Isle of Iona

I am feeling so frustrated without my computer. Learned my lesson to not attempt something new before a trip. Internet connection is dodgy while traveling so I will do what I can.

imageMy third time in Rosslyn Chapel, I was able to descend into the crypt room and tone. The grief had been released with my tears the previous two times there, now I was free to sing my love and joy into the space. It felt very healing. There was a lovely evening of three poets reading their work along with a string quartet playing Dvorak’s love songs. Candlelight, the music filling the rafters, the voices of the poets with their Scottish brogue and my heart swelling as tears flowed. What a wonderful last evening. Two women came to join our party so there were five of us to form a pentagram of the divine feminine. We sat on a grid we made and Mary Magdalene channeled through with her gratitude for what we were anchoring in our coming together.

As I was preparing to leave the cottage our last night to head off to Edinburgh with my two new friends, I went to say goodbye to the lapis skull that I had formed an affinity with during the week. I felt very emotional saying goodbye, kissed him and cried a bit. As I was walking out the door, the woman who owned the skull, came out and said he said, “You cannot lether leave.” So she determined that the skull must travel with me as that was his desire. She had not been given his name and today he gave it to me, it is Ioum, similar to Iona. He is so glad to be with me, and I him. Lapis is the stone of El Morya, so a further confirmation for me of this path. We did much to anchor the twin energies with Mary Magdalene.

he new grouping of three women


Across the Atlantic and Through the Eclipse

the knights standing guard at Edinburgh Castle

the knights standing guard at Edinburgh Castle

Whew, here I am able to write once again. The sun is shining, as it has for a portion of each day that I have been here, thank you elementals! I so need a daily dose. The weather is indeed mecurial, shifting in a moment to rain and mist and the wind is ever present. I have spent this first week in a little farm cottage nestled in a group of cottages called The Steading. We are in Dairy Cottage. It is located next to Rosslyn Chapel, a short walk from the village of Rosslin. The chapel is undergoing renovation so the front half is covered with scaffolding but the buttresses fly free in the back for a lovely view.

I attended Sunday service which highlighted to me how far I have come from the religious doctrine of my youth. I could not recite most of the litany as it no longer rang true for me. I breathed lovelight into the space and saw the old power structures of the earth dissolving. After the service, we toured the inside which is small and lovely. As we descended the stairs to the crypt, the chilly air set my bones rattling. There were a couple of tombs of knights templar that had me sobbing. I have a connection to that time. I have wandered the cemeteries surrounding the chapel, oldest grave I saw was from the late 1700’s.


The Divine Feminine Drops the Robes of Cronehood to Become a Playful Girl

The feminine is beginning to stretch into her fullness!

The feminine is beginning to stretch into her fullness!

April is proving itself to be action packed, as so many of us, felt it would be. I love when it is better than I imagined! Each day is so full of movement and change that I wake up wondering what magic it will bring.

My elder son and I spent the day together as I had to drop my car at the garage for repairs and he was running me to and fro. While we waited, we went to visit my friend with the crystal skulls. She had a book called, Grail, that she felt I needed to look at before my trip. Indeed there were images in it that spoke to my heart. One in particular of the chalice with a sun rising out of it, felt like part of a coding that I carry. I am going to Scotland to unlock this coding into the earth. The templates of ancient times are to be released through our bodies and anchored on this earth plane once again. So many of us are in movement to be in place to drop these templates at the appointed time. I see so many women, heavy with extra weight (how the coding often stores itself), awaiting the appointed hour. I see the weight melting off as we “hit our marks” on the earth plane and lift our voices in songs of rejoicing. This is a time for women to truly open their mouths! Time to speak truth and bring through the ancient wisdom of the feminine. Always it is the feminine that births and we are about to see an explosion of new birth on this planet.

Ixcel, looks abit scary if you are not used to skulls, but her energy is so compassionate. She is opening me to feel new forms, attending to the energy they emit rather than the form housing them. Our earth will soon house myriad new forms.

