Embracing Everything in Love

Came across this rattlesnake on my walk, appeared to be dead. Either way, I felt it to be a sign of this transformation process we are all in.

Came across this rattlesnake on my walk, appeared to be dead. Either way, I felt it to be a sign of this transformation process we are all in.

I was sitting with a friend, getting emotional about this shift and everyone on the planet having enough as well as having the freedom to sing their song. The pain of what has been was present in my tears and my friend cried out, “Stop! You are contracting, look at your body.” She suggested that I reframe the emotions by expanding into them. A subtle but powerful shift. My whole body felt it as my chest lifted, shoulders moved back and my heart led the breath. Still feeling all the emotion of what has been but breathing the truth of love into it all by viewing it through that lens.

The glory in the dying so we can become new beings. Nature continues to point the way for me.

The glory in the dying so we can become new beings. Nature continues to point the way for me.

It is fine tuning time. We have our lines pretty well down, now we work with the other actors to put the polishing touches on them. We reframe, cutting lines that are worn and dated. Sitting with friends, speaking of family holiday gatherings, it came up about not wanting to be with someone due to a lower frequency another has carried. We remind one another that we have no idea who they are in this now moment. We open to an expanded possibility for another as we share how we have shifted and changed in this past year. We note how so many are opening to their inner world and discovering its delights. How things are moving at an ever increasing speed as we step into this golden age of peace. As well, giving ourselves permission to set boundaries where needed, to choose to create a new version of a holiday that does not follow any societal programming, and to choose to care for our own joy first and foremost, however that looks to others.

We vowed to practice embracing everything that comes into our world, with love. Whether it is the news of another passing, a sore knee, the weather changing, a friend canceling, the car battery dying, flowers arriving, a restful nap……all of it here to inform, enlighten, enlarge who we are. To breathe in the now moment with my chest expanding rather than contracting. To open my heart and turn on its fire to see the beauty in all that this life has to offer.

This all began with a wonderful movie. I so seldom go to a theatre but was so glad that I did. If you can, go and see the movie, About Time.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T7A810duHvw It was a wonderful show about being fully present in the now moments and savoring all that each has to offer. It has time travel and magic and ordinary life so fully depicted I felt myself right back there, changing diapers and holding the hand of a toddler as a young wife and mother. It depicts a touching and deep father-son relationship as well as presenting a relative who has a limit brain functioning but is accepted and cherished in the family. We learn that you cannot save anyone from their choices but you can be a steady beacon of love for them to navigate by.

A bit of surprise magic as this coyote came trotting along the path in front of us.

A bit of surprise magic as this coyote came trotting along the path in front of us.

I am loving witnessing that we are becoming a people interested in love and peace and harmony. I believe this has always been our truth but now the energies anchoring in, truly support it. We   can inspire one another to do better and be better, all with love. We are experiencing an expanded version of love, just as when we install a new computer operating system, everything flows faster and easier (after the initial learning curve!) Love is expanding, exploding, enlarging, enlightening every cell in our bodies. We have entered the new land, we are in loveland. Takes my breath away!




Observing with a Sense of Wonder

A figure from a sculpting class I took years ago. He sits and observes with a sense of wonder.

A figure from a sculpting class I took years ago. He sits and observes with a sense of wonder.

I am so comfortable on the couch. My body, whose temperature dances high and low, is for the moment, content. Cool air streams in through the partially opened window next to the couch, a fire is blazing its warmth before me as rain falls in a gentle, steady stream outside. The overcast sky outside the windows is lit up as the last of this full moon blazes powerfully from behind. I feel wonder at this. Rain and light in the night, releasing the smell of earth which mingles with the wood fragrance burning bright.  I feel elemental…. in my element. Bliss. It has been such a lovely night of love. It is so incredible how it seems to expand with each new day, each moment. Three of us here, bellies full of a root vegie casserole, each sipping  a small glass of wine as soft conversation flows amongst us. Spaces of rich silence, interspersed with soft guitar notes played by my son. The love is palpable in the room, its contours engulf and support our hearts with strength and richness.

My son points out a newness to the evening as I am sharing a glass of wine. This is a new aspect of me that is delighting in this taste and the inner warmth it brings. So strange as I have never liked the taste of alcohol in any form, not even as a flavoring in baked goods. Yet, here I am enjoying it! Such interesiting times as I discover new aspects of myself that seem to be entering daily.

