11-14-11 and Feeling the Love

I love the pink clouds at night that remind me of liquid lovelight. That was my major experience of 11-11-11. I merged with my higher self and was flooded with liquid pink lovelight. I saw it pouring out of my fingers, streaming to my brothers and sisters and out of my toes, streaming to my mother. Beautiful! It felt wonderful flowing through my veins and informing all of my cells: wake up! The lovelight is here! Soft like the colors of this photo I took, a little out of focus but I like it like that. A soft world without harsh edges. It is the way I see the world, through a slightly out of focus lens. When we pull back to a more bird’s eye view of any situation and allow our hearts to soften, we can see the truth more clearly. The truth is that we are all made to love. Our hearts are made to giv
e love on a regular basis just as they are made to pump blood. It is its essential nature. Hearts are made to be open to give and receive love, that is what keeps them healthy. Heart health is more about the feelings that we express and receive than it is about the food we eat. Science is beginning to confirm this as it is understood that everything is energy. Our vibration determines our health. Self love is the single most important component of health. If we flood our body with love each day, caress our cells and organs with lovelight, they will all respond in a loving manner. If we store our stuck emotions in our organs and cells, dis-ease happens. A friend who has been journeying with her cancer expressed how the disease invaded all the parts of her body that she had not inhabited. That she was learning to inhabit all of her and love her body and her being.

It feels to me that the energies of 11-11-11 were about opening more room in the heart, lightening the load. Allowing the softening to take place, seeing life with that out of focus lens where the essence of a thing is what shines through. You can hear the angry words on the surface but by squinting your eyes and stepping back, you can see the heart that is full of fear. The little child who has lost his/her way and wants a helping hand back to the light of truth. The truth that they are lovable, that they are a child of the divine and love is their very nature, that they deserve love. As we know this, the world becomes a softer, more love filled place. This photo of one of the Tibetan deities with its fierce scowl is a great reminder for me that something can look scary on the surface but be filled with love within. (including ourselves when we find ourselves expressing anger or other scary emotions)

Yes, there was part of me ready to step into miracles. That did not happen yet the opening of hearts is a miracle. I know that the new age has begun as I feel Gaia’s joy coming up through my feet. I believe that my desires are being made manifest and it is my job to line up with them vibrationally. My beloved, my community…..all is there when I have eyes to see. Each day I get closer when I am present to the moments, appreciating and enjoying what each has to offer. It is always the small things that bring the joy. Eating oatmeal in the morning with my son across the table, the yellow tulips that bring the sun into the kitchen, the sound of the bell that I ring each time I pass it on my way into the living room, my new purple hat that I bought yesterday as I walked and shopped with two dear friends. Now each time I put it on, I am with them once again and feeling the laughter and joy. Life is to be savored. While the outside world has yet to reflect the new energies, our inside world does. It is an internal experience and when enough of us vibrate that internal peace and love, the universe must respond to match it.

Hold on to the lovelight…..let it flow through irrespective of what the external world is showing you. It is our job to turn it all back to the reality of love that it is. We are masters at this…..it is time to remember how! I love you.

11-11-11 The Celebration!

Oh, deep breath. We are here. I have prepared for this day for so long. It is the day that we enter in, we walk through the portal to our new life. I may have posted this photo of this painting before but it is the image that works for me today. It is my favorite of my many paintings. The two white strokes are my beloved and I as we are walking through the golden door to our highest potential. Our highest service to the Creator and to our mother, Gaia. Today we are all gifted with this opening. There is nothing to bring except our hearts. All attachments fall away as we cut all cords to former beliefs, needs, desires, people, things. There is only this, the love, the love of our Mother/Father God for us and our love for Her/Him. The reality of love that is everything.

This energy can be so powerful as it comes in to these bodies that it is good to ground. Simply ask Mother Earth to ground you to her heart. You may feel her energy come up through your feet and legs as a tingling. Such a gift she gives to each. She loves to connect and speak with us. She wants all of her children to ascend with her. Imagine a love that can contain 7 billion people! She teaches us to love on that mighty scale.

Our Mother/Father wants to know our deepest desire. What is it that I want this day? I want more of my gifts to come in so that I can be of greater service to Gaia and mankind. I want to co-create a community that waves a banner that says, Home, this is a place of rest, of respite, a place of rejuvenation, a place to discover your joy once again amongst family who love you. Come! Yes, that is my deepest desire. To be a part of building such a place that is based on divine relationship. Where love is the beginning and the end. I wish to know the reality of love in all things and use my heart to melt all back to that reality. Love has become frozen on our planet and it is time to unfreeze it. To melt it all in our hearts back to the liquid light that it is, that we are.

