Embracing the Dark Side

My walk by the river, drinking in peace.

My walk by the river, drinking in peace.

After nights of dreams where I was witnessing torture, feeling myself inside the torturer, the victim and the torturer’s leader, this morning’s dream recall was of the more magical variety. I am appreciative of the torture dreams as I have spent the past few weeks deep in the darker underbelly of this duality, seeking to understand it so that I can bring all of it back to love. I read Alice Walker’s latest book: The Cushion in the Road: Meditation and Wandering As the Whole World Awakens To Being In Harm’s Way. It is a series of excerpts of her writing of the past few years as she witnesses many of the horrors that we, as the human race, have inflicted upon one another. My heart opened anew as I sought to understand how the human psyche could devise and enact such treatment of one another. As I explored this gruesome territory, seeking understanding of the deep wounding and disconnection that would allow any of us to engage in such acts, I came to see the seeds present within myself.

It is easy to discount such behavior as it is so far on the desperate end of the spectrum that we allow ourselves to turn our heads. I know that has been my way. There were vibrations that I did not allow, violence of any kind, horror, suspense. I have never been a news watcher nor a fan of much but Pollyanna type movies. Images are hard for me to remove which is why books are my medium. I like to create my own softer imagery.

Yet of late, I have read a sci fi series by Dan Simmons: Hyperion that my elder son suggested whose covers have gruesome images which would have been enough to put me off in the past. I am so glad that I went beyond the exterior to glean the jewels of understanding its pages offer, of this matrix we have been living in. By exploring the depths of depravity that we are capable of, I more fully understood the power of love that we hold.  It has been an expansion that allows me fuller access to what it is to be human.

Duality on this planet is at its end. We are witnessing its collapse all about us. We came to be a part of this dismantling. We came to bring unity consciousness. We came to demonstrate the force that is love and how it can melt all back to its embrace. The question is how do we do this in our day to day lives?

We are as gentle as these fawns,  trusting in life.

We are as gentle as these fawns, trusting in life.

We have been conditioned to be cruel judges of ourselves, meting out harsh punishments and judgments to our bodies, our pysches. We are trained to judge everything and everyone as good or bad, to rail against and fight for. We have no training in peace. In acceptance of what is without a need to judge it or categorize it. No training in love of this body which has its own consciousness and is here to serve us. Do we take the time to ask it what it wants? What would it like to wear this day, what would it like to eat in this moment, how would it like to move? Instead we are like generals giving orders, I am vegan, I only eat this, I am overweight so I must whip myself all day, movement only counts if it is in the form of an exercise routine. Even the word, routine is a clue…… can we remain present in a habitual routine? It makes us into robots, not allowing ourselves the freedom to be made anew each day. We have given up our role as explorers, discovering new things about ourselves each day. Yes, it takes more conscious awareness to open to what is present rather than default to a routine. It is also where the juice is, the aliveness, the joy.

We are  moving from a black and white world to one of radiant color. To make this move, we have to begin within ourselves. All around are the clamors of war, pain, suffering, and calamity. Can we allow all that and go to a place where all is well? Trees are helpful for this, as is a flower, anything in nature can provide the path to peace. If we desire peace on earth, the end of strife, which I believe we all do, can we find that place inside of us? Try sitting and imagining that all is well. All your issues have been handled, your problems solved, your desires satisfied. You are free to feel joy. You know yourself as loved by all of creation. You know yourself as love. You are at peace. Breathe that in. Allow that feeling to wash over you like liquid lovelight. I bathe myself in it often as a reality check as the world impinges upon my being. This will do more for peace on earth than many outer activities. There is a place for action but what we were not told, was the power of our state of being. When our hearts are at peace, we discover the power that Gandhi harnessed by his nonviolence movement. That Martin Luther King spoke of in his I Have a Dream speech.

I feel that I have grown up in these past weeks as I allowed myself to stand in vibrations that formerly scared me. When I claim love as my truth, I know that all that is not that, melts in its path. By exploring the darker realms, I have welcomed back parts of myself that I sentenced to outer Siberia. My anger, my hardness, my desire to hurt in revenge…..I have thanked them for protecting me in the past. I have commuted their sentences and welcomed them back with a love bath. They are dissolving in that love and are so grateful to be called home.

Nature loves the pink lovelight like I do.

Nature loves the pink lovelight like I do.

It is time for us to be the peace. Shower yourself with this love and feel how it moves from you to all of our brothers and sisters in Syria and Egypt and Palestine and across the globe. We are one people. Every thought on my part, affects everyone. If I want to live in a peaceful world, I must come to know all is well in my world. So many of us are blessed with food and shelter, what we are told are our basic needs. Yet we often starve ourselves of love. Lovingkindness to oneself. Sit and allow that love to be present. When we know ourselves as love and our hearts as true, we can change this world. It is up to each of us to be that love and be that change that we so desire. Peace begins in your heart and mine. Be gentle and oh so tender with yourselves this day. I treat myself like a newborn, not minding the messy diapers and spit up and all the rest of being human…..it is a part of our glory. Embrace it all, embrace yourself. You are so beautiful and you are so loved. Let’s get on with creating this lovely world that we wish our children and grandchildren to live in. I begin today with my heart, with my gentle voice in my head, with allowing my body to choose her clothes and breakfast. I am radiating all is well. I am knowing myself as blessed. I am knowing myself as love incarnate. I am knowing your beauty. I am claiming mine.





