Energy waves crashing in

I am so tired I can hardly think straight! Today I was hit with a wave that knocked me flat. Sometimes it is all that I can do to get horizontal fast enough for the energy to take over. I surrender as there is nothing else that I can do. I am in awe of folks who are able to work the 8-10 hour days that are the norm in this society. I was once one of them and am deeply grateful to my higher self for this open landscape that I am in to integrate the changes that are taking place.

Strange physical symptoms are coming and going in my body as energy blockages are being cleared. First it was in my lower back, then it moved to my left hip, coming and going for a couple of days. Now it is gone completely. I felt such a profound wave of gratitude for my body elemental today. She is amazing! Kiki (yes I have a name for her and an unusual one at that) has carried me through such difficult times so now I give her anything she wants. Tonight as I walked back from the library, I stopped and bought a beet salad that I had enjoyed the other day. It was the perfect thing at the perfect time. I love when that happens. I felt that Kiki was drinking it in like an elixir as it so completely satisfied my being. Beets, feta cheese, pecans, corn and radishes…yum!

My daughter was strugggling with some physical symptoms and the worry enters in, “What if this is something serious? Should I see a doctor? What is causing this?”
Our minds enjoy playing these games. I reassure everyone I know that it is all natural. It is a sign that you are right on track. Your body is transforming with the earth. There is nothing to do about it except send love and perhaps the energy of your breath to the area of concern. Remember that we are powerful creators and we are able to shift things.

Not to say all illness is ascension symptoms but much of the new things in our bodies, are just that. I realized how I am so used to wonderful health that I do not express gratitude for it. This last little bout of aches prompted me to feel and express that gratitude to Kiki and to my Creator for my health. It also opened my heart to all those who bear chronic illnesses. I do not know how they do it. Truly it must be quite a challenge. I was able to send love to those who have agreed to bear the physical challenge in this lifetime. I am grateful it is not my burden as I do not know if I would be up to the task. I am so grateful to be suited to the task given to me. When we think of it this way, it is easy to be flooded with gratitude for where we are and for what our challenges are.

I am glad that I went on the walk tonight though I was tired. The frigid wind of the day had dropped and the crescent moon hung bright in the sky. A shiver of aliveness seemed to pass through me as I connected to her. She felt like a blessing to me. There are days here in the city where I do not connect to the land, though it is essential for me.

I passed an open calla lily, raising its creamy throat to the sky. A brown decaying gingko leaf had floated down and was caught in the throat, held there with such tenderness. I went to remove it, so as to not obscure the beauty of the open bud but something stayed my hand. I thought of the kinship present there, the lily graciously catching and tenderly cradling that decaying leaf. Somehow, I knew that our hearts are to be that open. We can tend to one another with such grace and it enhances rather than mars our beauty. I want to be less concerned with the outer appearance in my life and more concerned with the inner heart opening and shining its beauty. A friend that I have not spoken to in awhile recently wrote:
I did connect with you while I was meditating though to get a taste of your lovely expanded heart – a beautiful experience!”
How beautiful that we can connect in this way. That our hearts can continue to expand and experience more of the beauty around us. We are all so beautiful. This dear friend has one of the most beautiful hearts that I have encountered. Worlds exist in his heart.

Off to dreamland with the image of the newly birthed calla lily and the decaying gingko leaf in my heart. I too am being newly birthed in so many ways to my true self as many aspects of me are dying away. What a beautiful cycle, dropping the old, letting it decay and mulch the new growth. Yet, tenderly cradling the old aspects as they move on out.

NOTE: The picture is off a rock that had been split apart. The man who had hauled it out of the fields to be one of the sentinels on his land, had seen the beauty of what had once been whole, having been torn open. This spoke to me as the calla lily and gingko did. It reminds me that our scars and fissures are the evidence of the energies at work to open us more fully to our own beauty and divinity. I see your beauty shining bright tonight.

White birds and synchronicity

I wrote the other day about walking by a white dove on the streets in this San Francisco neighborhood. The next day I was reading and engaging in a channeling from Archangel Michael.

I always enjoy Carolyn’s meditative journeys that Archangel Michael designs. I was reading along, going into my sacred heart space, moving along the corridor to a doorway, going to a flight pad and the mode of transportation was a white dove named Annabelle. I was so delighted! Here was my white dove again. I love when the angels and our guides get our attention through synchronicities. I loved meeting Annabelle and now that I am familiar with her, I am hopping on her in my dayscape/meditation world and letting her take me wherever she thinks that I need to go. Interesting! The white dove is a sign of the feminine, maternity, peace and prophecy. I breathe that in.