Open your hearts wide and celebrate yourself today. It is a birthday of recognizing your own light and shining it out into the world. Turn inward and turn on your heartlight. We are all going home and it is what will light the way. I love you.


What a week we are in the midst of! 11-11-11 is days away, some are calling it the most auspicious day ever on this planet of ours. I awoke early to move my car before the street cleaning crew came by. My son joined me for an early morning drive across the city to Crissy Field. It is so lovely to walk along the beach with a view of the city silhouetted behind me and the Golden Gate bridge looming up ahead. Glorious! I feel so blessed to be here, especially when I get myself up and out of the small, dark apartment and enjoy the natural environments that abound in this city. There are many if one has time and energy to look for them. I was greeted with so many smiles today! I am a smiler by nature and today it seemed that folks were more open than usual to returning my smile. I believe that it is a result of all the divine love pouring into our planet from the Great Central Sun and coming from our dear mother Earth herself. I am feeling it hugely as joy vibrates my being and tears of gratitude, wonder and love flow. I am awash in this light and love, the lovelight. Yes, we are being bathed in lovelight. A beautiful pink orange magenta light flowing down like the softest rain. Can you feel it? Open your mouth to catch a taste of the drops. They are the sweetest nectar.

I like the way the sun cast the shadow of the bridge on the hillside. What a beautiful structure, painted so boldly and throwing its cables across this bay. What a concept! Imagine being the one who saw the potential and had the know how to make it happen. I feel that we are being asked to do this now. Visualize the new potentials, hold the picture clearly and allow the pieces to come together to bring it into manifestation. We are to co-create this new earth of ours. Friday is a wonderful time to do this as we all join our hearts together to meditate for world peace, abundance for all, freedom and joy as each person recognizes their own beauty and their unique gifts. Whatever constitutes your idea of the world that you would like to live in……..hold that vision and send it out into the universe as a prayer, a meditation, a dance, a song, a tone, any way you feel drawn to. Google 11-11-11 events and find one that resonates with you. I will be joining my friend, Meredith at 11am for hers as well as my friend, Tiara’s at 8:11 pm (oh these are Pacific standard time so be sure to convert to your time zone).

We have done so much healing and releasing to come to this time of joining with our I AM Presence. I love that we no longer have to dig through our past or understand what our feelings are about. We can simply be the conduit to let them flow and let them go. Let go……on every level of your being. You may be releasing your old stuff from a painful childhood or from a past life or you may be transmuting it for the collective. It matters not. What is of importance when you are in the midst of emotional turmoil, is to take a breath, pull yourself back to that eagle’s eye view, and remember to let the emotion be fully felt and present. Sit with it, observe it, express it (not by yelling at someone rather through writing, pounding

bread dough, watching a sad movie to allow deep sobs of sadness to come up, be creative!). And then sit back and watch it move out of your space. Do not hold on to it

in your thoughts by allowing it to play in the hamster wheel of your brain. Toss it out the angels and the violet flame (you simply ask the violet flame angels to transmute it…I ask them to mulch it into light for mother earth (best composting around!! Composting old outworn thoughts!) Let go of the “shoulds” in your life and choose “likes” as in I like to shop for yummy food, I like to do my laundry at the laundromat where the attendant remembered my name from last winter when I was here in the city. (How we like to be known!) Since I like that, I like to remember the names of the folks at shops and cafes that I frequent. Makes our world nicer. It is all perspective….some of our shoulds are holdovers from old programming that says that you must spend time with certain folks because of blood ties rather than joy ties or you can solve a problem by running it through your brain a thousand times over and worrying over it. It is time to truly honor ourselves by choosing new pathways, new ways of thinking and being. Time to know, truly KNOW that we are enough. Our being here on the planet is enough. There is no doing that is necessary except that which brings you joy. Move towards that joy flame in all that you do and your life will be transformed. Open your heart to this Friday’s energy and know that our transformation is at hand. We are gods and it is time to claim this. I so love you all!!! I so love me and everything about me. We were the ones chosen to be here for the shift of the ages. Hold your heads high, square your shoulders and look in the mirror and smile! You are here, I am here! We are the strongest of the strong and we came to rise from duality into the light of unity consciousness as we remember that we are one.

