Playing with My Multidimensional Self

IMG_6078I have decided to play with my multidimensional self, checking in throughout the day, to feel other energies and realms. I am discovering that the more that I play with this, the greater fluidity and ease I experience. It comes down to intention and attention.  I intend to connect with the highest aspects of myself: “Dear Sophia and all aspects of myself of the Christ light, I connect with you, please connect with me.” I allow space for this connection by being fully present to the moments. I pay attention to the feelings, insights and nudges that present themselves in each moment. I greet my body and thank her for all that she does for me. I ask to work with her to experience radiant health, asking her to guide my choices throughout the day. I give her what she asks for in appreciation for all that she gives.

As I lie in bed last night, before sleep took me, I intend to open myself as a conduit for the liquidlovelight to flow. I felt the rush of energy and saw the golden shower move through me into the earth and humanity’s hearts. Oh, hearts are blossoming across the land! It is so beautiful to see the buds opening to drink in the love. I am burning rose incense as I write which gives me an opening into the wonderful scent of millions of roses bursting into bloom!

I saw with my inner eye, two beings glowing in light, seemed to be male and female, one taller than the other, come to take me to a star ship. I had asked permission to visit one. I felt myself flowing with them, upward past the ceiling of my bedroom. As we moved out into space, my body went into contraction. I laughed as I found myself holding her, like a child, soothing her that it was alright. I found myself back in my bed, with the strange sensation of being outside of my body while in my body. So interesting! The beings laughed with me and we will try again tonight. My body has done so well, she has become accustomed to feeling petted and patted as I lie in bed, at times being tucked in by my dear friends of the light. At first, that freaked her out, feeling hands in the dark with no visible owner. So the traveling to the ships will become old hat for her soon. But I am honoring her pace and needs.

One of my son's, Gabriel's flower paintings blooming.

One of my son’s, Gabriel’s flower paintings blooming.

After my Venus experience, I am tuning in when I feel the nudge and allowing myself to be present to more of myself. I have a self that is a master of Indian dancing, with all of its beautiful hand gestures and flowing robes. She is practicing a dance for our beloved. Oh, the love that I feel for him is breath taking, truly. It melts me and allows my body fluidity that  I have not known in this lifetime. We are on the cusp of so much opening its gifts to us.

Yesterday I tuned in to a friend who was in Hawaii, visiting the volcano. She had called to tell me when she would be there and asked me to be present. I met her and Pele and we danced in her fires. What an amazing being she is, so fiery and fierce and yet so flowing the mother’s love.

Life is becoming more magical as I allow it to play with me. I am finding myself infused with energy as I move in and out of various landscapes. It may be for a brief moment or a few, but I am enlivened by these moments. We are so much more than we thought. It is beginning to be a world that I want to play in. Hallelujah!

IMG_6078I have decided to play with my multidimensional self, checking in throughout the day, to feel other energies and realms. I am discovering that the more that I play with this, the greater fluidity and ease I experience. It comes down to intention and attention.  I intend to connect with the highest aspects of myself: “Dear Sophia and all aspects of myself of the Christ light, I connect with you, please connect with me.” I allow space for this connection by being fully present to the moments. I pay attention to the feelings, insights and nudges that present themselves in each moment. I greet my body and thank her for all that she does for me. I ask to work with her to experience radiant health, asking her to guide my choices throughout the day. I give her what she asks for in appreciation for all that she gives.

As I lie in bed last night, before sleep took me, I intended to open myself as a conduit for the liquidlovelight to flow. I felt the rush of energy and saw the golden shower move through me into the earth and humanity’s hearts. Oh, hearts are blossoming across the land! It is so beautiful to see the buds opening to drink in the love. I am burning rose incense as I write which gives me an opening into the wonderful scent of millions of roses bursting into bloom! I saw with my inner eye, two beings glowing in light, seemed to be male and female, one taller than the other, come to take me to a star ship. I had asked permission to visit one. I felt myself flowing with them, upward past the ceiling of my bedroom. As we moved out into space, my body went into contraction. I laughed as I found myself holding her, like a child, soothing her that it was alright. I found myself back in my bed, with the strange sensation of being outside of my body while in my body. So interesting! The beings laughed with me and we will try again tonight. My body has done so well, she has become accustomed to feeling petted and patted as I lie in bed, at times being tucked in by my dear friends of the light. At first, that freaked her out, feeling hands in the dark with no visible owner. So the traveling to the ships will become old hat for her soon. But I am honoring her pace and needs.

