Solar Flares Lighting Our Hearts Home, Eclipse Here We Come!

Our beautiful sun which loves us so. I am soaking up all Helios and Vesta are offering us.

Our beautiful sun which loves us so. I am soaking up all Helios and Vesta are offering us.

I have no idea who I am. The energy, from all the X class solar flares we are experiencing, is magnifying everything we no longer need. The dross of our lives is disappearing under the benevolent rays of our dear sun. It is as if the sun is holding up a huge magnifying glass over us to burn away all of our warts. The higher vibrating light pulls up the lower vibrations of trauma and pain that we stored in our being. It is all being cleared out, a bonfire of pain and suffering releasing. It is a blessing yet can feel like anything but. The body struggles to stay upright. Mind lapses, starting something only to find I have lost my thread. I sit there in confusion, what was I doing? How does any of this activity make sense? Waves of sadness, grief, despair, excitement, joy, roll in and then out. Heat overwhelms me in flashes and chills find me running for my shawl. Hot tea, cold water, nausea, head pressure, a level of fatigue that puts me back to newborn status so that caring for myself becomes a full time job. Jitters, a revving up inside while being in slow motion outside. There is no center point, no ground to stand upon. It feels like a free fall and there is no landing target to align to.  I know to surrender and allow myself to rest in solitude and quiet. To simplify my days down to the bare essentials and breathe. The energies demand this level of attention.

What is new for me in this now, is this intense yearning for more of myself. I am so wanting reunion with all aspects of me. This wanting and missing has me in tears. It is something I have not felt before and I am witnessing it with curiosity when I can move out of the clutches of the heartache to observe it. I did not know there was more to miss but my heart has come alive with this knowing of the all that is a part of me. We are at the end of separation. We have followed the outbreath of the Creator to its farthest shore and are now being called Home. My heart is responding to the beaconing light from home. All that matters is to follow that light back to its source… Source. I can feel the other aspects of myself, on other dimensional timelines and some here in this one, yearning to merge once again into the truth of our I AM presence. My heart knows that we are one. It is not clear to me who they are nor where these aspects reside. My heart feels their absence as surely as my mother’s heart can feel any of my children’s hearts. It is an ache like no other. It is for the beloved, the I AM, the wholeness, the Father and the Mother, all rolled into one.

Spiraling ever closer to myself in each moment. It does not allows feel that way as the orbit can send me far away yet swings back again to center.

Spiraling ever closer to myself in each moment. It does not allows feel that way as the orbit can send me far away yet swings back again to center.

This weekend’s solar eclipse feels like a trigger to launch me more fully into union with the All. I am opening myself to receive all the gifts that it brings. All the desirings of my heart boil down to one note……unity. Wholeness. Oneness. I desire to melt into my Mother’s/Father’s embrace of love. To experience the magnitude of the light that I AM. To swim in the sea of unity consciousness with my brothers and sisters. To know the truth of oneness with every cell of my being, rather than with my mind’s belief in it.

I AM ready! I AM ready for this union with myself and all of creation. My heart has become a lighthouse beaming a signal back to the Creator, yes, it shouts in a morse code of light, YES, I hear the call and I am coming. I am coming home. My heart is a tractor beam of love, locked on its course. I am going home. I am uniting with my I AM presence in this body. This body is a chalice through which all of heaven can touch this beautiful jewel of a planet that is our mother. I open to this. I am this. All walls have come down. There is only this pulse, this beat of my heart, this tone, this beam of light. I can hear it, feel it, sing it, dance it, writhe with it, cry with it, expand with it.

My eyes have had trouble focusing, as I adjust to seeing our own light radiating so bright.

My eyes have had trouble focusing, as I adjust to seeing our own light radiating so bright.

Who knew we were the stargates? The portals to the universe. The All contained within our heart space. I sit and watch the flames of my heart and am awed. We are here, at the edge of the frontier, reporting back our experiences. Our grandchildren will read these stories of what it was like to feel separate and alone and they will see us as heroes, courageous and wild. I sit (or rather lie) and hold vigil over this heart of mine. I watch the flames as they leap and spark as the old is burned away. I welcome the rawness as the husks fly like fireflies in the sky. To step into that flame and be shot into the sky like a rocket, exploding into the light that I truly am. Courage is called for to let go of all boundaries and allow ourselves to soar. I see the night sky streaming with our lights. What a lightshow we are creating!

