Dozing and Dreaming and Enjoying

The light dancing on our swimming hole.

The light dancing on our swimming hole.

Time continues its fluid dance. Days arrive that pass in a fog as the dreamtime pulls me under. The Solstice and the days since have been marked with time in nature with goddess sisters. Creeks flowing their frigid waters over bare bodies, warming ourselves on the hot rocks of the shore, gifting ourselves with an expanded version of hot rock massage. Champagne toasts to mark the longest day, delicious food, morning walks in the woods. Time on Mount Shasta, toning and communing with a group of soul sisters at Ascension rock as gateways called and portals opened. Coming down to earth with hamburgers in town as we completed our day. Fiery sauna, mineral bath and cold creek plunge day to integrate the new codes in the body. Relaxing in portable lounge chairs brought by a friend, elevating camping to a new level of ease. Gathering sticks to build the morning fire, heating water for coffee and a warm face wash.

Drive to the coast, a weekend alone except for a dear dog companion. Deep rest as I pull inward, allowing the birdsong and inner harmonies to nurture me. Bowers of flowers to intoxicate me: lavender, jasmine, honeysuckle, sweet pea, roses…the queens of fragrance. Cutting an armful to arrange in vases about the house, my joy soars! Bushes laden with blueberries and blackberries, fresh eggs collected from the henhouse, kale and chard, cilantro and mint all offering their goodness to me. A box of books, Irish fairy tales and fantasies arrive from a dear friend. A kitchen stocked with baking supplies, my heart danced as I made blueberry muffins. I ate one steaming and slathered with butter, fresh mint tea at hand, drinking a toast to my friend and Mother Nature for their creations.


I love how the universe loves me. I love how much I love me, creating these wonderous experiences. I am so grateful for the friends and beauty about me. After three and a half months renting a room in Mount Shasta, I am once again traveling in my new, to me, car. We are getting used to one another and I am grateful for her low mileage, her solidness and beauty. My tent and I are now reacquainted and the weeks ahead invite me to enjoy more of nature’s beauty spots under her shelter.

My first day alone, I could hardly move. It was an effort to simply feed the dog. I spoke to my higher self with some consternation: “How am I going to camp for weeks and drive long distances if I feel this way?” Then I began to laugh as I realized how perfectly I care for myself! I was in a lovely spot with a soft bed made up with linen sheets, no less, I had nowhere to go and nothing to do. I sank in and allowed the dream to move me. I am a dreamer, weaving the threads of creation. Time alone is such a gift, I drink of it with pleasure. Boundaries expand, as I grant myself access to other realms. Knowing the space is mine, allows me to travel farther afield in the inner realms. It can be jarring to be brought back abruptly by another’s presence. A house, a room, a tent, a tree, a car…all of these have offered me that space at various times. There is the hermit part of me that delights in my own companionship. Yet, that is not the plan for this lifetime.

Wild lilies lighting up the green.

Wild lilies lighting up the green.

Tonight my friends return, there will be movement and thoughts traveling ahead. The ocean awaits, offering long walks. Yellowstone and the Tetons beckon as the energies seek an arcing route. My body is still moving slowly yet I trust she will pick up speed when required. I allow myself to flow in this dreamtime. The joy flame a heat under my breast. I view all as evidence of me loving me or as something seeking the love light which flows in a steady stream through me. We are so loved and cherished. I care for myself with tenderness. I am trusting you to care for you with this infinite sweetness. This is the path to freedom for us all. I love you.

Solstice Soaring In

Mount Shasta beguiling always.

Mount Shasta beguiling always.

I just awoke with an intense feeling of appreciation for my life. I thanked the Creator for this life, thanked my beloved for the loving support that melts my heart, thanked my angels and all the light beings who surround me in each moment, thanked my heart for expanding each day in its capacity to love, thanked this body elemental which has been such an amazing trooper through all the changes and challenges of this ascension journey. I thanked the birds singing a greeting to the dawn outside my window, thanked the breeze for flowing over me with its pine scented freshness, thanked the creek below the house whose motion charges the air with enlivening vibrations, thanked Mount Shasta for her presence which calms and strengthens me, thanked this dawn for its stillness and pink cloud beauty. I thanked this computer and wifi connection that allows me to lie here and connect to the world. Everything is a blessing on this day of days.

It has been amazing to witness the emptying and infilling of my cellular structure. Last week there was a day that I awoke at 3 a.m. with my heart radiating intense pain. Oh, deep breath as the dream played itself through my being. It was full of pain from this lifetime, of the years that I experimented with victim consciousness and martyrdom. Ouch! It flowed through with a red hot heat. I blessed it for all the learning that it had given me, surrounded it in violet flame and let it move through me. I went out and stood on the ground and looked up at the stars to let their energy infill me.

liquidlovelight streaming

liquidlovelight streaming

It has been a time of releasing to make room for the blessings that we are being  showered with by all that is Love. It has been a dreamy, expanded experience for me. Floating through these days, long naps needed, not much appetite as the swirls of nausea move about. I could not look to the future without encountering bouts of nausea. I am moving from Mount Shasta in a couple of days. I could not get a handle on anything but the departure date. Tentative plans to camp, travel with others that spiraled about me, finding no landing strip. Planning has not been part of my life these past years as I moved into the flow and allowed Sophia, my I AM presence, to guide me. Now there is no separation, as more and more aspects are grounded in this body.

