Gently We Go

Love picking wildflowers to fill my space.

Love picking wildflowers to fill my space.

Day six of this back compression and things are changing. This morning I put on socks by myself! Woohoo. I went downstairs yesterday for the first time, walked barefoot on the grass, played with my granddaughter. It felt wonderful. In past back incidents, I forced myself into a car for the half an hour ride to the chiropractor or a shorter ride to the acupuncturist. This time, I decided to take a gentle route. I rested and moved only as I was able. Today I was able to get up from bed without struggle, and trust that I will gradually regain full range of movement. I sense that if I tune in, my body will show me a better way to move and carry myself. There has been this feeling of excitement under the pain, letting me know that strength and flexibility will be mine.

Cows in a field of buttercups, imagine the milk!

Cows in a field of buttercups, imagine the milk!

Today is the Solstice and I awoke to find the village shrouded in mist. It feels magical, as if we are suspended between two worlds. I know that part of my back issues had to do with this influx of solar energy that has been streaming in the past few days. Both my eldest son and I have been forced to lie low, move slowly, rest more. We both bring through energy to ground in much the same way. Another thing that will be changing as the old pain and harshness gives way to ease and softness. Hallelujah!

Honoring myself, still moving slowly and will rest most of the day. I do intend to get a swim in to celebrate this day, if my back allows. I have had to let go of order and cleanliness in my place, surrendering to the moments and cherishing what I can do. All perspective.

My bouquet from a few days ago.

My bouquet from a few days ago.

My two year old granddaughter shifted something for me. I have red fingernail size spot on the side of my nose from a skin graft after a surgery for sun damage issues. It has never lightened up as predicted. When I wash my face in the mornings, it is a minor irritation to me. I have not worn make up in this life though I have some cream to dot on it. It does not do much so it is something that I live with like so much else. My granddaughter comes up the stairs the other day, walks right up to me and presses her finger on that red spot. She says, “Nana, I love your red spot.” It was as if she had been thinking about it downstairs and decided to come tell me. So sweet. It has changed my own morning experiences of washing my face as I say to myself, I love my red spot, my crooked tooth, my varicose veins, my belly pouch……loving it all.

The little ones know truth. It is all about love. May love flow into all of our hearts this day and transform us.

The Changing View

fullsizeoutput_5080Fifth day of limited movement, I can stand or lie down……nothing in between. The weather has matched moments of my mood, brooding cloud cover, rain on and off, thunder and cool temperatures. This morning there is a shift, sunlight is streaming in between the clouds causing the temperature to hit 70 sometime today. I am moving a bit more freely. My low back has been my Achilles heel for decades. I had painted my granddaughter’s bedroom and then decided to try a furniture rearrangement that rearranged my back, not in a good way. It is hard to accept that at sixty-seven, such behavior may be behind me as my sons tell me. When I feel good, I believe I can do anything with this dear body of mine. This time, I will heed their advice and call them to do the heavy lifting. Or my daughter as she is a powerhouse of strength, having just competed  some wild half marathon with an obstacle course stationed throughout the steep up and down mountain run. Today she came to help me get my breakfast prepared and I watched her carefully walk back down the stairs. Whew, I see the results of running and at times, walk/crawling up the steep mountain sides. Not my idea of fun. It is so interesting what lights us all up. There is such a huge variety of options!

Poppies exploding next to the barn, such magical papery flowers.

Poppies exploding next to the barn, such magical papery flowers.

After feeling flat for so long, I had just begun to feel some enthusiasm to participate in life in a more physical way. It is still ahead, I can feel it. The vibrancy, the instant bursts of energy when I want them. Things are changing even as I am in this period. The muscle spasms are exhausting but I was laughing with my daughter that I was doing my own cross fit workout, a condensed version. In five minutes or so that it takes for me to get myself upright from lying down to then standing using a crutch as a support, I go through a wringer of spasms that has me sweating! Viola, mini workout done! I am able to be fully present in the pain and release fully in the next moment. In all my bouts with back pain, I have not experienced it with such lightness nor joy. I feel free in a new way.

My latest weekly haul fresh from the organic farm down the road. Such aliveness!

My latest weekly haul fresh from the organic farm down the road. Such aliveness!

Dear ones show up to care for me, to cook and offer assistance. My former hubby and his partner, cleaned my fridge, prepped my veggies, put them in easy to reach places, brought a bag of easy to eat supplies, washed my dishes and cleaned the kitchen. My sons, daughter and  daughter in love have cooked yummy meals and set my computer and books at hand. My granddaughter has provided comic relief with her antics and stories. Her sweet kisses and concern warm my heart. I am so open to receive and feel such gratitude for all that I am given. I send waves of this lovelight out to all who are suffering alone, who have no respite, no one to care. How blessed I am. May all be so cherished and loved.


I love when the buttercups appear.

I love when the buttercups appear.

The heat is on as is my wool undershirt, my favorite piece of clothing. It is like a security blanket, keeping my core warm. A couple of days ago it was ninety degrees and I was swimming, today it is rainy and cold with temperatures in the low fifties. My kids and grandkids are able to adapt to the weather with ease. I will have on two layers of wool and they will be laughing and running about in a t-shirt. I will turn my heat on and they will still go for a swim. I feel as sensitive as a delicate orchid. Extremes of any kind no longer fit into my life.

