Traveling Up The Silver Cord

A friend said that she saw me lying on a bed of pink rose petals. I could smell them about me.

A friend said that she saw me lying on a bed of pink rose petals. I could smell them about me.

Here I am in wonder at the newness all around. Yesterday I awoke after twelve hours in bed and went for a walk at the park. I returned to bed, spoke with a friend who described an experience that started the tears. Memory gone but the essence of her experience echoed within me.  I had been feeling weepy and fragile, not anchored in any way. In bed, I found myself disappearing. I felt my energy being drawn up and out through my silver cord. I felt the word, dissolution. I could not speak, only witness. After a time, I had to get up to use the toilet and made eye contact with my daughter and son. They brought water and sat with me. I could see them in their shining forms, so beautiful. I asked for my shimmering purple sari to be laid on top of me. I felt myself leaving and was at peace. I knew all whom I love, would be fine. Could feel some fear in a couple of the family, asked internally about this happening in front of them in such a dramatic way. I received the answer that this was part of their expansion.

I traveled up and up until I was with Source. No words, only love. Mother Mary came and pulled me into her lap and rocked me like the small child that I was. Archangel Michael and El Morya were with me. I felt no fear. Thy will is my will…….my internal mantra. There was an assessment, my body temple so fatigued….could it go on? Every cell was depleted, empty. New form needed. El Morya spoke of our work together and the plane from which it would begin anew. I saw aspects of myself, like diamond lights shimmering, coalescing in various planes. Dimensions are different than what we think, our vocabulary so linear and confining when the truth is so much more. I observed myself, heard that there would be a trade, my old self dying, disintegrating here and going back to Source for renewal and regeneration. New aspects came into light form, millions of diamonds, gathering and traveling down the silver cord. So much more of me descending than the aspect ascending.

Wonderful shapes floating by, all saying hello.

Wonderful shapes floating by, all saying hello.

Peace and surrender, unattached to anything, anyone, any outcome. Knowing I was in the hands of my Creator. Holding Leopold, my lapis skull in my hands, as he was a steady presence throughout the experience, our love so deep. Felt each heart who loves me and felt my love for them. Drifted in and out. Had my son call a dear friend who journeys with me. She reassured him, told him I was a golden tree, like in Avatar, with light filaments at the ends of my branches. I was bringing through a new frequency… might be the word yet unlike the love we have known. She set to work, anchoring the golden threads into Gaia and my son assisted. I saw how this frequency was so pure, so golden……so necessary for our next step. All were to be bathed in it. It was important that it be completed by today as the new moon tomorrow, begins a new era for earth.

A recent grid of crystals and a Georgia O'Keefe print from the flower/art show we visited.

A recent grid of crystals and a Georgia O’Keefe print from the flower/art show we visited.

I gave permission for my form to be used to see how this frequency would affect others. My body almost did not withstand it, yet it did with the new aspects flowing in to anchor this beautiful light. I have known myself to be one who brings in new frequencies, test driving them, so to speak, before they are released for all. At these times, I am very much alone on the human plane and held so lovingly on the etheric planes. I am grateful for my surrender and trust which carries me so fluidly upon its back. It was not always this way. Often fear would arise, a sense of deep isolation at the unknown. The peace throughout this experience was palpable. At some point I encouraged my family to go out to dinner as we had planned, allowing me to bring more of myself in, in stillness.

I was able to speak with the dear hearts who support me through this, all being co-creative endeavors at this point. They anchor and hold me as I take the strands of light and do what is mine to do.

When I was in Colorado recently, I had a precursor to this event. I was lying in a meadow, under a lone tree, looking at the mountains, sky, snow and sun. I saw myself as a crane, flying in a spiral upwards. I flew into the sun, bursting into flame, welcoming the fire with all of my being. I watched myself come out, carrying flaming flares in my mouth. I dove to earth and wove the flames about her, over and over, sun to earth, earth to sun and back again. I was weaving burning ribbons of light into and around her, in a grid of light.

Now, I have anchored a flame of love that will bursts hearts asunder like a roaring fire. All is set, all in place for this new era to begin. I feel completion on every level. Our family template of love was set as the five of us slept under the same roof for the first time in years as my daughter returned. Our harmony and love, an imprint of the new, set in place.  A work of thirty some years complete for me.

Today this body asks for rest. Much is still integrating within. I look in the mirror and welcome all that I am into this temple who has served me so well. The imprints of trauma have been scourged with the flames, I feel hollowed out and yet, filled.

I know nothing except wonder at the love. We are so loved. We are so cherished. Breathe that in today. I love you all.

Mountains, Eagles, Dancing Flames Melting in Love

Crystal clear energy on the mountain.

Crystal clear energy on the mountain.

