Time for Forgiveness Between the Sexes

The rose can be a symbol for the masculine as well as the feminine heart. We are all love, that is our truth.

The rose can be a symbol for the masculine as well as the feminine heart. We are all love, that is our truth. I want to thank my friend, Bev, for honoring the request of her roses that they be included in a blog. Aren’t they stunning?

Women have adopted a cultural belief that men cannot be depended upon. They often react in one of two ways: by shaming or bullying the man for his former transgressions, whether personal or familially, or giving away their power to the man in an attempt to feed his ego as the one in charge. Neither path leads to freedom.

In truth, it is the path of the feminine to lead the masculine into following and supporting her intuition and knowing. Each has their place, their way of moving that is empowering for both, a win win relationship .
Many women hold a great deal of resentment and anger towards the masculine, and many men are afraid to put down the shields with which they have guarded their hearts. Who is to go first? Both are called to be brave, courageous and lay down their burdens. Women must hold their men in a field of love that allows the shame of past actions to be dissolved. Yes, the woman is called  to be this love. Not concerned with whether it is deserved or not, it is. We are all deserving of love and it takes moving beyond the daily perspective to a wider viewpoint to truly see this. Our men have lived under a burden of shame for their past warrior roles and have no templates from which to guide them in the new way. They wish to express the pain in their hearts for their collective role but have been denied an opening by the feminine. Many retreat into addictions as a way of trying to ease their pain.
Yes, the feminine heart carries great pain for the centuries of patriarchal abuse that has left her disempowered and afraid to speak her truth. This has created a standstill that has gone on long enough. It is time to break this deadlock of blame and shame. Women, it falls to us to take the first step in reconciliation. We have the power and wisdom of our mother to draw on.
Men must be willing to become warriors of the heart, dropping their shields and allowing themselves to feel fully, to cry, to express their emotions without restraint in order to get in touch with their own hearts. This will lead them to honor the hearts of the women.
Women have to allow the men room to play their protector, shielding role. Men need to listen to the hearts and knowing of their women without judgment and to support her in walking her truth. Women want to be supported to flow their feminine knowing without being questioned by a logical male mind. Men want to be free to protect and support without feeling less than or overpowered by their females. They wish to use their strength to guard their women and children. Women want to be recognized for their intuitive wisdom and to flow their gifts of knowing to the earth and their families. They desire to be supported by the strength of their men so that they may move in the fluidness which is their nature.
Ultimately, this will lead to the inner balance that we all seek, of our inner masculine and feminine working in harmony. I have experienced the joy and freedom that comes when I held a field of love for the men in my life. Shame melted away, allowing the ray of healing to penetrate the heart. Distances and misunderstandings melted as each was able to view the other free from blame or judgment. It is a process, it takes time and effort to be fully present in the now. There can be no viewing of the other through the lens of the past, as that is what keeps the deadlock entrenched. Instead, it is a moment by moment practice to see the divine one another, to recognize that we are all doing our very best in each moment and to allow grace to flow between us. Call upon your angels to melt your own and others hearts with liquidlovelight and witness the magic that is possible. Let there be no more divisions, let us gift our children a new template of harmony between the sexes where each is honored for the gifts they bring. The new age is upon us, it behooves us to not delay.


Wesak Full Moon Offers a Gift for All

The sun doing what it does, beaming lovelight to us on the Isle of Skye

The sun doing what it does, beaming lovelight to us on the Isle of Skye

This weekend, we are offered an amazing gift by our moon. There is a full moon lunar eclipse, called the Wesak moon as Lord Buddha presides in this month of May. We have not been raised to pay attention to the moon and sun, we simply accept that they are there doing their job, day in and day out. It is time to change this relationship and see it for the wonderous one that it is.

Our sun has been opening us with major solar flares these past few days. Her  rays have streamed in as liquid lovelight (yes that is where the image and wording came from) that enters our beings and loosens all that is not love. You may have found yourself irritable, anxious, or panicky. All normal responses to the release of stuck emotions. Please see this as the gift that it is and allow the emotions to flow through you. Do not hold to them or claim them as who you are. Simply enjoy the “love flush” and let all the old fears and sorrows and griefs and grievances to float away. Remember to thank the sun for her gift to you! She likes to be acknowledge just as we all do.

On Saturday, as the beautiful full moon shines down upon us, speak to her and tell her that you release all that no longer serves you. State, “I let it go!” You can let it go with love. Then ask for her gift, the gift of opening you to more of your divinity. She is offering it but as is the case in this life, we must ask for it. Please do, she is so wanting to gift you and me and all of us. Remember to thank her as you bathe in her light.

I do not have a recent photo of the moon but this ceiling made me sing "Glory to God"  in gratitude.

I do not have a recent photo of the moon but this ceiling made me sing “Glory to God” in gratitude.

All of life conspires to assist us but we must do our part by asking, by showing gratitude and appreciation and by honoring ourselves, one another and all of nature that surrounds us. LIfe is beautiful and the magic is there if you are willing to reach for it. I will be dancing in the moonlight, would love to see you there!