This is a painting I did titled, Releasing. I laid down layer after layer of paint, a bit like my life story, layer after layer of events, people, emotions. I then took a scraper and began to scrap away all that no longer served me. I stopped when I had uncovered my truth….the radiance that I am. See that blue glitter shining through? The purple patches? All me. Some parts rough, some smooth. All me. I feel joy when I look at this and reach for my canvas and paints to create more of my beauty, more of my song. This life is a gift that I am savoring!

Sequestered, Silent, Peaceful

Do you like my childlike drawing of the beloveds? Yes, I am feeling this more and more each day, my heart twining with his heart to fill our chalice of love as the Creator streams down Her/His light to add to our chalice. Lovelight. That is my new word, lovelight is streaming in to the earth from the heavens as well as saturating the earth plane from Mother Gaia herself as she streams it up from her core. Each day, my beloved and I offer our chalice of lovelight in service to mankind and the ascension of the earth. There are new frequencies entering in. More detached, peaceful, soft. I feel as though I am drifting between worlds. There is a sense of missing friends, of a new kind of loneliness and yet no desire to take action to connect. Peace and stillness seem to envelop the hours of the days as minutes. It seems with each upgrade into a new frequency, there is a period of being in a void. A holding pattern as the body adjusts to the new energies. The past three weeks or so have been quite a roller coaster of upgrades. The light streams in making my body shake and move, heat up, cool down, all manner of strange twitches and pinpricks. Then the integration period of lying flat while energies are released. Today it was sadness. Not mine, but a global sadness as the old ways are dissolving. I work with Gaia, as do many others, to help release the denser energies so that she can take in more light. Whatever we are doing internally, we are creating externally in the world we see reflected around us.

I am grateful for the small group that I have been

working with to anchor in this divine love. Oh, to live in this love, to see the earth bathed in this love. Tears are frequent as I feel the enormity of this love that is our truth. Today we begin a week of energies such as this planet has never seen. The 11-11-11 portal comes to us on Friday and there are global events that you can tune into around the world. Please take the time to connect to one of the gatherings offered at 11:11 am and pm if you can. The power of many gathered in meditation for peace and love on this planet can create it. We are the co-creators of this new earth. This is an opportunity to step in and effect change in the new way, not so much by doing rather by being the love and peace that you wish to see in the world. I love this photo I took of the light on the water…..diamond light. That is what we look like, streams of beautiful sparkly light radiating across the lands. Turn your heart light on and shine bright! Soon we will see our reflection in everything.

Still LIfe

I set up this still life this morning to feed my soul. For less than $3, I am being fed mightily. A painting of mine is hanging in the corner next to this and its colors are a perfect match for the yellows, greens and peaches of the pears. Beautiful little organic pears, a few bites worth each and a whole week of meal’s worth to my soul. Aren’t we blessed! I may not have much of a view to the outside world from this apartment that has only one room that faces the openness of the street view. but these pears gift me with a world view of beauty and light. It is all perspective, isn’t it? We can see the limitation of the wall next door or the expansiveness of orchards basking in the sun and rain of our mother. I can breathe in the scent of ripening fruit and bite into the elements that created it. I feel so expansive today! I am gifted with warm pumpkin muffins from the oven (it is such fun to have a kitchen to

play in once again) and this scene of beauty that is inspiring me to create art today. Maybe a pencil sketch with a touch of watercolor to suggest the hues. My skill is not as great as my mind’s picture but I do create some art that fills my soul with delight and that is the whole point, isn’t it? To create, to anchor into this earth plane the beauty that we feel. I am so seated in my heart these days. There have been many miracles occurring for me as I play out my part of bringing in this new earth. There is much that remains invisible that my heart’s eye makes visible. To this, I hold. I am a vision keeper, I have been trained in the schools of Mother Mary to hold the immaculate concept. I hold to beauty and in truth, beauty is known through the heart rather than the eyes. Feel it all around you today, it is everywhere.

Babies!!! This print was in a small cottage that I recently rented. As soon as I saw it, I felt that it was the reason that I was there. The babies are coming! This picture captures the joy and delight of the babies that I saw flowing in my vision awhile back. They are so ready to bring their playfulness to the planet. I am seeing that the community that I am to co-create is about divine love. It will be a place of divine partnerships and sacred relationships. There will be many being reunited with their beloveds and creating a chalice for these little masters to come through. Oh, they are so gleeful!

