Summer Solstice Play

fullsizeoutput_11b0The Solstice was a wild ride. A friend came to play and celebrate the Solstice with me in this beautiful spot. We were preparing the day before and then full on into it on the Solstice. We gathered flowers that wished to be a part of the ceremony (many clamoring to be chosen) and headed to the beach. Felt into which one to chose…ended up at one with Christ in the name. One of the many clear rivers ran into the ocean there and so we had the waters streaming in from the land. We gathered rocks and driftwood and set about creating. As I placed each rock, I felt the swirling energies around me. The elementals of mist and water and air were working with us. I used rocks with sun colors of white, orange and gold. After that was laid, the dark rocks asked to be a part of it all. A line was laid that I understood later to represent the mystery, the dark matter, the deep unknown that is always present in life.

fullsizeoutput_11c7My friend, created a heart that held the divine masculine and feminine in its embrace. I love that we can trust ourselves so deeply to know what to do in each moment. It was playful and fun for us yet we had to stop and drink and eat at times in order to continue. That is the other side of  knowing more, you feel it all so intensely. I could feel the wheels turning as I laid the rocks, feel how it was creating shifts and movements in the All.

We knew we were to go to the unnamedredwoods later in the day to complete our ceremony. We came home to eat and rest first. We then headed out to the forest. We came to another gorgeous river and beach to walk and then made our way to the grove. It is advertised as the world’s most scenic stand of redwoods. You do feel as if you are in a cathedral with the soaring trees reaching above.  There is a hush that the thick layer of needles creates as it absorbs the sounds of your footfalls. We brought crystals from Mount Shasta and rocks from the beach that wanted to be transported. So many openings and crevices in the trees offered perfect places for these gems to rest.

fullsizeoutput_11c9Hearts were with us all day, heart rocks, heart shaped pieces of wood, heart openings in the trees. Everything was alive with the lovelight. As we made our way back to the car, the same thoughts popped in both our minds. We were to complete the circle and follow the route through the forest and out to the town below us. As it was the longest day of the year, we still had sunlight as we made our way out of the forest. We arrived at the ocean as the sun was preparing to set. We went and ate some fish tacos to celebrate a day well spent.

fullsizeoutput_11b6Once home, it was fully dark. We opened some champagne and celebrated the full circle of our day. It felt as if it had been a week since the morning, a full day in every sense.

It is now the third day since then, I have rested deeply, my energy completely spent. I saw how my body is permeable, open to the elements and energies flowing. It is one of my gifts, to allow the energies full reign within. The beauty flows in and out into our Mother Gaia. I am a chalice, filled and emptied over and over with the liquid love light that is my song.

I am so grateful to be in this place of beauty that fullsizeoutput_11bamy friend has so lovingly co-created with the elements. I am held in its embrace. The butterflies and birds swoop and soar, the bees are busy gathering pollen to carry back to the hives by the old barn here. The flowers raise their cups to the sun. Blueberries are beginning to find their blue hue, a hidden bunch of raspberries flashed their sweet redness, inviting me to partake of their deliciousness. All is in harmony. I realized that I know so deeply that all is well as I have come from that future. I have lived that new life that is beginning to burst its tendrils through the veil. There are wonders ahead. All that it requires is that we hold its song in our hearts and sing it with every breath. We are singing the new into being. How beautiful we all are! That was my Solstice intention, that all beings come to know their own beauty and have the freedom to shine it and sing it out to the world! Hallelujah.

IMG_1936Thank you to my friend, for the forest photos and this one of me in the mist. My phone felt the heat of the energy and shut down. It has come alive again after a day of rest. I am feeling that same aliveness begin again within myself. Off to the ocean to feel the wind and sea and let it invigorate me.


A Snake and Fathers on My Mind

IMG_5359I was hanging clothes on the line, barefoot as I like to be as much of the day as possible. I almost stepped on a garden snake. Oh, surprise!  I took a couple of deep breaths. I was glad that my foot just missed him and his reflexes were quick enough to slither away. Transformation, yes indeed. It is here!

I am living heaven on earth these days. My friend’s home is the garden of eden. I just ate an egg fresh from the chickens with some chard plucked from the garden, spritzed with a lemon from one of the many trees. Yum. My belly feels pretty satisfied as I am ingesting all that sunlight and cool sea air along with the food. Makes me feel a bit woozy as I contemplate it all.

IMG_5357I have put new bouquets about the house. I am in love with honeysuckle and lemon verbena and roses. Oh my! There are petals that fall and more to clean up but the joy is so full and rich from the filling of my visual and olfactory (strange word) senses. As I go to cut the flowers, they all call out, “Pick me, pick me!” I know some folks don’t believe in cutting flowers but they love to be brought in to be admired and to weave love light with me. Each one gets more attention and we all love to be seen.

