Author Archives: lovelylinda
Flowing with the Energies of LIfe
A crow is cawing outside the window, “Wake up!, Wake up!” I awake in so many different places that it takes me a moment sometimes to realize where I am. Add to that, the fact that we are moving between dimensions so often, and it can be quite startling. I sometimes feel that I am dropped back in my body and have to reorient myself to this earth and this particular play that I find myself in. Of course, there are other aspects of me, acting on different stages so I have to check in with the script that this body is working with. Ah, so here I am.
The Wonder of It All
Honk…honk..honk……the geese called me to come and witness the beauty of the sunrise. I had spent the night at a vacation rental house set on a small pond near Mount Shasta. I am sitting on the deck, feeling the cool morning dew on my feet and my eyes blinded by the sun rising over the mountains. Shasta is just now coming out from the clouds to greet the day with me. There is a swan gliding silently across the water……yes, add a swan or two to the scene! Someone has thought of everything. The water ripples in the sunlight, dew drops hang from the cattails and reeds like sparkling crystals. A fish jumps and leaves rings of movement on the surface of the water. I hear the birds singing their good morning to the sun as I raise my voice in joy and praise for this day. For this earth, for the heaven that is present here. Truly we are living in heaven on earth. Each day she gifts us with her beauty and light. Her fragrance so full of her creations…the vegetation, the damp soil, the pine trees standing as sentinels along this pond’s shore. There is an ecstasy that flows through my veins as a quiet river. I am drinking of this beauty.
Quiet Integration
Whew…after the Friday and Saturday events, I opted out of Sunday’s gathering. The Elohim Peace channeled through me on Saturday and she wanted me to be still and integrate all that had been given. We were given the knowing that Shamballa is inside us. The seeds are there to be nourished and grown.
Musings from the Mountain
This past weekend has been one of much learning and growth. I was excited about attending a gathering to open a portal to Shamballa. I felt the energies building and had a couple of lovely experiences leading up to the event. First, I had a reading with a woman who channeled Archangel Michael and St Germain for me. I asked for my job description and St Germain said that I could be called Johnny Appleseed as I spread seeds of peace about the earth. That resonated as the idea of seeding the new consciousness has been a large part of Maxie (my car) and my mission these past two years. He also said that I could call myself a temple builder. He said that I am a template of peace. I did not realize that we could be templates but was assured that my elder son and I, are. The temple builder fits as I have had visions and memories of other lifetimes, creating sacred temples. The knowing is in my cells. He showed me that the temple or community, begins with peace and from there, all else flows. It infuses the way the children are educated, the way that food is grown, the way health is maintained. It is the source from which all the structures are created. That felt so right as peace is the feeling that I want to experience and live. By starting there, it allows all to flow from that vibration. I recall my days as an administrator at a charter school. It was so easy to get caught up in all the regulations and systems and forget that it was all about the kids! I found myself bringing that reminder to the fore again and again. I know that I can hold a focus. I am a vision keeper. To hold the focus of peace, a community of light can be formed. I felt a sense of peace simply thinking of this!
Later I was sitting with a friend and speaking of spirals of peace. She felt there was something in the spiral for me. We went into meditation and the Elohim of Peace came through me. Oh, the vibration of peace is so nourishing! She took me into the temple of peace to feel it fully
and then invited me to take the temple into each of my cells. It is a golden temple and the beauty is breathtaking. There is a languidness, a cadence that slows all down. I felt golden light flow through me. I wanted to melt into the earth with this flow. She asked me to breathe into the peace, to fully open to her gift. She showed me the seeds that I carry and how I plant them on the earth and in people. I watched in amazement as the seeds began to sprout. Mother Gaia nourishes with her rich soil and Father Sun encourages with his beautiful rays. The angelic kingdom, the ascended masters and our open hearts add the love. I watched the blossoming forth of people, each was a beautiful flower, of every color and hue. The fragrances were intoxicating. As they blossomed, I heard the tones of each one. The beauty filled all my senses. Our senses are being amped up, I could smell and see and hear things that I have never experienced before. Soon, we will all be given these heightened sensory perceptions.
I saw how my intention of each footstep, each mile that I drive be a step for peace, does work! The golden elixir is gifted to the earth and helps to reclaim her soil. What a simple thing, to intend each morning that your feet step forth in peace throughout your day. Over and over, I am shown that our simple intentions have an impact beyond our imagining. I am so grateful to Peace for her gift to me and for the role that I am asked to play. To give peace, to live peace, to be peace. To carry the seeds and plant them where I am directed. It gives a context to my wandering and makes me laugh at the connection to old Johnny Appleseed!
Linda Peaceseed…hmm. Doesn’t have the same ring to it. Guess I will stick with seed carrier. No wonder I love clothes with pockets, to carry all my seeds!
Discernment, What is My Path?