I see that it has been twenty-one days since I last wrote. Time is an illusion……flowing in wonderous ways these days. March has been a whirlwind of motion after months of stillness and rest. I traveled to Boulder, Colorado at the invitation of a friend. We shared some glorious days together, soaking in the beauty of the mountains. I had a day of snowshoeing with a beautiful new soul family member and my friend, a wonderful trinity of love. It fed my craving for snow, trees, sunlight and love. There were moments so full, we could do no more than look at one another, our heart light often bringing tears.  My friend and I lived in a state of love,  intoxicating and demanding in its force. So much energy in motion, knowing our fields were creating, drawn deep in the swirling spirals. Of late,  I am finding that after a brief conversation, I have to go and lie down, dropping in and away for five minutes or fifteen…..long enough for the fine tuning and recalibration to take place from all being created in the sharing.

Everyone we need to complete with is coming to us. Everything we need to clear within is flowing or screaming its way to the surface. It is so important to not attach to any of it yet feel it all fully. You can feel depressed, depraved even yet know that is not defining you. You can be angry and know it is not who you are. All is looking for release. By being a field of love, we invite the energies within us that are less than love to come out and be seen. It is crucial to not judge ourselves when this happens. We can imagine holding out our arms to these recalcitrant energies as we would to a wayward child, inviting it in to be held and comforted.

A snow heart left outside the backdoor,  a gift from the sun/snow/elementals reflecting the love I felt everywhere.

A snow heart left outside the backdoor, a gift from the sun/snow/elementals reflecting the love I felt everywhere.

A Native American man with eagle in his name showed up to complete work. Third powerful eagle energy in a Native being for me to work with. I sang to his heart which allowed our beings to spiral upward and down deep, bridging heaven to earth…..our contract and work.  I could feel his wings and talons wanting to consume in the old way, as his spirit recognized and felt the liquidlovelight of the feminine. The work was for him to feel it, and slow down enough to find it inside himself rather than grasping at me to provide it. My work was to be the field of love with presence, a soft carpet beneath his being, allowing him to feel supported while he accessed that love inside, without my being trampled upon. I had to trust myself to know when to gently remove my carpet, showing him that he was standing on his own foundation, as his feminine came into balance with his masculine within. Society teaches men to find it outside and contain it as theirs, an old paradigm that keeps both sexes entrapped.  A friend cautioned me in my contact with this powerful being yet I knew my feminine’s strength and power and that she was able for the task my soul called me to.

Krishna playing his flute on the mountain.

Krishna playing his flute on the mountain.

We shared an evening of kirtan at the Star House, in the mountains outside Boulder. A beautiful building, surrounded by a circle of standing stones where the music lifted us into the planes of ecstasy. The first song was to Ganesha, my dear elephant friend, who has been working with me for the past month or so. He had come to me on the mountain at 9000 feet where I had co-created a crystal grid that lay in the snowy sunlight. He had shown me that the love pouring into the planet was melting people’s hearts as surely as the  sunlight was melting the snow about each crystal, so gently and softly does it touch our hearts. I knew that Ganesha was there as my protector and that I was to allow myself to be carried by the intensity of the drums and voices and the Eagle being beside me. I surrendered to the energy and chants and was rewarded with a dance with Shiva. He came to me as a flame in the sky, fiery and bright. We danced in patterns of  golden light that sent a shower of liquidlovelight streaming earthward. I laughed and marveled that I was dancing with him (I had recently read a story of a flaming man, dreamt of flames and felt myself consumed) and he told me that we had danced together many times and this was our joy. Then Krishna was there playing his magic flute which seemed to dance me into a frenzy of love. I saw myself sitting on the floor, in the circle of folks and yet knew our spiraling energies weaving patterns in the sky. At one point, my Eagle friend went from swaying movement to deep stillness. I knew he had accessed that stream and later he related that he knew himself being the bridge between heaven and earth as he felt the power of the connection in his being.  It is his role and mine, he the pillars of support, me the flowing stream that wayshows the path he upheld. We played our roles large as the music wove its patterns of love.

A snow being who greeted us on our hike.

A snow being who greeted us on our hike.

Later, the asking for more and my knowing the completion of our work. Each must integrate and discover the empowerment in self. We can assist one another but we cannot walk the path for another. We can only shine a light on the power and gifts that reside within so that the other can see them for themselves if they choose to look. This wonderful brother of my heart, asked some questions that brought me to another level of healing of a heart wound I was unaware was yet bleeding. I am so grateful for him showing up to do the  work that was ours to do. He played his part well.

I was grateful to my feminine that set the boundary and declared my time of healing wounded warriors to be over. Knowing all must heal their own wounds, sit in the flame of their own fire and bring it all back to the love that is. We are the fierce mother flame that kicks the fledging out of the nest when it is its time to use its wings, holding the image of his soaring like a bright coal in our heart. As well as the lovers and friends who see the beauty of the other and act as a mirror to shine it back at them.