One of my son's, Gabriel's flower paintings blooming.

One of my son’s, Gabriel’s flower paintings blooming.

After my Venus experience, I am tuning in when I feel the nudge and allowing myself to be present to more of myself. I have a self that is a master of Indian dancing, with all of its beautiful hand gestures and flowing robes. She is practicing a dance for our beloved. Oh, the love that I feel for him is breath taking, truly. It melts me and allows my body fluidity that I have not known in this lifetime. Yesterday I tuned in to a friend who was in Hawaii, visiting the volcano. She had called to tell me when she would be there and asked me to be present. I met her and Pele and we danced in her fires. What an amazing being she is, so fiery and fierce and yet so flowing the mother’s love.

Life is becoming more magical as I allow it to play with me. I am finding myself infused with energy as I move in and out of various landscapes. It may be for a brief moment or a few, but I am enlivened by these moments. We are so much more than we thought. It is beginning to be a world that I want to play in.

Traveling to Venus as an Ambassador

The peas flowering and growing with liquidlovelight.

The peas flowering and growing with liquidlovelight.

I was telling a friend that I was so ready for more magic. I am ready for a world where all have abundance in every area, where each has the freedom to sing their special note. I expanded it to traveling with ease to other countries and planets. I stated my desire to visit  Venus, the planet of love and beauty. She challenged me to visit now. I said but I want to do it consciously,  not in my sleep state. She said, “You can.” Oh, I had to drop the belief  that I could not do such a thing. She offered to help by meeting me at the Galactic observation deck. She and another friend would be there to greet me. Ok, I closed my eyes and thought of being there and I was. I looked out over the galaxy, found the Milky Way spiral and searched for Earth and then Venus.  I intended that I be on Venus and there I was! Sanat Kumara and Lady Master Venus came to greet me. They took my hands  and I marveled at my size, I was tall and thin like they were. I giggled saying, “I always felt that I was tall.” They laughed and led me to an auditorium where an audience awaited. I was to give a talk, I was an ambassador from Earth. I did not use words but rather sent out thought packets of information from my heart. They were interested in how humans deny themselves love. I sent from my heart the feelings of shame and guilt and criticism that many live under. I let them feel the weight that we are conditioned to carry as to our mistakes, our wrongdoings, our shortcomings……all projections that we own as ours.  I felt their bewilderment as to why we accept limiting ideas about ourselves. I received a sense of how they love and value themselves. I felt areas in me dissolving where there had remained lack of love. I was filled with such love that I began to cry with the joy of it.

I understood that they would now better be able to assist humanity. I was returned to Earth filled with this love. I saw myself pouring it out upon the planet and watched it seep into hearts and the earth, herself. I began to laugh as it poured as liquidlovelight, golden drops that watered the seeds of beauty in each one’s heart. I thought, “I am a watering can, pouring love upon the seeds so that the flowers will grow and blossom.” Of course! I love flowers so and each day envision each one opening to their own beauty, and to me it is in the form of a flower.

Orange poppies lighting up my life.

Orange poppies lighting up my life.

All of this took place within a space of about five minutes. Whew! I felt a momentary sense of loss being back here in my reality where I am busy painting a room, when some aspect of me is a planetary ambassador. I then knew that I could go back anytime I desired and that the love is a constant, always flowing to me and through me as I offer myself as a conduit. This human Linda is a small part of the being that I Am. We are all immense beings of light. What a game we have constructed here, choosing to forget our love heritage. That time is closing as we have chosen a new game, one of love and only love. As I pick up my paint brush once again, it is with a new sense of joy at creating beauty. The image of myself as a watering can of liquidlovelight keeps a smile playing on my face.