Ixcel, looks abit scary if you are not used to skulls, but her energy is so compassionate. She is opening me to feel new forms, attending to the energy they emit rather than the form housing them. Our earth will soon house myriad new forms.

I communed with the Mayan skull named Ixcel. She and I have a deep connection that is beyond words. She asked me to place my third eye on the top of her head while she uploaded me with information. It felt like files were being placed in my brain. I had no thought, only could sense the fullness increasing in my head. It expanded me beyond my body and took some time to come back into the room. I understood that the information would be unlocked as I connected to the land in Scotland. I would be called to enact an “ancient ritual and role” once again. The civilizations of Atlantis and Lemuria will arise again as we bring heaven to earth through our body vessels. There is pagentry afoot and it excites my mythic blood that sees life in terms of archetypes and fairy tales come to life. Joseph Campbell was a hero of mine as I felt called to the Hero’s Journey in my life. I always had the sense that I was living a life rich in meaning despite society’s constraints to keep it reined into the realm of the mundane.

It is time to uncross our arms that held our wounds so tightly within.

It is time to uncross our arms that held our wounds so tightly within.

My elder son was cradling the skull, Marie, in his lap. He was softly toning with her. He then spoke saying, “The feminine has become the crone in our society. She can now become the playful girl as she has a strong and supportive father behind her.” Marie was in an ecstasy of delight to be held by a balanced masculine presence. They had vibrated their energy together and Marie experienced great changes. I began to sob as I felt the power of this move out from Marie and my son into the grids of the earth. Liberation is at hand! I have become the crone, weary and worn from the travails of holding the feminine light aloft in the patriarchal world we were born into. We can shed our robes of cronehood, that have become such a familiar weight upon our shoulders that we forgot that we could move in any other way. The robes had become heavy and stiff with suffering and abuse and the time has come to let it all go. We can let go of our old stories of the pain filled journey and begin to dance once more with our Mother Earth. The aches and pains of our bodies can melt in the sunlight of the Father’s love. Mother Earth is shedding her robes of old and putting on her play clothes. She will no longer accept abuse from her children. She is honoring herself once more and calling the feminine to that honoring.

It is a time of re-birth for the earth and all upon her. This knowing went deep into my bones and brought flashes of images that I have seen of myself in Scotland, light and faery like, dancing across the hills.  My heart is full to bursting with this knowing that we can truly become as little children once again. I am reminded of a quote by Jesus:  “Truly I say to you, Except you be converted, and become as little children, you shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.” 

I believe this is what we are called to as we co-create this new earth. We are given the opportunity to become the open, curious, loving, sovereign beings that is our truth. We invite everyone to play, we honor ourselves and extend that honoring to all sentient beings on this planet. The elements are remembered as a part of us. We dance once more with the wind, allow the fire of passion to flame within, draw nourishment from the earth herself, float in the waters as fluidness becomes our truth. Oh, how we have longed for this reconnection!! Our hearts and bodies have been in lock-down mode for so long. We have become numb and dumb…..moving through the days with a sense of duty, enslaved by a system meant to crush our spirits and keep us plodding like oxen.

Out of the desert of our lives, we are no longer limited to being spiney dull beings. We can unfurl our rose petals in a riot of color and fragrance to uplift the world.

Out of the desert of our lives, we are no longer limited to being spiney dull beings. We can unfurl our rose petals in a riot of color and fragrance to uplift the world.

No more! Women, open your mouths! Speak your truth with a roar that kindles fire. Allow the belly laugh that reverberates in tsunamis of delight, stomp your feet in a dance that shakes the earth, flow your love like a flood that washes away the dams created in our hearts. We have this power. We are here to awaken with our mother. There is no more time to lament, no more energy to be wasted on anger at the masculine. Truly it is anger pointed at self for giving away our magical powers so long ago. All was part of the play. All is now finished and it is time for forgiveness. We must forgive ourselves as we forgive all others. The curtain is closing. Do not hesitate to participate in this last ritual of forgiveness. Your being depends upon it, your future unfolds at its feet. Forgive all! Hold to nothing, not stories of suffering nor memories of quiet joy. Let it all go.