A recent painting by my youngest son. Dark and wild, it leads you in. gaberobertsart.com/‎

A recent painting by my youngest son. Dark and wild, it leads you in. gaberobertsart.com/

Yesterday a set of dragon wings unfurled. So wild as I could feel their leathery texture on my skin and it hurt quite a bit as they came out. My whole upper back felt like it was rippling with discomfort all day as the wings adjusted themselves to my body . Red-gold and skeletal, not gorgeous like my pink-gold angel wings, yet beautiful. A fiery essence that is still adjusting, the fire in the hearth has helped them to dry tonight. I do not know what they portend or how to use them. I just know that they are here and the purpose will be revealed in due time.

New day and new clarity. The dragon wings bring a deeper tone of love to me. It is not the butterflies and faery love, rather dragons and dwarves and dark caves underground. It is a fierce and true love, a wholeness that emits a full tone. We have been conditioned to back away from the undertones, fearing their power but in truth, we are ready for love to shine forth in her full glory. A love that accepts blowbacks of anger and hate as it allows the density to surface to be embraced in its arms. It stands firm in its adherence to truth. Love contains the full spectrum which is why so many of us are journeying deep into our own shadowlands to excavate and embrace all that we buried along this journey. To receive and anchor the new tones of love, we must transmute our own black coal into diamonds blazing bright. My dragon self is here to ensure that the job gets done. His deep red, adding to my pink hues, so that I can hold the spectrum true.

My first love, Laurie.  A self portrait with green eye.

My first love, Laurie. A self portrait with green eye.

As I am mirroring my inner process with the clearing of the house and sheds, I unearthed a self portrait done by my first love. He held so much of the beloved energy for me yet he was not to be the father of the children that I knew were to come. Indeed, he has never had children as all of his passion and energy has gone into his pursuit of beauty. As a poet and artist, there has been a fierceness required, a distillation of life.  I feel this shifting as the outer world begins to reflect the fuller tones of love. Art, beauty and truth, all striking the chord of love. A renaissance of beauty is at hand as we come into our maturity as creator gods.

I am deeply grateful and again find myself in a state of wonder as I observe all that moves through me, around and about me.  We are living in the magic times. All things are possible, all is made new.

As Below, So Above

IMGP4576For days I had heard or read the expression, “As above, so below.” When something keeps popping in, I pay attention. We are witnessing this become more of our waking  reality as we clear ourselves and allow the new frequencies of love to pour through us. We are bringing heaven to earth as more of our divinity anchors within our form. Yesterday, this truth went further as a friend turned this expression around to: “As below, so above.” On the skype screen, both of our bodies went into their truth confirming nods and jerks. (Yes, we are a funny pair). We felt the many universes, that have representatives here, watching us take our first conscious steps as creator beings with our beautiful Mother Earth. What a planet! She made the decision to ascend and do the unheard of…..take all of her inhabitants through the ascension portal with her. The immensity of her love for us is difficult to grasp. I can only sense it in shivers of light running through my body. We, in turn, are gifted the opportunity to co-create with her, a world that has never been. Hence, the multitudes of beings surrounding our planet as they desire to witness how we all bring this about. They are taking notes so that they can replicate something similar in their universes. The opportunity which is in our lap, through the grace of our Mother Earth and our Mother/Father God, is gi-normous, as a friend says!

We are not in this alone. The sun, the moon, a multitude of planets, the great central sun,  and even a comet, have come bearing their gifts. From every side, we are being bathed in a steady stream of liquidlovelight. As with all gifts, we must be open to receive them. Just as many of us have felt the need to clear our homes of excess stuff, we need clear an interior space for the lovelight to flow in. The old energies have to be cleared out for the new to flow in. Jesus spoke of this in a parable about not putting new wine into old wineskins. He was speaking to the rulers of his time, saying the old rules no longer applied nor need be adhered to, as the new was present and demanded a new container. His teachings of love could not fit in the existing framework of the times.

Organic vegies lighting up our cells.

Organic vegies lighting up our cells.

