves of bliss and then pulled under, lying flat calling out to my angels for assistance. The physical fatigue, so dense it is numbing, seems to have been part of my experience for years. I am ready for it to be over, even as I surrender once again to its undertow. I know my body elemental is doing the very best that she can to assimilate the new frequencies and move within them. My mind can experience some frustration as I will feel a lifting, begin exercising again, feeling strength return for a series of days only to find myself flat again, unable to even contemplate the idea of movement. Embracing the buddha belly and flabby thighs, I sigh and know that the outer physical will be strong and rejuvenated in divine timing. There is only this NOW moment and it demands all of me. I am fortunate in that I do not have pain though I found myself crying out for assistance the other night and wondered at that. I was not in pain, why was I asking for help? I observed myself with interest. I saw that I was so deep, so far from the body that I was not sure I could come back nor did I desire the return. My emotional body is challenged by this coming and going and it takes its toll. These journeys take all of me as I offer myself as a conduit, a chalice for the liquidlovelight to flow through. My higher self, Sophia guided the return as it is our plan that I stay in this body for now.

Spring, everything is aired out, flying free in the fresh breeze.

Spring, everything is aired out, flying free in the fresh breeze.

I returned with a vision of such beauty and delight that I could float within to calm all of myself. I have long known that we are moving out of a world that uses money, that has wars and physical pain. Suffering and hardship are not in the future, they are a part of our soon to be past. All of the conversation and energy focused on prosperity programs have not held my note. I do not discount that there may be a transition phase where all are given dollars in their bank accounts to experience the feeling of unlimited financial freedom yet for me the focus has been freedom. I see us free and abundant in every way….that means an abundance of good health, joy, love and sense of belonging. The freedom to sing our song, to move freely in our days without clocks or bosses or any outer whip of authority moving us. I see our hearts guiding us with a gentle flow that feels so natural. Each attuned to their own note, free to express and create it in the world.

The vision: We are all invited to a large banquet, there are beautiful tablecloths and flowers and candles in abundance. Every type of food is presented to perfection. All are free to choose what to put on their plate, whom they would like to sit next to, what kind of seat they find the most comfortable, whether to sit in the shade or the sun, to have five courses or one…….all is choice. Some may choose to walk by the banquet all together, some may take a mere sampling and retreat, some may gorge themselves. All options are available. My heart is so alive with joy at the sight of the bounty, the beauty, the company, the elemental beings offering themselves in service to the One. All are in harmony. The tone is one of such sweetness, my tears flow and the ground drinks them in a circle of unity.

I love icons with gold leaf and symbols and I love my brother, whatever image we seek to capture him in.

I love icons with gold leaf and symbols and I love my brother, whatever image we seek to capture him in.

I want to shake everyone I see and say, “Wake up! This is the time you came for, do not miss it!” The most important thing we can do is spend as much time in our hearts as possible from now until Easter/Passover and the Grand Cross alignment of April 20-23. Truly, this time offers us all the opportunity to embody Christ consciousness. The blood full moon eclipse on the 15th will offer a chance to see any remaining shadows within, to embrace them with our light and love. Easter/Passover offers the resurrection of our own Christed nature that we have been taught was found in only one man. The second coming arrives in your heart and mine as we prepare a place for the Christ to enter. This is a miracle. We are living in miraculous times and as we claim our mastery, we will know ourselves as the creators of miracles. As our brother Jesus said:

“Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father. ”

The trinity of rocks I lugged home from Colorado. Father/Mother/Child in unity.

The trinity of rocks I lugged home from Colorado. Father/Mother/Child in unity.

What is amazing to me is that this is not on every news show or billboard nor the topic of all conversations. I then have to take a step back and honor the holiness of each one’s path. Knowing that some will not even see the banquet table for the burden of unworthiness that they carry, others will choose only a taste and others will try every offering. This is a month of miracles, let us open our hearts in love and gratitude. We are so blessed.

April Anchors the Love

A lovely bit of artistry left on the riverbank for all to enjoy.

A lovely bit of artistry left on the riverbank for all to enjoy.

We came to this earth to anchor love and after lifetimes of hardship and struggle, we are immersed in the end times of the old and the birthing of the new. Amazing to have a body to express the love through in this NOW. We are remembering that we are love, that we are fluid and grace filled. We are creator beings for whom love is our natural state.

Are you discovering that you cannot remember from one moment to the next? More and more, we are living in the now, knowing it is the place of power. Past and future fade as the richness of the now feeds our soul. Breathing in and out, allowing the inner landscape to provide the place of peace and stillness. As the old departs, its clamors grow noisier and we are wise to tune to the channel within where all of our knowing resides.

Seeing the world through new eyes, the eyes of love.

Seeing the world through new eyes, the eyes of love. (artist unknown to me but thanking her/him for this image found in collaging material).

The waves of love continue to purge all that is not love. I am witnessing judgment come up for me to see. I am observing myself in this, seeing where I am lacking love that seeks to make myself better than another in order to feel secure. The big step for me is to soften it all, to allow myself forgiveness for judging, to bathe all in love, myself included. Allowing the flow, trusting it is all in motion, not identifying myself negatively  because I judged another yet growing in my observation of this behavior and allowing it to shift into love.

I am ready to be the love I AM. I am ready for newness where all communication is from the heart. I am ready for all of my thoughts to be read by all as they are only of love. I am desiring to live in the grace of love. I feel this yearning and desiring arising from the collective. The desire to embark fully in the journey home to our truth.

This pink dogwood tree in blossom literally stopped me in my tracks on a recent walk in nature. Pink love!

This pink dogwood tree in blossom literally stopped me in my tracks on a recent walk in nature. Pink love!

I feel so much movement this month, we have two eclipses, sun and moon as well as a grand cross in the sky. We have Easter and Passover and are gifted the opportunity to embrace Christ consciousness ourselves, discovering that the second coming is within each of our hearts. We are our own messiahs, we are the Christ returned. It is ours to claim.

We have been trained to look everywhere but within. Taught that another has the answers we seek. Taught to revere ones dressed in orange robes or wearing the garments of renunciation. (I once met a Tibetan monk on a sacred mountain in India who taught me to look beyond the surface as he showed a shadowy energy….deep bow to him for the lesson gifted me). Yet, the Christed ones are amongst us, dressed in everyday gear, in their twenties of fifties or mere infants with eyes blazing wisdom like a laser beam. Every person on this planet has come to be a part of this shift of the ages. Every person bears a gift. All can teach us, all can enlarge us. I wish to stand as transparent as glass, to allow my outer expression to fully reflect the truth of the love that I AM.


The flow of death and rebirth……gratitude to the artist for this image.

Our galactic and inner earth relatives are poised to make contact. Open to the unusual, the surreal becoming real. The elementals are wanting to dance with us. Lean against a tree and open to its wisdom, the breeze carries a message of love as do the flowers and every living being. All the kingdoms of the universe are wanting to dance together. Let us open and allow, like a flower opening its petals so as to be caressed by the sun. As we show up in our loveness,  permission is granted for every other being to join the dance. Seeing my unicorn shimmering and knowing the form will follow. Feeling the flitting wings of the faeries in the garden and humming with them, wearing bells about my wrist to play with them. All I knew as a child in my world of make believe, coming true.

Wonder is everywhere. I open to it today as I breathe lovelight in this now. Peace to all as we reveal our true beauty to one another. I see you and gasp in wonder. Ahhhhhhhh.