I could see a window open over Yellowstone and the Grand Teton area. I knew this was important, the completing of the past two summers weaving. I asked for assistance to step into the window, make the necessary plans as I am traveling with another. Her intention had been to head to Colorado with me and fly back as I continued my travels to Wyoming and Montana. As I viewed it, it would dissolve into that swirling spiral that made me ill. Later in the day, map in hand, I saw an arc light up from her home on the California/Oregon border to Yellowstone. Oh! We are to go there together and take the northern route. She said yes when she heard the new plan. The arc north and return south felt smooth and fluid. I was even able to get a reservation for the 4th of July in Yellowstone! I spoke with my elder son later that day and discovered that he would be in Yosemite that weekend. We laughed at the perfection as I for days I found myself saying Yosemite when I was thinking, Yellowstone. The line of connection is significant as our triad will be working together with the mountain ranges and underground systems. The dates are important also. Timing is crucial and I know that we will all hit our marks beautifully., dog, water....

Summer…kids, dog, water….

The summer of love! It is here and we are all being changed in new and wondrous ways. Our earth is beginning to shimmer with new energies and our cells are responding. It is time to allow the dreaminess, to rest in nature and let her fill us. I feel a strength pouring in, my body receiving the elixir of love from the earth that flows upward to meet the Creator’s love streaming in. The heart, the meeting place, a cauldron of fire. I go within to merge with this flame. Liquidlovelight ablaze. It feeds me, nourishes me, comforts me, inspires me. We are blessed.

Savor every moment! We will not pass this way again. All is changing. We are being offered freedom on an unimaginable scale. The 4th of July will proclaim much more than this country’s independence. It will be a claiming of our freedom from all the programming of old as well as a claiming of our birthright as creator beings to live in a world of peace and love. Hallelujah!


My son, Gabriel's latest creation. Can you feel the frequencies encoded?

My son, Gabriel’s latest creation. Can you feel the frequencies encoded?

So much clarity and insight is flowing in these days. I saw how we create structure in our lives in order to hold ourselves. We create various identities and roles as a means of feeling safe and comfortable. It has been our security. We have been programmed to adopt labels and live within their confines. We do this on so many levels, how we eat, how we pray, how we vote, how we dress, how we socialize. We forget that inherent in every structure, concept, belief, is its destruction. We hold to the form, not realizing that we imprison ourselves in the doing. Truly, we are fluid beings, moving to the rhythms of our earth mother, our sky father. I see the image of Gulliver, a giant, tied down by a thousand tiny ropes. We are these huge beings of light, who have become tethered and bound by our attachments to form.

Wild sky I drove under yesterday.

Wild sky I drove under yesterday.

We are being gifted with the unexpected in these now times. The weather no longer follows “normal” patterns, our bodies are exhibiting unusual and unexplainable symptoms, our sleep cycles no longer adhere to an eight hour block, our energy levels are not sustainable, our relationships with food and time and ourselves are changing. The unexpected allows us to move more fully into the present moment. Watch what happens when an event you were looking forward to, is cancelled. Witness the threads that flow to disappointment, to having things move in an expected pattern. Breathe in gratitude for the opening allowing curiosity to be present. What will fill this space? We are being challenged to find comfort in the not knowing of the next moment. Challenged to be fully present rather than allowing routine and form to reduce us to conditioned, muted responses to life.

We can unhook. We can sever the ropes (that turn out to be only threads) that keep us tied. We are moving into formlessness. In order to do so, we have to allow the flow. Fluidity invokes grace. We can unhook from the imposed programming of productivity. We can allow ourselves to daydream, to putter, to drift. We can drop words like lazy, idle, layabout. We can let go of the judgment and move towards the joy. We have defined ourselves by what we produce in the world of form yet we are entering the formless. Yes, we will continue to be creative, we will take action, but more organically, more authentically in each moment. It will be with a sense of play that we knew as children, living in the world of  magic and make believe.

Source is always present to infill the empty spaces. When we allow openings, when we sit until we feel a desire arise to move, we invite more of ourselves, more of the Godhead, to enter in. A perfect guest, She/He does not come uninvited. We must open the door and ask Her/Him in.

Spider seeking the essence along with me.

Spider seeking the essence along with me.

Those near and dear to me reach out when they need permission to listen to their hearts. I offer that permission to unhook, to let go, to step back. I encourage stepping out of form, allowing the flow to take them. I encourage radical self care. I encourage expression of every fear. I encourage feeling everything and letting it flow through. I encourage acceptance of the gift of grace. I offer a field of love that hears all, holds all without judgment. This we are allowed. The Creator does not judge us. The Creator loves us. There is no check list that we must complete to earn love. Love is. Love is given freely. It is time for us to embody this within ourselves and with everyone whom we interact.