The same is true for the times that we are in, as the new frequencies of love and unity consciousness, demand a new container. Our mental bodies must be cleared of the old programming that kept us enslaved. The matrix has been identified and it is up to each of us to unhook from its limiting belief system. The brave and courageous whistle blowers have torn asunder the veil that hid the truth, with more being exposed each passing day. Our physical bodies are speaking out, asking to be remade into the new wineskins. Notice the popularity of green juicing, fasting, and cleansing diets. We are following an inner prompting to prepare our body temples for the “new wine”. Physical illness and pains are on the rise as the old energies we stored in the past, come to the surface for release. Our emotional bodies are asking for cleansing as well. The love frequency comes in like a laser, targeting all that is not love within. We are witnessing an unleashing of anger, fear, guilt, shame as all is rising to be bathed in the cleansing waters of the liquidlovelight. It is time to love every thought and feeling we have had. To embrace our inner child and all the weird and wonderful ways that we sought to protect ourselves. We can let go of regret or shame as we thank who we were, for experiencing life with the tools we had at our disposal at the time. Now we have new tools and a new way has opened for us all.

 Our gratitude in the receiving, amplifies and expands the gifts. How blessed are we to be here at this momentous time. We are the actors who scored these roles, ones that we have waited lifetimes to play. We are in the greatest play that ever was. Let us speak our lines with courage and confidence, knowing ourselves as stars. The curtain is going up……..deep breath…..here we go!


I Give You Permission

Autumn sunlight allowing clarity to my senses.

Autumn sunlight allowing clarity to my senses.

An aspect of my role has come to the forefront of late. I am the mother, the headmistress, the boss, the father…..all authority figures that we are taught to look to for permission. Family and friends call me to echo their own truth. To confirm their inner knowing that tells them to put their needs first. Intuitively, we know that is the path home, to fill our cups before offering a drink to another. Yet the conditioning is strong to give that first cup away, to honor all commitments, to be “nice” above all else, to shore up another at the risk of our own drowning.

I am called to give permission, “yes, this is a day to rest…..yes, you can cancel that plan that feels heavy….yes, you can say no even though the person is outside your door asking to come in and they have driven two hours to get there……yes, you can walk away from that “opportunity” that feels like too much….yes, you can be assured, more opportunities are in the offing even if you decline this one…..yes, to honoring your body’s need for chocolate, nurturing in whatever form appeals to you…..yes, you can tell the truth that you do not wish to go somewhere at this moment……..yes, you can cancel a date with a friend……yes, you are allowed to be inconsistent…..and on it goes.

This is all a part of releasing the old programming of the matrix. We are taught that if we do not keep our commitments, if we pass on an opportunity, if we say no to another….we will suffer. We will lose out. It is a lie that has kept us walking the straight and narrow path of being productive cogs in the wheel of the machine. Even our language supports this oppression. Think of the connotation of words like lazy, slothful, indulgent, and a phrase that makes me cringe; to die for, usually spoken about some dessert or article of clothing. The implication is that if you follow your desires, it will lead to death on some level. Really???

A hazelnut torte I made, yum!

A hazelnut torte I made, yum!

We are taught to not trust ourselves. If I eat a piece of cake, who knows where that will lead? As if I will become obese if I am not holding a tight rein on myself at all times. If I do not eat the right foods, (and which are the right foods is a  constantly changing and often confusing business) drink the right drink, exercise the right way, join the right clubs, follow the right path of advancement….death awaits. Yes, death awaits us all. Funny how a natural process has been used as a Damocles’ sword above our heads. Face that fear of death, and suddenly life opens with its joys and pleasures. I know death to be a doorway to greater freedom and am ready to step there whenever I am called. Life itself is a series of deaths and rebirths as we move ever closer to embodying more of ourselves.

I was taught that to “be” meant I would become nothing. The glory was in the productivity. It was a revelation to me to come to the knowing that I was loveable, that I had value in and of myself. Not because I did this or performed that service but rather because I am an aspect of the Creator. I am of value for who I am, not for what I do. We were programmed to believe that to have a full daytimer was a sign of achievement, to be busy, gold stars. Even our calendars with their linear line up of days, ask us to cross them off as if we were living in a prison cell. Nature does not move in an orderly march, she swirls and dances and asks us to attune to her rhythms. Often I am able to confirm for others that they are in tune with the planetary cycles, feeling the solar flares in their bodies need for more rest, wanting to withdraw from social obligations as the moon is waning. Instead of being “wrong”, I can echo their hearts’ knowing that they are “right”. I offer words of gentleness that their heart seeks for them to hear. We are a species that are learning to walk and we beat ourselves up if we are not Olympic caliber athletes! We are toddlers in this new land and need to be oh so gentle with ourselves as we practice walking upright. Once we fully pop out of this matrix, we will be astounded at how we agreed to live under such harsh conditions.

I love watching the leaves dance their way down to the water and ground.