The next day, I was sitting at an outdoor cafe reading and eating a delicious beet salad when this man walked by with his white cockatoo. He gladly posed for a picture. Later a friend was describing a telepathic communication that she had with Chief Golden Light Eagle. We were laughing about his adopting more sons and daughters and siblings. I had told him that forget that, I was adopting him as my grandson as he had too many of the other relations already. This friend understood that she was his mother and he was her father. Yes, we can be all things as we have had so many different lives. She had a vision with him with a white dove and then saw the ground covered with a huge bird. Its white feathers were spread all over the ground.

So the signs are happening at an increasing rate as we are being led ever closer to our truth. I read somewhere that we are “the true ones“. I loved that. I am a true one. We are here to usher in this golden era of peace. To do this, we have to be true to ourselves, honoring all parts of ourselves. No longer can we be other than who we truly are. Thank heavens!! What a relief.

I am witnessing the emotions running up and down in myself and others. I was helping my daughter shift her thinking this morning. She felt overwhelmed and some despair as she sat on the edge looking up at her new life. She finished her yoga teacher training (another tool/passion in her life kit) and now it is the how to create the new life that she desires. It looked overwhelming and the need for an income was rearing its fear based head. As we sat and talked, it became evident that searching for jobs via Craigslist and sending out resumes was the old way. She felt awful as she was doing it. So we followed that…her emotions were drawing her a map. She had made a resolution at the new year to follow her deepest heart’s desire. When the fears come up, it is easy for all of us to revert back to the old ways of dealing with them. Ok, I need to get two jobs and work harder! She is an incredibly hard worker and has often worked a number of jobs.

But in the new reality, we have to take a breath, step back and see from a new perspective and allow a new way to come forth. Where did her joyful emotions lead her? She searched that in her heart and found that the idea of her own business and being her own boss was there smiling at her. This had been her intention since the new year but the fear had begun to cloud it. Her brother had already helped her start her website, she had thought of and reserved a name. Now she began to brainstorm what she wanted to offer. What fed her soul and spirit? She loves to coach and had been running outdoor bootcamps so she knew that was a piece. Instead of getting paid a pittance, she could run her own camps. She thought of two other things that she would love to do. The yoga teaching will be coming down the road as she is practicing right now teaching classes at a studio for free till she is confident of her abilities. In a matter of 10 minutes or so, everything had shifted. Her emotions had drawn a beautiful map to her goal. We do not often get the whole map, but we get the next section shown to us. If we stay true to where we are being guided, whether it is by white doves appearing or sadness overwhelming us, we can be confident that our higher self is always in charge and leading us unerringly to ourselves, to being a “true one”.

Heart expansion

Today has been a day of such wonder. I have been alone all day yet so filled with Spirit that I am simply flying. I feel like a kite that has been tugged free and is now soaring into the pink clouds that the setting sun has illumined outside my window. Amazing how I can still connect to nature from this tiny apartment on the second floor with no views (other than then neighboring building’s walls) other than from the front room where there is a bank of windows. There is a ornamental pear tree outside the window that is just beginning to put forth its tiny white blossoms. So sweet, I was watching a large black bumblebee (you know the ones that are huge and almost furry looking) as he made his way from blossom to blossom.

Where was I? Oh yes, the heart expansion. I subscribe to a site that sends out daily messages. It is from the Circle of Light which consists of three people who live together and give of their hearts to put out the twin flame message..(time for those reunions is now) as well as words from the Creator on connecting to Her/His heart. I love the purity of their vibration. Their book on sacred sexuality speaks deeply to me. It resonates with the ideals that I know intuitively are how I want to experience physical union and lovemaking. I should mention that of the three, two are twin flames who are married and the third has total contact with her twin in spirit and he works with her daily.

Yael, who has meditated and received messages from God daily for 40 years, was directed by Jesus to offer this heart activation to anyone who desired an opening of their heart. I sent my picture and request in yesterday. Yael does not tell you when it takes place as she is not in charge, Jesus is. I know that my activation has already occurred as I am feeling such bliss. I feel connected to everything and everyone in a new way. It is so expansive. It is like moving from a duplex to a mansion by the sea! There is so much more room in my heart for this beautiful world. Please take advantage of this if you feel motivated. As our hearts expand, we can hold more light and help bring in this golden age of peace that we came here for.