IMG_5747Open to more of yourself and have a peek at the beauty that you are. I see your beauty shining, know it and own it today.

Love Continues to Expand My Understanding

IMG_6036On Valentine’s Day, I was giddy with love. I wore a flower in my hair, drove to a small gathering singing my heart out, dressed in shades of pink, I toned and danced to waves of love. I spent the evening alone with the fire and my heart, and felt so loved and appreciated for who I am. I knew myself as love and the flame was blazing high.

Yesterday,  I awoke feeling head pressure and heaviness in my body. I laughed at myself,  I could be viewed as bi-polar, so up and out and then a more inward down. I listened to a presentation about love that struck me with a good question. “If I knew I was infinitely loved, would I do this?” Interesting look at what we do as a way of compensating for not being loved. Then the idea of love and whether we are “ready for it” as if it were something to prepare for. If we could feel that connection to Source, to our higher self, would we turn away from it, would we put it on hold?

Opening to love

Opening to love

I have been working with clearing energies standing between us and our divine counterpart reunions. A friend said, “I am not ready for a partner in my life.” I thought about that and realized that she was thinking of the old version of love. We have been conditioned to believe a lover is a responsibility, someone else to think of, another aspect added to the to-do list, especially for us women who have been in the caretaker roles for so long. We feel that we would have to accommodate this other, somehow. I then felt my skull, Leopold and his support. I do not think of him all the time. He comes in and out of my awareness, always there when I am in need of support, yet not demanding my constant attention. He is teaching me so much about love.

As sovereign beings, we are graduating into a freer love, a love that has no limits. Another friend of mine has recently experienced her beloved anchoring within. He came to her on the inner planes and showed patience and respect as she went through her fears about him showing up in her life. He supports her fully, supports her husband in his expansion…there is no sense of limitation. He is very respectful, asking if she would like more input in situations before offering it. She can tune in to him when she desires and tune him out also. What a gift! Another friend has discovered her beloved has taken the form of an albino whale. They work together on the waters of the earth and his support and love is profound. Interesting, the love coming in all these different guises but when it comes, every cell in your body knows it!  All helping us to expand our parameters and beliefs about what love can be, how it might look, how it can feel.

What I am understanding in this moment, is that the reunion is happening within first. We are opening to allow the counterparts’ lovelight to flow in and occupy our cells with us. There have been fires of purification (I have been sweating and radiating heat for days) that are burning off the dross, making room for the love to enter. We no longer have to clear the old, now it is about purifying. No need to know the what was or particulars of the emotions or memories. All is consumed by the fires ignited within, in response to our desire to open fully to love. Our counterparts are assisting us in this purification process as the time is coming for the anchoring of divine love by these couples, all about the earth.

I set sail with a walnut shell and a leaf from the ground and a pool of water in the hollow of a tree.

I set sail with a walnut shell and a leaf from the ground and a pool of water in the hollow of a tree.

Once we truly understand oneness and accept ourselves fully as the love that we are, we open the door to our counterparts taking physical form. No small task as how many truly are in love with themselves? I awake now and ask to see everything that enters my world, through the eyes of love. To see the gift in every moment, in every person that appears on my screen of life. The universe will continue to give you opportunities to strengthen this self love. This came home when I retrieved the mail. There were wedding invitations for all five members of our family……all were addressed to the person and included: “and guest”. All except mine. I laughed! Of course, I have been single for years but the thought came that I was seen as someone not thought of as being in a love relationship. The old me would have felt hurt, the new me delighted in the reminder that I am love. I smiled in the knowing that my beloved is coming to me, and I am my own beloved.

Perhaps, your beloved is already in physical form but for thousands upon thousands of us, our divine counterparts have remained with Source or the higher octaves in order to fully support us making it to this point. We are asked to embrace these waves of love hitting our fields, to fully accept the ups and downs. As the love flows in and the bliss arises, it flushes out any pockets of not love, remaining. Hence the dive in energy as that flows through and is embraced in gratitude on its way out. Another wave of bliss catches us, and then the dive……on and on it continues, with us riding the extremes until it begins to come to center and we find ourselves floating in stillness and peace. And love, greater than anything we have imagined or known in lifetimes. Wholeness awaits. Open your heart wide and allow the tsunami to take you, surrendering fully to where it will lead. Love is our teacher and she will guide us home.