I love watching the leaves dance their way down to the water and ground.

Think of it, no more obligation in the name of family, relationship, roles…….each one moving to their own inner joy. Planning will become a thing of the past as we move out of economic slavery, with times and schedules. We will flow together on currents of love. We will broadcast our desire and watch it unfold in a way we could not have orchestrated from our minds. Our hearts are so ready to be unleashed so as to show us the wonders that are possible when we fill our cup and drink deep. We were taught that the supply was limited so we sipped barely enough to stay alive. The truth is, when we fill our cups for ourselves, there is a never ending stream that can pour through us.  There is no thought of giving, it simply overflows to all, a spigot turned to on once we step into the stream of our own truth. Liquidlovelight flowing, bathing each in its rejuvenating waters. Drink deep and nourish yourself for in doing so, you nourish me. Together, we nourish the world.

Today I give you permission to honor yourself in each moment. Watching the leaves do their autumn dance of letting go is calling me outside. Nature unfolding the mystery with her gentle grace. The leaves dancing to their death allow me to dance to mine. I can die fully to this moment, savoring each drop, whether it is to be my last. I give myself permission to live in this gentle embrace of love.



Opening the Package of Each Day With Wonder

On my recent walk, I was greeted at every turn of the path by a deer. Some walked right up to within a couple of feet of me. I felt humbled by their gentle love.

On my recent walk, I was greeted at every turn of the path by a deer. Some walked right up to within a couple of feet of me. I felt humbled by their gentle love.

A week into this beautiful month of November whose energies are gifting us with more of our truth and beauty, and my heart is unfurling its petals.  Each morning, as I lie in my bed singing out a good morning to the beings who surround me, I tune in to our mother earth to hear the “weather report” for the day. Her mother’s heart is glad as more souls have begun to open their petals to the light of love. I feel the echoes of her joy. The days appear as beautifully wrapped packages, and there is a sense of wonder as to what I will find inside. I know that everything has been chosen specifically for me, each moment filled and orchestrated for my benefit! And yours. Each of us receiving the exact formula of light that enables us to open the next doorway. It may come in a plain brown wrapper, holding moments of quiet pain. It may be splashy and loud as one dear to our heart enters the stage to play. Know that each moment holds a key that opens the doorway to grace and peace. A friend calls with a threatening diagnosis, and in the hearing of the words, there is a space that offers peace from which to respond.  My son points out his favorite bird as it flits and dips in and out of the pool, washing itself in the morning light…..offering a space to savor the communion of our hearts with the bird’s and send that note to all. The empty house today offers an open palette, waiting for me to choose the colors. An event is taking place today where an old love is present and my heart fills with a bittersweet pain as I witness part of me wanting to be there. I am called to be tender with myself while this memory washes through, asking for grace to wash me clean.

I felt at one with this log and leaves, nestled together, sinking into the mother in a timeless dance.

I felt at one with this log and leaves, nestled together, sinking into the mother in a timeless dance.

I am learning the art of self care. In the past couple of months I have had biweekly massages, as a gift to this body for all her care of me. It has allowed me to more fully inhabit my body with gratitude for her strength and health. This last massage was on a different level all together. As I lay face down, I felt all the silt in my mind and being, slowly settle into my solar plexus then drain into the earth. I felt myself one with the autumn leaves, lying on the forest floor, returning to the embrace of the mother. I envisioned the violet flame transforming my decay into gold for my mother. She sent up a shot of that elixir that spread throughout my being. I felt my light body above me, raining liquidlovelight into all of my pores. Emptied and filled, over and over. I could hardly speak, with the wonder of it.

A gift for the faeries that I left with the heart rock and acorns I picked up on my walk.

A gift for the faeries that I left with the heart rock and acorns I picked up on my walk.

My sister called to say that she felt the truth of the magnifying glass of the sun burning away all of our warts of pain (my last post). She related how formally, in the resolution of an argument, when peace had been reestablished, there remained behind a nugget of pain in the heart. Now she finds the nuggets are gone with the argument, as our hearts have lost their hiding places. The sun is washing our hearts clean, leaving them open and alive rather than burdened with heavy nuggets of old pain. This is the gift of now as so many old memories surface to be fully felt and acknowledged. Once seen, they are free to depart and we reclaim more of the landscape of our heart. We were conditioned to live in the tiniest of spaces with walls those nuggets built, all about us. Now we are stalwart pioneers, clearing our land so as to dance in fields of flowers under open sky.