We are about to open the curtain on a new play. This is the one that calls upon the skills we garnered from all the other plays we have participated in. This is the role we have waited our entire cycle here on this beautiful earth, to play. It is the role of lifetimes and there is a script with your name on it. To play it, you must drop all the old. You cannot hit the high notes if your your lungs are full of unshed grief. You cannot speak in a voice that carries to the back of the theatre if your throat is still congested with fear. You cannot move about the stage with lightness if you are saddled with heartbreak. Drop all into the fires of rejuvenation. Hold to nothing, clear your fields to let your light shine. This is the performance where you star. This is where you remember that you ARE A STAR! Let your light shine as if your life depended upon it, as in truth it does. We are the light that illumines the pathway to the new earth. Our lights guide others. Please do not leave your part of the path in darkness out of fear or a sense of smallness. We are glorious beings with the capacity to blind with our light revealed. Our hearts temper it, so that it illuminates in the most inviting way as we are mothers, after all. We know the art of gentleness and soft encouragement. We have forgotten this for ourselves as we have shown it to our men and children. Turn your light upon yourself. Embrace your beauty in a pink blanket of the softest wool. Love is who we are. It stands awaiting our embrace.

I choose love this day. I choose to speak my truth in every moment. A quote from a recent article entitled Why You’re Afraid to Claim Your Power, Brenda Hoffman speaks to this:

You no longer have to do what others tell you to do if it does not feel comfortable – that is victim hood. You no longer need to slow your progress to match someone else’s pace – that is care taking. And you no longer need to control anyone – including yourself – that is outer-directed power. So be it. Amen.                                                                          Copyright © 2009-2013, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved.

I loved this fiery flower arrangement in front of the charred wood. This is what we are called to, to be the flames of renewal upon the earth.

I loved this fiery flower arrangement in front of the charred wood. This is what we are called to, to be the flames of renewal upon the earth.

My heart is dancing in the fires of renewal. I look about and grasp your hand as we circle the flames in a dance of ecstasy. Our men are behind us (no, do not look!), their support assured as we stand in our knowing that allows them to take their rightful place once more. The babes are coming from heaven, into the waiting arms of the fathers, who beam with pride to offer shelter and protection. On their faces, such joy to see their women dancing free. All is right in the world, as the fire reveals the essence of love in each heart gathered. This is the new earth. This is our truth. This is why we are here. Dance it my friends, dance it.

Being Blown Out of Our Comfort Zones Into the New

The wind blowing through the palms.

The wind blowing through the palms.

I awoke to howling winds and sunshine. Palm fronds crashing down, pots overturned and the restless wind, pausing and then surging about me. The new moon occurs in two days time but its energy is already making itself known….,and how! This re-birthing is serious business and none are escaping its effects. The wind is a gift, seeking to take all that we are willing to release. If ever there was a time to let go, it is now. I am so appreciative of the elementals and the way that they work with us, for our highest good. My nervous system does not like the wind but my soul is standing with arms outstretched, saying, “Cleanse me, sweep me clean, take all the dross and hear my gratitude!”

The astrology reports that I read this week pointed to this being at time of getting out of our comfort zones, a grand game of musical chairs about to commence as our chairs are pulled from under us and we must move to find a new seat. Our fears come up and part of us wants to cling to the familiar, believing it offers safety. The only safety is to be found in our hearts, resting with our Creator. All else is an illusion. We are spiritual beings, evolution is our game. We love musical chairs! We desire to move and grow. We might need to remind ourselves of this but when we feel into our hearts, we know it is true.

I sense that we have new orders burning holes in our pockets. We are feeling the tension as the signal for ripping open the envelope is about to be given. We know we will find our directions; where to go, whom to meet, what our new roles will be. I sense a quantum leap for all humanity is close at hand. It makes us restless like the wind outside, moving through the branches in waves that seem almost angry at times. We are ready, we have prepared. We have cleared, let go, faced our demons, studied and grown. Now it comes down to trust. Trusting divine timing, trusting ourselves to act when called, trusting the light to reveal the reality of love about us.