Flames of Love Lighting Up the World

Nosegay of flowers that I am sending to each one of you.

Nosegay of flowers that I am sending to each one of you.

Oh my! I awoke to a lightness in my body and a dancing flame on my crown. I feel newly born, that a new epoch has been birthed on this earth of ours. Our Mother Earth’s heart is a dancing wave, so full of joy and love. Every portal, every chakra, every cell of this earth body is open to receive the waves of love sent from our sun, the sun behind the sun, the great central sun. Woohoo, Source energy penetrating my cells and yours. On this day of love, all that we are asked to do is OPEN to receive.

Can you feel that? There is no doing, no fixing, no trying. There is only allowing ourselves to open like a flower bursting into bloom. My heart is a fiery flame, I am amazed that I am not searing others with my touch! All the Divine Mothers have come in today, surrounding me in their love and opening me more fully to gather more of this liquidlovelight into my being. Ah, the Divine Father smiles his love through my being, bringing balance to all.

My card for my former hubby, dear friend.

My card for my former hubby, dear friend, expressing our support and care.

I am singing, dancing, laughing and loving. I gave my former hubby a card today that had him in tears. The love a palpable field between us, showing us its strength and beauty. This is truth, this is who we are. We are love.

May you all feel the love that you are, surrounding you. May you all see your own beauty. May you all know your own wisdom. May you fall in love with the incredibleness that you are. I have! I love you……heartlight streaming ribbons to all upon this earth and to our Mother’s heart today.

On my walk, I found a heart rock awaiting every few steps! I love our Mother Earth!

On my walk, I found a heart rock awaiting every few steps! I love our Mother Earth!

Flames of Transformation Pounding This Weary Body

Shadows hinting at our taller, thinner forms to come?

Shadows hinting at our taller, thinner forms to come?

Intense energy days….today my head felt like it was being hit by a hammer. So heavy, made me feel ill. My body has been sweating as the fires of transformation continue to burn. As a friend said to me: “We are transforming into flames of love!” That is a better image than mine of a sledgehammer hitting me! Today I believe it. My body has felt so heavy and dense, each morning it seems to take longer to get it moving. The dissonance between the freedom of my dream time and this reality is more and more difficult to navigate. Tears of weariness arise along with a sense that we will soon be shining ones.  Both feelings present… to be present with them both?

We are right in the midst of immense movement, excitement a current running through me. All that I have dreamt of and held a vision of, seems almost palpable. Our new world, shimmering at the edge of our sight. I heard the word, purify, in relation to this week.  My mind went into its old aesthetic mode: “Oh, we will fast.” My body quickly said no to that. She told me I was too fragile emotionally for that and needed comfort food and warmth or coolness. Indeed, chocolate, sugar and salt have been my food groups of choice, alerting me that change is in process.  My body knows something big is up and she will not be the same. Purification is coming in the form of inner heat, it is building the head pressure, sleepiness and sleeplessness. This afternoon I could do nothing but lie down and let sleep take me, tonight it is after 4am and I sit here with the fire for company, the moon illuminating the sky.

Oh, this transforming is not easy. There are moments when I do not think I can go on. It feels like I have lived this limited life forever. I observe others moving about with energy to do a hundred things and I sit or lie here breathing in and out with energy for no thing. Other times, I am pulsing with the lovelight and on fire with the knowing that all is on track.

Last month's full moon rising...time is disappearing.

Last month’s full moon rising…time is disappearing.

Our earth is burning with heat in the southern hemisphere, flooding and freezing in the north, all in flux. I feel all of this with her as the flames and chills roll through me and the pounding waves batter me. We are all seeking balance and a clear vessel to move in. There is only surrender to this moment. To feel every emotion fully, to allow it to play itself out and open to the next. I am safe and warm, surrounded by the dark, quiet house, the fire flickering in the hearth. I send out ribbons of heartlight to all those suffering in this night. I pray for freedom and blessings for all. Hold on, I hear. Hold on. A world beyond our imaginings is about to be born.