The Peace Portal Approaches

A heart with wings, the clouds echoing how I feel!

A heart with wings, the clouds echoing how I feel!

This is a holy week for me. I feel drawn further in to my own source, my own light. I feel reverence for all of life, for all of us for the journey that we have been on. All is about to change. My cells are doing a wild dance of freedom as my exterior presents the glassy sheen of a still pool. All is in harmony. All is truth. All is well.

I have not written in ages as there was nothing to say. Words, empty vessels that no longer held the truth that I felt. I could not pour this aliveness into any form. Rather, I have lived it, drank it, breathed it, been consumed by it. Surrender is easy to write, harder to live. I was called to this inward time by Sophia, my I AM presence. Linda struggled with some of it as I had to cancel plans with others and let go of connections that my personality desired. I had to face a fear that I would not emerge from this hermit life. I did not know if or when I emerged, if there would be anyone left to dance with. This was hard. I have honed my surrendering skills in the past few years but each layer demands a new level of letting go. Ultimately, all the personality concerns melt as to not follow the promptings of my soul would be the most difficult choice of all.

I read of others living in joy and feeling passion arise for new things. I felt no passion in any outward sense though a passion for freedom inflamed every atom in me. Freedom for us all to sing our song, to see our own beauty, to know our place in the cosmos. Oh, yes, that is a flame of passion in me, to see liquidlovelight pouring everywhere with its freeing grace.

I love the stark contrast of the burnt log and the vibrant pink, decay and growth present in each moment. This is life.

I love the stark contrast of the burnt log and the vibrant pink, decay and growth present in each moment. This is life.

I had experienced all that I desired of this earthly plane and wanted more, oh, so much more. A theme of my life, wanting more than was in the offing. I am a visionary, holding the image of the what is to come, moving the goal post further afield so as to assist in this evolutionary cycle. It is so reassuring to realize that our innate nature, once judged as wrong, is now ours to claim as who we are. Of course, I was always pushing for more, that is the role that I agreed to play.

Surrender I did and the earth took me deeper into her core. She offered to entrain me to her heartbeat. I was to become a tone for the new that is arising. A tone with no sound that reverberates far and wide. It was a process that has taken all of me as there are no half measures offered. On the surface, my body rested. I was shown how my environment was perfectly suited for my needs. It was a safe place for my body to be while my spirit soared wide and deep. It offered me physical comfort and ease, allowing me to be fully present with the task at hand with little popping out to tend to outer requirements. A gift that my higher self created for me at this time. I was not to dilute it.

We have been engaged in almost frenetic activity under the surface, getting much in place for this portal of August 25th when the planets and sun gift us with a influx of love and light. Each morning, I awaken to the tone of more hearts opening to their own beauty, their tones  sounding strong and true. I feel giddy with this energy as I sense that soon the newness I crave, will be here. That we will laugh that we ever knew anything but radiant health, that we engaged in separation based on skin color or economics. That we believed that we were powerless to create our lives. That we believed in anything but love.

Tending the flame of my heart deep in the earth. This is my now.

Tending the flame of my heart deep in the earth. This is my now.

It is a grand letting go as we remove our old robes and choose the robes that truly fit our essence. A person dear to my heart, recently had a direct experience of the divine in the middle of a pain filled night. This light coming in has challenged our physical vessels in so many ways. All the density is being cleared, to make room for this mighty waterfall that is about to cascade upon us. What a gift this is! Yet it can feel frightening when the pain seems to be the only reality. In that sacred moment, he went through the portal the pain offered rather than resisting it, and he knew himself as whole, as well in body and spirit. He knew himself as the beloved son, so dear to the Creator. He was gifted with a nakedness that shone only light. In the days following, he had the opportunity to decide if he would clothe himself in any of his old shirts, old labels of who he thought himself to be. The temptation is strong to cover ourselves quickly, lest we feel the chill of the air which exposes our vulnerability to the world. Can we stand in that nakedness and allow the not knowing of what to choose, to be? Can we ride the pain and see where it takes us without seeking middle of the night internet queries to put a label on it and contain it? Can we stand in the winds of fear and let the tears come? Can we befriend the moment and breathe into the bodily restrictions without seeking a way out?

Our bodies hold our wisdom. Listen and allow and they will take you on a journey of self discovery. They are the book to open in the night, when the stars are shining and the pain is speaking in loud tones. They are communicating, asking us to listen. I see so many who are ill this week, their bodies creating the opening to rest and stillness that allows this new energy a place to land. My friend is tentatively trying out this new perspective, of allowing himself to be taught a new language by his body.

I love how loved we are. I love how the universe conspires to move us always to our higher expression of self. I love the selves that are emerging, naked in our glory, knowing ourselves as suns. Breathe in whatever is there for you, knowing you are in your perfect place, all situations in  your life have been created by you and for you. Know that you are loved beyond our wildest imaginings of what love is. Feel it and sing it. I will be feeling and singing it with you.

Here is a link to info about the peace portal and how you can participate: http://sacredascensionmerkaba.wordpress.com/2013/08/19/the-grand-sextile-august-25th-the-solomon-s-seal-theme-transformation-pleiades/