IMG_6226 My friend illustrated this powerfully by holding her hands up, palms facing one another. Sovereignty facing sovereignty. The old energy, one leaning into another or leaning away. Both disempowering stances of victim/persecutor or aloofness masking fear.  We can stand face to face, heart to heart and allow the love to flow freely, fearlessly when we have discovered our masculine’s strength balanced by the feminine’s flow. We are able vessels for this lovelight as it is what we are. Breathing in and sighing deep with the love that I am. Breathing in and savoring the love that you are. Tears of wonder at the love that is. A deep bow to us all.

Mount Shasta Drive By

Mount Shasta blanketed by clouds.

Mount Shasta blanketed by clouds.

March began with movement for me, after weeks of stillness. A friend from my past came to visit from his home in China. I met him in Western Australia when I was 18, he was 16. We have only seen one another a handful of times in all those years, given the distance, life’s obligations, resources, etc. Yet our friendship has held, despite all of that. Once I knew that he would be coming for a couple of days (thank goodness we can expand time), many things began to align. A friend asked if I was ready to clear all “contracts, curses and vows” with him. Wow, never thought of it in those terms. I agreed, we called in his higher self who came with alacrity, eager to participate. She had me repeat a statement of clearing three times. Images of a medieval lifetime, a knowing of all the relationships we have played with one another, partners, parent/child. sibling, master/slave……on and on. All this in a nanosecond. By the third voicing of the statement, I was sobbing. Deep emotion, allowed it all to flow through. Knew it was preparing a clean slate in which to meet upon. Through her questioning, it came to light that this man was indeed an aspect of me, as he had always told me. He was my third split from Source, so our connection went far back. Amazing, all the layers of lifetimes and roles.

My friend was going to be leaving the USA out of San Francisco and wanted to meet there. That did not resonate with me as I am not much of a city gal these days so I suggested Mount Shasta. Later, Adama came in and told me it was he who put the idea of Shasta in my mind as he wished me to bring my friend there. Various pieces of information came in from friends. I do so love the co-creative way we work these days!  We were all working to create a pyramid that would be lowered over Mount Shasta. My friend and I would be holding the divine feminine and divine masculine aspects in the center. We would all connect the core of the Earth with the Galactic Center. As above, so below. The Telosians under Mount Shasta would be partners in all of  this.

Traveling from Idaho, my friend was scheduled to fly into Medford, Oregon. A storm was predicted so there was concern about crossing the mountain passes. I debated whether to take my son’s car with four wheel drive rather than my faithful Maxie, who had laid down tracks of liquidlovelight all across the country over the past few years. In the end, she insisted that she was to accompany me on this journey as it was a last hurrah in some way. Seems we are both about to get an upgrade in form! I love that idea.

IMG_6122As I drove out of Sacramento, I was greeted with a huge rainbow arching over the highway. I started to laugh as I knew that it was a sign given to me that all was well and my anxiety melted away. Wipers on high most of the way, I arrived just outside Shasta to stop and do some sword work with a friend. There was an energetic exchange as well as being fed a delicious lunch which fueled me for the rest of my trip. I drove into the town of Mount Shasta, the mountain invisible in the rain. I got out to walk along the main street to stretch my legs. I went into a clothing store and emerged with a new, rather expensive flowy outfit, not my intention at all. I heard, “This is in celebration for what is taking place.” Observing myself with bemusement, I decided to head straight up to Medford in order to get over the pass before the weather got worse. Once in the winding mountain pass, the sky cleared and the sun laid a dry, clear road ahead. In Medford, I checked into the first cheap motel that I found. As I went to register in the lobby, I realized that I had been here years before with my daughter. I recalled that I had picked her up in Oregon and was taking her home as she was having a tough time. I felt all the worry and concern flood through me as I stood at the desk. Amazingly, the young woman at the desk was the same person who had been there before. I felt like I was crossing timelines in some way.

IMG_6145I awoke at 5 a.m. to a text from my friend stating that his flight had been canceled. His option was to take a flight to Sacramento that would get him there about noon. Yielding to what was, I packed up and headed back down the highway. The timing would work perfectly for me to arrive at the Sacramento airport to pick him up. Mount Shasta remained veiled as I stopped at the headwaters to fill my water jugs. There was no time to drive up the mountain, I sent her my love and drove on. I tuned in to Adama, the Telosian to see if he had any messages about this change. Nothing.  Five hours later, my friend and I were together and it turned out that my former hubby was unexpectedly, still at the house. Ah, this is what was meant to happen! Here was the meat of it. My friend from Aussie was the person whose name had been linked with my decision to divorce. He held the trigger of pain for my former hubby. I had gone to Aussie after 28 years away, at this man’s invitation and once there, decided that I would divorce. He was married and was not the reason for the divorce but we had had an emotional “affair” through letters that came to light. I had felt “seen” by him and that had rocked my world. Now the three of us were face to face. Energy was running through me, making me aware of the import of this meeting. Grace prevailed and my former hubby opened his home and his heart to my friend. It was a thing of beauty to witness. I knew the healing that took place was not just from this lifetime, but from many. Later,we met up with  a friend who had memories of a love triangle, with she and I being male and my Aussie friend being female, in ancient days on Hawaii. We met and played crystal bowls and knew once again that healing took place for all. Arranged in ways that I could not have orchestrated.