The Tsunami of Love Hitting Our Shores

Expand beyond the limits of linear form, say the palm trees.

Expand beyond the limits of linear form, say the palm trees.

I want to pass along this link to a meditation to open yourself to the tsunami of love that is presently hitting our energy fields. Linda Dillion, a channel for the Council of Love brings  through the Divine Mother’s gift of love:

This morning the air smells alive with winter’s arrival. The rain has kept up steadily for a second day now, the trees swaying in the cool breeze and my pink prayer flags flying with the slant of the drops. A fire flares and swoops in the hearth and my son has placed a warming cup of strong, delicious coffee at hand. I feel a bit of envy that he still has the ending ahead in a story that I read. In our family, we exchange books, passing on the good ones, eager to discuss and savor the highlights. I recall a boyfriend of my daughter’s joining us for dinner, during the hectic and harried high school years. He expressed astonishment that the conversation revolved around what we were all reading and the trading back and forth as well as the excitement we felt in sharing our treasures. We read out the compelling bits, luring one another into our temporary world in order to have a companion by our side to relish the journey with. He read for school assignments, a meagre duty bound consumption, that did not fit the rich smorgasbord that we supped at daily.

An image hung static on a wall, yet these stones contain worlds of lives once lived upon this earth. They call me to step out in expression of the All.

An image hung static on a wall, yet these stones contain worlds of lives once lived upon this earth. They call me to step out in expression of the All.

So, we sit in companionable silence, our books, the fire, the rain falling on the roof in a steady rhythm. I am feeling peace in this moment. I have gone through a dozen feelings in the space of this morning. I have noticed my head aching intermittently with blasts of intense pressure. I felt weak with tears and nausea which then turned to this moments’ contentment. I touch so many emotions in an hour, in five minutes that I cannot keep up with myself! (that is part of it, there is no “keeping up”). I lay in bed, certain that I would not get up today as I felt so flat, so disconnected, the world a gray shadow, holding no glimmer of light. The next moment, I find myself standing in the shower, amazed at the water cleansing my body. I stood in front of my closet, deciding to dress in lavender hues to greet the afternoon. My mood lifted by the cleanliness and color, I stand to do the above meditation, reeling as waves of nausea hit. I must lie down afterwards, tumbling about in my own field. Waves of love followed by despair forming a well in my being. Who am I?

Thank goodness I have so fully embraced my beingness as I might otherwise question what is going on. I long ago let go of any concern about losing my mind. Actually, I realize as I have heard others express this concern at different points on their path…..that has not ever been a concern of mine. A deep questioning of self, yes.  I may not understand what I am doing or being, yet I trust the process fully. A friend’s call brings forward an aspect of myself that yet sought my embrace. Deep sobs shook me as I opened my heart to welcome in my erratic emotional self. We have cleared so much and are now asked to deal with the resonance of our holographic shadows that seek wholeness through our embrace. She relayed to me how my ability to be fully present with myself, expressing a range of emotions, allowed her to go more deeply into her flame of stillness and peace. This aspect that had been criticized outwardly and inwardly by myself as not “spiritual” was embraced in love and gratitude for what it had brought. It was such a beautiful exchange as I had felt myself over the past 24 hours, reaching out an arm to her flame, to anchor me in that steady stillness as I went further into the unknown, seeking out the dark shadows that were calling for my embrace. My widely ranging emotions are an expression of working with all that comes forth seeking this mother’s love and embrace. I play across a wide spectrum whereas she holds a deeply anchored note in a narrower range. All a part of this symphony we are playing together. All shadows are now seeking the light so that all can be brought home within ourselves. We rejoiced at our co-creation and support of one another as we express our truth.

Can I live fully without locking onto a destination ahead?

Can I live fully without locking onto a destination ahead?

