The Blossoming

IMG_4964Having left the white landscape of winter and returned to the soft opening of spring, I am cognizant of how we too, are subject to the laws of nature. Our bodies follow the cycles of birth, growth and decay in harmony with the all. Our spirits join in this dance as well. Our consciousness is in a constant flow of opening to the new, receiving, integrating, collapsing, and dying to the old.

We have subjected ourselves to programming that inserts form and structure in an attempt to hinder the natural flow of our beings. We have viewed life through a lens of past and future that limits that flow, chopping it into static pictures that dam the waters of our love light from their natural movement. We have attempted to set a pattern or pathway through the landscape of our hearts, keeping to what we have deemed safe and solid.

The old surrounded by the new, just as our new creations will overlay the old.

The old surrounded by the new, just as our new creations will overlay the old.

The planet, and all who wish to ride with her, is seeking a new path. She seeks a new space in the cosmic dance as her time to blossom has come. We have been taught that life is to be lived along a certain trajectory that if not followed, is cause for worry and concern. If your child does not go to college, then hit the workplace hard to step onto the ladder of success, then you are a failure as a parent. If you as an individual deviate from the prescribed pathway that the modern world of enslavement has deemed proper, you risk survival.

Yet, as we look at nature, we see the blossoming come in its season. Some plants pop their heads up at the first sign of spring’s warmth. Others wait for the heat of the summer sun, still others open in the brisk autumn air. We each have a timing within that flows free, if we allow it. Our society puts it all into boxes: four years for college, three days for grieving a loved one, two weeks vacation to justify fifty weeks of work, 9-5 workdays, retirement at sixty-five, age eighteen means you are an adult, and the list goes on. Thank goodness, much of this limitation has been changed and challenged in this internet age. Now to take the next step, and truly honor our own timing.

Spring blossoms brightening my spirit.

Spring blossoms brightening my spirit.

In honoring ourselves, we allow our spirits to grow and follow that inner pattern. We can push against the timing, berate our child or ourselves for not moving fast enough. That results in a layer of shame or guilt that obstructs the fluid movement. Who knows how long the cocoon is to be wrapped around one, until the butterfly can safely emerge to fly free? Just as we have taken from the earth by forcing high productivity from the soil year after year, we cannot force the spirit to produce balance and peace when we poke and prod and dig at it with artificial means. There is a time to lie fallow, there is a rotation of crops that feed the soil of the soul, there is a rhythm to be honored that knows how to bring forth the highest yield in a sustainable way.

San Francisco Art and Flowers exhibit. Feel that flow! Photo by Jeanette

San Francisco Art and Flowers exhibit. Feel that flow! Photo by Jeanette

For today, allow your heart to flow free. Allow it to love freely, without constraint. Honor your need for rest, for retreat, for engagement…..for whatever your spirit is leading you to. Trust your body’s wisdom as to what it needs. It is of the earth, it is our earth. It is the wisdom keeper and holds the seeds to our future. It knows how to nourish them, the timing of the breaking through the soil of our personality self, the time to blossom fully in the sun of our own beings. There is no manual, no reference guide that knows you like she does. Trust your seeds to blossom into the world in their perfect time. Trust that you have within, the gift to add to the creation of the new. Trust that all is well. Honor each one’s path, knowing its perfection like your own. Follow your heart’s lead and take action when inspired. Savor this walk out of the old programming into the flow of our true nature. All of the kingdoms on the earth, animal, plant, mineral and fey, are aligning with this stream of love light, flowing all home. Dust off your heart’s desire and allow it to fully blossom within as it will then create in this world of form. Our world is about to burst forth in colors unimagined just as the spring rains here in California have created massive swaths of wildflowers after years of drought. Let this energy of beauty sweep clean your heart and allow all to flow in a cascade of love light.