Choice Points: Facing Fears to Embrace the New

These clouds made me dizzy as they kept vibrating.

These clouds made me dizzy as they kept vibrating.

I am witnessing many coming to clarity as they face their fears and step out of situations that are no longer tenable for them. It is so exciting to witness! I see how new pathways open as the clarity comes in and the courage to face what is presenting as possible, flows in. There are paths of further hardship and suffering…filled with guilt, shame and care taking roles. Right alongside, are pathways of freedom and ease and joy presenting. Fears arise as to the possibility of the suffering continuing or even getting worse.

Hearts appearing everywhere. We are so loved.

Hearts appearing everywhere. We are so loved.

Yet, if the individual can gather their strength, vision and inner knowing of the path that matches their heart’s desire, a doorway will open that leads to it. There is much noise and confusion, distractions and weight placed around the situations, often obscuring the truth underneath. It takes vision to see one’s own path, clear of the entanglements of others and their needs. Many wish for us to stay small and controllable. Our families are often now thrilled when we begin to speak truth, to stand up for what we know in our hearts is a better way. When consciousness is brought in, it can be too bright a light for the shadow aspects of ourselves. We have to be willing to do the work, to face it all and love it all back to truth.

I am flooding my lovelight out to the field, as encouragement for each one to take that bold step, to leap into the unknown, trusting that they will be met. That life is full of so much richness and opportunities for happiness.

The last of the summer garden blooming.

The last of the summer garden blooming.

This is a critical choice point as the earth is making her move. She desires expansion and ascension. We are privileged to ride along with her but our paths are honored, whatever choice we make. It amazes me how starkly the choices are being presented at this time. It is as if they are illuminated by a spot light. Transformations are available in record time. Nothing remains stagnant. It all moves forward now.

We will witness many moving locations, jobs, relationships that have become too confining. Many carrying the old frequencies will depart to make way for this next wave of love beings that are arriving to help us all over this last hurdle before full ascension. There is a whole group of beings of my generation who have completed their mission. We are given the choice to leave with acknowledgement of a job well done or stay to witness the birth of the new.

Last bouquet of sunflowers from the garden.

Last bouquet of sunflowers from the garden.

All choices are honored. We keep in mind that each one’s path is holy and trust their walking of it. Whether it looks like an evolutionary walk or not, each is guided by their I AM presence to experience what they will. There are no wrong pathways, some simply offer more of a shortcut to our own truth. Yet at times, we are not interested in a shortcut, but desire the fullness of an experience before choosing another.

We now are switching from hardship and suffering, letting go of the erroneous notion of its nobility. Grace and ease, joy and harmony are pathways opening wide for all to enter now. These frequencies have landed, the grids are alive with this knowing. Our hearts are on fire with the lovelight that streams in so steadily.

Wishing clarity and courage to all as we make this leap. We signed up for this. We were chosen to be here as we had the “right stuff”. Trust in this and move through the last fears, knowing there is nothing that can stand against the heat of our love.


Living in the New With the Little Ones

The incredible colors of the waters of Lake Tahoe. My grandson kept marveling at the beauty.

The incredible colors of the waters of Lake Tahoe. My grandson kept marveling at the beauty.

It seems that more and more of the time, I am floating. I drop into the bubble of love with my three year old grandson and time and all else disappears. I have the luxury of my alone space provided by a dear friend in the form of a cottage as well as the love pod space at my former home with my dear former hubby, my daughter and my grandson. There is such respect, harmony and peace amongst us, days flow by with barely a ripple. We all enter into the world of the little one whose imagination never stops. We enjoy the beauty of the garden, harvesting the last of the summer produce. We work on projects about the house, finishing up a kitchen remodel from months ago. The little one loves to put on his ear protectors and safety googles and help his grandpa in whatever he is about for the day. He is great at handing over tools, knowing the names and uses for each and delights in his time using the tools under watchful eyes. He is amazingly skillful. He reminds us that there is no need for “toy tools” as he can use many of the real ones safely.

These little ones are showing us a new world. He and his grandpa were working on a project of replacing the staves on a wheelbarrow. After working for an hour or so, he said, “Let’s sit and be still.” They took a break, sitting and listening to the wind rustle the leaves, the wind chimes tolling their notes, the birds singing along. Grandpa felt the grace of the moments. The pause that allows the heart to swell and fill.