Even love has been locked into form.  A static form that does not allow anger, that only has a soft voice. Love is a flame that blazes truth. It can slice through illusion, it can wrap you in a pink blanket of fuzzy comfort, it can pull the rug from under your feet.  It has the power of creation and that includes destruction. Often the darkest nights, have offered the greatest gift of love.

Clouds blushing in the dawn light.

Clouds blushing in the dawn light.

Just for today, let us give ourselves permission to unhook. To see each person anew, as who they are presenting themselves in this moment. To do each task as if for the first time. To look for magic, to smile more, to open our hearts more fully, to express gratitude for the beauty that surrounds us. It is all perspective, heaven or hell is our call. Attention and intention. Allowing the flow, accepting all that enters our world as a gift sent from our higher aspect to aid in our evolution. Peace is permissible, listening to our hearts is highly advised, loving ourselves, essential, imagining vital.  Be this. I grant you permission.

Day Job, Dreaming in The New

IMG_1021I found myself laughing as I groggily came to from a deep nap. This is my work! Sleeping deeply whenever the call comes, entering the dreamscape and weaving the liquidlovelight strands. I cooked myself a big lunch which fueled my body with what it needed to drop down. I read in bed for a time, thinking perhaps this is enough. My mind occupied while my spirit flies free.

Next thing I knew, I was pulled into a vortex , a spinning tunnel that took me deep into the earth. Yet, this time, I did not stop in the center but kept flying out the other side. Whoosh, I went deeper into space, bright objects whirling by. Then there was an explosion and I shot out like a reminded me of Star Wars when Hans Solo would jump the ship to another sector of space. I found myself still spinning as I descended onto a planet. My feet landed on sand, water was nearby. Two energy beings crested a hill and came towards me. My heart melted as I knew them. They were my parents! This was my home planet. Oh, the reunion hug. Then others streamed over the hill and surrounded me. This was my family, these beings were near and dear to me. I had been gone eons of time. I could hardly breathe in the joy!

IMG_9727A soft murmur and the crowds parted. I looked to see what all were looking at. My feet moved of their own accord. He stood there, a magnetic match to my being. We were pulled together. All form dissolved, we were light particles like the diamond sunlight dancing on the water. We did not so much as meet as we did merge. Our lights intermingled, became one light. Tears flowed, dripping off my nose onto my pillow in this space while my being danced with this other half of me, in this other world. There was no time, only the dance of light, delighting in the unity. Exquisite, ecstatic, endless, ennobling. My heart was fed riches. Oh, how long it had been and yet only this now. This now. Let me stay in this now forever.

No words, all telepathic communication in this space. I understood it was a gift, to strengthen me until all realms merge and travel between stars and galaxies is as normal as getting in a car or a plane. Where the thought of a loved one, will place you there. Where two hearts can call and answer in a heartbeat. Now I know my way, I can travel back if the need gets too great. Yet, as I sit here in the aftermath, I sense that closing my eyes and allowing the feeling to wash over me, will be enough. I signed on for this mission as we all did. I will complete it. I will have a time of R&R with my love on the planet or universe of our choosing. Venus will be a first stop.

IMG_0031The preparations continue and it could be any time. There will come that moment when all is in alignment, the green light will be given and Mother Earth and all hearts who choose love (and who could resist) will expand into a paradise that is beyond our wildest dreams. I pray for this love flame to be ignited in each heart here, as we all carry that spark from Home, a gift from the Creator. Oh, the joy. There is nothing to do. Except to feel the love, live the love, share the love. See the love flames flashing in everyone and everything. We are at the combustion stage, offering all to the flame. Turn on your heart light and let it shine, let it shine. Let us ride this wave all the way home. I so love us all.

A Day of Dissolving

I loved this creative way of repairing a crack.

I loved this creative way of repairing a crack.

There are those days when the energy streams in with such intensity that I feel myself dissolving. I feel raw, tears brimming at the surface, field so wide open, no boundaries. Nothing wrong. Nothing to do but feel it. Allow the fatigue, the tears, the permeability. The only voices that soothe are those of my children. We seem to experience these waves together. I am grateful for the strength their voices transmit, the heart light that flows so free. The love light that weaves its magic amongst us.

As my elder son stated, ” As the external feels harsh, it is a call to go internal and allow the gifts to come.” Always, there are gifts awaiting within my heart. I notice myself retreating to my room, not wanting to speak or interact with others. Even being in the communal kitchen, too vulnerable a place. I cannot have anyone pulling on my energy field when I am without a skin. It takes all I have to exist. To breathe and allow the liquidlovelight to anchor as it streams through this form.

IMG_0357I took a walk through the woods, sat on the path and watched the diamond light dance across the water below. I love viewing water from a height. The light flashed from silver to violet and flared up through the trunks of the trees. I drank it in. Felt fortified. Walked by the creek absorbing the rush of the small waterfalls along its path. Nature…always present to nourish and support me.

I lie here, my snack on the bedside table, the mountain looming outside the window, the evening light casting shadows across her back. Birds singing and this gentle breeze carrying the creek’s voice in through the window over my bed. A movie awaits to allow my being the freedom to drift as my mind is kept engaged.

IMG_0199I am blessed. My heart is beating a song of gratitude for this moment.