Addendum to Easter Eve

IMG_2849When I said that I could feel the inner laughter as we are all going through our last issues, I meant in no way, laughing at anyone. What I see is the courage and grace that we embody as we each walk our piece of life back to love. Our humanness may get attached to the story yet our souls know only the glory of what we have committed to do here on this earth. In my circle of friends, I witness diseases being walked back to love as individuals hold the energy of love and fearlessness and peace in the face of the old energies of hopelessness or despair. I witness ones transmuting pain from Mother Earth through their bodies. I witness old programming of our vulnerability to illness through germs being exploded. So much of what we have been taught has kept us acting small and contracted.

IMG_2859To know ourselves as light, to know that we create our own world, is such freedom. To accept what comes that may not be in a pretty package, yet moving in the knowing that we may be unwrapping it in love for the good of all. There is so much beneath the surface, so much brilliant light and love weaving new worlds of peace. I am in gratitude for each one of you, for what you have chosen to walk back to love in your life. I look about me and wonder how you find the courage and strength. I honor the holiness of your path as I honor mine. We can walk beside one another in love. We cannot change one another’s journey, take a burden from them, change their chosen path yet we can walk beside them.

IMG_2857That is what the laughter is about…..the knowing that we have all chosen our parts, that this is a grand play that is drawing to a close. That the new play is about to open. We get to play our true selves in all of our glory. Oh my! What radiant beings we are. Whether we play our parts from this earthly realm or another, it matters not. All are contributing, all are a part of this marvelous cast. We are blessed and bless all in our expression of our truth. Oh, and our new costumes!!! Radiance and wonder. Beauty and shimmering colors that sing the song of love and oneness. I am so in love with us!

Easter Eve Update

A baby shirt proclaiming truth.

A baby shirt proclaiming truth.

As I look at my posts, I see it has been two and a half months since I have written. What have I been doing? Hmmm….I have been steeping myself in my divinity. I have been so in the process that to write felt foreign. There have been such waves of creativity surging and swirling yet to capture any into form would narrow the outcome. I knew only to allow them, to play with the surges in my dreamtime, to create in my heartspace and let it all flow. No attachment, no seeking to hold on; rather reveling in the beauty and spaciousness offered. Trusting always to the timing, divine timing. The dreaming has taken all my energy. I have been blessed with a sweet cottage under the shelter of a towering oak as well as the hearts of dear friends, a refuge to dream in. My body safe and rooted so that my being could soar through these energies.

Viewing with our old eyes, it appears that all is in chaos. Fear, confusion, strife and pain seem highlighted. Extremes are present everywhere as our underbelly comes to the surface to be seen. To be loved. This is the time of true courage, this is the time we have waited for. When presented with all the dross, can we see within it, the desire to return to love? All wishes to become the All. We each desire to be all that we can be. Everything on this earth, desires the same, especially our Mother Earth! We breathe it in, filter it through our loving hearts and breathe it back out as radiant flames of liquidlovelight. Every particle, every jot of the illusion, breathed in through the magenta flame, the fiery furnace of love residing in each of our hearts and breathed out as a stream of that love light. Oh, what a privilege it is to have a body in order to be a transfiguring flame of love.

There are " I love yous" everywhere if you have eyes to see.

There are ” I love yous” everywhere if you have eyes to see.

On March first, I awoke with my cells singing a song of resurrection. They informed me that I had stood in the resurrection flames in order to be the pillar of peace and love that I am. This is what is on offer for all of humanity with the Easter energies. It is not tied to religion, rather it is a gift from each of our Christed selves, to walk once again in our divinity on this beautiful earth. Each footstep clears and permeates the earth with our golden Christed light.

It begins within, as we explore our inner being and allow all to be returned to the home of love. At this time, everyone is being gifted freedom, if they choose to take it. Whether that freedom comes in the form of a disease, a loved one passing, loss of a home, a job…..the list is as varied as our human nature….all serving our freedom. It may look like anything but freedom, yet it is offered from your Christed being to your humanness as a gateway, a portal to freedom. I am witness to turmoil in many around me and as I listen to the stories with my heart, my inner being is laughing in joy as it knows the truth. It knows the perfection of it all and that all of the struggle is given in order to bring our conditioned fears and beliefs back to love. I can no longer fool myself with the illusion. Every cell within knows the truth of love.

IMG_2790This peace is blessed. It allows me such freedom to be. To take in all around me and see it with new eyes. It is Spring here in California. Mother Nature is showing the way with her abundance….water rushing wildly down rivers and streams, mountains covered in glorious snowy cloaks of shimmering light, flowers sending forth wafts of the sweetest scents and birds singing the joy of the new. Love is in every spore released to the winds. The elementals are dancing in delight as more of the earth is freed from the shadowlands and returned to lovelands. We are moving into our creator abilities. My palms were infused on the first eclipse with an energy from times past that will create worlds anew. Each blast of light…..eclipse, equinox, eclipse and now Easter….bringing forth remembrance of who we are. We are gods come again to this earth.

All the clearing, all the healing, all the striving coming full circle. No more waiting, no more anxiety, no more wondering. I AM here, as are you. We are one. Each of us bringing forth our gifts to benefit the whole. By being, we are doing our job. We are the light of love. We weave tapestries of love light that shimmer and glow and vibrate at tones that bring tears. Threads of light are vibrating in patterns of harmony that will bring about the love pods that  I have dreamed of for so long. All will come to fruition. We are in charge of the timing as we each allow all to flow into us as the gift that it is. Resisting nothing. No need to understand it all, simply to walk our paths and allow our hearts to do their magic spinning of straw into gold. Any vestige of the old pain filled path, will arise for our consideration. It is our choice to transmute it or relive, recreate it. We are being offered freedom by ourselves for ourselves. Dare we love ourselves enough to know that we deserve the path of ease and grace? Can we lay down the old nobility of suffering pathways and embrace joy? It is time.

This lily holding herself up, a chalice to be filled with the Christed light.

This lily holding herself up, a chalice to be filled with the Christed light.

We are enough and more than enough! We are love and beauty and goodness and delight. Own your divinity and it will play melodies within your heart. I sing love songs to myself throughout the day and this earth sings them back to me. My frequency has landed for the first time in the eons of lifetimes I have stood on this earth. I rejoice in this knowing as it is what I came to do in all my myriad incarnations. My body shook with sobs as this was made known to me. Look into the eyes of the babes being born now. They come in full remembrance of the love that is. We have secured a platform that they may stand upon. Their pure love light will be nurtured and sustained. Oh my, what a blessing for us all!

Embrace your Christed self this Easter, open the egg of your own beautiful being and savor the taste. You are so brilliant in your love light. I bow before each of your hearts as I embrace my own.