Snakes and Freedom

Cleaved apart!

Cleaved apart!

Awoke from a dream of a snake. I was on a boat and there were some people who were not being fed. A man and I, took it upon ourselves to make sure they got food. We had to do it in secret. I had just finished delivering the food when I heard the ones in charge, coming back. I had to get rid of the tray I carried quickly. The way open was down a passageway which was lined with snakes. I knew it was dangerous yet had to flee down it. One of the snakes attached itself to me. It was huge, it covered my entire back, holding my neck and head rigid as it began to meld into my skin. I could hardly move. I was being consumed by the snake. I found my way to the man who I had been working with. We gazed at one another. He picked up a machete and indicated that he was going to cleave the snake from me. I had the sense that I would die at his hand or the snake’s. My eyes signaled a yes to him. He used the machete in one masterful, slow stroke that peeled that snake from me. I went from terror to the most incredible freedom. It was beyond anything that I had experienced in form. FREEDOM! Unimaginable freedom. I soared and awoke with the taste of it on my tongue, the feel of it coursing through my body, the sound of it, legends of angels trumpeting. Freedom is here. We have only to open our hearts to receive it.

Today we are gifted with a super full moon. It offers us its gifts of expansion as well as an infilling. We are being filled with the knowing that we are whole, we are loved, we are all a part of the Creator’s grand plan. Unity and oneness are here.

Time to grow free and wild like the vegie patch I left behind.

Time to grow free and wild like the vegie patch I left behind.

We are stepping into a world where none will go hungry. We will no longer fear punishment for our desires and actions to see ourselves free. We are bursting from these shells of limitation on every front. It is ours to claim. A prisoner can be released from his jail cell, but he must walk out not only physically, but emotionally and mentally. He must claim his freedom in his heart and begin to live it. This is what is offered to you and to me this day. Ask for that machete, and let the old shell be sliced away. The butterflies emerge, the rainbow tribe is born. God is blessing us all and we are claiming those blessings.

Dancing in my joy, I am off to hike to some waterfalls with a couple of love beings who are hosting and loving me on this journey of weaving the liquidlovelight amongst the tribe. I love you all. Claim your own love today!