The task for each is to fully express our flame, the one we brought from home. We were conditioned to believe in an image of ourself that was crafted to fit in as a cog in the wheel of limitation. We sanded off our edges, tamped down our flames to stay within the confines given. We are now asked to step out from that image and express the full range of frequencies found within our one note. Indeed, our note contains the all! So in each moment, we are free to open to what flows authentically in that moment. It may be new, unfamiliar, nothing like who or what we thought ourselves to be. As we express this moment, it dissolves allowing the next to take form. Judgment disappears and we marvel at the fullness of the note, low and high, of equal playing pleasure. Amazing! We can only move, one moment to the next, yet the freedom in that movement is enormous! We can so fully feel what comes through us, as us, that all else dissolves. Yet a thread is always connected to the One, the Creator of all, giving us limitless freedom. We are free to love what we love, fully.

Back in my chair by the fire, universes of feelings traversed, gratitude abounding. Memories flow in of awakening throughout the night to hear the command: “Activation!” followed by electrical charges moving through my body. I then saw myself giving the command to others: “Activation!” while their forms slept. We are being activated by waves of love, how blessed are we.





My Prayer Flags Speak to Me

IMG_6002As I lay in the hot tub yesterday, my prayer flags brought me a message. I so love how everything seeks to converse with us and work with us to bring forth greater love. I was watching how the breeze was stirring them up, twisting and spinning them about. I had previously gotten up on a ladder to straighten and untangle them. The flags laughed and showed me how some that were twisted around the day before, were now hanging straight, and others were now tumbled. They surrender to the elements, allowing the rain and wind and sun to have their way. Here is their message:

IMG_5999“Dear one, you no longer need to use your mind to attempt to bring things to “right”. The elementals and the pink flame of your heart bring all that is needed in each moment. Twisted, upside down, tumbled…..allow all to be. The wind comes in to unwind, to move, to shift and your part is the allowance. There are moments of perfect stillness where one hangs in the void of emptiness. There are moments of gentle movement as if one is caressed by the All that is. At other times, fierce winds threaten to untether you, yet you are held firmly by your I AM presence, the cord connecting you to the Creator who ever has you in hand. Fear not the fraying, your threads flying off, scattering about. The birds pick them up and use them to build nests for their babies…new life out of the old. Thread by thread you are asked to let go. Know that what is true and strong remains, as you offer yourself as a vehicle for movement, a living prayer flying high. Rejoice in this!”

I embrace myself as a living prayer this day, open to the winds of change, the nourishing rain, the growth and weathering by the sun. I drink all in, savoring each moment. I AM a pink prayer flag of love. Today I am working on making bright orange flags to play with the pink, bringing my creative fires to dance with the flame of love.


Our New Leadership Emerges

This pink starfish was almost hidden until the sunlight revealed her. We are being called out by the sun to reveal our true colors.

This pink starfish was almost hidden until the sunlight revealed her. We are being called out by the sun to reveal our true colors.

As you know, I have recently received messages about stepping into my leadership role. I knew it did not look like our former understanding. I could sense it yet not define it. I did not have to as a fellow blogger, Brenda Hoffman did so perfectly! Here is the part that rang bells for me:

You are the leader of one – and therefore, the leader of all. Displaying to others what is possible once you trust and love yourself. You are not better than others. Nor are you less than others. This is the Age to strut your stuff in any way you wish – but not expecting others to notice or care for they are strutting their stuff in their way…That is your road to glory. That is your joy. Believing in yourself enough to discover and live your life whether that meshes with others or not. “

I so love the way we are co-creating this new earth! I could feel the joy of living in a world of such magnificent diversity, where everyone fully embodied their truth, no longer sanding off the edges or putting on a mask over their essence. Allowing all of themselves to shine purely. Wow! Can’t you just feel that? There will be so much more dancing and song and color and play!

One of Gabriel's paintings with the orange delighting me.

One of Gabriel’s paintings with the orange delighting me.

