The Divine Feminine Flows Powerfully This Mother’s Day

Look at these varieties of daffodils!

Look at these varieties of daffodils!

There is a lightening that is happening on this planet as the divine feminine flows in more freely. Yesterday, I had a wonderful Mother’s Day as for the first time in years, I was surrounded by my three adult children and two grandchildren. A blessing for sure. My daughter-in-love experienced her first Mother’s Day and it has been a joy to witness her blossoming into a magnificent mother.

Beyond the personal, for which I am so grateful, I could feel the planet being bathed in that mother ray…..aquamarine, pinks and golds. All flowing, all glowing. I felt the loosening in each heart of the old stories of pain and suffering. All is being released as we are able to allow it through our loving it, blessing it and feeling the truth behind the pain.

IMG_9087I did not see nor speak with my mother for decades before she passed. Her choice through disowning me and yet mine too, to set a boundary around my own family of children, to stop the cycle of abuse. My healing and freedom came on the inner planes in meditation many years ago. I was shown the love that she and my father held for me, that allowed me to incarnate. They agreed to play dark roles for all six children. Not all six, survived the experience. I did and grew into myself as I had to claim my truth over the version shown to me. I saw the 22 birthdate that I shared with both parents and the triangle of love it created. They gave of themselves so that I could be here to shine my lovelight in this transformational time. What a gift!

It is not necessary for the other person to be present, to do healing work. Whether incarnate or not, we can intend for a letting go of any blame, knowing that our soul has created every experience at our own direction, all for growth, all for love. The energies now, as the mother flame beams so bright, are  to assist us to give it all to that flame of love. Let it purify our memories, easing pain, burning away all the untruth we are taught to be victims. We never were, we are not victims. We co-create all of this play, to learn, to grow in lovelight. We ask our dearest ones to play the darker roles, for who else, would choose to honor us in every way that we need and desire.

Gorgeous color after the white palette of winter is so energizing.

Gorgeous color after the white palette of winter is so energizing.

May this Mother’s Day, ease old heartaches in all of us, men or women. We all carry the divine feminine and masculine flames and seek balance in all ways. Call to Mother Mary, Kuan Yin, Isis, Mother Sekhmet, your angels or your own inner being to assist you when the letting go feels hard. There is the most wondrous freedom when we move from a world of blame and shame into the light of love. It takes courage, it takes honoring our own light and protecting it when need be. We stand in our truth and allow it to inform others of their truth. Whether they accept it or not, we do our part and know that it reverberates down the generations, freeing grandchildren and all life to come. May the blessings of this mother ray fill all of our hearts to overflowing so the earth is bathed heart to heart with liquidlovelight.

Bone Weary

Lake where we took our first canoe outing recently. Saw loons swimming and diving. They can stay underwater for a long time!

Lake where we took our first canoe outing recently. Saw loons swimming and diving. They can stay underwater for a long time!

This morning I awoke with a lightness of being. I felt freedom flooding in my cells, it felt wonderful! It felt as if some significant phase of work, completed. Thank goodness. My daughter felt it too and we moved in a new ease filled rhythm all day. I did my back exercise video for the first time in awhile, I finished sewing a dress for my daughter-in-love, for her first Mother’s Day. I took a walk through the woods and gathered paper birch bark strewn on the ground to use to write letters to folk special to me. I visited a house at the top of the hill whose owners live in Cape Cod, making use of the house only a few weeks of the year. I picked a beautiful bouquet of daffodils there. Most were bent over by the wind and asking to be picked to be seen and appreciated. I did just that, putting them in a vase on my table where they lit up the room.  There were a couple of varieties new to me, peachy pink and ones with a vibrant orange center. Lovely.

IMG_9015Tonight, I find myself exhausted. Heat surges off and on, head intensity and an effort to get up off the couch to use the bathroom and refill my water glass. My body feels leaden. The fire burning is a source of comfort. I marvel that I am still standing (make that lying down!) on this earth. These are moments when I feel the weight of far more than my sixty-five calendar years. I feel ancient and bone weary of this experiment.

Yet, this morning, there was a shift. I know in my bones that a new day is dawning and that I remain to live it fully. I am so grateful for all who have contributed to this shift, who have continued to stand in this pressurized state for eons of time. Deep bow to us all.


Magical May!

Love the spiral on this log.

Love the spiral on this log.

Magic and miracles has been my mantra for decades. I am so ready to live it and sense that this month of May. The first miracle happened on Beltaine, May 1st. We invited folks over for a barbeque and bonfire. As the evening came to a close, children and chairs collected, dishes gathered, hugs given, the fire was left to burn itself out. It had little fuel left and with the moisture in this area and the large gravel circle it was set in, we expected it to soon die out. That was one of my sleepless nights as energy was running and my job was to witness it with wakefulness. I sat downstairs by the hearth, watching its flames through much of the night. At 5:30 am, I went into the kitchen to make a cup of tea and toast when a flame caught my eye outside. I questioned if it was a reflection coming from somewhere yet it was moments before the dawn and darkness cloaked the yard. I opened the back door to get a closer look. The fire was still blazing! The fairies and elementals must have been at work, tending it through the night. A miracle! Magic! A wonderful beginning to this month. I am intending to witness many more this month and those to come.

I have been reading essays and stories by Wendell Berry, a wonderful writer and man. His writing has brought me to tears with its poignancy and truth. In one essay this morning, he is quoting from Norman Maclean’s “A River Runs Through It”.

IMG_9003 2After a man’s death, his brother and father spoke of him. The father asked the son, “Are you sure you have told me everything that you know about his death?” …I said, “Everything.” “It’s not much, is it?” “No,” I replied, “but you can love completely without complete understanding. If you push me far enough, all I really know is that he was a fine fisherman.”

“You know more than that,” my father said. “He was beautiful.”

Is not this the mystery and magic of life? So much of beauty and truth goes beyond our understanding. We can only stand witness and know that “he was beautiful” and that we can love without understanding.