My grandson likes to leave flowers for Kuan Yin and Buddha. This day he threaded a necklace of marigolds for his friend to wear.

My grandson likes to leave flowers for Kuan Yin and Buddha. This day he threaded a necklace of marigolds for his friend to wear.

This dear heart is so active, can keep an imaginary world going for hours as he races here and there. Yet, he can drop into stillness in a moment, nuzzle your face, breathe with you, forehead to forehead. He can give vent to a torrent of tears and then jump for joy. He acts out his feelings quickly and completely. Emptying fears and frustrations through his whole body, and returning to his balanced set point of curiosity and fun. Love is his signature.

Our generation came in to pave pathways through density, we intended to clear our lineages, to allow the family patterns and storylines to be rewritten. Our children lived through our unconsciousness but did not experience the heavy violence and darkness that formed our worlds. They were free to ask questions, to push back and chart a new course.  We came from a generation where children did not voice their opinion.

Now this generation of love beings has arrived. They have not come to experience trauma. They are not wired for confrontation or conflict. They came to embody and emanate love to raise the whole of this planet. It is such a blessing to be with them. Many of them recognize the sages of old, Buddha, Kuan Yin, Mother Mary, Jesus. My grandson used to say, “Bubba, there is Bubba” before he could pronounce d’s. I see my little grand nephews doing the same.

Hearts showing the water droplets on the tile floor as I stepped out of the shower.

Hearts showing up…here the water droplets on the tile floor as I stepped out of the shower.

They are more sensitive, many requiring new ways of parenting. They demand more presence on the part of their caregivers. My daughter has found wonderful resources; Janet Lansbury with her practical suggestions on parenting, and Shefali Tsabary with her Conscious Parenting books and so many others. The internet is a wonderful tool that offers so much support to young parents. A different world from me at the local library looking up in the card catalog searching for anything on conscious parenting.

There are more angels coming in and they will need the support of all of us. I see many conscious grandmothers (and some grandfathers) assisting in anchoring and supporting the truth of love that these children bring. May we assist in co-creating a world of harmony, peace, abundance and joy with these dear hearts. I am so grateful that they have come!


The Frequency of Divine Love Anchors This Day

On tribal land 10-10-2010

On tribal land 10-10-2010

In the dawn light, I awoke from a powerful dream. I was with Joseph, a Native American man that I had a profound relationship with eight years ago. We had been called together and spent a few weeks in the woods of Iowa, sharing lifetimes of memories and love. We were called to anchor divine love on 10-10-2010 on a Lakota reservation in South Dakota. It was the wedding day of a chief and his bride. It was a celebration of such love and joy. The next day, all that was not love rose up in Joseph as his dark shadow self. We returned to Iowa and he told me that I must leave or he might harm me. My higher self concurred and I departed in a storm of tears. It was an intense shattering of my heart. I had never experienced anything like our union and could not make sense of it ending. It took so long to recover from as I could not find any understanding.

Two years later, on the Venus transit of 2012, I was to meet Joseph once again with the instruction to anchor divine love on Mount Shasta. I had had no contact with him except one phone call in 2011 to release myself from our blood covenant that we had made in the hollow of a huge redwood tree in 2010. I had heard through the Chief that Joseph was now living with another woman. I felt such betrayal as I was at that time, still holding an open door for him to return to our union and commitment. I wanted to formally release myself from that bond in an honorable way. He responded with a death energy directed my way that made me very ill and filled with a desire to go into the desert and die. Fortunately a sister who knew me well, was able to trace the energy to him and to counter it within my being, freeing me from its intent.

IMG_1191We did indeed, meet on the Venus transit and there was a flood of tears and apologies for the energy he had sent to me. He said that he was not as strong as I, and could not live without human companionship. He was afraid of what we were asked to do, but finally, with help from others, he was able to offer me his heart in trust, knowing I would not harm him. A simple look, a gesture at the time and it was anchored and done. We parted with a child like kiss on the lips. The love anchored was like a nuclear explosion. I had been shown I might not survive it. Yet we both did and once again, parted.

