Happy Equinox

0Oh my, we are here. The autumn equinox. The balance point between the light and the dark. Here in Northern Vermont, the mornings are now dark and night grows closer each day. This morning it was thunder and lightening that woke me with flashes of brilliant light. I am watching out my second floor window to see my grandson walking to school. There is a K-2nd grade little community school a couple of doors down from my place. I run out each morning to give him a hug and kiss to start him on his day. A treat for both of us. It has been a big adjustment for my daughter and I as there is so much programming being instilled in our little ones from the beginning. I met the principal yesterday and shared some of my concerns. Fortunately it is a small school so parents voices can be heard, though we seem to be in the minority. I am dreaming of the love pods and the new ways that our children can grow and thrive. The old feels so heavy and wrong. My grandson is articulate and able to discuss all that he sees and feels.  We are able to give him a different perspective on issues so he begins to hone his own discernment. His personality is sunny and kind so the teachers love him and want him to thrive. We are gently assisting his teacher to let go of old methods (time outs?!) and embrace the light in each child. As an educator, I felt disheartened to see a young teacher following so many old time methods. Ah……I am beyond ready for a new world.

fullsizeoutput_4ed5Balance…..I feel the tug to help at the school, to take a more active role. Then I go back to my highest purpose and feel into that. Sixteen years ago I left the educational system, burnt out from the efforts of trying to make changes. I knew that I would not return to my role as teacher until the new ways came in. I was blessed to homeschool my grandson last year and teach him to read as well as stretch his wonderful imagination. His favorite activity to do with his grandpa and me, is imaginative play. With me, it is bunny land, with his grandpa it is a bit wilder and tougher in rat land. He leads us both on merry adventures.

We stand on the cusp of the new. It is a wobbly place to be as there is nothing to ground to or hold to. We are surrendering all of the past and walking into an unknown future. Our hearts feel the immensity of it. We know that we have untapped creator abilities awaiting us. Yet, we have no direction manuals, no how to’s. We can only breathe in the light in this space and radiate it outward to our world.

The trees are beginning to turn here as the cold flows in. Beauty

The trees are beginning to turn here as the cold flows in. Beauty

Each day is a balancing act of trusting in ourselves and the greater plan while walking in the mud of the old decaying systems. Never have we had to balance the light and the dark so clearly. Today, I am honoring this seasonal balance point. I am allowing myself to feel all the heaviness as well as the lightness. All is transformed in my heart with love. More and more, it is easier to tap into the love that is the essence of all things. May we all embody this balance point today and know ourselves as blessed.


A Quiet Sunday

IMG_20220904_114305701Tomatoes are bubbling away on the stove as the produce of the summer overflows gardens. Yesterday I made a double batch of zucchini carrot muffins as once you grate one of the big boys, you have to do something with it. Carrots are also in abundant supply. We live in a food rich culture during the spring and summer. It takes focused attention at this time of year to cook it, can it, bake it, or freeze it.

The nights are beginning to chill, dropping as low as the forties while the days fluctuate between high sixties and mid-eighties. The sun is thinner yet can be powerfully piercing, drawing sweat and a desire to swim. I love swimming on as many days as I can. Now, I can manage the first time in but find that I chill and it is more difficult to say yes to my grandson’s urging to take a second dip. It feels good to dry off and slip on my light wool layer that warms me.

One of my daily hearts that show up in such variety. I am loved!

One of my daily hearts that show up in such variety. I am loved!

Today I am resting after a double party yesterday. My grandson turned seven and we had a party at the homestead with food and games in the afternoon. That was followed by an adult party. There was lots of food, music and a fire blazing. The children who stayed on with their parents, chose huge sticks, double their heights, and whittled the tips for their marshmallow roasting. No chance of getting burned by the fire, though we all had to watch out for the way that they wielded them.

The new cider press was set up for action and folks brought their apples to press. It takes some energy to turn the wheel. The kids loved trying their hand at this. This year has been a bounteous year for apples so lots of delicious cider was made.

fullsizeoutput_4ec1I have a couple of sewing projects in front of me. One is a pair of linen pants for my youngest son’s birthday this week. Trying to do french seams and inseam pockets has me ripping out stitches a few times. I have laid in bed visualizing how I will tackle the pockets again…..I checked, he really wants pockets…so perhaps tomorrow I will feel clear enough to make it happen. I did get a new apron made for my daughter’s new business venture of providing an organic dinner each week to the local community. The first week was a success and I had offers to sell more aprons. I am enjoying sewing for myself, my family and friends and is plenty for me.

Time to lie on the couch and watch a movie. A bit of rain falling outside and cool enough to wear a sweater. Ah…right now this is enough.