Emotional Release Leaves Me Limp and Grateful


This guy showed up on the arm of my chair, to teach me how to view life from a new angle.

The past few days lined up in my world as an oracle/astrologer predicted. Oraclereport.comI like her take on the planets, giving them personalities in a way that feels very relatable to me. It has been a time of emotional purging as the planets lined up to assist us in our clearing.  I am grateful as I desire for my cells to be full of lovelight and that can only happen if they are not carrying anything else.

Betrayal….I have been shown how it has been a part of every significant love relationship that I have had in this life. This thread has been the warp and woof of my life. I created it for a reason. Now that I have done so much weaving, I can observe the pattern it has made and learn from it.  I have been immersed in its energy and pain as I felt it all like a white hot poker in my heart. It is amazing how the feelings can arise with such ferocity. It is not as if this were the first time I had allowed them release. My mind wants to jump in with that information but I will not play that game any longer. Yes, I have felt these feelings before. Yet here they are again so there is another layer to experience. As they came flooding out, I felt almost overcome with a searing rage and sorrow.


So many painting projects! Each color holding a world of memory for me to walk through.

I love how my dear, Sophia, my I AM presence, sets me up for growth. My younger son wanted to clear out the tool shed and configure it into a more useful space for his art framing. It had been accumulating stuff for over 20 years and was a mess. I decided to assist him in this, wanting him to have this space. This put me back into the old track of powering through to a goal. It took three days to empty everything, clean it and patch the holes in the walls where rodents had found entrance. It was hard physical work as well as emotional as old projects and objects where unearthed.

There was the set up: building containing the past, high degree of physical labor called for, days worth of a project, former partner absent yet directing from the phone while I labor in the field. All leading me to use my energy in my former way of cutting through with my will, pushing myself from task to task like an automaton. Amazing how I fell back into that way of moving that has become foreign in the past few years. Yet it was a perfect formula as physical exhaustion led to emotional fraying led to Cinderella complex surfacing with her victim mindset. Some part of me is aware of all of this and feels gratitude while the rest of me ends up yelling, crying and stomping about. A tear storm that sweeps me along as the heated emotions find release. It is interesting how the physical clearing out mirrors the inner clearing that we are doing. No wonder so many of us have felt the compulsion to clear our closets and spaces, opening up more interior landscapes.

IMG_4879My son and I went out to a movie and dinner last night to celebrate the new space within the shed and within my heart. This morning after getting up to view the stars, I fell back asleep and dreamt of the defining betrayal in my life. It was raw and harsh, pulling me out of sleep in order to take a breath. Now, after getting up for the day, I sit here with my coffee and slice of peanut buttered toast and feel peace. My heart feels light, emptied. I can take a deep breath and feel the golden light moving in and around. My body feels like I have been through a boxing match. I am moving slowly. I will be tender and caring and alert to what my body asks of me today.

I am sending gratitude to Sophia, to the planets and the sun for their assistance. I am grateful to my son for witnessing me and holding me in love. I am beaming love to all those who played out the betrayal for me so that I could arrive at this place of no longer betraying myself. Today I am diving in the truth of the love that I am and allowing it to caress me. The chair in the sun is calling me outside, perhaps that is as far as I will journey today as I savor this shore I have landed upon.

Dreamt of Entering the New World

Image from a unicorn book, the swirling vortex that takes us to our freedom.

Image from Michael Green’s Unicornis book, the swirling vortex that takes us to our freedom.

Oh, I love this recent eclipse energy! The night before last, I dreamt of being in a place that was full of mud and slime. My daughter was with me (she is currently in Indonesia), and we were cleaning up all this muck. It was intense work and I was reminding her that we had tools and it made it easier if we chose the right one for each type of refuse we were dealing with. When I awoke, I felt we were working in different hemispheres of the earth, transmuting the dross of humanity’s creation into the golden light of love. I was so grateful to be working with her, she is a mighty warrior of lovelight!