The realms are overlapping and I find myself living much of the time in this dream space of love. It can be challenging to have one foot in this reality and one in another yet that is what is asked of us. To believe in what can’t be seen, to hold the knowing of it deep in our hearts until it bursts through this hologram. There are so many 11-11-11 events being planned worldwide. So many hearts will be streaming their heartlights to the planet, the stars, the Creator and one another. The force of our hearts will break through to the peace and love that we know is our birthright. This is a sacred time. We are remembering our holiness. These little ones come to me to remind me of the joy. I can feel their fat cheeks under my lips and the delight of nibbling their chunky thighs. They are reminding me to dance and laugh my way to them.

Here is a link to my friend, Meredith’s blog that explains beautifully the whole awakening process that I have been through:

Witnessing the End of the MAYAN calendar

I love San Francisco but did not see myself here. I arrived yesterday and was spent after packing up from the house we had rented on the coast for a week. Did not know the next step but here it is. Deep fatigue, hot and cold flashes, head pressure are all here. My body is continuing to integrate more light as I continue to release more density. Today is the end of the Mayan calender and this age. I found myself awake all night…..re reading a novel, checking out websites, playing in my heart space, drifting. I realized that I was witnessing the last hours of the old consciousness of duality and adding my intent for the birthing of the new unity consciousness. The golden age of peace is at hand. My body temple decided to stay awake and bear witness to this sacred time.

When I finally fell asleep for a couple of hours at 6am, I was told that I had ascended. I was laughing in my dream and wondering why it seemed ordinary. All is incremental, our hearts let go, the love flows in more and more. It is such a gentle process that carries us down the river to the ocean of God’s love. The wonderful thing is that you cannot stop the river from flowing to the ocean, as it is its nature to do so. It is the same with us. We can resist or hold on to the shore but eventually all is swept down to the sea. I long ago, let go and allowed myself to be carried. To float on the river of love is a glorious thing. There have been times where I suddenly panicked and grasped for a rock or a branch to slow my passage. I clung on to some belief or value that I chose more time with before once again surrendering and dropping into the river of love. It has been such a game as we played in duality and believed in the stories we created. Now we can see that there has ever been only the reality of the Creator’s love for us. We begin to see that we are so much larger and grander than we ever dared dream.

Soaring While Flat on My Back

It has been a long time between posts. I have lived lifetimes since I last wrote. How to describe what this journey has been? I am ascending with my mother and it has been an amazing ride. I was pulled out of Orcas Island where I had been peacefully communing with everything. I spent days dissolving into the mists and starlight and experiencing great waves of bliss. Then others came and I went through an initiation with the Taras. It was a gentle experience that left my heart humming. Met the man that I had been told was on Orcas waiting for me, turns out to be a soul brother who held the key to my next step. We were both pulled down to California for the next initiation. I carried the energy and love of Orcas with me as I drove the miles. I felt that I was going through time gates as I traveled. I would sense that I was plowing through time and the energetic waves of emotion would flood through me as I closed out one after another. They were collapsing behind me. I felt that I was driving my last long drive with my beloved Maxie. I shed a few tears for the way she has sheltered me and cared for me these past two and a bit years. With my son’s help, I realized that Maxie’s (my dear car and fellow light being) consciousness, her beingness, would remain. It may be that I whistle for my steed and up Maxie comes, in her Pegasus suit to transport me where I wish to travel. I know that it will be magical, our new forms of transportation.

Arriving in California began a 007 type mission where a few of us gathered to seed new

probabilities and time lines. The gathering came together naturally and each knew their part and have played it to perfection. There was a need for isolation as we worked on our project with the ascended masters and other light beings. It has been the order of my days for this past bit of time. We are just completing this work and feeling the effects in the air. It required each to take the leap from the known to the unknown with absolute trust. It is an amazing feeling to partake of experiences that your soul knows it set up lifetimes ago. Indeed, this rendezvous was set up at the time of the initial creation of this planet. I understand now my deep love and reverence for Gaia as she is part of me in a very real way, and I of her. I feel her mother’s love that has waited until she was gasping for breath, before she decided that it was time to make the move to save herself and all those who chose to go with her. Each and every day, she sends her heart light to each of us. She grounds us, she fills us with her love. She is shaking off the old and embracing the new. She is so ready to be seen and acknowledged for the brilliance that she is. As we each see and acknowledge our own beauty, we make it an easier journey for her. That is the gift that you can give her…love yourself. See and acknowledge your own beauty and let your heart light shine out in to this world.