A butterfly that was taking its morning drink as i was cutting a lilac bouquet.

A butterfly that was taking its morning drink as i was cutting a lilac bouquet.

I was shown once again the beautiful weaving that takes place with everything that comes into my world. I stepped out of my comfort zone the other night to watch the Matrix movie with my son and his girlfriend. They had been suggesting it for months and each time I said, “I am not ready.” I am a Pollyanna type gal, and watching violence is not in my comfort zone. The day had arrived when I said yes. I spent about half the movie shielding my eyes under a blanket yet absorbed it. There was one scene I looked up in time to have imprinted within. Neo, the hero is being shot at by dozens of bullets. He holds out his hand and says, “NO, no more.” The bullets stop before they reach him, his command in action. He chose to no longer engage, to neutralize the energy directed at him. He had found his power.

I was on the inner planes, doing some support work for a friend who had called out for help with a negative force she felt was attacking her through one she knew. As I was enfolding her in love, strengthening her communion with that knowing, and doing the same for the one she had been engaged with, I suddenly felt the energy of Neo in that moment from the film. I saw the illusion of anything but love, the separation that it caused. I knew myself as love in every cell of my being. I knew that any force in the universe that stood opposed to this love, would be melted by the flame of love that was flowing through my heart. I knew that all that appeared dark or destructive, was seeking to be enfolded in this love. It was immensely powerful. I grew in stature and breathed flames of love, my red dragon flowing her fiery nature through me. At the same time, my breasts experienced the let down feeling of nursing as the Mother’s milk of love released in me. We are wondrous beings!

I loved this sign at the park exit, the crude graffiti with the beauty of the lupines someone dropped on top. We are being asked to go forward, our tires will be slashed on the grate if we try to back up.

I loved this sign at the park exit, the crude graffiti with the beauty of the lupines someone dropped on top. We are being asked to go forward, our tires will be slashed on the grate if we try to back up.

As this energy of expansion flows through, there is the contraction contained within. I am having to calm my body and personality self that have enjoyed the comfort of a home these past six months. They are not thrilled about traveling and figuring where to be and how to get to the next place. It was my life for over three years and my nervous system is saying, “We are a nester! What are you thinking with this moving about again?” I soothe her, say, “There there, little one, it shall be ok.” My soul feels the expansion to come as I am daily undergoing preparations in my heart to be the purest chalice that I can. I am letting go of the Linda Marie that I have come to know and love. Dropping the old robes to don the garments of light that await me. This is true for all of us. We visualize the future based on what we have known yet we are stepping into uncharted territory. We are the wayshowers, we are making this up as we go along. I breathe in and find that courage in my chest and let it roar through me. I AM here. I offer myself to this path. I AM fearless. And most of all, I AM ready. We will meet up after we cross the threshold…..that crossing is done alone, none can do it for us. Once through, the lives of our dreams await our creation.

I see you shining there, tears of joy streaming down our faces as we embrace in our new land. We will know that we have succeeded in bringing heaven to earth. I can hear the trumpets now and feel the crowns being placed on our heads. This is who we are. This is why we came. To open this portal for all to step through. What a privilege. What joy. I love you all. Espavo!


New Sensations

I loved how this sculpture glowed from the inside out. Like our light bodies, emitting our heartlight.

I loved how this sculpture glowed from the inside out. Like our light bodies, emitting our heartlight.

Last night I awoke feeling something new. It felt like my solar plexus area was being pulled upwards, spiraling. Something  being taken out? At the same time, I felt that I was inside of the sun, that my body was the sun. Then various parts of my body felt this sucking, swirling vibration moving upwards and again, I expanded inside of an energy field which I simulltaneously was. Interesting! My mind wondered if my body was still on the bed as I opened my eyes to check. Yes, she was there.