Our bodies are asking for this clearing also, as many can attest, with symptoms of increased pain as stored energy releases. A friend is dealing with a painful inflammatory condition. With courage and resolution, he has made radical changes to his diet and lifestyle. In his research, he has found differing opinions as to which foods are inflammatory. Who to believe? His mind struggles with this as his body awaits his attunement to himself and his own expert truth. We are taught to follow the advice of “experts” and yet, I AM the expert on this body as you are of yours. Our bodies know what they need for health. They will offer pain to slow us down, to get our attention and move us more fully into our hearts. Our cells hold memories that ask to see the light of day and then depart like the decomposing leaves. I honor my body as my wisdom keeper and I bow to her knowing in full trust.

The sun and clouds shooting their lovelight to me.

The sun and clouds streaming their lovelight to me.

The garbage collectors have just taken away the pile of debris that we have cleared from the property. Earlier a load was dropped at Goodwill and gallons of old paint were taken to a paint store to be recycled. All the clearing of the last couple of weeks, has left me clear and spacious, mirroring on the outer, the inner process. Tuning in, my body is asking  for a gentle walk and stretch rather than the bright, sharp dose of exercise it desired yesterday. Creativity is calling as my newest beloved painting awaits its beads of beauty. A friend pops in my heart and I feel a phone call happening. I move into this day with gratitude to myself for bringing me all that I need. I breathe in the knowing that I am in my perfect place, singing my tone of love. I know each moment will arrange itself in the perfect timing. I breathe that knowing through me and to you as we surrender to the flow of grace that is pouring in. Let us open our hands and hearts to receive this lovelight.

November Enters So Peacefully

Liquidlovelight showering through the leaves on my walk yesterday afternoon.

Liquidlovelight showering through the leaves on my walk yesterday afternoon.

I am appreciating the stillness this first day of November is offering me. My housemates have gone and I breathe in the expansion as my energy fills the space. I assisted both mates with small tasks, ironing a jacket here, gathering overnight bags there, as they made their departure. In the beauty of our flow, I received a green smoothie from one and a bacon grease fried egg with sauteed kale from the other. He is having a love affair with bacon at present and I am enjoying its punch of flavor. For good measure, I threw in a mini packet of M&Ms, leftover from last night’s trick or treaters. Tummy full, I pulled out my sage,  cleared myself and the house, setting the tone for the new month’s energy to enter in.

My sage and sweetgrass, always willing to bless me with their sweet fragrance.

My sage and sweetgrass, always willing to bless me with their sweet fragrance.

Still in my robe, I took a wander around the yard, giving some water here, pulling a weed there, contemplating a number of tasks that I might do. It is a perfect autumn day, unbroken blue sky, soft air that offers a deep breath, not a leaf in motion. I could rake and level the new garden bed, pull the weeds and mulch to discourage others from popping up. I ask my body if that feels good. Perhaps, she says. I move back into the house, wash up the morning dishes, respond to texts from a couple of friends, download yesterday’s pictures to my computer. I feel into a couple of art projects that I would like to begin. Is that today, I ask my body? Perhaps, she answers. I think of doing a load of laundry, to take advantage of the warmth in the air but decline as I do not wish this stillness broken by the sound of the washing machine.

Bacon grease flavoring the eggs and kale, yum.

Bacon grease flavoring the eggs and kale, yum.

I see that the morning has passed and I am lying on the couch, marveling at the play of light upon the trees outside. Russet oak, red tinged golden-green maple, deep green oleanders sporting a remaining summer blossom or two. The quality of the sunlight speaks a nuanced language to my heart. A breeze washes through, sending a few leaves spinning to the ground. Squirrels are chattering as they busy themselves gathering the nuts dropping from the Papa tree in the yard. A jay screeches his news of the day and my body has come to its truth. It wants only to lie here, to feel this beauty, absorb it and broadcast it through my heartspace. Tasks and projects are for another day. I have been a busy beaver, clearing and cleaning and removing loads of stuff, externally and internally. Today is a day to savor, its wide expanse open to for me to take flight in.

This is my truth. In unity with my couch, and yes, a second packet of M&M’s unearthed, if the desire arises…..sweet bliss.  Drowsiness heralding a nap, here in my robe, on the couch. This is all that I need to know, opening to receive more of myself flowing in while I dream the day away. Happy November everyone. May you take time to savor the gift that you are, feeling your own beauty soaring.