Solitude and Community

fullsizeoutput_144bI am sitting with a warm drink, looking out at the snow covered hill behind this condo. I feel so grateful for my solitude which has a new flavor these days. Are you sensing the greater connection that is happening? It is the knowing that those whom I love, are residing within the same field of lovelight as I am. There is no separation. I can savor being in my own energy field here and at the same time, feel the heart connection streaming and weaving between and amongst my dear ones. These threads of liquidlovelight are growing in their capacity to weave tapestries of immense beauty and form. Our imaginings are about to become physical as we bring heaven to earth.

Moss wreath from my daughter-in-love's hands.

Moss wreath from my daughter-in-love’s hands.

We are preparing to live in the love pods as we each step into our sovereignty. This will allow us to live in community in a way that nourishes and expands our lovelight. I sense that December is the deep cleaning phase of our emotional bodies as we release all that has been a part of our journey to this now moment. It is time to let go of sadness, of the traumas, of the pain, of any feelings of being unloved or rejected. Now we step into our mastery, knowing how loved and cherished we truly are. All is sourced from the One Source, within our hearts. We no longer need to look to another to validate or direct us. We open to our own internal GPS system and allow it to move us. We surrender in deep relief to the knowing that our higher self, our I AM presence has it all in hand. Everything that enters our world is there for our own growth and enhancement. Yes, even the parts that do not feel good in the moment. If we allow and trust it all, the gift will show itself.

Winterberries collected from their swampy homes in Vermont by my daughter-in-love. Now gracing my windowsill with their cheery red.

Winterberries collected from their swampy homes in Vermont by my daughter-in-love. Now gracing my windowsill with their cheery red.

Yesterday afternoon, I lie in bed as a pool of sunshine drew me in. I had opened the window to feel the cool breeze flow down the snowy hillside from the forest of trees above.  I snuggled deep in the duvet, as the sylphs flowing in that air, sent a wild stirring to my blood. Something huge is about to burst forth. December is the time of the waning light as we move to the Solstice. Candles and starlight feed us as we go deep within to find the flame of our own heart light. Many are feeling this drawing in, this time of reflection. We are gazing in the pool of our own being and choosing who we desire to be in this new landscape. We can drop the heavy burden of the past and flow freely into the present. What a gift! We can let go of the crown of thorns we have worn with such fortitude. It is time to hold our heads high to receive our crown of Christ light. Oh the joy!

Wreath making in  Vermont

Wreath making in

This wild stirring of my blood was enhanced on my recent trip to Vermont to see my sons and their loves. I felt the edges of the dream come alive in my being. The beautiful farmhouses and open landscape filled my heart. The gently rolling hills soothed some deep part of me as I met and listened to folks who are dug deep into the rhythms of the earth with its seasons of change. I could feel my love pod shimmering just out of sight. It draws closer as our hearts weave their lovelight. As each one reaches for more joy, more spaciousness, more is created for the All. As we honor our own needs and desires, we honor that in one another. We let go of duty and old programming that insists we adhere to the old ways of relationship. We move where our joy takes us and trust all will find their way. Clearing and walking our path of joy, offers a wider pathway for those following.

fullsizeoutput_142cMay our dreaming see all beings with enough food and shelter and the absolute knowing that they are loved and cherished. May we cherish one another as we warm ourselves at the fire of each one’s heart light.

What Matters

IMG_5979The other night I watched a lovely film on Netflix called, ” What We Did On Our Holiday”. I so love when a film is able to reveal a truth. There is a grandad who is able to listen to his troubled, serious-minded granddaughter. At one point, he directs her to steer the truck, which terrifies her as it is so outside of her experience as well as the “rules” for a child. He says:

You need to live more and think less.”

Great advice to all of us on this journey. Our minds have to take a backseat to our hearts as we allow our heart light to lead us into this new landscape, of which we know so little.

The granddaughter tells her grandad that she is so fed up with her parents, who are in the midst of a separation. She is tired of the lies and so angry with them. Her grandad tells her:

” I used to feel that way with my lot too till I suddenly realized that there was no point in being angry with people that I loved for being what they are….

The truth is every human being on this planet is ridiculous in their own way. So we shouldn’t judge and we shouldn’t fight because in the end… the end, none of it matters. None of this stuff. ” 

An invitation by the rocks to come deeper into myself.

An invitation by the rocks to come deeper into myself.

The grandad spoke so clearly and truthfully and allowed his granddaughter a way out of her mind’s confusion. She could take the road of love rather than trying to make sense of a situation that made no sense in her world. How does it make sense for people who loved one another to no longer feel love? This is changing as we come to know the truth that none of the personality stuff matters, that the essence of who we are is love. That love never dies once experienced. We can allow the old grudges, hurts and pains to fade away. We can rewrite the past in a way that allows our hearts to know the truth of love.

