
Nature's version of stain glass on the wings.

Nature’s version of stain glass on the wings.

My grandson found a monarch caterpillar and fed it fresh milkweed leaves each day. It eventually turned into a pupa hanging itself from the top of the container. We were able to share the joy as the butterfly emerged. It slowly crawled onto a flower stem and sat, resting as its wings dried out. It was a long and tedious stage for a six year old boy. We eventually lost interest and went about our play, only to return later to discover that the butterfly had dried its wings and taken flight.

This resting stage felt so familiar to me. It is not a flashy stage, rather boring to watch and to live at times. We have emerged from the mushiness of the cocoon but have not yet learned how to navigate with our wings. The butterfly had two sets of wings, folded together. It took time for them to dry and be useful as navigating devices. We, too, have wings that will allow us freedom unheard of when we were simply crawling along the ground. Teleportation will be a reality before long. Our thoughts will take us places as our hearts create a new reality.

As the butterfly tentatively opened and closed its wings, it reminded me of how we are learning to open our hearts in new ways. To flex our heart muscles in the truth of love, without closing from any perceived hurts or upsets. We are learning to live love, to take all that flows into our worlds and transform it with a beat of our hearts, into lovelight. This liquid lovelight streams forth and provides the energy that allows us to lift off and create new worlds.

Tentatively opening its wings.

Tentatively opening its wings.

When we went back to check on the butterfly, as a rain storm was coming, we were relieved to discover that it had taken flight. We wondered how butterflies, with their fragile wings, survived in rainstorms which can move in with such ferocious energy. We trusted that it would survive and wished it well.

I wish us all well in this resting stage. There is a surge of newness flowing in, creative energy seeking expression. Yet, we need to honor this resting stage as our wings are not ready to carry us. We can sit and look about, seeing life from a new perspective, slowly opening our hearts to sing a new song. All is well and more delights than we have imagined, await us.


Always Learning


The lovely pond that I cooled off in yesterday.

Before I fall asleep at night, I often play a movie of the day, allowing myself to show me anything that needs attention. The other night, two incidents stood out. I had had the family over for pizza and a cake I made. I watched myself grab my 18 month old granddaughter and hug her. I did not ask her if she wanted to be cuddled, which is my normal way of interacting with her and any child. I felt the disrespect in that moment as none of us want to be grabbed without our permission. Next, I saw how I turned to my former hubby and held my granddaughter out, asking if she wanted to go to him. She likes him but does not spend as much time with him as with me. Her comfort level is not the same. I felt into this, I wanted him to experience her and desire to spend more time with her. He spent loads of time with our first grandchild, and still does. This happened as our daughter lived away and so we were with him lots when he visited or we did. Then she divorced and lived with one of us for years so we were a daily part of his life from two years on. I realized that my desire for the interaction between the two of them, was a subtle form of pressure on both. I do not want to ever put that pressure on a child to override their own knowing of what to go towards and what to pull away from. Yet, I did just that with my actions.

Lots of granite here which looks so lovely with the flowers.

Lots of granite here which looks so lovely with the flowers.

I am grateful for my reflection and knowing of what is the path of love. I shared this with my son and daughter in love and asked for their forgiveness. They graciously gave it and shared that sometimes they had that feeling, of wanting folks to know the wonder of their child and trying to foster a relationship.

How wonderful that we can catch ourselves in these actions and correct our course. I want to be a more conscious grandma than I was as a mother. There are so many more resources these days. I love Janet Lansbury and her work as well as her mentor, Magda Gerber. I gift new parents their books. Your Self-Confident Baby by Magda Gerber is a wonderful starter for new parents. Janet’s book, No Bad Kids is wonderful for the toddler years.

The green passages that are part of my drives.

The green passages that are part of my drives.

May these angels who are coming in to the earth now, be blessed with conscious parents who can assist them to be the love that they are. They need our protection and care. I am grateful that I can offer the love that I am to them. I am grateful to being open to learn and grow with them and my own adult children. Each generation builds on the one before. May love be all that we know.

I do not post photos of my kids or grandbabies as a form of protection. As much as I would love to share their images, I am discerning of when and whom to share with.


A favorite spot outside the library to sit and muse.

A favorite spot outside the library to sit and muse.

We are IN the time of transformation. Not approaching it, nor feeling complete with it…..simply in it. It looks different for all of us. For me it is hot flashes surging, a need for bodily comfort, exhaustion, frustration, bouts of creativity then flatness.

Restlessness is the biggest sign to me that I am about to make a big shift. I look at photos of views from around the world. Water and mountains does something to my soul. I yearn for a wide vista that showcases these two elements to dream in and with. I feel confined in my upstairs apartment though I can walk into nature and drive five or ten minutes to a little lake or pond. The energy is not often there to act on my yearnings. I do make it out to swim most days that the sun shines warmly, as that nourishes me.

This wild flower grew about eight feet tall and then bent over, making a fairy arch for me to walk under as I enter my apartment.

This wild flower grew about eight feet tall and then bent over, making a fairy arch for me to walk under as I enter my apartment.

I liken myself to a puppet on strings. I animate myself for the grandkids, perking up with smiles and patience and joy. Once my day of care is done, I lie flat, my strings slack on the ground. I read to occupy my mind or take deep naps. Nights are short so the fatigue is present. I finally did my dishes after three days of piling things up for later. It takes all that I have to show up for the kids and my body’s needs. Chocolate is a dear companion. As well as ice cream from the village store across the street. I watch the old farmers stop in for their morning coffee and roll, later they come back for ice cream cones. Often they have their grandkids or their dogs. Yes, the dogs are served ice cream cones too. There are a number of regulars. The young girl who serves the ice cream sits down by them and makes them eat it in four bites instead of just one. Life is full of hard work here in Northern Vermont. Winter is an ever present awareness so summer is a time of getting things done.

I love the clouds.

I love the clouds.

At the recent Old Home Day, I was browsing the book sale. A farmer and I started chatting. He said that he was gathering a few for the winter. He said he could not understand how anyone had time to read in the summer. He was flat out getting crops in and wood split and house and barn repairs done. He said that winter was his reading time in the evenings when the dark enters at 4 pm and stays late in the mornings.

The restlessness comes over me and yet, I do not get in my car and drive off like I have in the past. I recognize that I am still in need of this cocoon about me. My spirit is ready for a bigger, more magical life but my body needs comfort. I need the ease of clothes in the closet to choose from, the food in the fridge, the twinkle lights and my sewing machine. When I have a couple of days in a row of rest each week, then I sew as a form of creativity and meditation. I just finished making myself a duvet cover out of soft white linen. It pleases me immensely to look at it and was a dream to sleep under last night. I had removed my down comforter for the summer but now the night time temperatures have dipped into the forties and I found myself shivering at 3 a.m. So, the lighter down comforter is back and snugged inside its new cover. Joy! It is the little things.

Hearts continue to show up and let me know how I am loved.

Hearts continue to show up and let me know how I am loved.

I am dreaming this new world into being. That is what we can do in the moments. Be the love, feel it, dream it. Let our imaginations flow with the wonders that we know, deep in our hearts, are ours to create. I am choosing to meet this restlessness with an inner joy. The heartbeat of excitement, anticipation, wonder. I know that this swirling energy will settle and we will be amazed at what appears. I am grateful to my body for its steadfastness on this journey. She is a wonder being and I hold her in love. It has not been easy.

Grandchild about to arrive so time to get dressed and be the Nana that I am.