Last night’s dream was spectacular. I got up about 3 a.m. with the dream vivid in my mind. I went outside to be bathed in the moonlight and drink in the wonder that I felt. My elder son was still up and so I was able to share the giddiness I felt with him. Earlier in the evening, my sons and I had sat around a fire as the full moon began its rise in the east. We were so conscious of all that is in the process of collapsing and the gift the moon and eclipse offered all. A reset, a mini- death once again as so much was made clear and a new operating system was installed.

Our outdoor firepit blazing.

Our outdoor firepit blazing.

In my dream, I had been meeting with a group who represented all the kingdoms and races of many universes. We knew one another yet on the surface, we appeared separate. It was as if others viewed us as enemies and yet we knew we were only playing these roles. We had all been trained in the ability to beam our heartlights to such an extent that we could hold humanity in our lovelight. I had been speaking of that with my sons as we sat around the fire, watching the salamanders dancing in the flames and the coals burning bright on the earth. I knew my heart had the ability to burst into a conflagration of fiery elements. I could pulse its heat in waves to all hearts. I understood the phrase, warrior of the heart, on a deep level.

The cover illustration from Michael Green's book. All the kingdoms will be with us once again, including the unicorns!

The cover illustration from Michael Green’s book. All the kingdoms will be with us once again, including the unicorns!

We all knew that an event was on the horizon that would herald the entrance into the new earth. None of us knew the timing but we each held a key to it. We knew a signal would be felt in our hearts to let us know it was GO! We were to then beam our heartlights for all we were worth. In my dream, it happened. As the heartlights beamed bright, a huge sinkhole opened in the earth and in a blink of an eye, we slid into the inner earth and discovered paradise. Our Agarthan (inner earth) brothers and sisters greeted us and our Galactic families joined us. The beauty and sense of freedom were unparalleled. I was giddy with the perfection of the plan! Oh, my it was so simple, so brilliantly executed, so wondrous. It was like a magician pulling a tablecloth out from under the dishes set on the table. Our landscape was pulled out from under us like a rug and we were deposited ever so gently on a new firmament. The wonder of it is still flowing in my veins. We have been taught to look up to the skies but this took place down, into the earth! Expect the unexpected, oh yes.

Stamp of the brotherhood who preserved the Unicornis manuscript. I love this symbol!

Stamp of the brotherhood who preserved the Unicornis manuscript. I love this symbol!

We were all free to begin, like children in a playground. We were free to find our playmates and go off and create whatever filled our hearts with joy. Freedom is a heady elixir! Oh, I am left so glad. So grateful for divine timing, for dropping beliefs and moving into knowing, for my heart that can transmit liquidlovelight like golden rain. We are close. All the wonders are at hand. It makes me savor the morning dew, the hummingbird who came to drink from the flowers nearby, the squirrels busy burying their nuts, the white doves who do a fly by every morning and evening before settling on the wires at the corner of our lot. Their wings glisten in the light and they look like angels dancing in the sky. A deep peace permeates my being this morning. I know my part, I play it well and the success of this play is assured. This is a story that will be told down through the ages as our grandchildren marvel that we were here, members of the cast that performed to standing room only audiences, drawn from the multiverses. My hat is off to each and every one of you. Well done! Know this truth, live it and breath it and it shall be. The golden age of peace is at hand.

Energies Are Pouring In Like a Waterfall

I love waterfalls and I am turning my perspective this morning from pressure into the giddiness I have felt standing under the force of one.

I love waterfalls and I am turning my perspective this morning from pressure into the giddiness I have felt standing under the force of one.

Today is the second day where I awoke feeling as though I am standing under a waterfall. The pressure on my head is intense and it takes all that I am to stand in this flow. We are being gifted with so much liquid lovelight, our old world is being melted all around us well as within us as the love pours in and the density is purged, up and out. There is only the allowing, the letting go of any attachments, and the standing grounded on this beautiful jewel of our mother earth.

For a few days I had felt the energy running in streams. It seemed that my fingertips were literally dripping light as the energy moved through. There are so many emotions on the move, the collective has decided it is time, we are ready to co-create this new earth. All the shame, the anger, the self judgment, the pain, the sadness of our life and lifetimes, is moving. Our cells are responding to the lovelight by purging the old dense energies that no longer fit in the world we are birthing. It may not look pretty nor feel comfortable as it is happening, but it is a time for rejoicing! Our world is changing in every way imaginable.

