My grandson found a monarch caterpillar and fed it fresh milkweed leaves each day. It eventually turned into a pupa hanging itself from the top of the container. We were able to share the joy as the butterfly emerged. It slowly crawled onto a flower stem and sat, resting as its wings dried out. It was a long and tedious stage for a six year old boy. We eventually lost interest and went about our play, only to return later to discover that the butterfly had dried its wings and taken flight.
This resting stage felt so familiar to me. It is not a flashy stage, rather boring to watch and to live at times. We have emerged from the mushiness of the cocoon but have not yet learned how to navigate with our wings. The butterfly had two sets of wings, folded together. It took time for them to dry and be useful as navigating devices. We, too, have wings that will allow us freedom unheard of when we were simply crawling along the ground. Teleportation will be a reality before long. Our thoughts will take us places as our hearts create a new reality.
As the butterfly tentatively opened and closed its wings, it reminded me of how we are learning to open our hearts in new ways. To flex our heart muscles in the truth of love, without closing from any perceived hurts or upsets. We are learning to live love, to take all that flows into our worlds and transform it with a beat of our hearts, into lovelight. This liquid lovelight streams forth and provides the energy that allows us to lift off and create new worlds.
When we went back to check on the butterfly, as a rain storm was coming, we were relieved to discover that it had taken flight. We wondered how butterflies, with their fragile wings, survived in rainstorms which can move in with such ferocious energy. We trusted that it would survive and wished it well.
I wish us all well in this resting stage. There is a surge of newness flowing in, creative energy seeking expression. Yet, we need to honor this resting stage as our wings are not ready to carry us. We can sit and look about, seeing life from a new perspective, slowly opening our hearts to sing a new song. All is well and more delights than we have imagined, await us.