Learning From The Little Ones

Delphiniums lighting up the shed wall.

Delphiniums lighting up the shed wall.

Today I spent time with both my grandchildren. At some point in the day, each of them got hurt in some manner. The 18 month old cried and made use of sounds and gestures to tell us what happened. Her dad held her as she cried it out and he acknowledged what had happened to her. Then she wanted to tell me the story. As she did, she cried again. Next she told her aunt and had another cry. She told her story and felt her emotions until they cleared. It was beautiful to witness.

How many of us would benefit from allowing ourselves to fully feel the hurt. We are trained to “get over it” quickly and move on. Yet, often the emotional pain remains and is not fully dissipated after the initial tears. To have our feelings acknowledged as we give them full rein is a freeing experience. To be able to tell of our hurts as many times as it takes to come to that place of peace frees us to be present for the next moment.  In a matter of minutes, my granddaughter had recovered and was off to play with her cousin.

My grandson had a melt down at the end of our morning out at my former husband’s property. He wanted to bring home one of his big toys that stays out at the place. After his big explosion of tears and anger, I gathered him in my arms as he sobbed. Later we were able to talk about it calmly and feel appreciation for having two places to keep his toys.

A tiny cherry heart in my ice cream, reminding my of how I am loved and cherished.

A tiny cherry heart in my ice cream, reminding my of how I am loved and cherished.

What was so powerful and joyful for me, was seeing how my son and daughter have honed their abilities to be present through the emotional storms of their children. They are calm witnesses, there with acknowledgement and compassion. They listen and reflect the child’s pain or desires as well as provide clear guidance as to what is to happen. The boundaries provide safe containers for their children to thrive in.

I am learning to be a better listener, to sit with another’s pain, without trying to fix it or offer distraction from it. It is wonderful how each generation evolves to be better parents, more whole beings than the previous one. We are all getting better and better! Grandchildren offer us another opportunity to grow. I feel so blessed in this.

Steadfastness of Love

IMG_20220701_204836504_HDRThese times call for our hearts to stay on fire, to allow all emotions to be felt. As we open to everything, the feelings pass into the fiery furnace of our being to be lifted up in love. Our hearts are furnaces of love that will consume all the dross if we allow it. We have been programmed to close our hearts when heavy emotions arise. We are taught to shuttle them to another part of our body, hiding them away in our cells. Yet, our hearts will consume all the heaviness if we keep our heart flame alive. We do this by tending it, like any fire. It needs to be fed. Our hearts feed on love. As we stoke our flame with lovelight, it burns true and clear. It will transform everything given to it, into love. Just as a fire will consume cardboard, wood, plastic and food scraps, our hearts can consume all manner of hurts.

Sheltering from the rain, we can offer this shelter of love to one another.

Sheltering from the rain, we can offer this shelter of love to one another.

Tonight I am lying here awake, feeling a hurt. There are some in the family who are hurting and my heart feels it all. I am stoking my inner flame of love as I know that love will transform it. I also know that there is an allowing of space for the emotion to burn through. As well, I know that I am to speak to those involved, the truth, as I see it. That is part of my mother’s role. To speak up when I see actions that are causing harm, most often unconsciously. Families can be a force that amplifies each member’s light. We can help lift one another up to walk as our best selves. We can hold one another accountable to that truest version of ourselves. I want to be held accountable when my actions are less than loving as we are here to grow in love. It can be painful to face ourselves when we fall short. What grace there is to be held in love as we look at our actions or words that did not hold love. That is the gift that family and friends can offer one another.

So, I lie here and fill myself with liquidlovelight. I stream it from my heart to each one who I hold so dear. I visualize it as a warmth surrounding them, a deep sense that they are cherished and seen in all of their radiant beauty. I see my heart’s beauty as it sends forth this light. I allow this lovelight to weave amongst our hearts, weaving its tapestry of strength, caring and love. How beautiful each one is. How beautiful our family mandala of light is.

Another of my heart confirmations from the universe, telling me that I am loved. They come to me in so many creative ways!

Another of my heart confirmations from the universe, telling me that I am loved. They come to me in so many creative ways!

Now it expands. It flows out to other families, spiraling in ever increasing circles of liquidlovelght. Hearts being woven together, many strands of the One. There is so much love flowing to and on and around this planet……a love fest! Pastel ribbons shimmering as hearts open, one to another and on and on it flows.

The hot coal of hurt has lifted. My heart flame is burning bright with the love. It is so powerful and so steadfast. Amazing that we ever forget it. That we forget that we are rocked so gently in the arms of the Creator, always and forever. Every heart is our heart, beating a tune of love.

Now there is peace. Now I can sleep, knowing all will be resolved. All will come back to love. I call for our I AM presences to meet in the dream time to share this love and bring the memory back in the morning. May all awaken with joy filled hearts to a new day to love one another.