Another interesting thing happened. Of course, when I find something wonderful, I want to share it with everyone that I love. I forwarded the email to my friends and then thought of my beloved Joseph, who lives in the woods off the grid without access to internet and only occasionally a phone. This is his choice as it has been his choice to not contact me for the past three months or so. I asked Yael if she could do the activation on someone who would not ask of his own accord. Could she check in with his higher self? She said that she could but needed a picture. Most of my photos are still on my son’s external hard drive as my hard drive crashed a week ago. I was given a new one by Apple (total unexpected gift as my mac is 4 years old!). So I emailed a friend who had taken pictures of Joe and I our last weekend together on 10-10-10 in South Dakota. She graciously dug them up and sent them but was concerned that I was still “so embroiled in him” and wondered about my heart hurting. I loved her for her concern for my well being but I did not feel any pain around this. I wanted to gift him with anything I could no matter what comes or does not. Whether I ever see or speak to him again…it matters not. What matters is the impulse of my heart to reach out in love. I love that about myself! For a long time, I berated myself for my heart that continued to love where it was not returned. But I am clearer in myself and understand that we are made to love. Our hearts truly cannot be turned off due to someone else’s actions. Whether he is kind or unkind… is irrelevant to my desire to love him. I love loving him. Does that make sense?

I was speaking with a friend about this. She had experienced an intense meeting with someone that still came into her awareness years later. She is married so nothing came of the encounter yet it affected her deeply. Her strategy and mine for a long time, was to try to shove the experience into a box, slam the lid and put it on a shelf in the back of the closet. Yet the feelings would come unannounced into her thoughts.

In this new landscape that we find ourselves in, we can be oh so much gentler with ourselves. My friend has found that she can allow the feelings to come and not immediately try to squelch them but rather smile and enjoy them as they pass on through. I have experienced that with my feelings for Joseph. I was meditating the other day and he popped in as he is wont to do. I had been reading a channeling from Merlin about his magic wand. Now I am a woman who never had a magic wand to play with as a little girl so I LOVE magic wands! I was twirling it about in my imagination (yes, I get up to all kinds of silliness in my meditations/daydreams) and making figure eights with it. Joe showed up and I showered him with some of the magic sparkles as I was twirling it about. He began to laugh and so did I. We were having so much fun! That was a reality that I live in. I meet him there if he shows up and wants to play. I do not hold any intention that he show up in this 3D world, I accept what is.
But I do not close myself off from the fun to be had when it is offered. The pain has gone and there is only the love. It is so delightful to me that I can feel this way.

I was telling my friend about this as we were talking on the phone. She was walking in a nature center and when I said about Joe, “Oh, I am so happy as he is so free” (he had gone through a very dark night of the soul after he asked me to leave), she heard a hawk cry out. Hawks are dear to me and have been a messenger between Joseph and I. It was very powerful and I felt that his spirit was responding to mine.

Some of the magic that is finally here. I was certain that last year was the year of the magic but it did not materialize. Now it is here and I am feeling it more every day. Sprinkles of fairy dust to you all!

Another poem: Prayer Flag

Prayer Flag

Drop down
breathe deep
A long sigh

Let the pain unfurl
like a prayer flag
offered to the wind

Swirl it about
Send it over mountain tops
Let it whip the ocean white

Rain clouds drench it
Sunlight bleach it

Unravel the threads
until tattered cloth
so soft
gathered in my hand

Lift it to the mirror
Polish it so bright

Whose shining countenance
do I see
reflected back at me?

Pain transformed
into beauty deep

This I keep

This I keep

A couple of poems

Beautiful photo courtesy of my friend, ronda. She is a gifted photographer. Love the bluey-green of the water and the bright pink of the water lily. I want to dive in and adorn my hair with it and its petals like a mermaid 🙂

Most of you know that I spent a few months on and off in a relationship with a bard. A bard being an oral poet. I never did receive a poem from him in that time…ironic isn’t it? But I did receive a gift in that my own poetry began to flow and he received many poems from me. I love that poetry is something that can help me find my way to myself when I cannot concentrate to read a book or discover another way to manage my feelings.