The leaves don’t resent the frost for causing their fall from the branch. They accept it all as part of the cycle of life moving them onward to their next experience. All that comes into our world, is a gift for us.  A means to move us towards more growth, more capacity to love.

The leaves letting go of their vibrant colors to become the duff of the forest floor.

The leaves letting go of their vibrant colors to become the duff of the forest floor.

At present, the waves of lovelight streaming into our planet are extraordinary. They are forcing all that is not love, all that truly is ridiculous, as the granddad said, to surface to be loved and allowed to move off. One of the characters is caught on video having a violent breakdown in a local shop. Her rage is off the charts as she throws boxes of things at another woman. Once brought to light, she is freed from the stigma of depression and taking medication as her husband and community support her. You sense, that in finally being seen, she will find her world view lightened.

We are called to this now, to take off our masks, to bring all of ourselves to light. To have the courage to allow others to see us and to see all others through the lens of love. As we remove the sting of fear, we bring in the balm of love. This is how we create the new world.  Heart by heart, we are singing a new song. Let us all add our note as it takes each one of us, to create the harmony we seek.

Identity Continues to Expand and Dissolve

Glowing in the shadows, nature instructing me once again.

Glowing in the shadows, nature instructing me once again.

We are living the contradictions more and more as the old duality crumbles. The opposites merge into something new. How can we expand and dissolve? Yet we are. I am in Montreal, Canada for the next few months, called on personal and planetary levels. I recently dealt with the phone company to end my service as it was too much money for too little service here. I can use Skype and FaceTime for almost free so it made no sense to pay more. They could hold my phone number for me for a fee. I decided to let it go. Strangely, it felt like a part of my identity went with that decision. I have had that phone number for years. Now it is gone. Folks can no longer call me unless they have FaceTime and I am near wifi. It felt like another anchor in this reality, pulled up.

More and more, I find myself floating, not able to recall something from a moment before. The days fly by in a dreamlike space. When I am with my two year old grandson, I am very present. Our time together is full of joy. We march, and hop and play in an imaginary world with abandon. I feel like a two year old, delighting in my senses and discovering anew the world around me.

fullsizeoutput_1426The rest of the time I am lying on the couch watching netflix, if I can find something that has the vibration I seek or simply drifting. My sense of self is floating and loosening. Nothing is held which is abit strange and freeing. I have rented an airbnb condo for this time. I felt disoriented when I first arrived as it is bare and sparse. Blank white walls, empty surfaces, a black and white world. My artistic nature loves color and texture. The windows face a hillside of stone and trees. I am now sinking into this empty palette and finding it expansive. The view from the windows is adornment of the best kind. I can lie and watch the leaves floating down, the colors swirling. Soon it will be a white world out there as the snow comes. No fireplace, which I so love in the winter, so I have stocked up on candles to create a hearth.

This swan gliding along  in her beauty and grace.

This swan gliding along in her beauty and grace.

We are in this transition time and I found myself wobbling. I was missing the little things, my warm bathrobe for evenings and mornings, my comfy wool cardigan, paintings of my son’s on the walls, my down jacket, my morning coffee mug. I felt the weight of the years of not having a home of my own, over a decade now. I am grateful for all the places I have lived, all the living I have done. Yet the desire for a home runs deep. I am so ready for the love pods, for our communities of light to come into being. To have what I desire in the moment with ease. I know it is all coming. Yet the weight of the years pressed in.

A week in the new place, and I am settling in. Enjoying the blank slate, appreciating what is here. Knowing thrift stores hold a new mug, a new sweater, a sweet little pitcher for flowers. Small touches that make me feel landed. Once again filled with appreciation for the blessings that fill my life rather than noticing lack in any regard.

Love the 3's, my address has 33 in it.

Love the 3’s, my address has 33 in it.

The woods are a few minutes walk away which is a nourishment I need.  I am learning to use the bus and metro system here and finding joy in hearing French spoken around me and sharing smiles with the beautiful hearts that abound everywhere. My grandson ensures that laughter is a part of my life and I have time with my daughter too. My sons are a couple hours away in the Northeast Kingdom of Vermont so I am blessed to spend time there also. Croissants are a daily part of life here …sweetness abounds!


My entrance into the Summit Woods.

As we untether more and more, there is room for the new to flow in. We are ready for so much more magic and miracles and love. I am ready to receive a life beyond any I could dream of. I am ready to live in a world where all beings are free. Where peace reigns and love flows amongst all hearts. Where we are free to be our truth in every moment, no longer needing any definition or label of who we are in order to flow with the currents of our deepest desires. It is happening now. We are in the end times, which also means the beginning times of a new age. It begins within my heart as I claim it. It begins within your heart as you live it. All hearts beating as One.