The Freedom Offered

IMG_2951Flowers beside me, a cool morning breeze flowing through the cottage, stillness and time alone after sweet company. I listened to the Irish poet, John O’Donohue, speaking on stillness and felt my soul expand with his words.

Stillness is vital to the world of the soul. If as you age you become more still, you will discover that stillness can be a great companion. The fragments of your life will have time to unify, and the places where your soul-shelter is wounded or broken will have time to knit and heal. You will be able to return to yourself. In this stillness, you will engage your soul. Many people miss out on themselves completely as they journey through life. They know others, they know places, they know skills, they know their work, but tragically, they do not know themselves at all. Aging can be a lovely time of ripening when you actually meet yourself, indeed maybe for the first time.

JOHN O’DONOHUE Excerpt from his book, ANAM CARA

IMG_2908Finding so many around me, waking up to the greater reality of their hearts. Our society does not offer space for this awakening, it in fact does all it can to keep one from it. Yet, our souls break through with tears that will not be stopped, with a yearning that moves one to breakdown and break open. Vulnerability enters and invites us to explore those darkened rooms that we have so carefully kept locked. Fear guards the doorways….projecting doom and destruction to all who dare enter. We fear for our very lives, as we should. For our lives will be dismantled, the old ways will no longer serve, people will be ousted from our world and we will be sent into outer orbits where there is no familiar landscape. All will be black night.

In that darkness, there will only remain the light of your heart to guide you. Therein lies the key, therein lies the way forward. No other can chart your path, though many will assure you that they know the way. Yet, no one knows you like you do. No one can lead you home to your own truth except you. You are the way, you are the light, you are the truth.

My grandson's designs.

My grandson’s designs.

I have been reading a child’s version of Pilgrim’s Progress to my grandson. He asks for it repeatedly, loving Christopher mouse’s journey to the Evergreen Woods. He acts out the dark aspects, the rats and their trickery and deceit and changes it all in his play. He rescues the weasels who take the shorter route and are “never seen again”. He has them reappear to play and enjoy the beauty and joy of true companionship with all the others as they make it to the promised land. He views duality and brings it into unity and my heart feels the wonder of his gifts.

This is the miracle of these babes come in knowing only love. These children are here to raise us all up with their hearts that see clearly. I am so grateful to be informed by a three year old’s wisdom, to share in the joy that emanates his every dancing movement.

A piece of spinach that landed on the backsplash of the daily magical hearts that appear from Myself to myself, reminding me how I am loved.

A piece of spinach that landed on the backsplash of the sink…my daily magical hearts that appear from Myself to myself, reminding me how I am loved.

We are shedding the old as the new arises within with a gathering strength and fierceness. My world is showing me courageous hearts stepping out of toxic and limiting relationships,  whether in work or home environments. Many are seeking the way forward towards this love flame that emanates the whole. In the choice for self love, others are raised up, no matter the hue and cry at a sudden boundary that states, “No more!” to the old patterns. We trust in ourselves, that a choice for our truth, cannot harm another. All are uplifted by truth. All are uplifted by love.