August 7th, the eve of the Lion’s Gate

The sunflowers against the blue and mustard of a kitchen I painted so many years ago makes my heart sing in joy.

A peace has opened up in me today. I am floating in these viscous energies that do not allow sudden movement. As if I am covered in gel or moving through a cloud. It feels like a blessing. We are being held so close to our mother’s bosom of love. Our hearts are softening, opening. Folks who have not cried in ages. are becoming fountains of tears. The hard layers of self protection are dissolving along with the masks that we wore to feel safe. Transparency is the new norm. Folks may still try to use pretty words to convey a deceitful intent but we are reading the energy behind the words and discovering the truth. Lying, manipulation, coercion are left lying by the wayside. We are moving into the heartland of our mother. We are feeling the oneness in a new way.

The ribbons streaming are how I feel and see the energies moving in my mind's eye.


The energies are swirling in a mad dance. Mini tornadoes are whirling all about. Staying centered is paramount or one can be tossed like a rag doll. We are being asked to find the still point. To come to our quiet core and rest there. To observe our life from that vantage point. Planning events is not working as it once did. People are realizing that they need to check in and see what they are feeling in the moment rather than push themselves to be social when their being is calling for quiet. They are disavowing a  presribed path. They are seeking the freedom of open spaces in their agendas rather than the packed schedules of old. We were taught that a full day planner meant a full life. We are seeing through this lie and discovering the joy of the blank page in our schedule. Busyness had become the badge of honor which we are now unpinning. We see how it limited us from discovering ourselves. How it was a clever ruse to keep us from looking within and discovering our truth and thereby, our power. Oh yes, it has all been an attempt to keep us from our power. There are a hundred ways that we have been kept in the dark about who we are. Our dear sun with its continual gifts of solar flares is changing that along with energies from our earth mother and our starry families. We are being gifted with new sight. We are seeing beyond the illusion and feeling the flames of freedom moving our way. We are moving into the present moment more and more.  We are allowing ourselves to move as we feel to move rather than to meet a preset agenda. We are discovering more fluid ways of interacting. We are learning to flow with the currents rather than battle our way upstream..

I am so encouraged by what I am witnessing in those around me. I am ready to step through the portal of tomorrow’s Lion’s Gate and move ever closer to home. Here is one take on what the Lion’s Gate is all about by Emmanuel Dagher at:  t

On August 8th, a powerful portal known as the Lion’s Gate will magnify our ability to manifest from the invisible into the physical/ material realms with much more ease & grace. The Lion’s Gate doorway is usually associated with great amounts of light or fire pouring into our paradigm, so grounding & just allowing ourselves to ‘be’ is key at this time.

During these next few weeks, there’s a uniting of the two hemispheres of the brain which will open us up to even more paradigm shifting ‘aha’ moments & revelations that will support us in sowing the seeds to the next part of our journey. This is a really great time to align ourselves with things that bring us joy & to also get clear on what we want to create more of in our lives & in the world. This year’s Lion’s Gate is playing a large role in our collective awakening, & that in itself is cause for celebration. Time for another major upgrade.
Holding you all in liquid lovelight!

The Moments before Birth

Beautiful full moon of August

My belly is bloated. For the past few months, my belly has risen with the moon and then flattened as the energies are absorbed and integrated. The thought went through me, “YIkes, I do not like having this big belly.” Then it shifted to how I felt when I was newly pregnant all those years ago. I was so excited to have the outer proof that the baby was growing inside me. I was delighted when it began to look like more than extra weight. I rubbed it, caressed it , crooned to it. So much of life is perception and the lens we chose to view the present moment through. During this recent full moon energies, I have chosen to love this belly of mine. I feel that I am about to give birth to a greater aspect of myself. It has been cramped for much of the full moon time. I fasted yesterday to see if that would lessen the cramping. That and a crystal bowl event I attended did unwind the cramping. ( I had not planned on attending an event as I was feeling in my hermit mode. My friend said that she was guided to tell me that crystal bowls would be there. My belly gave me an immediate yes, that I was to attend. I love how clear the guidance is these days.)