IMG_5356It is Father’s Day today, and it brought with it a wave of love for my dad. He gave me the experience of dark and light from the earliest age. He was not the wonderful dad so many have the experience of, yet he was wonderful in some ways. Alcohol turned him into an unpredictable violent man. Yet there was a gentleness that could surface. On weekends when his shift work allowed, he took us out of our suburban neighborhood with a gin mill (that is what the bars where called) on the corner to the farmland where he grew up. We had woods and freedom to roam. Our neighborhood was made up of men who worked at the steel mill or the Ford Motor Company. All working shifts, heading out with their metal lunch pails that held the thermos in the top. For years, I made his lunches. I cannot imagine working 7am-3pm, 3-11pm, 11pm-7am for decades. How did his body adjust? Something that I never considered as a child but feel gratitude for now. He took us to museums, on road trips to national parks and forests with the pop up camper. We vacationed every year on a lake in Canada. We rented a cottage and we six kids all preceded to get burnt to a crisp within the first couple of days of swimming  and had to wear t-shirts over our bathing suits for the remainder of the vacation time. We would lie in bed with blisters on our backs, whimpering to one another.

Dad had a wooden boat that he shared with his brother and father that we used for outings, waterskiing for those lucky enough to fit into the skiis without your feet slipping out, fishing for those who had the patience to sit out there with our dad, or trips through the locks that allowed passage to other bodies of water where we went grocery shopping.

Morning mist flowing down the hill.

Morning mist flowing down the hill.

He picked mushrooms and cow slips (a spring green), and buckets of blackberries in the wild. He grew a big garden and composted scraps. He hunted for deer, rabbits, and pheasants that all were part of our diet and helped the budget. He turned off lights whenever they were not needed, frugality was a part of his nature. All things that inform my way of living.

I did not speak directly to him for most of my childhood, was surprised if he called me by name. He was the male who went to work, took us places, read the newspaper, imposed the quiet if he needed to sleep. Children and adults did not interact to much of a degree in our household. Yet he provided for us in all the physical ways. No mean feat with six kids.


We are all part of this circle of life. Our fathers flow in our blood as do our children.

The sun is shining and calling me outdoors. I am grateful for all the ways the divine masculine has grown. I look at my former hubby, now dear friend, my sons, their friends and feel the deepening and shifting that has occurred. They are present with their feelings, comfortable with their nurturing sides, open and exploring new ways of being a man, a father. We have come a long way. I am grateful to the generation before who lived such closed off lives in order to fufill a role given them as to what it was to be a man. How wonderful that my grandson will know and live a different way of being. We are evolving!

Solstice Energies Seeping In

I am up on the California coast, a few miles from the Oregon border. I am in a lovely old farmhouse of dear friends who are traveling cross country. We are all in our perfect places to anchor and receive these intense lovelight energies. A week ago, I was in Mount Shasta for the full moon. It was interesting to feel how the energy in the town is shifting.There are many closed businesses, people moving in and out. I sensed a more grounded community forming. It felt clearer than I have experienced it previously. This shifting is happening on a planetary scale as we are all moving into alignment with our souls and our mother earth.

Once I made the drive up to Oregon and then back down the windy path through the redwoods to this part of California, I was wiped out. I could have stopped at Trader Joe’s in Medford or a big supermarket in Grant’s Pass but it felt impossible. Of late, all the multitasking IMG_5294abilities have gone. I can only do one thing even when it means I will have to make another trip at a later date. The energy moves with clarity for the one purpose, all else must take a back seat until their time comes up. Simplicity is paramount at this time. I was so grateful to arrive and as my hunger set in, to find a container of homemade soup with my name on it in the freezer. Thank you, dear friend! I felt awash in love and care.

IMG_5317I had that crown tingling energy transmit the week before that I was in need of deep rest and was to have no visitors or schedule the first week. My body has sunk into this. I have not stirred too far afield. I ventured into Brookings, Oregon, the nearest town, to stock up on groceries. Once that was done, I settled into lying on a chaise in the yard, watching the clouds and birds fly by. My daily routines are very light, I spread feed for the chickens, gather the eggs, if there are any. Most days there are two warm eggs that feel so alive in my palms. It has been a treat to eat their sunny yellow- orange yolks and white whites. I check on the sheep, that they have water. I have weeded a bit in the yard and garden and the sheep delight in eating the greenery I toss them. Lovely system where they just gobble up what I do not desire. I love when things work that cleanly and well.

fullsizeoutput_1190The first day or two I used the heater as it was damp and chill and I did not have the energy to make a fire in the hearth. Now I have been making one regularly in the evenings and it warms my heart as well as my body. Thank you to my friends for all the wood stacked on the front porch! Dishes piled up for a couple of days as a spurt of energy would find me cooking a chicken for soup, making chocolate chip cookies so as to eat the dough. I found myself laughing that I was eating raw. Raw cookie dough, that is!  I love it, has been a comfort food since I was a child. I baked a tray and ate all the cookies in one night. Baked potatoes, grilled cheese onnaan bread, toast….I seemed to need to eat every couple of hours. My body was seeking comfort and warmth so I allowed her it. Sometimes veggies look so inviting, other times, the freshness is too much for my system.

The old barn reminds me of my grandparents and my time there.

The old barn reminds me of my grandparents and my time there.