Here are a couple that came out on a brick stoop while I was waiting for the laundry to be done at the laundromat across the street. My daughter and I are often together and one of the fellows who lives in the building belonging to the stoop, is frequently sitting out in the sun on the top step and we are the lower stoop sitters. I have passed him on a non-laundry day and gave a greeting as I went by saying, “Not laundry day yet but see you in a couple of days if the sun is shining.” No names exchanged but we know one another.
Now back to the poems.


My heart walks beside me
as my hands dry each dish
It travels a new road that my mind
cannot follow

Through forests of green so deep
that shadows leap
and spin into sunlit valleys

Where are you taking me
I whisper
as I slot the silverware into its tray

we are going rambling
you and I

My mind jumps up to grab ahold
Come back to me

My heart smiles its secret smile
and continues on its way

We are going rambling
you and I

Pot lid stacked on its pot
dishes stacked on the shelf
hands fluid in this daily task
Cupboard doors open and close
order reigns anew

We are going rambling
you and I

Where time and separation
are seen for the illusion
and all hearts beat as one

through the heart’s eye
you and I

Not quite sure of the last couple of stanzas but there you have it. Check back tomorrow for the other poem which rang deep for me. I like the lilt of this one though…playful and happy, like I was feeling.
I love that I feel no need to perfect things, just write as it flows and trust that it is good enough. I am so gentle and loving with and of myself these days. Such peace to be in this place, not concerned with others’ reactions. Simply glad to give my heart its voice!

No kiss!

This is a painting that I did of a twin flame couple. This image of the chalice of Christ consciousness being held by the couple embodying the divine masculine and divine feminine has been in my head for almost a year. My sister is experiencing a twin flame relationship (yes, she is a powerful creator) so I wanted an image to represent that. I would add a picture of my sister but not sure if she would allow it and it is too late to call so..I am going with this.

My sister and I had a lovely conversation today. She was feeling unhappy about something that her beloved did. They are pretty new as a couple, three months or so. My sister and I were both married for 25 years with the last number of years being ones of disconnect and sorrow. So, there are plenty of old patterns and stories to release. Peggy was upset that her love had not kissed her immediately when she entered his house. He had just finished hours of shoveling snow (they are in the Chicago area which had a big blizzard) and was sweating and wet. She went to touch his hair and he backed off saying that he needed a shower. This was a double offense to her. First no kiss and then she can’t touch him! She was not feeling good. He tried to rectify the situation, when he realized her upset, with hugs and kisses but she wanted none of it. She felt sad that it seemed that she had to tell him again about how important the initial greeting was to her. She wanted this relationship to remain conscious and not slip into the old normal everyday routine interaction that she had experienced in her marriage. She did not want to be the one directing things or reminding him of things. She and I had both played those roles for so long and knew that they were not healthy. Yet she did not wish to settle for less than she desired.

She felt caught in an old pattern of getting angry yet knowing that she was tired of that way of being. The mind goes into action mode: “I will show him. I will stay away for a few days.”
It wants to figure it out. It urges immediate action. Yet there is a new way becoming clearer for us. It is the way of non-action. We can sit with our feelings, observing our mind jump through its hoops, wanting to punish the other for a perceived wrong. We know that is game playing and everyone ends up the loser. My sister was able to recognize that her relationship was amazing yet would it be amazing tomorrow? If he could already forget the greeting kiss, what would drop away next? Our mind loves to play out these what if scenerios. It does all that it can to take us out of the present moment as it knows that is where our true power lies.
By allowing some time and distance, (this can be a matter of hours to perhaps even a few breaths) an expansion can take place and something better can come to the fore. Instead of this or that, a third option can be revealed. We can use short factual statements to keep us in the present: He did not kiss me when I arrived. Period. He moved away when I tried to touch his hair. Period. We do not add judgments or perceptions. That clears the field and allows time to look around. Her love was able to tell her that he was sorry about the kiss, he had been concerned about the entryway being littered with wet towels and clothes and wanted it to look nicer for her. He had pulled away as he felt sweaty and liked to present himself to her in a state of cleanliness and order. He was definitely thinking of her in all of his actions. So the initial perception that he was taking her for granted was not true for him. His actions reflected his care for her and his desire to honor her.

We were able to laugh when I said. “It is just a little knot. There will be more little knots as you go along but you can unravel them easily.”
Peggy laughed and said, “Yes, like the magician’s string where he shakes it and all the knots just fall away.”
” Exactly! “
We had both experienced the knots turning into huge tangled balls that became bigger and bigger until it had seemed that the rope had become a hangman’s noose. We both felt that we were fortunate to escape our marriages intact.

