All Is Well

img_4364I love the darkness these days…..the early morning hours before the sun rises and the long evening hours after it sets. I have fairy lights and candles and firelight to keep me company. It may appear as if we are in the darkest of times. Yet, we are the light here to penetrate that darkness with our love. I wrap the darkness about me like a cloak as the candle flame infuses me with its steady warmth. We are heading towards the Solstice on December 21st, where we experience the longest night and our shortest day of the year. I have been cocooning in this darkness, banking my flame against this long night. In my inner hearth, the coals burn bright and sing a song of the light to come. Long have I awaited this time. Long have we dreamed the dream that 2017 will bring to the fore.

Leaves ready to let go and begin anew.

Leaves ready to let go and begin anew.

We are like the flowers. Our blossoms withered and gone, our foliage lying limp and dissolving upon the ground. Yet underground, our bulb is plumping up with nutrients, filling and swelling with its own inner light despite the damp, dark surroundings. I am that bulb, pulling light through my crown, deep into the earth with every breath. I can sense the newness, the aliveness, the strength of the beauty to come. For weeks my inner voice has asked if I was ready to walk my beauty into the world. It has taken all of me to answer this question. Yes. Yes, I am ready. Yes, it is time. Yes, 2017 will see the blossoming of beauty on an unprecedented scale. We are the flowers, we have come through the love planet of Venus, trailing stardust, violet flames, radiant love light. We have come to light up this earth and assist her to return to her true beauty.

All that is not our truth, all the weight of lifetimes mired in quicksand, all the pain and sorrow of old, is surfacing to ask for our love. And ultimately, for release back into the flame to be made new again in the love light. There are huge numbers departing, animals, people, plants, bees. Some are moving ahead into the new places we will inhabit…the bees are already there collecting sweetness that is so abundant. Some are departing for other realms and kingdoms. Some are seeking that flame of disintegration as the shortest path to becoming the love once again.

This nest has done its work, now it disintegrates to make way for the new.

This nest has done its work, now it disintegrates to make way for the new.

My yearning for community, to live in my love pod in harmony and peace, is so heightened that I cry out at times. I recognize the signs when I am about to step into a new level of existence. There is the almost unbearable pain of being in the old, the waiting seems to go on forever and my soul cries out for freedom. The collective is at this stage, crying out for a new way of living on this earth. The ground must be prepared, the slate wiped clean in order for the new to be built. This is our challenge, to clear our hearts, to wipe away the old sorrows, to forgive every perceived transgression, to forgive ourselves. Peace comes within our hearts before it manifests in our worlds. As my world becomes a place of peace, and your heart becomes that peace filled dwelling….it spreads. There is no other who will do this for us. There is no book, program, supplement, diet, mantra, crystal that will get you there. There is only sitting with ourselves, releasing everything. Not only that which has caused us pain…..but everything that has brought us love. Releasing our attachment to anyone, anything, any place, any substance, any form. In the release, there arises the freedom, the spaciousness, the expansion where the new can be born.

Paths laid out before us, it is ours to choose the way of love.

Paths laid out before us, it is ours to choose the way of love.

The initiations on this path are innumerable. Always, there is another layer, another testing, another opportunity to choose love. To let go of beliefs, ideas of how or why or what. To drop into our own knowing that moves us beyond the field of trust. It is there, awaiting our presence. Presence….the gift that gives all. When we bring our presence to a situation, to another, to ourselves, our lives change. My presence is focused on this inner light which I tend with loving care and tenderness. I feed it beauty and song. I allow it to move me along. I resist nothing. I allow all to come forth, knowing it is all for me. All for my growth, all for my blossoming. I trust in the divine timing. The flower blossom knows not to bloom in freezing temperatures where it would die. It awaits the sunlight to unfurl its radiant form. I will know the moment to blossom, to reveal my beauty in all of its magnificence. I am being strengthened so that my form can hold the rose that I am. It takes the darkness, the long nights and short days to swell the bulb of beauty. There is the inner knowing of the cycles and the honoring of them. No more striving rather the allowing of the rest,of the deepening, of the infilling. All is on track. All is in perfect order. All is well underground.

Rotting log, gorgeous fungi emerges. Nature is always showing us the way.

Rotting log, gorgeous fungi emerges. Nature is always showing us the way.

May the deep days of this month of December, gift you with this nurturing. Rest and re create. We know not who we will be, what color our blossom, the shape of our petals, the scent we will wear. We do know that it will be dazzling, delicious and beyond our imagining. I can feel us in our love pods, wearing our garments of light. My spine straightens as this beauty swells at my root. I can feel my cells begin to dance at the thought of being free to be the love light streaming within my form. I begin to see this beauty peeking out at me from you and all forms. The birds are singing of it, the trees are swaying with it, the waters are dancing the new tune. All is in readiness. We will remember this new year as the time the old world collapsed and beauty was born anew.