
The morning sun streams in to spotlight this lily each day, filling me with wonder.

The morning sun streams in to spotlight this lily each day, filling me with wonder.

Musing about my life today. My heart longs for community and deep connection yet I have lived the past number of years, moving about, not settling in anywhere. Connections are made through work, shared interests, social gatherings, putting down roots in a place.  A conundrum, desiring something and yet not taking any of the routes offered towards it.

This is where faith comes in. I have such a deep faith and trust in myself to follow that inner light, which sometimes is the faintest of glimmers, leaving a barely discernible path. What I do know: I have traveled about seeding love light for years as I was guided. I step down light as it comes onto the planet to make it more useable for others. I work deep under the earth where the caverns of liquidlovelight can be found. I weave light. I anchor new frequencies which prevent me from that settling in place that I have yearned for. Yet, I know that I will live and experience my heart’s desire. It is about divine timing and how quickly we can adapt and integrate the new light levels. It is about believing and knowing it is seeing. We believe it so strongly and purely, that we then see it in our world.

One small tree, lighting up the whole area with its fiery flame.

One small tree, lighting up the whole area with its fiery flame.

There has been huge influxes of light of late with more to come this week. My body is flaccid with a belly that I would rather not have.  I would like to have energy and strength to do more than take a walk but that is not now. If I reach for a thought to exercise as of old or deny myself chocolate or sweets, it feels like I am underwater and impossible to reach the open air. I heard someone talk of fasting for 40 days and it made me laugh as I have no capacity to do that. The same with any kind of mediation practice. I am walking my ascension walk the other way…eating warm, heavy foods to keep this body going. Watching movies and reading books to keep my mind engaged while the greater part of me floats. The idea of setting a number of days to do anything is a concept that feels like trying to hold water in my hand….it simply disappears. Using the idea of time and my will to do anything is no longer part of my make up. I came in with a powerful will. Long ago, I surrendered it to my highest aspect and to the Creator. This has felt different over time as the idea of will, changed its nature for me. Now, I feel like a reed in the ocean, swaying with the movement of the currents, no locomotion on my own.  The energies move me here and there, up and down. I understand so little of it.

The colors of autumn have been singing their notes so loudly.

The colors of autumn have been singing their notes so loudly.

Trust….that is where I live. Allowing the flow, not much making sense in the ways we have been taught. I get glimmers of a feeling, like a soft breeze blowing past, whispering in my ear. I booked a ticket to go see my grandson and daughter in January. I desire to go and yet I sense I will be with them sooner. I sense that even the idea of a month or a particular day will fall away like an archaic language that is no longer of any use. I sense I am here for a short time yet have no knowing or feeling of a next step. I sense myself being much more physical, exploring and playing on a grand scale yet I move in a tiny circle of bed, couch, chair, walk. I watch movies of folks surfing, skiing, riding horses…I dream it for now.

Today I went out to do an errand and was going to make another stop when a wave came over me. I drove directly back to my little cottage, fed myself something and collapsed into bed where I was taken down into a deep sleep of a few hours. There is a sense of floating in an undersea world or deep within the earth. There are pinholes of connection, moments with friends, dear hearts……then down again into the silence and stillness. A little bit of companionship goes a long way. I need sweeping spaces alone where hours disappear and the moon shines down on me when the daylight had just dawned. Maybe I have become a creature of the deep, lifting up its head to catch a beam of sunlight then diving down again. There is such pressure rising from within this planet and streaming in from the multiverse. I feel it so strongly on both ends, collapsing and expanding me at the same time. We are being made into new beings. I am so grateful for this body that has stayed with me through so much.

I feel like a babe in its mother’s womb, floating in a protected space, knowing there is a new world awaiting my arrival. Trusting the timing, trusting the process, trusting the love to deliver me.



Paris and Peace

Gratitude to the unknown artist and photographer

Gratitude to the unknown artist and photographer

We are in the midst of the times that we came for. This is truly the battle for the hearts and minds of humanity. We are each being asked to come up higher. Peace begins within my heart and yours. The events that have unfolded across the world, not just in Paris but in Syria, Lebanon, Baghdad and so many more places, are increasing in response to the liquidlovelight that is flooding our dear home planet. All that is not of love, is being flushed out. We are love, we came from love, love is the truth of all that is.

Events such as these are part of the old matrix, the divide and conquer tactics that we fell for over eons of time. The programming would have us react in fear, demanding retaliation by our governments, our leaders. This brings on the war machine which has always been about profit for a few and destruction for the masses.  It relies on our knee jerk reactions to continue to fill its coffers.