Various aches and pains showed up and then pretty quickly disappeared. Hip ache, pain in a tooth, shoulder ache….different parts of my body releasing old memories. I blessed it all and allowed it movement. My legs felt heavy, my belly bloated, body dense. I was in slow motion in my thoughts and being. Naps took me so deep I struggled to surface and figure out where I was, who I was. I binge watched a netflix series which saw me awake till 2 am one night. Finally, I skipped ahead and watched the last of the series just to get it over with. To free myself from that addictive hook. Of course, over the next days I went back and filled in with the shows that I skipped! How would we have ever gotten through this ascension cycle without books and netflix’s? I am grateful for all of it.

Yesterday it changed. I felt light, vibrant, excited. I craved salads, especially inviting with borage and calendula blossoms. I went to the thrift stores in town and bought a few items that make me feel attractive as they are so comfortable. I felt comfort in my skin once again. I found a few picture books to read over FaceTime to my grandson. It has become a lovely routine for us most days.


IMG_5334I have walked the beaches, collecting rocks. My how I love rocks! There is a treasure trove of beautiful ones here. I have a dozen heart rocks, some thin stacking rocks, ones of various shapes and hues. I am taking them back to the family home so our grandson will have them to play with when he comes later in the summer. So much more fun to categorize into shapes and colors and form than plastic toys.

I sense an opening, a lightening for all of us as this Solstice gateway opens on the twentieth of June. I know I am already assisting in holding this gate wide so that all will benefit from the streaming energies from a multitude of galaxies. Twenty-two, in fact! I love that master number. It is the day of my birth and of both my parents. It holds the key to much of this embodiment for me.


One of my new vases showering violet delight about.

The redwoods await me….there is an ancient grove just down the road with crystal clear rivers running through. They surround me here on the property as my friend planted 300 trees when she first moved here as a young mother. They stand guardian and offer connection to all their brethren in the forests nearby. I am preparing for my time with them. Everything has a timing. I feel the privilege of my life that I have created the space to allow myself to flow with that divine timing. When we move with it, things take so much less energy. One moment, the kitchen gets cleaned that felt impossible moments before. It is trusting that all will get done in perfect order when we allow our hearts to lead, rather than our minds.

Snake Energy Showing Up

Here is our snake.

Here is our snake.

Yesterday the energies felt erratic and off to me. I could not find a balance point. There was a low grade discord, anxious energy running throughout my being. It manifested in strange ways. My youngest son is home for a few days so we decided to have his cousins and aunt and uncle over for dinner. I found I had to write down what I planned for the meal as it would not stay in my head long enough to begin the prep for it. It took a few attempts to get a shopping list together. Nothing seemed to flow.

Rainbow cloud from my walk.

Rainbow cloud from my walk.

I was cleaning and clearing up the living room when I noticed a black thing up high near the ceiling, above the built in bookcase. I was mystified as I had recently dusted all the cobwebs that gather in the rafters. I stood on a chair to get a closer look and a snake stared back at me! I was shocked. His head was poking out of a gap in a board that ran just under the ceiling rafters. Yikes! Transformation came a calling in a big way. Right into the house! We debated how we would get him back outside. We sure did not want him to get loose and slither about the house. Later, our son came in and helped me ponder what to do. I then called on the angels of reptiles to assist him to find his way back outside. As my son and I were preparing a net to catch him, he suddenly slipped from view and exited out the hole he had entered from. A big sigh of relief from us all!

Gathering my kale and beet greens for breakfast.

Gathering my kale and beet greens for breakfast.

Later I was watering the garden and was throwing the hose about trying to get it to line up for the next garden bed when I squeezed the noozle, not realizing that in the twisting, the nozzle had shifted in my hand. I blasted water into my right eye. Ouch! It was like a power wash, very uncomfortable. Fortunately, other than soreness, my eye is fine. I asked for it to result in expanded sight.

I bruised my foot in the garden and then nicked my finger as I was working on the irrigation system. Truly a day when my physical body was out of sync with the energies flowing in. I felt off kilter all day, as if I was a few degrees removed from this reality, my energy flowing back and forth in an erratic pattern. A day to not be doing as I was. Yet, it all served somehow, I took note and breathed in the joy of well being that was also running through me.

My son was preparing the potatoes when I noticed the heart shining.

My son was preparing the potatoes when I noticed the heart shining.

Our families were celebrating the fact that a new cousin had been pronounced fine after an anxious week of uncertainty as to his mental and physical well being due to a difficult birth. He is a wise, strong soul with many gifts to offer. A blessing as these new lights land in and inform us all. We appreciated the little baby who was with us this day and felt our love for all the cousins so recently added to our family. A tribe of lovely beings that are so full of joy.

Today feels calmer, more settled. Some fatigue from all the heightened energies of yesterday but the day offers nap time and quietness. I am sensing so strongly the new. It is flowing in on quiet feet, stealthily almost but with a steady force. The snake came to show us that things are about to get physical. This change will show up in our homes, in our bodies, right where we live. My, we are ready for this!!