Ever the Call to Deeper Love

A dove of peace resting in the tiny tree...my Christmas tree cut with my grandson. We have matching tiny trees.

A dove of peace resting in the tiny tree…my Christmas tree cut with my grandson. We have matching tiny trees.

These times call us all ever higher, to walk in our truth. We are being called to live our mastery in every moment of our lives. How to find peace in the midst of a storm? The outer world presents greater and greater upheaval and distortions. It seems we are in a tiny skiff, trying to stay afloat as huge waves threaten to overwhelm us.

Yet, the waves are fears, manufactured to keep us destabilized. Who do we cry out to when it feels as if all is lost? Do we turn to our government, to the “science” that the mass media present, the pharmaceutical companies, the financial institutions or the churches?

Has the outer noise and confusion been enough to see us taking the step that our souls know leads us home. The step inward, the journey to our own hearts’ knowing. With a deep breath, we can step into a sanctuary of peace and love. We can rest in our own lovelight that has always been there, awaiting us.

IMG_9969The challenges come through our loved ones, through our communities…..whether you live a semi- hermit like existence like me or one fully engaged with others, your higher self will bring you opportunities for growth, for expansion. This fills me with awe, how I have gifted myself with everything that I need, every step of the way.

For now, my challenge comes in finding my way to hold love and honoring for one dear to my heart, as our frequencies no longer align. How to honor the holiness of this one’s path, while honoring my own. Our paths still cross due to the nature of our relationship so I cannot simply avoid meeting nor sever the relationship.  I am a sword carrier, used to wielding a flame of truth when called to. I have done this with harshness and fierceness at times. Now I am being called to a new way. How to be at peace and express love while holding true to myself.

Old churches dot the landscape here, many struggling for membership or abandoned. May we come to worship at the inner church of our hearts.

Old churches dot the landscape here, many struggling for membership or abandoned. May we come to worship at the inner church of our hearts.

It is easier, as the frequencies have risen on the planet, to find oneself in the observer role. To pull back, and seek the bigger picture. I am being called to greater mastery, as we all are, to remembrance of our true selves. Silence offers assistance as a navigational tool. I have used my voice, my anger, my engagement to be the wall for shadow selves to be presented against. My own shadow self is visible as I view these old methods and see their limits.  The physical and emotional bodies assist as fatigue takes its toll. To engage with another’s shadow, is exhausting work. My body tells me that is no longer the path. Everyone comes to face their truth when the soul is ready. We have spent lifetimes lifting others up, holding space for them to move. The times have changed. It is time for self care, for nurturing, for rest. The way of battling has changed form. When all is viewed through the lens of oneness, there can be no other. There are only faces of the oneness. How do I walk in harmony with the all as well as maintain my own lovelight in truth?

We are birthing the Christ child within.

We are birthing the Christ child within.

There is the inner world that is calling for my attention. The outer world of the personality self has lessened its hold over the years. The mother role has been a dominant theme in this lifetime. Years ago, on Mount Shasta, ( a sacred site in Northern California) I was asked to grow into my planetary motherhood and hold a more expansive love. I was shown its fierce face by a divine feminine being, Mother Sekhmet, who infused me with the knowing of what that felt like. A compassionate love that was truth and did not pander to sentimentality nor sympathy. Now, I am being asked to refine this, to walk it in a new way. Mother Mary, who has been my mentor for eons of time, is present with me in this holy season of love with her gentleness and grace. Moment to moment, I am seeking my way. There is no known path that I can clearly see. My heartlight is my guide, my illumination. I am called to rest and pause. I do not need to react, rather to feel my way to flow with a gentleness that holds firm. Seemingly opposites playing out in this world on so many levels. How to be all of it, to hold both sides in love. Ah, at times the pressure brings out the sweat on my brow as it were, as my heart gets a work out to BE this.

Nature shows us her fiery love at dawn and dusk.

Nature shows us her fiery love at dawn and dusk.

To find the balance, to show up for loved ones yet not give away my inner peace that fuels my ability to be who I came to be at this time in our story. I came to hold a frequency of the new. I am a master builder and vision keeper. We are at the gateway to building a new earth. Our higher purpose fuels our walk now as our Christed self inhabits more of our physical form.

It is not time for distractions, for living untruths. There is no energy available to explain to others the withdrawal from frequencies that drain. Only in stepping back, can I honor myself and another’s path. To flow the lovelight always, a stream that has no end. Yet, to allow myself what is needed to keep that love’s flame alive and burning bright. To be willing to appear as unloving to another in order to be love.

My grandson and I look for and notice, all the ways that we are reminded that we are loved. Hearts abound.

My grandson and I look for and notice, all the ways that we are reminded that we are loved. Hearts abound.

None of this is new. I could say that I have walked this path for decades. Yet, always there is a refinement, a new cycle that calls for a deepening. Our souls, pulling us closer to our hearts’ truth. To rest in the unknowing with peace and trust. To know my own voice, to listen and follow my own wisdom and allow all to shift and change, moment to moment.

Not for the faint of heart, this path of ours! God bless us all as we live these times of the ending of an age on this earth. May we keep our flames ever alight as we stand for truth and beauty.