Dramatic clouds on my drive.

Dramatic clouds on my drive.

I came away once again knowing to expect the unexpected, to trust and flow with my intuition. I may never know all the reasons for my drive up to Medford and back or why my friend did not end up seeing Shasta, but I trust that all was in order. I am so grateful for the gifts of healing and resolution. There were many memories that came up in conversation from those shared days of long ago, I could feel the release as they moved through me. This parting did not involve my usual sobs but rather a quiet hollowness. I allowed it space, feeling the emptiness at the loss of the presence of that aspect of myself. After a day or so, I came back to peace and a sense of fullness from the time we shared. We are tying up loose ends, bringing all to a tone of harmony and love. I am so grateful.

Adama is chuckling, so much more took place than I imagined, just been given a glimpse of it. Had I known all, it might have altered things.  I love how it all works!

Dreamt of The Moment of The Shift

Let your heart bloom with love.

Let your heart bloom with love.

Just awoke from a dream feeling very nauseous. We were doing a test run for “the shift”. It seems I was on a spaceship with many others. There were a couple of ways things could work but we were all desirous of the most optimum one manifesting. Reports were coming in from all parts of the earth as we sought the exact moment to “shift”. It was a huge effort involving incredible coordination on multiple levels. There was something about our eyes and frequency. I held my gaze with many, knowingly accessing deep peace inside. All had to be attuned, creating a hum, a vibration that would break through the veils and create the necessary movement. There was tremendous excitement as well as the knowing that we had trained for this moment for eons. No one knew the exact timing as it would happen when everything aligned. We held our stations, an all hands on deck situation, knowing, this was it. Alarm bells went off in one sector, our focus trained there to move it to the necessary frequency. Over and over we attended to the various disruptions or hot spots.

I awoke feeling ill yet knowing we are close. Closer than so many believe. It is but a blink of an eye. Prepare yourself emotionally to awake to a new world. Ha, how can we prepare for such a shift? By moving in every moment, into the love flame in our hearts and trusting that we are meant to live that love in all ways. By letting go of worry or concern about the future and living fully present in the now moment. By letting go of the past with its stories of wounding and suffering. Let it all go. Surrender in every way that you can and breathe in the peace. Feel every feeling that comes and let it play through you until it plays itself out. Hold nothing back. At the bottom of every feeling fully felt, peace awaits. Forgive everyone for everything ever done to you or by you. Forgive yourself most of all for all the ways that you have disappointed yourself or fallen short of an imaginary mark. Forgive God for all the wrongs you have heaped upon Her/Him. Turn to gratitude as an antidote to denser vibrations. Know yourself as lovable. Know that you are so loved. Know that you are love.

The animals are showing us how to hold the vibration of peace. Tune in to them.

The animals are showing us how to hold the vibration of peace. Tune in to them.

This shift is coming about internally, heart by heart. It then goes viral and shows up externally in our world. You hold a piece of this and it is being called for. Are you at peace? If so, sound your note, loud and clear with everything that you have. If not, do the work of clearing all that stands in your way. We cannot create peace on earth from outside ourselves. It comes as a result of each one being the peace. That means you cannot be violent to yourself in any way. If you want to live in a gentle world, then speak gently to yourself. Care for your body in gentle ways, thanking her/him for its service. Be the peaceful observer of your life, stepping back from drama or judgment of any experience or person. Open yourself to all that comes into your world, knowing that you have created it, in coordination with your higher self, for learning and growth. Trust this implicitly. Everything that enters your world is for your expansion. You are so loved that the universe conspires to bring what you need, to your doorstep. Listen to your intuition and show your respect by acting upon it. Hold a field of love for everything, knowing that everyone and everything wants only to know it is lovable. We are here to bring it all back to love.

What a privilege to be this love in expression. What miracles we are creating. I am ready. Believe yourself to be, and you are. We are not novices at this game. We are highly trained warriors of the heart, brought to this earth to free it from bondage. The sixties love revolution planted the seeds. We are ready to harvest those loveplants which have grown in our hearts. This world is crying out for peace. Align your peaceful heart with all the others and see it spreading like wildfire. A conflagration of peace lighting up Mother Earth. Any moment now……hold the vision with me and we will be there. I love us all and I so love this earth.