We can choose a new path. We can observe these recent events with a compassionate heart for all of those involved. We can send our love to everyone affected, whether on the sending or receiving end of that which took their lives. We can choose to not feed the lower vibrations of fear and anger. Each of us came into this life knowing when and how we would exit. Those who recently left, chose that form of service, to raise the collective awareness. We honor their passing by making the choice for peace and love. We can choose to feed the flames of love and thereby take our planet into the golden age of peace. We are so close.

Gratitude to unknown author, this begins with our own heart.

Gratitude to unknown author, this begins with our own heart.

Peace will not come by a leader proclaiming it. Peace comes one heart at a time. Events such as these, ask each of us to go within our hearts. Search out all the old resentments, anyone we are still holding judgment about, including ourselves. Am I still harboring a black mark against a man who hurt my daughter years before? Am I carrying resentment for the special treatment a sibling received from a parent? Am I judging my body for carrying extra weight? Am I trying to manipulate my grown children into come to the family holiday celebration with guilt? Am I engaging in gossip about a friend? Am I speaking in words of separation in describing people…oh, he is a Christian or he is a Liberal as a way of judging their rightness or wrongness? Am I holding someone in a role and not allowing them to change and be who they are in this moment? These are all acts of violence that feed the lower energies.

There are a thousand ways that we have been programmed to be in discord, none to be in a state of peace. A peaceful heart is a wonder. It is our truth that has been hidden. It is where our power lies. It holds the seed for a world beyond our imagining. Peace is within our grasp as the frequency of our planet has risen like never before. Yet it will not come from a savior from the sky, nor from a leader declaring it, nor from a police officer with a gun on every corner. It comes from my heart, and yours.

It is time to face our fears. The greatest fear is of death, and that comes to each of us. Why fear that doorway? It is an opening to a reunion with all that we are. Once that fear is gone, we are free to live more deeply, more truly. We can decide to no longer be a puppet of the matrix, reacting as the programming outlined. Instead, we can drop into our hearts with a searchlight of love. We can ask all of the shadows and deep recesses to bring forth their pain into the light of love. We can see all betrayals as betrayals of ourselves. We can see all hurts as opportunities given for our growth. We can offer hugs to all the aspects of ourselves that lashed out at others due to the pain we felt. We can be the loving parent, showering ourselves with the love that we did not receive. All of this is within our grasp. We can accept everything in our lives for its gift. We can find the freedom offered when we realize that life conspires for our highest good. That every package received is a gift, no matter what is inside. Our greatest gifts often come in a dark wrapping.

We claim to want peace on earth. Let us stop pointing fingers at “terrorists” and point it at ourselves. We have been taught to place it all “out there”. Someone else is the villain, I am the good person living here. We have given our power away, letting all this be someone else’s problem to handle. It is time to be adults, to accept responsibility for what is happening in our world.  We can then begin the action needed to bring our hearts to peace. There is no fighting involved. No name calling, no judgment.  It is time to stop the war within our own hearts. When our hearts are at peace, the outer world will reflect that peace.

The light brings out the beauty.

The light brings out the beauty.

Will we accept the challenge? The world we desire for our children and grandchildren and all future generations, depends on us. I sit with my flame of love light this day and enter into the caverns of my heart. It is a daily task, to seek out all that has not felt the warmth of love and embrace it in this flame. When one chamber is brightly lit, there is another awaiting the light. When I feel my heart burn with that flame of love, all the dross disappears. I can walk free in my own love. The miracle is that this love overflows, it is a continuous stream offered by the Creator of us all. I am then able to be a conduit, to allow it to flow across the land to all people and our Mother Earth.

Each new day, this is offered. Each day, we choose anew. For today, can I be at peace with myself and all of life? Can I offer a heart of peace to this world? Can I be a warrior of love rather than one of separation? Can I accept everything as a gift tailored to my needs? My need to grow, to expand, to be more of my truth.

Peace on Earth is possible this Christmas season. Let us join hearts in a flame of love that burns up the old patterns and alights the bonfire of unity, harmony and joy. Let our hearts ring out the tones of peace. And it will be.


11-11 Gateway

What does your gateway look like?

What does your gateway look like?

The energy is building this week for another gateway, offering us all the opportunity to greet more of ourselves. I am taking it slow; resting, napping, taking walks, eating warm food, reading light books, watching the light shift and change outside the windows, grateful for rain falling. I allow the electrical energies to pour through my body, heating it, cooling it, at times it feels like I am about to lift off. Liquidlovelight pouring through in ever greater streams. There is nothing to do. I intend to be an empty chalice, offering myself to the love that freely flows forth.