The black flies are in full force. Supposedly they appear from Mother’s Day until Father’s Day so only a couple of weeks remaining. You do not feel them bite you nor hardly see them but this year my skin has reacted by swelling around the bites. The bites itch like mad and target ears, neck and forehead. Though that said, my legs have myriad bites also. Everyone is so desperate for sun after the long winter that you are ready to bare as much skin as you can.  The prudent thing to do is to wear long sleeved pants and shirts during this time but the craving for sun on your skin is overwhelming. I remember being in England in May the year that I was twenty-one. As we strolled through the heaths around London, I was shocked to see office workers on their lunch hours, stripping off their tops to lie on the grass in their bras or bare chests. Pants and skirts were rolled high to let their legs feel the sun’s heat. It struck me how the need for sunlight is biological, like plants, turning to catch every ray.

The greens and a river of buttercups set my heart dancing.

The greens and a river of buttercups set my heart dancing.

My energy flows in sharp contrasts. A wave of exhaustion can make lifting my legs seem like a herculean task. It forces me to lie down until the next wave comes, that releases me to move. Dishes can pile up as the act of preparing food and eating can drain every ounce of energy. I may hop into bed with relief only to find myself still awake hours later. I tell myself, you are resting. That is good. Not enough energy to do anything with that time other than drift in a semi-dreamscape state. We will look back and wonder that we lived in the constraint of time. Schedules and planning will be things of the past that the young will not understand as they arrive knowing only the present moment. For now, alarms on my phone and writing notes to myself are what keep me tethered to arrangements in my life. Bright post its to catch my eye and jog my memory. Oh yes, today I am going to cook that chicken, pick up my grandson from school. I take out the chicken, set the alarm to give myself ten minutes grace to get ready and walk to the school. Sometimes I even have to label the alarms so as to know what I am to do. All part of the loosening, the moving into more fluidity, more flow.

Simple morning pleasures, coffee in my favorite mug and maple cinnamon sourdough bread. They mill the organic flour daily and bake this robust loaf. Yum!

Simple morning pleasures, coffee in my favorite mug and maple cinnamon sourdough bread. They mill the organic flour daily and bake this robust loaf. Yum!

Life becomes simpler as I attune to what needs doing on this level and set my intention to meet those requirements, allowing myself to flow the remainder of time. My grandkids are a part of that when they come to play. Most often it is one on one as they crave my sole attention and the five year age gap is large when you are two and seven. I allow them each to direct the play.  They both have rich imaginations so we travel on their stories into new lands. We have cozy reading books time and active times with crafts and scarves and music. I marvel at their beautiful hearts and sweet natures.

Flowers and children keep my flame blazing as all shifts about us. The sun is streaming in through a filter of smoke drifting down from fires in Nova Scotia. We all affect one another in ways large and small. Let’s shine our light through the dimness and celebrate as our hearts feel the love that flows freely.






Changes Are Happening

Summer has arrived and we are enjoying the lakes.

Summer has arrived and we are enjoying the lakes.

As we roll on in this ascension journey.  I enjoy noticing changes that I am experiencing. There is a loosening of energies around our hearts. I realized that the tightening and uncomfortableness that I had felt around a certain person, had vanished. Instead I found an authentic warmth and caring fill my heart. Wow, I like this! I had been able to see why the person triggered me, I had addressed the issue in my heart, yet the restrain remained. I felt such freedom when it lifted. A small thing perhaps, yet if everyone is experiencing this, we will soon be living in a different world. A kinder, gentler, more compassionate world.

I have long prayed that our hearts would attune to a new frequency. I could visualize and sense how the magnetics of our hearts could shift. That which was held close in the old energies, is loosening and releasing. The pure love that our I AM presence knows and lives in, is now available. We can consciously tune in to this new channel of love. It is available to all. I sense that even if folks desire to hold onto resentments and old grudges, it will no longer be possible. The magnetics have changed and the old will simply melt away. Hallelujah!

We can find the view that we desire and bring it into focus.

We can find the view that we desire and bring it into focus.

More energy feels available which feels good. It flows in like a torrent and then suddenly stops. I am then moved to lie down and allow my system rest. It changes daily so I am getting better at moving with the flow and not fighting it when the flow ceases. It is training us to be more present, to allow the energy to guide us. It will become the new normal as we let go of planning and move out of time constraints more and more.  This feels delicious to me. My mind no longer can hold much in the way of plans. I have to set alarms and write notes to myself. I am in a moment and what I intended even five minutes before, can simply disappear. There are some bumps on the road as we navigate this. We have to be kind with ourselves and one another. We are in a new land and the old rules no longer apply. We are discovering how to move, like toddlers finding their ability to walk. We stumble about and may crash into things or people and it feels awkward as well as exciting!

My son helped me set up this new site as my credit card changed which meant the old domain was not automatically renewed. I had to buy a new domain and have him figure it all out for me so that I can write again. I felt a momentary anguish at losing which I had used for more than a decade but it was time for a new frequency. So, here it is. will now hold my musings. I hope that you will join me on my journey.

A house falling apart, weeds taking over....yet this one brilliant tulip appears!

A house falling apart, weeds taking over….yet this one brilliant tulip appears!

There was a period of silence, where I was not inspired to write. Now there is a new energy propelling me forward and the writing comes easily. It is time to share and shine our lights for all of those newly awakening. It is a joy to feel so many joining our ranks to turn this world around. I am so grateful for each one of you and all the hearts aflame with love.