I had been communing with my beloved before sleep, thinking of him taking form. I was shown that I may decide to exist as a field of energy, rather than a physical form. I felt this was in the 7th dimension that we existed as energy. I felt a great sense of freedom as I could choose to take form if I desired and traverse other dimensions. This view thrilled me! I believe that my love is opening me to an array of possibilities of how we will come together. For now it is me, in physical form, him in Spirit yet residing within my form. Hmmm….,there is so much that I do not know how to conceive of as yet. I feel my understandings are but glimmers of the whole that is to be discovered.

I feel that all of these new happenings in my body and my heart are a part of the ascension process and know it is a process, rather than it being a one moment event. I read something that resonated about ascension being like the change of season. You notice the buds on the tree, the smell of the earth warming up, the first flowers blossoming and the birds gathering twigs for their nests. Next thing you know, you look about you and see it has fully arrived. We are noticing the changes in our sleep patterns, our eating, our physical aches and pains. We are opening to a greater knowing, a stronger connection to the Creator and our own mighty I AM presence. We are feeling one another’s hearts like never before. We are connecting with soul family around the world and feeling our hearts weaving across the miles. We are seeing more acts of kindness as we know one another as ourselves.

Trumpeting daffodils proclaiming: We are love! We are beauty! We are light!

Trumpeting daffodils proclaiming: We are love! We are beauty! We are light!

This is part of the new: the flow, the speed, the action taken through the heart without the mind’s analytical input. It seems our minds are finding that they cannot get traction any longer. Things simply do not hold, we can no longer hold to old emotions of regret or anger or guilt. Events slip away and our hearts lead us every onward to the present moment.  We are experiencing it this week as our hearts are being squeezed open more fully and we can’t hold to old emotions of pain. I love how our Creator works, gently coaxing us to blossom, taking the coal of pain that we stuffed in our hearts and through this pressure, (and yes it can be very intense!) forming us into the diamonds that we truly are. Diamond hearts, doesn’t that seem magical? Alchemy at work in your heart and mine.

As these new sensations of peace and joy and oneness increase, we open more fully to knowing this as our nature.  We truly are gifted at this. We are coded for love! We can share rich experiences with one another through a conversation and it is as if I were there with you. We can entrain one another’s hearts to hold peace. As synchronicities increase and their attendant joy, we create a momentum of joy that takes us all higher. I can feel that spiraling momentum at work, gathering hearts around the world, creating a pathway of light through the darkness for others to follow. I awake each day like a child, ready to discover a new facet of this magical universe. Joy returned! Hallelujah!

Mary Magdalene, Unicorns, Scotland……Magic is Afoot

Time to unlock the handcuffs and allow ourselves to truly blossom in all of our beauty!

Time to unlock the handcuffs and allow ourselves to truly blossom in all of our beauty!

So much has happened in the last few days that my heart is soaring. I have had months of stillness and comfort, being rooted in a home, all my needs met within a few steps……the simple joy of having a kitchen, zen like nature filled backyard, hot tub to soak in, couch to lie on, fireplace to warm me.  I have savored these moments after the years of moving about in my car with short stays with others or alone in my tent. I felt the winds of movement begin to blow in early February, knowing my task of healing the family unit, had been completed. My former hubby and I have come back to love, respecting and honoring one another for all the parts we have played over the years, with and for one another. Such gratitude for this!

