These days with Mount Shasta continue to be so full. I am expanding and expanding in her/his light. I drove to the end of the road this morning to commune with the energy. I hiked up a ways till I came to a rock that was carved to fit my body. I sat and closed my eyes and allowed the mountain to fill me. My open palms began to tingle as they were filled with violet light. The energy moved to my lips that felt alive with the kiss that a gentle breeze pressed close. I laughed at being kissed by a mountain but was assured that it was true. I have taken the mountain inside of me as I surrendered to her/his wisdom.
I was shown that I now carry the mountain’s energy in a new way. I will move as a mountain and wherever Spirit directs my path, I will bring the anchoring, steady presence of deep peace and unwavering strength. Those who know me, know my Spirit can be bubbly and quick but this is a new infusion that is gracing my life. I can feel the chaos storm clouds in the air but I am to tone my tone and anchor deep within the mountain’s air that now moves with me. There are many mountains in the land, this deep anchoring occurring for a tribe of us who came here to hold it all as the tension grows. Our hearts are mighty and our roots strong as we put forth our song that all is well and all will be well in this world of ours. We are holding open the ascension gates for the masses to pass through. Many are yet unaware that there be gates at all but soon their hearts will show them where to turn.
The excitement is building as my heart shows me the truth beyond the surface chaos. We are moving into the time of creating our deepest desires through our hearts’ fire. We each add our piece as we imagine the world that we wish to live in. Dream big! This is our time. A friend called to ask my opinion of an opportunity that came to her. Her heart felt joy filled excitement as she took it in. Later her head began its dialogue of the old work ethic; you must stay in one place, establish yourself, slowly build your business by being responsible and dependable. It takes time, you cannot be running off to take a joy break!
Yes, this has been true in our past but no longer holds. We are creating through our joy, truly it is by living in the moments and filling each one to the brim with our joy, that we bring through our dreams. We are being asked to create in an entirely new way. I have no rule book, there are no guidelines to follow of how to work this magic. Yet, I know that this ability is mine and each day look forward to practicing my craft, grateful for Spirt that cares for my body’s needs. We are encoded to evolution and are ever moved on that path. In each day, there are opportunities for joy, it depends so on the lens you choose to wear. I have always been a rose colored glasses kind of gal!
And what of our hearts’ desires? Many teach how to use the law of attraction to bring material things. As most have discovered, things do not happiness bring. I have dropped the word money and speak of it all as energy, abundance. I open myself to receive abundance on every level. I go into the feeling of what I want and see myself living in a place where each person I meet is one who can look deep into my eyes and our hearts can commune in the sweet music of home. Where all are loved and valued for their unique tone. Where my heart leaps up each morning with the sun, eager to see love manifesting in all things. Knowing all are cared for, there is no want. Co-creating our vision of Eden reborn. Feeling loved in every fiber of my being and being that love in the world. Knowing that I am seen as I see others for their truth and their light. No outer appearances to deceive as all is known in this radiant light. As a people, we all share the basic desire to be loved and to love. To know our place in our tribe, to add our note to the song. We have let go of things and search for the feelings found in peace and lovelight.
May your moments be filled with the love that wells inside. Each of us has been blessedwith this well of love. It may take drilling and clearing and you may have to go deep. But rest assured, the well is there, ready to be tapped so that you can drink in the liquid lovelight. An elixir so rare, hidden so near. Who knew? Dive in, drink deep and share this light.