We are harmonizing our inner beings in order to harmonize with the whole. Be grateful for the aches and pains, the deep fatigue, the wild emotions as they are all physical confirmations of what is taking place. There are so many layers to this process and we are aware of only a small part of the beauty that is being created. Our soul is taking over the reins and we can surrender to our greater knowing, trusting that we are being guided to more of who we are. It is so freeing and exhilarating when I visualize myself standing under this waterfall of liquidlovelight!

I love the way the artist allowed the folds to flow in harmony. This is what we are doing so beautifully!

I love the way the artist allowed the folds to flow in harmony. This is what we are doing so beautifully!

Our victories come in small, everyday ways. A friend shared that the other morning, she decided to try on a dress that had been too small. As she began to pull it up, she felt a burst of happiness as it slid over her hips and she knew it would fit. She then had only to zip it up. The zipper got stuck part way up. She realized that for the first time in ages, she was living alone. She had no partner to assist her with the zipper. (Why would we create clothing that we need assistance to get into and out of? ) She really felt her aloneness and choose to feel the freedom of it, rather than the pain of the lack of a partner.  Next, the time constraint that she was under, kicked in and she felt her old pattern arise of frustration and anger. Her usual pathway would have been to pull the dress off, throw it inside out on the floor as she cursed it. Instead, she found herself standing in the moment, feeling all of these sensations, and breathing. She chose not to engage, she stood her ground. She relaxed into it and succeeded in unsticking the zipper and moving into her day, dressed like the queen she had just shown herself to be.

These are the victories. Each moment that we choose a new response that is gentler, kinder, softer, stronger. Those moments in her closet could have been the start of a battle. She refused to be drawn into the old ways. She stood for peace. This is how we are creating peace on earth. We are standing our ground in new ways. We are speaking and thinking gently to ourselves. We are honoring ourselves, one another and this beautiful planet of ours. We are acknowledging the blessings in each moment that arises. Well done! I am so proud of us all. Let the lovelight fill your being today and know the beauty that you are.


Loving Ourselves Over and Over

I was playing with this new crystal in the woods. As I placed it in a nook of the tree, I was surprised to see a whole landscape appear that did not look like a reflection of where I stood. Magic!

I was playing with this new crystal in the woods. As I placed it in a nook of the tree, I was surprised to see a whole landscape appear that did not look like a reflection of where I stood. Magic!

Last night, my former husband spoke about caring for his girlfriend’s child while she worked on the upcoming holiday, that triggered a reaction in me. I let the feeling well up, observed it, released it a few times as it arose before bed and awoke with it like an arrow in my heart. Ow! I knew it was mine to process internally and yet my emotions wanted engagement. Not having fully moved through all the charge of it, I spoke to him before he left for work. Within a minute, I had escalated the conversation from me to “you”. Fortunately, after another moment, he said, “This is old energy we are in.” I agreed and took a breath. Whew. Good of him to name it and stop the escalation. The intensity of the feelings caught me off guard and swallowed me up. Memories were triggered of the times I was not supported by him, in the raising of our children.  I did not realize that there was this pocket of pain sitting in my heart, of my old creation of being victimized and unsupported.

A healing took place as he apologized for the ways he was not able to be present for me and our kids. He spoke of his respect for what I had done and do as a mother. Within a few minutes we moved from pain to relief and were able to laugh and joke about this being the reason we find ourselves in proximity now. The healing and transforming of our story continues as we use these incidents to rewrite our past. I could feel compassion for the young man who was overwhelmed by being a parent to three kids born before our 4th anniversary. He could not bear the weight of my emotions, experienced in caring and homeschooling three kids, 24/7,  so he distanced himself in order to protect his heart. I was busy playing out the lone ranger role of “I have to do it by myself and it must be hard and suffering is part of it.”

The biggest pink dahlia I had ever seen! Our hearts are growing more expansive every day!

The biggest pink dahlia I had ever seen! Our hearts are growing more expansive every day!