My mind wanted to engage with the “Where next?” idea but my heart said, “Wait. Allow it to come to you.” Allow myself to be moved rather than thrusting out in action. March came and went with no message. I sat or mostly lie, on the couch or the lawn and felt the earth in her movements, matching my heartbeat to hers. I traversed inner worlds that deepened my capacity for stillness and found my catching my breath in awe. Other moments, I felt flat, finished, not understanding this holding pattern I was in. As if I were in a plane, forced to circle again and again, waiting for the fog to lift so that I could touch down. Easter brought the clearing, the opening through the mist and I am ready to land myself in a new landscape. I have been watching Scottish movies, reading books set in the Irish or Scottish landscape of mists, cliffs, winds and ocean waves. Avalon has risen once again in signs all about me. Yesterday, I booked my ticket, leaving in two weeks in answer to a call for a soul group who carries the grail codes to assemble and anchor these energies anew in the earth in Scotland. Friends of the heart have come forward to welcome me in Scotland through the gift of facebook. I know that I am to meet many of my soul family there. My beloved is overjoyed that I am going and has a gift awaiting me. Three signs given of a white dress, a Scottish isle and a wedding. My heart trembles with this knowing, not allowing my mind to go into expectation mode, rather breathing in the knowing of his presence and that he will soon take form. Trusting, surrendering to divine timing. The old me would have been holding mental images of all the possibilities, the new me, sitting in my heart with his, in a state of calm. Wonder!

These blank canvases side by side spoke to my heart. I loved how the florist used the flowering branches to unite them. I felt my beloved standing next to me as our love flowers, closing the gap between us.

These blank canvases side by side spoke to my heart. I loved how the florist used the flowering branches to unite them. I felt my beloved standing next to me as our love flowers, closing the gap between us.

Mary Magdalene has brought her presence so close to mine that I can feel her heartbeat. She has told me that the Magdalenes are on the earth once again to bring forth the love and she is summoning us to remembrance. At a sound circle gathering of women, Mary Magdalene’s portrait was directly across from the seat that I chose. As she came to me at the close of the evening, asking me to get the rose perfume from my purse (of late I carry it with me as I have responded to the need to smell roses at all times) and to use it to anoint all gathered in the Order of the Rose. When I took my seat, I noticed her for the first time all evening, and her glance penetrated me fully as she directed me to anoint myself in her name. The next day in a conversation with a friend, she felt the anointing come through to her. She noticed the license plate, Avalon on the car next to her as we spoke. Oh, time and space are truly dissolving as we feel one another and recognize our oneness.

During the sound circle, one of the women brought out a wand of crystal that spiraled. I commented that it was a unicorn horn and asked her to place it on my third eye so that I could feel my unicorn, Jake’s presence. As she did so, the group began to gasp. I asked, “What?” They were seeing me as a white unicorn! One of my friends was even petting my hindquarters….the air behind me as I stood. Amazing as I felt his presence so strongly, especially how the horn felt on his third eye. At the close of the evening, they asked me to do it once again, and it happened as before. Magic! One of the women called me two days later to tell me of her sense of an affinity between the energies of a young woman and myself. The young woman and I had noted this when we had met earlier. This woman had brought the healing energies of the unicorn in, through toning. As this was relayed to me, I could feel Jake’s excitement as he said that he would sing through my voice and that the sound would be gentle and powerful. This young woman and I shared this ability to allow the unicorns to participate with us. What a gift!

A friend had given me a message from my beloved that was repeated almost word for word by two others. Two connecting in from New Zealand, from women I had not had contact with since my trip last September. Out of the blue, the messages came to awaken me to this next step. I have been working with my beloved on the inner planes and other dimensions on bringing through divine love. My beloved is a master and in accepting this knowing, I more fully embrace my own. I was told that many masters were learning from us as we explored the realms of love. We are all masters, the memories coming in now. Each of us has a gift to give, to bring forth from our hearts. The ascended masters are preparing to take form, to come in and walk this earth with us. I can see my beloved’s eyes and know that I will know him in an instant as his energy is already filling my field. We have merged our light bodies preparing for the physical reunion. The mystery of it all fills my heart.

If all of this can happen in the space of three days in my world, I sense that the outer world is about to explode in ways we cannot imagine. Breathe into your avatar heart and know yourself as a master. Allow the memories room to come in and watch the magic unfold.

April’s Movement into Love

One of favorite flower and art combos at the museum. So rich and bright, like our hearts!

One of favorite flower and art combos at the museum. So rich and bright, like our hearts!