My beloved is making his way to me. He is on the ships of the Galactic Federation that encircle our planet, there to aid us in our shift into the New Earth. He is stepping down his

frequency and I am stepping up mine so that we may meet in this new playing field that we are all co-creating. I am filled with wonder at this. Ascension is imminent for me and so many others. Yesterday, I experienced dying to this life in a way that was new. I let go of all earthly duties, turned finances over to my adult children, as well as any further dealings in this 3D world. I felt like a wind up toy that had unwound. Stopped. No more winding possible. All done with this world. I gave it all that I had. I feel incredible peace. No regrets, no shadows or lingering desires. I am ready for the new. I believe that it is here and will be apparent to the outside world very soon. My inner clock is attuned to my mother’s and ours ran out together. I can take no further step in this illusion. It is done for me.

I am left holding my heart’s vision of the New Earth. I live in that vibration. I am content to see it f

rom this side of the veil or the other. Yet, I have been told that I have a long life ahead of

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e is much more that my higher self wants to seed now that this seeding has been planted and new opportunities are available. I rest in that. I rest and watch as it unfolds while I stream my love to my mother’s heart. My sons have taken charge of care for this body while it transforms. I have broken through the chrysalis and stand on the edge of the world, holding my wings up to the sun to dry. I know that flight is soon to be mine.

For now, I bask in the sunshine of my father’s love.

We are in the midst of the greatest shift of all times. We are entering the golden age of peace. All that we have dreamt of is becoming a reality. Let go of all the outside attachments and allow yourself to enter into the silence of your heart. All answers are there as well as deep nourishment. It is time to claim our I AM avatar selves and wing our way home.

My Traveling Day

Today I awake with such gratitude. This is what the early morning mist looks like. It feels like the softest garment to me, woven of angel wings. I am in love with this climate and this view. I was like a hyper active child yesterday as I ventured “off island” to pick up my son and friend. It was a day of delights. First this misty view……then drove and parked my car in the ferry line up. I walked down the to small store to get a cup of something hot and a muffin. An elderly gentleman joined me at the coffee pots. He had on one of those Greek fisherman type caps. I told him that it suited him fine and how much I admired it. He laughed and said that he had been wearing such a cap for 70 years! Imagine that! I asked if he was indeed a fisherman and he told me, “No, but I have been a sailor and a water man all my life.” He had such a lovely smile and it was a great encounter to start my day. I then walked down to the docks to see what I could see. I was looking at the water under the piers and saw a starfish floating on the bottom. I was amazed at how clear the water was. It was fun to see the sea ferns and fish floating there. I liked how the photo turned out as it looks like a painting to me, so soft and abstract. Just as we can look at any situation in life through a soft filter as it were and it seems to become more beautiful. We can let go the hard “reality” filter, soften our eyes and let the scene become more indistinct to find its beauty. Yes, I like that!! We are taught that we have to facet the reality of everything yet perhaps, as is the case in most things, we only have to let it go a bit fuzzy to understand it in a new way.

Here is who I met next on my morning stroll. Isn’t he a hoot?? He was a ways down the dock and as I tried to approach to see what exactly he had in his mouth, he would walk ahead. He kept turning back to see what I was doing. I explained that I simply wanted to take his picture and certainly was not going to take his starfish! He was not buying it. Imagine, a starfish hanging out of his mouth! A new experience for me. I was enthralled. As he reached the end of the dock and turned to see me still approaching, he had a decision to make. He wanted to eat his tasty morsel in peace and had not counted on my intrusion. I asked him to turn his head towards me one more time when I got this shot and then I would leave him. He did not trust that I was not going to snatch his delicacy and so reluctantly, he hopped off the pier and into the water. He swam a little ways away and climbed out on the shore. As I stood there drinking my coffee and nibbling my muffin, he had his breakfast of starfish. He took a large gulp and an arm disappeared. Itwas quite a lot to get down and I did not see him finish his meal before the announcement came to return to our cars as it was loading time. I thanked him for sharing a breakfast meeting with me.