Weaving with the Mountains on the Way to the Isle of Skye

On the drive to Skye

On the drive to Skye

The eclipse kept me awake till the wee hours of the morning. I was being picked up a mere three hours later so I did not have a large reserve of energy. My friend had felt a route call out to the isle of Skye that involved some backtracking and circuitous routes. The mountains are either side of us were happy to have my toning, in fact they passed the message along that we were on our way and they stood eager to feel our energies. I felt the chambers underneath open and the sound connected to openings in the mountains of Tibet. Light language flowed out from my voice in new tones. There was an area where the mountains had been disagreeing, holding to separateness, much like parts of humanity. All were asking for love, to remember their truth of oneness. I entered an altered state and toned for what felt like hours as we flowed along, weaving lovelight through the valleys and deep underground. I felt our Galactic family from space, our Agarthan family from the inner earth, the elemental kingdoms flowing with us, all there to bring through the oneness and love.

By the time we arrived at our destination on Skye, I was shattered. I felt a few moments of fear move through me. I so emotional as the energies were so big and my vessel felt so small for the task I felt myself called to. I wondered at finding myself in a new place, with new folks, wanting something familiar that I could hold onto. Nothing came but once the energy released with a few tears, I knew that a night’s sleep would bring me renewal.

The day dawned beautiful and bright. The views from the house are imagemagnificent. I felt called down by the water, to work with the cliffs along the edge. Three of us found ourselves climbing up the cliff. Two of us headed to a door we could see in the rock face. The other went to another spot she felt called. I remembered the song that I sang to open that doorway from another time. The rock radiated heat and a feeling of deep peace. I felt called to lay on the ground in front of it as we were being given codes and our energies were spiraling with those of our brothers and sisters on the other side of the doorway. Joy coursed through my veins as we both felt suspended in a space of no time. We did eventually climb down, an almost vertical drop. We drove on to Kilt rock, a place with a rushing waterfall falling down the cliff. The railing that held you back from the cliff was made of pipes with a tiny hole  at the top where the wind rushed through. It sang an incredible song, as teh wind here is a force. They tell me that it often reaches speeds over 100 miles an hour! Not for the faint hearted, this isle. Druid lifetimes came back into view as we recognized one another from another age. I found myself standing with my arms outstretched, the wind pushing against me, threatening to knock me off my feet. I laughed, recalling this vision of myself in Scotland, standing thus, from a month ago when the knowing came that I was to return to this ancient land to enact my ancient role.


Feeling the magic of Findhorn

Feeling the magic of Findhorn

Hello all! I am grateful to all who have continued to check in for posts that have not appeared! This whole trip has been a new experience for me as I seem to be floating in a dreamscape. Ease and grace have been my companions and my heart is so grateful. I have had little access to the internet and have been challenged to use this tiny ipad device. My guidance has been pretty strong about me having little time to post blogs or communicate through the internet. My inner being has been jealously claiming all of my being that it can for the inner work that I am doing n this land. My brain turns to mush after about 10 minutes of answering emails or trying to connect on facebook. So I will write as long as the energies allow this morning.

I am sitting in the Blue Angel cafe in Findhorn, an intentional community on the north coast of Scotland. More and more, I feel the ancient soul of this land and that it holds so much magic and many secrets from our past. My ancient Celtic soul has awakened and she takes me deep into times past as I walk through ruins of cemeteries, chapels and castles……the C’s! There is a poetry present in the landscape that sings in my heart. The earth feels so alive with the energies of fairies and magical beings. The mists and overcast skies seem to be a part of it all as nothing is quite clear, rather appearing in a softened light. My body feels underwater, moving slowly, sleeping deeply and dreaming broadly.

The meditation center

The meditation center

Many faces here appear elf like to me and my face seems familiar to many as I am told over and over that someone knows me from somewhere. Yes, I reply, you do. Our souls know one another from another time. I have been blessed with companionable companions on my journey, weaving our heartlights as one. I read the autobiography of Dorothy MacLean, called Memoirs of an Ordinary Mystic. I was very impressed with the dedication that she and the other two founders of this community, displayed. Dorothy wrote: “I must choose to be in my own wholeness, to be one with God, and from there resonate with the Divine aspect of a plant or any other being I wish to contact. This means going into the deepest love that I know, for it is love that connects us with the rest of life.”

She was able to connect and receive messages from the devic kingdom of the plants and land as well as the individual plants. I am inspired to seek this connection with the land. Dorothy is still a resident of this community, now in her nineties, she is seen taking slow walks about the place. Her work lives on as the community continues to attune to their own inner nature as well as the land about them before they begin any work. There are many who came here as young ones and remain as elders, guiding the community as it evolves with the times.

view from my seat in the cafe

view from my seat in the cafe

imageMary Magadelene is calling me to work with women to open their throats and speak their truth.  We have been shy about sharing our gifts as the memories of the persecution and suffering, arises in our cells. It is time to move past those memories, to clear our cells and bodies of the trauma and let our hearts fly free. I open myself, and discover that the divine feminine flows through with ease, to assist the other with relaxing their jaw and allowing the sound of each one’s truth to come forth.

I am feeling my note and sounding it with greater clarity and joy. I am weaving your heartlights with mine as I create a new tapestry of light to overlay that of ancient times. We are such bright ribbons, it is a joy to weave our colors and sounds together. I love each of you as myself.