Now we can laugh and see the little knots for what they are and even delight in them. As they are all opportunities for growth, for more closeness, for an expansion in the relationship. No need to shut down or go into the old fear mode. We can see we are right on target, moving along, creating a life that continues to be more love. Becoming more love ourselves.
Ah….the beauty and peace of this outlook. It seems strange now that we used to punish ourselves so. Now we can move to greater and greater freedom. Aren’t we so beautiful? Aren’t we so dear? Sometimes I am overwhelmed by how dear we all are. Trying so hard to be good, to do good, to express our love. I love us all and I love that my sister and I can call one another and make these shifts in perception.

Surfing the Zuvuya (Mayan: surfing the moment and its frequency

Today I intended to go to the beach and walk along the shore. As I was driving along Golden Gate Park, the green grass and trees called out to me. I kept going but finally pulled over next to the park. I could see the ocean ahead but the trees laid claim to me. I clambered over some roots and scrambled down the hillside that had invited me in with its deep shade and dappled sunlight. I found a path to follow past a fountain and pond with some ducks peacefully swimming. I passed a homeless person’s campsite tucked under a couple of trees, wound round another hillside until looking off to the left, a spot called to me. The ground was damp and I was not sure about lying on it. I turned in a circle to make sure that this was where I was to be. Huge eucalyptus trees surrounded a meadow that was partially planted with baby fir trees. There were tiny white daisies and a yellow flower poking from the earth. Various holes and piles of dirt were scattered about. Moles busy at their excavations.

I let go of the concern about the damp as I knew that I needed my whole body to connect to my Mother. I laid on the earth and relaxed as a deep peace began to fill me. Ah……a long sigh. I had so needed this. I need this daily contact and it had been too long since I had allowed myself this gift. I closed my eyes and let myself be taken in, breathing in the softness, the freshness, the aliveness. I toned my tones of love that arise when I am in this space. It feels to me that these moments are why I am here. This is my truth. This is who I am . A woman who lies on the ground and tones with her mother. Isn’t that a job description? Can you imagine a time when there will be jobs like this?
Wanted:Earth toner for city of San Francisco to maintain Golden Gate Park’s vibration of peace.

It feels that the peace is permeating everything these past couple of days…….moving through us. As I lay there, a mole poked his head out of a hole a few feet a way and peered blindly in my direction. I sat up and grapped my camera and tried to get his picture. (carrying a camera is new for me so that I can add pics to this blog) I squatted for a time close to his hole to see if he would re-emerge. He did not, there were so many other holes for him to explore that would bring him to the sunlight without a human witness. I felt blessed to have witnessed him when I did.

The other day a man walked past me on the street, naked except for his hiking boots, backpack and long flowing beard. A block further on and I almost stepped on a pure white dove sitting on the sidewalk. I had never seen this before. Had he appeared from a magician’s hat, just flown from a wedding? What was he doing at my feet on a city street?

I take it all as blessings. Blessed by the man who wanted to express himself in that way, blessed by the mole and the dove. Blessed by the gum nuts that filled my pockets from my walk. Yes, I cannot walk anywhere without collecting rocks, twigs, flowers, stems, shells, feathers. Any manner of natural thing will do that catches my eye. I take them home to lay on a table or carry them about in pockets. All are a part of the beauty of this earth life expressing itself. I felt at one with all this beauty and my heart sings its gratitude.

Clear skies again

Many of you read about my melt down the other day. I was at the end of my tether and had asked to be “beamed up” by my buddies up there. As always, the weather changes and the storm clouds passed. Last night I was reading that there had been two solar flares on the evening that I was in deep despair. The article stated that it created feelings of hopelessness in sensitives. Now why did that make me feel better? It gave a framework for the energies which had felt so out dated and old yet there I was, stuck in the middle of them. I could now point to an exterior reason for my interior state. It reminded me of times before my menstrual cycle when I would feel extra sensitive and upset. When my period arrived shortly thereafter, I would feel such relief. I am not crazy!! I only felt crazy 🙂 It was my hormones sending my emotions into a tailspin. Thank God.