Sparkling cool water inviting me in.

Today I can feel the earth birthing with me. We are in a quiet space. A holy space. I feel the air dancing through the leaves in excitement. The ground is humming with expectation. I am resting in a place of joy. The elements cooperated with cloud cover and a soft breeze so that I could be in the sun. I swam naked in the pool of salt water and felt release. I am grateful for this space to be. I am so connected to my Creator. We are humming together in a new way. I feel the newness of what is in me, the enlivened energies that have been pouring in with this full moon. There is an element of excitement that I recall happening once the birth pains actually began. I can remember the joy flooding through my body along with the contractions. Holding both ends of the continuum, joy and pain, together. Knowing that the pain is what propelled the babe into the world. Surrendering to it with open heart, the sooner to hold the baby in my arms.

Looks like I am about to give birth, doesn't it? I feel such tenderness for this belly!

My heart is longing for this babe, this newness to present itself to the world. My body is my vehicle to take me there. Every cell in me says that new life is here. The rejoicing is filling the air. Yet I sit and lie in stillness. No desire to talk, did not feel that I could write until now. Words are not adequate to express the reverence that I feel. I do not want to engage in dialogue about this as I feel protective of this energy. It is coming to light the world. To change life as we have known it. I am so deeply in the process of it that to speak takes me out of the stillness. Just as it was when I brought a child into the world, it is consuming all of me. The outer world falls away and there is only the body and the baby in communion. This baby is speaking to me and my love is surrounding it in the softest of pastel lights. My body says that it will be soon. I had a couple of days of active energy attending to some details of this world, mimicking the nesting instinct of prior times. Preparing for what is to come. Now my energy is all drawn inward. My belly and me, rocking in our love.

The Lion’s Gate of August 8th approaches. Time is slipping away even as I state a calendar date. We are on the cusp of seeing these energies move in our world. The time of magic is at hand. Let it all flow through with love. We are being so gifted by all of life in every dimension. I have let go of everything, surrendered to this moment and been rewarded with this connection that grows deeper with each breath.

Rainbow light caught in a cloud to delight me today.

At the gathering yesterday, a woman that carries the Mary energies that I so resonate with, saw me. It was an extraordinary event for me to have someone see my work. She said the recent energies had opened so much for her and she could now see how I work with the earth, evolving as she does. Moving and expanding and flowing with the light. She thanked me and said, “Please keep going. You are opening a pathway for all of us to follow. We will catch up down the road.” I cried as it was such a gift to be seen. Another friend had recently relayed a message from the elementals that I work like they do, with the earth in ways that are not seen. Both of these messages have afforded my personality self comfort that in turn allowed a greater release of the little Linda. I felt these messages like my Father/Mother’s hand upon my brow, reassuring me that they are with me and are holding me in love as I hold this babe.

The patterns of the dancing leaves mesmerized me today.

I do feel the love of the universe pouring in for each one of us as we play our note in this grand symphony.  We are being called now. After so much preparation, we are at the ready. Sing out with full voice and a full heart. We are the fortunate ones who have front row seats for the birthing of a new age. We not only get to witness it. we get to co-create it. I am feeling the wonder of this tonight.


Kali Rages then Flows to Peace

After some wild dancing of RAGE that had Kali alive and well in me, I was able to laugh at how perfectly this small family soul group of mine works! We made sure to include all the elements that we needed for our transformation. We held the whole spectrum of polarity between us and have played it from all sides. Beautiful! Truly awe inspiring.

Last night there was a now rare family dinner scene, four of five present. Reminiscent of a couple of decades of times around the table, allowing unconsciousness more rein.  We sang the family blessing, ate our fresh corn on the cob and relaxed. Former hubby brought in an unconscious piece that triggered me. He has played this role so perfectly for us all and it will be interesting to see what happens now as it feels it was a final clearing for me, so that part will no longer be played.  Dinner ended and he went on his way while the anger simmered and stirred within me. I felt the energies grow and expand as that mother bear arose on her hind feet. Kali came to life within me.


from wikopedia: Kali, also known as Kalika is a Hindu goddess associated with death and destruction. Despite her negative connotations, she is not actually the goddess of death, but rather of Time and Change. She is also revered as Bhavatarini (lit. “redeemer of the universe”). Comparatively recent devotional movements largely conceive Kali as a benevolent mother-goddess.