Now, all these years later, he shows up in my dream. We are at his place in the woods. There are two other women with him. One is intent on having a baby with him, the other has some need of him which I did not discern. He and I were telepathic. The women were upset that I was there, though one assisted in the healing of a toe that is inflamed in this present time. I thanked her and she asked me what I was there for. I smiled and said, “to bring in the frequency of divine love.”

IMG_0158Joseph came to me, I was on a swing on his porch. We walked up a hill together and sat and watched the sun. (A memory came after the dream of us sitting like this, facing the sunset over the Pacific Ocean. He had asked, “What are we to one another?” The sun had shot two rays into his palm. Chief had told us we were twin rays….that had been Joseph’s confirmation.)

In the dream we now sat immersed in a field of divine love. It was so freeing, so expansive, It made me laugh to think of the other two women and their need of him. I saw that love held no need, no conditions. It was a field of freedom and joy. We laughed as we saw how we had needed something from one another all those years ago. We had been blinded, able to only see through a conditioned lens as to how a relationship would play out. We thought through labels to identity this love. This is beyond twin flames or rays or any labels. This is a love that we can tap into with anything on this earth. Imagine walking and exchanging love with the trees, the water, the ground! All in love and harmony, singing our notes of joy.

I was shown that I was now anchoring this love, this frequency on the planet for all to access. I saw today, October 1st, as a gateway into the new land. All will be made new. I understood the irritation, the fatigue, the weight of the last week, all that had arisen to be cleared. We were dumping the last of our baggage, finally claiming ourselves as sovereign beings. I had been toiling at my former house, assisting my former hubby and daughter with yard and house repair and clean up. In the late afternoon, I had taken a moment by the pool to sit with my feet in the water and the sun on my face. I felt a wave of peace flow through. I heard that we would not work this way again. The hardship, the toil and sweat required to exist here on earth, would no longer be necessary. I saw how we would create with our intention and heart flame, form following and remaining while our loving attention was on it. Form dissolving once that attention was removed. Manifesting and disintegrating, a cycle with no end. We would no longer need to spend our energy to keep form from its demise. Oh, how we have labored on this earth!

This dragon breathing sunlight showed up on my drive back from the grinding rocks.

This dragon breathing sunlight showed up on my drive back from the grinding rocks.

Freedom is here. Love that dances and moves and holds us in its heart. Love free from demands or constraints of any kind. I am so grateful for all that brought me to this moment. Yesterday it was the call of two guardians who had come through the week before to a dear heart and me while doing a stargate card reading. These two guardians called us to a place on the river, where the Native Americans of this region had ground their acorns into flour. It was a large grinding rock, slanted and partially submerged in the river. We felt all the women who had gathered in this spot over decades. The guardians came in and revealed themselves as aspects of ourselves. I felt myself attune my antenna to their new and slightly uncomfortable frequency. We were guided to put our feet in the water and to anoint one another in certain ways. We were telepathic during this time, all flowing from their guidance into our being as they stepped fully into our physical vehicles. Again, I heard that we were being prepared to hold higher frequencies. We were rewired. I awoke from my dream with soreness in my neck and upper back where they worked on us. I saw the seamless way the past weeks had played out to enable me to have this dream and allow the divine love to fill my body.

I saw myself anchoring it and sending it out on the grid lines. All the elementals were assisting to put it into the physical atmosphere. Ah…..I had previously told friends and family that today I needed a day to myself. Now I see why. It is a day to honor myself and all beings. To rest and allow the further integration. To fully feel the joy of this frequency being available to the collective. Not all will choose it, but it is freely given to all from the Creator. We are so gifted and blessed.

Hearts of love show up for me most days, this one a coffee stain on the counter.

Hearts of love show up for me most days, this one a coffee stain on the counter.

I know that a partner is coming to me in the physical, to further anchor this divine love. My body is preparing as is my heart. I send such love to Joseph for his continuing part in my story of love. I honor all that he was able to do with me and appreciate that in our higher aspects, we saw our love come to such fruition as to play out the balance of the male and female in the dreamtime. That familiar landscape from which he channeled his poetry, in this incarnation as a bard. A role he reprised lifetime after lifetime. What joy we shared together in the dream!

Oh, the tapestry of our lives, the weaving of our light, the orchestration that we set in place to bring us all home. I am full. So full of divine love this day. May it shower all of us with its gentleness and truth.