Out From the Shadows

Sweet nose as I sit with the trinity of crystals, birthing a new energy.

Sweet nose as I sit with the trinity of crystals, birthing a new energy.

I saw a photo from a few weeks back when I was working with some crystals. My nose, my sweet nose, did I truly appreciate her? Now I have the bandage off and am to massage the graft twice daily. I look at this piece of skin that came from behind my ear. A place where it was not noticed and now it is front and center, on my nose. Somehow, this is related to us at this time in our evolution. We are being moved into a more outward position in our lives. Our light is pushing us forward. I do not know the form as yet but feel it. I sense it for many, that we are being prepared to step into new, more visible roles. Just as  my hidden ear skin is now the first thing that you see when you look at me. Hmmm…not exactly comfortable but here I am.

As I held the two outer crystals there was such a magnetic pull between them, one masculine and one feminine, it jolted my body and took all of me to hold them in my hands. A friend then placed the third crystal in my hands and the energy exploded. A new creation….I spoke that now is the time when all would be given the opportunity to birth a new frequency. It could take any form, a baby, a book, a rainbow light, a sound. All would carry this new frequency of love. Love as not experienced heretofore on earth. Cosmic love, sovereign love, free love, agape love. Love that expands, enriches, creates. Love that needs no protection, no barriers. We have all heard echoes of it within the chamber of our hearts. Now its tone can be heard as it is anchored through me, through you, into our beloved Mother Gaia.

unnamed-1The heat continues today. I have sheets hanging on the line so as to sleep wrapped in sunshine tonight. All around me, I am hearing of things becoming physical as our bodies cleanse all that is not love within. So many dealing with their bodies in a new way, bringing us closer to inhabiting our bodies fully. We are bringing heaven to earth….our bodies are the vehicles. Emotionally, I am seeing dramas unfurl. We can assist one another with gentle listening and acknowledging the range of emotions that can erupt. Forgiveness of self and others is so essential in this time. Kindness, the knowing that everyone is doing the very best that they can. All have their plates full and a kind word can do wonders. Envisioning ourselves and others as the tender children that we are, can lift the energies.

My surgery on my ear and jaw allowed so much old anger and resentment to depart, I was not aware that I still carried it until a friend and a crystal helped it release. I stand in gratitude for all that is happening in this now. It may look chaotic yet there is a plan it is following. Trust continues to be the name of the game.


All Foundations Being Shaken

One of my son, Gabriel's paintings. It captures my sense of excitement. The structures are being raised, in preparation for our arrival. There is so much anticipation in the air of a good time to come.

One of my son, Gabriel’s paintings. It captures my sense of excitement. The structures are being raised, in preparation for our arrival. There is so much anticipation in the air of a good time to come.

I titled this a couple of weeks ago. Time is surely shifting and disappearing on us. As we knew it would. Two weeks ago, I felt weighed down with intense emotions, each day amped up another notch. It did feel as if I was hanging upside down and being shaken from my very root. I cannot recall any specifics now, only a general feeling. That is the way of it. We no longer need to hold on to anything. The waves flow through and we allow them free movement. At times, that can feel joy filled, at other times, it is almost unbearable.

What I know to be true, is that everything happening now is purposeful. That it is all returning us to unity. That love is flowing like never before and all is well. That knowing does not desert me, even in times of pain. I am grateful for having surrendered control of my being over to Sophia, my higher, no, my true self….there is no longer a need for the old way of ordering it. Nor is there a need for different names yet Sophia flows sweetly off my tongue.

One of my potato chips brought me the reminder that I am loved. I find hearts like this most days, in strange and wonderful ways.

One of my potato chips brought me the reminder that I am loved. I find hearts like this most days, in strange and wonderful ways.

I am in awe of how we are loved. I have recently been through three surgeries. I have spent 59 years without tapping into the medical system except for having my tonsils removed at the age of five. Now this year, I have had three surgeries to remove errant cells on my back, my nose, and my jawline. It was a process of following the yellow brick road. One thing led to the next and then the next. My conscious mind did not kick in till I was pretty much through the whole ordeal. It was like awakening from a dream as I wondered why I had chosen this road of having pieces of flesh cut away. As a child, I had thought it all barbaric and knew that one day, light and sound would be the tools used, not knives. Yet, that part of me was quiet as I knew only to follow the path ahead, step by step. My knowing said it was all purposeful in ways I would not yet understand. I offered it all up, trusting. Trust is the keynote of these times. Trusting ourselves in every way. Not looking to another or any outside source to tell us what is right or wrong.

All of this has kept me still. Kept me from my love of camping, of seeing new vistas, of being in majestic landscapes. It has been a hot summer of stillness. The heat, purposeful as we ignite into our true fiery natures. We are being purified in these flames of love, the elements assisting with the heat that threatens to combust this old reality. As the earth heats, so do our emotional bodies, which we see erupting around the globe. All has to come to the surface, all has to be seen, be felt, in order to transform into the love that is truth. We are being purified from the inside out. All the old stuff, rising into the flame to be consumed.

When one of us collapses in fatigue, another is nearby shining their love for us.

When one of us collapses in fatigue, another is nearby shining their love for us.

We hold the vision of the love pods, the communities of light forming. This fiery passage is taking us there. The refiner’s fire is rendering us impervious to all that is not love. As we move through this passage, which requires us to stand alone, we sense the excitement awaiting us on the other side. The reunions with our families of light, from the stars, from the inner earth, from the multiverse, await. When our steps falter, we reach out to one another. We offer that helping hand in the form of conversation, a hug, an email. We breathe in one another’s strength until we once again find our own. We have waited through eons of time, to be here now. This is the testing, the time to know ourselves as masters come again.

It is time to let go of fighting and pushing against. It is time for unity born of love. How can it make sense to unite in peace against someone or something? It is time to take the next step. To stand for love, for the truth of unity that no longer requires an enemy to move against. That is how all that is not love, is disarmed. We no longer feed it our energy. We witness it in love. We offer to bring it through our bodies. At times, I may sit with an energy that does not feel easy….for an hour or for days. I allow it space, I allow it the embrace of my love light. No resistance offered, only the love. Energy moves, it shifts. Some comfortable, some not. It is not important. What is important, is the love, only the love.

This tree did not resist the fence, it simply enveloped it.

This tree did not resist the fence, it simply enveloped it.

We have been trained to focus so much energy on what we eat, how we move, what we do, what we believe. All of that falls away as we come into the trust of ourselves. As we witness how we are so loved and cared for, we can let go. We can trust that our hearts are safe. It all begins with trusting ourselves to care for and love ourselves. As all others are part of the Oneness, there is only the one to love. It becomes so simple.

We have been children playing a game that we have now outgrown. It no longer interests us to live in separation and duality. Now we want to try a new game, one where laughter and joy abound. It begins with my heart. It begins with yours.