I often get colors that want expression, it has recently shifted from magentas and violets to oranges of every hue. I want to eat orange food, sweet potatoes, salmon, oranges and squash of every kind, drink in orange lilies as they blossom on my table, I wrap orange scarves about my throat. I have four paintings with orange boldly expressing itself hanging on the living room walls at the moment. I just read Lisa Gawlas’ post about the color of February being orange!

Sacral chakra energy.  The place where life emerges from.  Sexual energy.”

I watched this elderly couple make their way down to the beach, holding hands while carrying a bottle of wine to share. They had arrived to watch the sunset. They spoke so eloquently to me of the tenderness of  love.

I watched this elderly couple make their way down to the beach, holding hands while carrying a bottle of wine to share. They had arrived to watch the sunset. They spoke so eloquently to me of the tenderness of love.

This so fits with the union of the divine counterparts heating up as our fires of passion are coming online to birth the new life. My heart feels this excitement. Yet my body today is feeling flat and worn. I was awake for most of the night, not able to read or do anything but lie there in the dark with various currents running up and down, sweats and chills, head pressure and strange dreams  that I flowed in and out of. It has been an intense few days and my body is asking for stillness and quiet. The predicted rain has not come, blue skies and sunshine when I am craving mists and damp. The birds are calling me to sit outside and bask in it all. 11:11am…..time to go and be with what is.

Flowing in the Fast Current of February

A faery arch in the redwoods, symbolizing the joining to come.

A faery arch in the redwoods, symbolizing the joining to come.

It is only the fourth of February and my life has been going at a full gallop since it blew in. It is difficult to find a sequence to events as I have lived through ages since the first of the month. During an afternoon of art, Nooryana (a warrior aspect of myself) came forth and settled in more fully. We also did a stargate card session, which always amazes me with its accuracy. It showed the old focus in my life with the image of a magician and a block. I understood this as seeking spiritual gifts and magic within a known structure….the new age movement with its boundaries and rules. The other cards showed me in my inward space of now, moving into greater discernment and sword sharp, clarity. A gate card had me standing in front of it, gathering all of myself, the sword I drew, ran through my center, magnetizing all of my aspects to myself to it. The crown card lit up as I stepped into my leadership role, uniting all of myself in the circle of unity (the other card I drew). Once we have cleared and embraced all of ourselves, the light and the dark, we are then free to step through the gate into the new landscape of oneness and love. I felt myself spiral down into the center of the All that is. I then flowed back up, observing each layer from a perspective of oneness. Seeing the all in each part. I had a vision of every soul coming into unity with self, receiving their crown and stepping forth singing their note in this celestial song.

Play with chalk and symbols.

Play with chalk and symbols.

It was such an incredible experience. All from some cards! You cannot make this stuff up! I had further confirmation from a friend in New Zealand, seeing my crown and sword and confirming the vision I was given. She and I and another worked on the inner planes with the divine mothers, clearing dark energies about a man they were close to.  All flowed with ease, each of us complementing one another’s gifts, bringing about the highest good as the higher self of the man stepped forth to receive this clearing’s freedom. My spirit smiled at me, as I accepted my gifts more fully.

The next morning, I had a clearing session with a gifted friend. That morning, I received an email from my daughter that triggered me, a sign that something needed clearing. I was surprised to discover the deep soul connection I shared with her partner. I saw the reason for his wariness with me, I had chopped his head off a few times in other lifetimes! We had played many roles with one another and he was again playing a powerful role for me. I sobbed with the emotions that were released and forgave him and myself for much of what came up. We went on to clear other emotions, most of them residing in my feet. My I AM presence was anchored in as far as my ankles, my feet remaining to be cleared. So, we worked on what showed up. Some with my daughter, as we came to teach one another about freedom and God’s will, over and over. All of our lifetimes were in the mother-daughter relationship, alternating who was “in control”. I recall her yelling at  me as a young girl how she was so did not enjoy being the daughter, she knew herself as the mother! There was some spinal twining with my elder son, planned on our parts, until now. The moment for release here to allow the next unfolding. A heel’s worth of grief (it had felt the burning at the stake fires) with another released as did a toe of guilt with my sister who committed suicide thirty-five years ago. A ball of my foot release with the one I thought my beloved, as he taught me that self sacrifice was old and not an honoring of myself. Cascades of tears flowed as she and I worked back and forth to clear all from our fields that was ready to depart. Emptied, we then filled ourselves with our own essence that had awaited room to enter in.