This last experience helped me to see that I no longer have to sit or be stuck in the energies. I can let them pass through me and transmute them into light. I believe that is what we are being asked to do more and more. Our Mother Earth is releasing the dense energies that have permeated her skin. We have dense energies stored in our bodies that are coming up for release. As we clear our lower bodies of the old patterns of heaviness, we help clear hers. I love how this works! We are the microcosm for the macrocosm.

I want to be more tuned in to the solar flares and solar winds that are active on our planet as well as the moon cycles. Fortunately there are people who know these things and report on them. Tom Kenyon just put out a beautiful article on the current solar winds and how to best navigate and make use of them. Energies of light are streaming into our planet and our hearts, helping us to awaken and realize who we are. I intend to be the still point and let the energies move through me and on out now that I have had a heads up as to what is taking place.

I almost said, “Hopefully” I can be the still point. I used this word when I was speaking to Chief Golden Light Eagle the other day and he took me to task. He said, “You are a teacher. You must be aware of your words. Hopefully does not bring you anything from the universe. It does not respond to hopefully.” He is right and I do know this and am grateful for the reminder. Our words and thoughts do create and I need to be more mindful of what I choose to create. We are masters and after eons of training, it is time to step up and intend and command into being the world that we wish to live in.

I am so grateful that I am in it with all of you beautiful masters!


Coming out of a couple of difficult days into the sunshine of spring today. The weather does effect me. Friends have likened me to a plant that needs sunshine for photosynthesis. It is true! Today the sun was shining and I went for a walk with my daughter. We saw trees in bloom that lifted my heart. It is so amazing the way the delicate blossoms can emerge from the rough craggy branches. Seems impossible to me. How do those papery, fragile blossoms come from that rough exterior?

It made me think of our hearts and how they can become hardened and craggy. Yet they can bloom anew with an infusion of love. Love can open the most hardened hearts and allow the softness to flow again. The tiny tendril of love can begin its work, opening up and softening the heart as it grows and blossoms.

We are in a time of heart opening. The planet is being infused with so much love from our universal brothers and sisters. Our hearts are expanding and creating more room in our beings. I actually feel mine physically expanding in my chest. I can feel the contractions as it works to grow with these new energies. There is more room for me to go inside and pull up a seat. I like hanging out in there, looking around at the colors, meeting my higher self and other visitors. I can find a resonance with Mother Gaia’s heart from here. I love tuning into her heartbeat. She is so beautiful and it makes me happy to feel connected on such a physical level.

The line that has played in my head for the past year is: Let your heart light shine.
We can all walk around and turn on our heart lights! We are all in need of heart light. It is as important or more so, than sun light. Everywhere we go, we can visualize our heart’s light shining ahead of us, waking people up to their own beauty, their own goodness. See it shining out, moving through the craggy exteriors that people can present to warm the fragile buds waiting to bloom in each one’s heart.

Don’t you love that idea? That we can be nourishment to one another? We can provide heart light! Who knew? We aren’t really taught this. We can gift one another with an essential nutrient for our growth and well being. So come on people…all together now……

Turn on your heart light!

Mother Mary

I have been a Mother Mary girl all my life. I fell in love with her during my Catholic upbringing. I only came to love my name last year, at the age of 54 years. It suddenly dawned on me that Linda Marie, which seemed so common for the 1950’s, was actually the perfect name for me. Linda means beautiful and of course, Marie is one of the forms of Mary. I am a beautiful Mary! The women who gathered around Mary during the time of Jesus were called Marys.

So…I was gifted with a small unusual rock from my rock man. It is so tiny, less than an inch in height. It was so strange the way it was formed. I immediately thought of a shrine for Mother Mary. I told him that I would have to make a tiny clay figure of her to place inside of it. I could hear my girlfriend laughing in my head as she would tease me that she feared if I had access to old bathtubs, I would plant them in the ground to create Mother Mary shrines. We have all seen them, painted sky blue with the statue of Mother Mary placed inside.

I was holding my small rock and thinking about the shrine. I found an medal of Mother Mary that I had rescued from an old jewelry box. I pealed the metal backing off of the ceramic painting of Mother Mary. It was a tiny bit too wide for the rock opening. I placed some gold foil inside the cavity of the rock and by slightly bending the painting, I was able to get Mother Mary situated in the rock. It totally made my day! I love her! So tiny and so perfect. It is my miniature shrine, very handy for traveling.

A little bit of creativity goes a long way to pleasing this heart of mine. I have to remember this daily as the act of creation is so satisfying.