Actually, I love this image of Kali as the rage felt full of death and destruction. I know this rage, it has coursed through my veins many times in this life. Yet, as with all things, we experience them anew with our new understandings. I am clearing collective energies. The other night it was the decree to the universe that I would no longer accept this 3D life, demanded that I be allowed to bring heaven here or return to Source. This was the follow up energy, as I could see all the grace that had been offered each one of us, time and time again to move into the light. How many accept and how others play with those undecided. How much of me has held wide a door. Kali came in to say, No more! Door closed. I will not give one more ounce of my energy to hold the door open for those who impede another’s path with intention, who create an air of confusion around those sitting on the fence so as to siphon off their light, who have made the choice to continue in separation from Source and are intent on taking as many others with them on their path as possible. It stops now.

No more. I asked for it all to come forward, to show its hand, to face my Kali self. And it did come pouring in and my rage consumed it like a fire. I danced and danced to wild, pounding music with lyrics of “no more, no more”. I added my voice in frequencies that had not moved through me in ages. It was hot, it was fiery and it was quick. All that this body could move from the collective, came forth to dance its death dance. I acted as a conductor to move and transmute these energies. My son acted as witness and turned the volume higher as well as found the song for me as he too, has played this role. This was a power filled clearing.

Our sun is the ultimate fire, showering us with his love each day.

I asked for and received the broader view and saw how my former hubby played this role so perfectly for me. I felt the gratitude flow like waves  to his soul. I also gained the recognition that on a personal level, there was to be no more gifting of my energies his way nor to others playing this note. Boundaries are good. There is the love that flows through all and I see it so clearly as ribbons of multi-colored heartlight flowing into and amongst all hearts. I see how he and I adore one another on the soul level. I see how his personality self may now choose to make use of all that he has been given from the family or not. All perfect and no longer mine to tend.

These are the end times. The death of the old and the birth of the new. We are here to create the new world that our heart’s desire and remember from home. The wonder is that it is all so impersonal yet so dear. How each of us plays our part for our soul group to grow and expand the Creator’s experience for ourselves and one another. How quickly the energies run, allowing us to move so much in these final days. We are creating room for the new to stream in in all its glory.

I have had to own all my shadow self in order to allow Kali full rein. As we clear our own containers, we can then offer ourselves in service to the collective. The intensity can be elemental, like lightening moving through the body, yet it is familiar to this elemental woman. I am of the elements. My fiery nature has awaited this time to play. I can call this passion to move in any part of the spectrum, from the darkest depths to the lightest of airs. I used to judge myself harshly for my fiery nature, now I celebrate it in its current form. It is a fire that burns clean whereas before it left a scarred landscape in its wake. Now it consumes all so that not even ashes remain. My trigger knew nothing of my dance on a personality level, yet the souls knew all. I understand the personality is but a container for the energies to move through.

Kali is a creator god that allows the birth of the new. We have been programmed to shy away from  the heat of death and destruction yet Kali must dance her dance to create anew. We are standing at the doorway of the new cycle of the ages and all that has been must come crumpling down. We cannot build the new on the old foundations. All is being taken. I rejoice in her presence and honor her energies of life. Truly it is in dying that we are reborn. Thank you Kali for allowing me to move as you last night. I am so grateful.

The soothing coolness of the waters cascading over me.

I am left marveling at the wonder of me. At the wonder of you. At the beauty and ugliness, the heights of love and depths of despair, that we are capable of. Bring out your shadows, dance them, let the flames consume them. We are being purified and the fire is our friend.

Today the waters cleared me as I swam and showered. Soothing waters to quiet the flames and bring the balance bright. Now to see what the earth and air have for me!!!