IMG_5975Later, my friend of the cards and messages, came over and we spent a couple of hours in the hot tub, creating a wheel that was being turned by us and others known to us, who participated in their KA bodies. We stretched out this way and that, under and above water as dolphins, whales and cosmic beings played in the waters with us. Four crystals formed the hub of the wheel on the bottom of the tub. We were well and truly washed clean for what came next. My friend had released a barrier in herself with her divine counterpart a day or so before. She now felt him in every cell of her being, no separation. He is assisting in what is to come. We set up an altar on a painting that I had co-created with an artist in New Zealand. She had brought through an aspect of myself, called Rosebud. When we worked on the painting, a dancing couple appeared in the blank space of the canvas. I knew it as my beloved and myself. It had been rolled up for months as I had no space to hang it. We unrolled it on the floor and it was the base for an altar we set up. The crystal skulls want to participate and I laugh when I see the hearts that I was guided to place in their eyes the night before. They knew love was on the agenda.


Painting co-created with Jan Williams……she brought forth the angelic form.

I am to set the energy as I understand that I am to be initiated. There is an anointing that will take place, preparing me for my beloved. Taking direction from my friend, I lie down, my head on the painting, crystals at my crown, heart rocks at my feet. My friend plays her crystal singing bowls and bells over me. The bowls stated their love of playing together and how their power increases in co-creation as does ours. I travel within, feeling my cells spinning faster, raising my vibration. My beloved appears, he is learning to feel form once again. He reaches out a hand and pulls me to him. We stand and spiral as one. He whispers: “Soon, soon the meeting will take place.” I understand that I am acting as proxy for thousands, no, millions on the planet. I feel the waves of despair of souls having closed their hearts to the idea of being truly met in love. It is an innate desire, the coming together into wholeness, before the splitting apart. The desire is so intense and the heartache so deep from lifetimes apart, that we have not allowed ourselves to fully feel it nor bring it into  the light of day. My sword went into action, clearing the despair, the feelings of unworthiness, the self-doubt, the pain. It takes great courage to open ourselves fully to this love, to open ourselves to ourselves. Our beloved is us as we are they. Imagine how the reunion of these couples will ignite the world with love! The earth announces her readiness to hold this frequency of love. I have been a part of preparing the pathway for the reunions, for many a year. I have surrendered over and over my yearning for this union. I have trusted that the most perfect timing is being arranged by my I AM presence. I know how loved I am as I walk with this fullness in my heart.

All was arranged that neither of my housemates were returning for the weekend, so the altar was able to be left in place to hum all night long. I was buzzing and not able to sleep until almost midnight. The next morning, we began again. We skyped with a friend in Scotland and the three of us journeyed together. As the energy completed, I received a text that my son was on his way home. All perfectly orchestrated and aligned. We come together and things happen with no effort, thought or plan; new vistas and landscapes present themselves. Our human minds could not arrange it as well if we tried. Allowing and trusting the flow brings such rich gifts!

The next day, four of us met to sit with crystals, rocks, skulls, flowers and the sun. We all shifted further. One friend said how she desired to spread her legs wide and invite in the ecstasy of the universe! We laughed at the orgasmic bliss that our hearts were experiencing. We were opening in new ways, fluid and free, our cells inviting in this union.

IMG_5973The next initiation is at my shoulder, awaiting its moment. There is no preparation though I am given a window of time in that Leopold, my beloved skull, desires to be wearing a wreath of yellow flowers in celebration of my awaiting expansion. I understand it will take me into a new realm of existence. The forsythia bush has just put out a few blossoms, within a week or two, it will be covered and ready to be made into wreaths. I open myself in readiness, I offer all that I am in service to the One. Whatever awaits, I am ready. I know this is happening for all of us as we embody more of who we truly are. I honor the courage of each of our hearts, opening to love’s flames.