There is a peace that has descended quietly. It came one night after my daughter called for help as her two month old baby was not sleeping much and she was at her wit’s end. I had just finished assisting my two sons to pack up their old lives and begin new adventures. There had been three months of active mothering with the new baby’s arrival a joyful part. I felt called inward to prepare for this upcoming portal. It felt essential to my being. I had felt a huge aspect of myself, tapping its foot, awaiting my full attention. I was ready to give it. Yet, my mothering self felt torn. I did not relish the idea of flying across the country into Eastern Canada,  though being with the baby again would be pure joy. I booked a ticket that could be canceled, prayed for guidance to be delivered in the night as to where I could be of greatest service. I surrendered and slept. I awoke with a mantle of peace wrapped around me. Either choice felt wonderful, I knew that all would be well. My daughter called right then, looking like herself for the first time in two weeks. Her joy was back. Her husband had taken over one feeding so that she could get some survival sleep. They had a plan for more support and she told me to wait and come in the new year. Peace…..the surrendering had allowed magic to descend.

My small inspirations

An aspect of me that I honor.

Another day, I needed to buy a car cover to keep my car from being littered and stained by falling debris from the wondrous oak trees where I am staying. I love the trees but not the need to wash the car frequently. I was advised to try Walmart by someone when I asked where you buy a car cover. I have hardly ever been in a Walmart except a couple of times during my car traveling days when it was the only option to meet a need. I avoided it in protest to its treatment of its employees. I went to Walmart, bought the cover. It was not the right size so I had to return it. On my second trip in, I had a lovely conversation with the woman who processed the return and exchange of the correct size cover for me. I was overwhelmed with fatigue, went and bought a piece of hot pizza whose smell was filing the store as well as a bag of cookies. I laughed with the woman checking me out, saying I was going for the dinner of champions. She told me how she was tracking calories on her phone and attempting to not give in to the enticing pizza smell. I could feel the effort it took. I felt every cell in my body fill up with the despair, the suffering, the weight of folks in that store. A different slice of humanity than I normally interact with. I was so grateful to have been guided there. It was all purposeful, my having to go back the second time, to ingest the food, the atmosphere, to take it all in. The folks in line, weary from a day of work, buying their kids a treat, getting food at a price they could afford. It struck me to the quick. I also felt a softening of ideas of protesting Walmart or any place or thing. All forms of separation without acknowledging that each thing serves a purpose. I felt a softening of the lines of division that so fill our lives.

After I ate my pizza and cookies, a space opened and I found myself in front of the Creator. My heart poured out my distress, I asked for all that I felt to be witnessed by Her/Him. I demanded an end to the enslavement of humanity. This modern society with its calendar days to be crossed off like a prison sentence, the low wages and systems that are every bit as heinous as indentured servitude from days gone by. It has gone on too long. We are ready to let it all go. We have experienced separation to its edge. It is now time for restoration of our truth, our light, our creator abilities. We are ready for peace on earth.

I was heard. I felt my field being read and acknowledged. I knew that my demand had an impact. I knew that I was one of many, taking the readings, reporting in our results and offering our love light to end the suffering. I laid all that I AM on the table as offering.

image from a recent collage

image from a recent collage

There is only this. To be the light that we are. To know that the return home is assured. To offer what we can to speed things along for the highest good of all. I felt such compassion and awe at folks’ abilities to keep on keeping on. We are an amazing race of beings. Each one, doing what they can. The check out woman, moving towards greater health despite the daily weight of her life. A hero in my book.

I created a life, at this time, that offers open spaces for me to drift and dream. I know the privilege and responsibility of having a body to house this master’s form. I am aware of who I am. I know why I came. I know more fully after this last experience, the power that we hold. Everything serves. We are mighty beings housed in these amazing resilient forms.

This vessel inspired me.

This vessel inspired me.

The 11-11 gateway offers greater awareness and expansion for us all.  We are offered the opportunity once again, to empty ourselves of all that is not love. To be the empty chalice held high in gratitude. Open to receive the mighty blessings that seek to flow in and through us. We can gift one another and our dear mother Earth as the flow moves in and out and in again. Love is the essence of everything and it flows freely for us all.

We can rest in the knowing that our highest good is known and being orchestrated for us, by us. We have so many beings assisting us with the deepest of love. In a blink of an eye, the channel can change and our dreams can come true. Know this in every cell. I will be standing sentinel at the gate, awaiting your arrival, even as I await more aspects of myself. Oh, the wonder of it all.