It is interesting how in our love for someone, we can shut ourselves off from their hearts as we do not know what to do with the pain that they are experiencing. This can be seen when someone dies or divorces or sustains an injury or terminal diagnosis. Suddenly, old friends can disappear as they do not know how to be with your pain. We feel uncomfortable and are conditioned to  move away from that which presents those feelings. Yet, what our hearts truly want is to be held in our pain, to be witnessed in it. We want connection but the old conditioning moves us in the opposite direction as we close our hearts to one another’s pain.

I had to breathe into my heart and love myself for returning to an old energetic this morning. I laughed at how linear we believe it all is. My mind wants to say,” you failed,”as I stepped out of a neutral position into a heated one. After all, says my mind, “you have been on this spiritual path for so long.” This is another lie that we have been programmed to believe. Another way of judging ourselves as wrong.

As the tears of release flowed, I allowed my heart to be renewed. I expressed gratitude that he is now present and takes responsibility as a partner in his relationship with his girlfriend. We have all grown. We loop back, over and over in our lives, until all the live coals of pain, burning in our hearts, are extinguished. This is a moment for rejoicing. Another coal has been mined so as to allow a clearer, more open heart. We are transforming the coals we stored through lifetimes into diamonds! Truly our souls so love us, that whenever a moment of healing becomes available, we are gifted with its unfolding. We can trust this. We can express gratitude for this. We can love this about ourselves!


Dream Space Training in the New Energies

This character was a a recent origami exhibit. The old me would have shied away from him, the new me, embraced his darkness.

This character was a a recent origami exhibit. The old me would have shied away from him, the new me, embraced his darkness.

My dream of the other night showed me new possibilities. I was with a younger woman, who had recently escaped from a violent situation. We were in the woods and she suddenly decided to return to the oppressor. She took off through the woods and I ran after her. As we came to a clearing, a house appeared and a man came running out wielding a hatchet over his head. I told the woman to run back the way we had come. The man charged and was slashing at me with the hatchet. I felt a wild surge of anger flash through me and come screaming out of me in an adrenaline fueled war cry. I used this energy to overpower him and direct the hatchet to his throat. I killed him.

My mind went through an instant review, I could have gone for his other hand rather than his throat. No, he would have still given chase. I could have slashed his knee and he would have not been able to follow me. Yes, that would have worked. Yet it was all the old energy, meeting violence with violence.

This praying being was at the same exhibit. I loved the simplicity of the folds, emanating the light.

This praying being was at the same exhibit. I loved the simplicity of the folds, emanating the light from her open robe.

I heard myself call out, “Redo!” I wanted to meet this anger another way. The scene replayed and as the man came charging out with his hatchet waving, I summoned the same war cry but called it through my heart. It was the same level of intensity as the earlier one, but this time there was no sound and it manifested as a wave of heartlight. I matched his vibration’s intensity but with the opposite vibration of love. I said, “Let there be a field of love around him.” In that instant, all slowed down. The man moved as if in slow motion. I had time to breathe in and out my heartlight with all the force of my being. I felt no fear. I knew I could melt his heart with my love.

After a few steps, he staggered and fell to his knees, hatchet dropped to the ground. He began to sob quietly. My heart was breathing fire like a dragon. I allowed the lovelight to enfold him in its embrace as I breathed my way back to a neutral place.

I awoke with clarity, knowing that we can override the old flight or fight response that has been embedded in our cells. We can reprogram them to stand firm and be love. Oh, the joy of this knowing! I feel empowered by it. I am grateful to have practice sessions in dream time so that my body is prepared at any moment to emanate a field of love as needed. We are love so it seems a natural thing but we have been conditioned otherwise. It is time to reclaim our superpowers. We can stop a speeding bullet with our hearts alight in love!

I felt gratitude for all the rage I have felt and expressed, all the pain and suffering I endured on this path, as I am familiar with that landscape. That allowed me to know the force of love required to melt his rage. To have met his aggression with a milk toast love, would have found me swept aside or dead.  Love is a force, that we can hone. Even now, writing about it, my heart is a fire burning red hot in my chest.

An angel with a sword, they can be fiery love!

An angel with a sword, they can be fiery love!

We are in the time of miracles where we are alchemists, transforming darkness into light. All is being returned to the truth of love. It begins within my heart and yours. Wishing you all a happy new moon. This moon comes bearing gifts of transformation that will see us using our new skills. Be love!