April has arrived with much inner movement, soon to be reflected in the outer world. The Christ consciousness has anchored on the planet in many hearts and it is stirring things up. We are being asked to step out of our comfort zones and reclaim our knowing that home truly is in the heart. Just as we have been encouraged by the system to stay in one place and fill it full of material goods to placate and numb us, we have been encouraged to stay in beliefs and mind sets that kept us on the straight and narrow path. Deviation has been frowned upon as once you do make a break from the noose of society’s dictates, you become a free being. You realize how the system has been a set up to benefit a few and to enslave the masses. This is about to be blown open on a mass scale. The love, that has rained down this Easter weekend, is explosive in its power.

Change is our nature, reflected to us in the natural world about us. Nature responds and adapts to all that is around it, showing us that flow is what is important, not control nor rigidness. What is true for me today, may not be tomorrow. I have to be open to life’s beauty and allow it to call forth more from within me. My practice for this month has been to more fully allow my divinity to drive this vessel. Imagine no longer thinking about what food to eat or how to exercise your body……call on your team and higher self to inspire  you to take the actions your body desires. Our bodies are elemental beings who work with us, they were never meant to be something programmed by someone else’s set of beliefs as to what is right. Only you can know that and if you open yourself, you will find that it will clearly show you what feels good. We have been indoctrinated that if it feels good, it is suspect. Life has to be hard, doesn’t it? No pain, no gain has been preached to us until we have swallowed this belief. Hasn’t this become apparent with all the conflicting information about what is good for you? Yesterday it harmed you, today it is the thing to buy. Can’t you feel the manipulation within the food/vitamin/ exercise industry? There is no one size fits all. There is only you and your body and the relationship which you nurture. Try it, turn it over and see how you are guided. This is true for our minds and spirits as well.

My luminous self, swathed in pink jasmine vines, can't you feel it?

My luminous self, swathed in pink jasmine vines, can’t you feel it?

I have allowed my divinity to drive my mind, my spirit as well as my body. I let all of my team, my angels and guides as well as my I AM presence, take command by aligning me with my divine plan as well as the divine plan for my mother earth. They are delighted to have the opportunity to guide my way and can do so from a higher perspective, knowing much that is unclear to me. My job is to ask for their assistance, surrender to the guidance given and trust all will be well as I act on that guidance. It is so simple. Ask, surrender, act, trust. I can imagine that soon we will laugh at ever having had to “figure things out” with our minds. So much wasted energy! We are evolving into heart based beings, allowing our hearts to lead in all ways. It is such a relief! I feel so free in this newness. I realize that I am really good at this! How fun. It is our natural way of being, responding to the energies around us and flowing. Energy was never meant to be stopped up in the dam of our hearts or bodies. That is what has caused disease and pain. When we feel our feelings fully in the moment that they arrive, there is only flow. I may feel sadness and shed tears but once shed, they are gone. The pain does not linger like it once did, where I recycled it in my mind over and over, leading to feelings of despair. I can sob for a minute and be done with an emotion that I might have relived for days before. Oh, how funny that we would work to feed the pain! But I did just that, for years and years. What a prison my mind was. I kept my heart in lockdown mode, believing that kept me protected but it simply kept me from the love that I am.

I am glowing like this beautiful tree, soaking up the love of the sun.

I am glowing like this beautiful tree, soaking up the love of the sun.

April is blasting open our old belief systems and bringing a breath of fresh, spring air. How wonderful this is, I can breathe deeply of the love that permeates everything. I am free to love everything and everyone. I accept all that comes my way, no longer judging it as good or bad. I live it freely, knowing my higher self has the reins and would not lead me astray. I trust implicitly this path of awakening and the return to love. There is no other path, no other carrot for me as I fall more deeply in love with the being that I am and delight in the way my flame dances in this world. The miracle is that the more I love me, the more I love everyone! We live in a win-win universe and we are bringing that knowing to this earth once again as we co-create heaven on earth. It begins in my heart and yours. Fan the flames of love today and watch as your world is transformed. Let go the reins, sit back and enjoy the ride. It is about to get truly magical!