The ferry ride was delightful. It is an hour and a half ride so one of the ways that folks pass the time is by doing jigsaw puzzles. There are a dozen or so in different stages of completion

scattered about the tables. I spoke with this man about the joys of puzzle making. I quickly found a few pieces (edge ones with writing, easy) to put together and he said, “Enough! I have been here ten minutes and have not found a one and you walk up and find a few.” We had a laugh and exchanged stories. He was traveling about by train, ferry, bus…whatever form of transportation suited him. He was thoroughly enjoying all the connections with folks that these forms of transportation bring. I have met so many folks who are on a journey, searching for something. We are returning to our nomadic routes, wanting more connections and delights in our lives. I then walked past a man who was sketching something on a piece of paper. I asked what he was drawing. He was a cabinet maker and was sketching a design for his latest project. He had left his life as a stockbroker years before and traveled by bicycle all around the USA. He now lived on the island and did a number of different things. He had a summer gig working for the parks and rec dept and his job was to turn the human manure in the composting toilets as well as some record keeping and measurements. Might not sound like fun but he had visited hundreds of tiny spits of an island all over this archipelago (he told me that there are about 700 islands!!) He goes out in his land craft type boat as many places have no pier or dock to tie up to, and does his thing. How fun! He gardens on some of the estates on the island as well as does some cabinet making. Island folk are very resourceful it seems. His wife had had stomach cancer and when she survived, they decided life was short and it was time to truly live it. How beautiful and sad….beautiful they took the opportunity to create a magical life and sad that it takes a near death experience to allow folks to consider making a leap. He was a happy man. We exchanged info and are to meet later in the week. We ended with a hug and expressing, “I love you!” I am loving the heart to heart, deep contacts that I am sharing with so many folks. People are so beautiful and my heart is on fire with this knowing!

Moving out of Stillness

Today my idyllic time alone in this stillness ends. My elder son and a friend come for the weekend event with Tom Kenyon. So we will be going into a different kind of interior space. I know that there are gifts for me there also. I am sitting here in the dark of the morning and feeling such deep appreciation for this house, this time alone, this spot in nature. It has been a blessed time for me. I have found a wellspring of joy in my heart that I did not know existed. The wonder of it is that I know that it shall not leave me. It is there with a breath. I can return at any moment as it has become a familiar landscape. My gratitude for this knows no bounds.

I recognize that everything is moving towards my expansion in each moment. So today, I leave my island and take the ferry to the mainland to make the drive to the airport. What delight that I get to pick up my elder son and my dear friend. He is the one who calls me “baby girl” and feeds that father flame in my heart. It will be wonderful to share this transformational weekend experience with two such dear souls. And I get two ferry rides in

one day! I could look at that as a negative: Five hours of traveling to and fro, leaving my dear island sanctuary. I could have had them take buses, planes, etc (it is not easy to get to the island without a car) but it saves them both some $ and time for me to do this and my heart wants to greet them. It is all a choice given to us in each moment. How do I choose to experience this? I love ferry rides, I enjoy time in my car…..it is meditation and communion time for Maxie and I. The weekend experience for all of us begins together as we take the hour and half ferry ride back to the island. My friend was up at 4am to begin his flight so I love that I can give him a soft landing. I am choosing the joy of it all.

Yesterday I spoke with two dear friends who are on this path with me. It is so important to share our experiences as it anchors the vibration more fully into the planet. As the new energies stream in, we are called to anchor them in any way that feels good to us. Draw them, sing them, dance them, speak them, write them. It all anchors it into the physical plane. We

are bringing in higher dimensional energies and we are the physical vehicle through which they are given expression. Such joy to share the bliss and feelings of oneness with others. I did have a hour or so of melancholy feelings wash over me yesterday afternoon. I sat with it and watched it move through me and release. There is a sadness that comes up in the collective consciousness as we leave the old. It is being expressed to make room for the new. I know that there is no need for sadness as what is in front of us is more beautiful than anything that we have experienced thus far. There is magic at hand! My face is firmly set towards that future and I am poised at the brink. I leap each day with joy into the unknown, dropping all that is past. I have no need of it. The present is so full of gifts for me. This is a sculpture that I passed on the drive into town. One day I would like to make an appointment to visit this studio. I love the spinning wheels and the glistening spheres within. It feels like our world, each of us one of the sparkling spheres, spinning with our mother earth. Together we make a thing of such beauty. I see your beauty today. Look in the mirror this morning and say hello to your beautiful self. I am so grateful that you are here! Shine your heart light today and others will shine theirs back!