The mountain continues to give me clarity. Yesterday was interesting. I had not slept much the night before, read a book in my tent until my headlamp batteries died. Energies were shifting and I could not settle. I spent the afternoon with a couple of friends. We did some intense work together as one woman was releasing some heavy attachments from a relationship that she had recently left. It echoed what I had experienced formerly and as we all spoke, we could share common threads and support. That is one of the beauties of sharing, we open the door for others to not feel alone on their journeys. We can validate what someone is experiencing and by acknowledging that their intuition is right on, we allow one another that space to step out of the pattern. Freedom can be had. It was beautiful to witness and be a part of.
Settling in at Mount Shasta
I have slept my first two nights at a lovely campground just outside of Mount Shasta on Lake Siskiyou. I can see the mountain peak from my picnic table and that gives me great pleasure. Yesterday I met a new friend who took me to a quieter access to the lake. We swam and sunbathed and chatted. So nice to share the afternoon with such a dear heart. I had first camped 15 miles south of Shasta at a state park Making the transition to Shasta was a bit confusing in the heat of the day with many different reports of whether it was advisable to camp on the mountain at the primitive sites. Snow still makes many of the
areas inaccessible. I opted against isolation and cold temperatures to this more moderate setting. You see I am learning…it does not have to be hard! That was the old me. This campsite/resort is close to town, there are other folks around, beach and store nearby, lake where you can rent kayaks and canoes and my campsite is on the back loop so backs up against the forest. I can’t see any other campers from my site. The women assigning me the site was a bit concerned about me wanting the back loop, thought it was too isolated for me on my own. I assured her that was my idea of heaven. She said, “well, give a loud shout if you need someone and there ought to be someone close enough to hear.” Lovely how she wanted to care for me.
During the process of finding this campsite, I went through a range of emotions. I felt brave to once again be out charting waters, having no idea what it is I am looking for. I felt a bit weary of this nomad life. I felt a responsibility to have it all figured out for my son, who had joined me as well as for friends who are coming in next week for an event. I know that I am only responsible for me but the thought was there. I felt fatigue as I adjusted to the altitude and mountain air. I felt a sense of chaos in the town itself as I tried to find my way around. I felt unhappy that I was receiving no further guidance to help me make my way. When will I give up this notion of finding Shan
g-ra-la? My personality self is ready for a little cottage to call home with a garden out back to play in. Yet my soul keeps following this mysterious calling to my greater home. I know the journey is important but I began to wonder that perhaps two years of journeying is enough. I thought of all the lovely places that I had been offered to rest for a longer stint of time and yet left. Why? Why did I go on when I could have been comfortable? These are some of the thoughts that swirled through my mind.
Ah….my son booked on out, back to spend a couple of days celebrating his girlfriend’s birthday. Watched abandonment issues come up…and go. Once I got my tent set up and settled in, peace returned. Birds are flitting about the campsite, children’s voices rise and fall in shrieks from the lake, bees buzz. The mountain retains his dignity against the blue sky. I am sheltered by two huge pine trees that provided a wonderful canopy during a late afternoon thunderstorm that blew in. My tent’s rainfly did its work beautifully and the trees took good care of me so that I could be in the storm without getting drenched.
Dreams have been interesting. I had a life review one night. I was with an angelic being and we went through my life with a fine tooth comb. I awoke several times during the night with that is what that was about! Each time, I would go back into the review and proceed. It was not easy nor fun but
at the end I felt good about what I had done thus far. I was told that it was necessary to complete before I could meet my beloved. Hmmm…ok then, check that off the list. The next night, I dreamt of experiencing events in this current life differently. I felt the pain of other choices as if they were indeed the ones that I had made. Some alternate reality show, it seems. Met a famous artist who admonished me that it was time to do my art and create infinity symbols! I had just completed a drawing that had a series of infinity symbols between a couple’s hearts and their
chalice of the heart. That is the Creator’s light pouring into the chalice as She/He forms the trinity of their union, asking for Her/His participation in what is created by their love.
Yes, I can feel the art needing expression. Another reason for a place to be, to have space for art making on a bigger scale.
There is energy building for this event next week, an opening of a portal to Shamballa. Many folks are coming in to town and I am excited to be with some old friends and meet others that I have know of from the internet or read their work. I know that I am anchoring peace here and helping to set the stage for the event. It feels like I will meet members of my soul family and that will inform my next step. Maybe I am really Nancy Drew or Miss Marple in a detective novel, following the clues to this mysterious life on planet earth! So, one clue…..head to Shasta, could be for the summer. Check. Find a place to stay……that has not panned out yet but while it is summer, camping suits me just fine. I love sleeping on the ground and having a ceiling of stars to look at during the night. Some things are more of a challenge, like charging my cell phone as I am not driving enough to do it in the car and so need to head into a cafe in town and sit next to an outlet. Same for the computer. I am typing this at my campsite and then need to head into town to get connected to the internet to post it. So…..communication is a bit trickier. I miss reading some of my favorite sites and blog posts but you can’t sit at a cafe as long as I used to be on the internet at night when I have connection. I need to charge up my little shuffle so that I can listen to my meditations and songs. Today I will browse the bookstore for a new novel to entertain me at night.
My son will soon be back with me as will a dear friend who is coming for two weeks. So this alone time is fleeting which makes me savor it more. So off to town for internet, charging electronics, ice for the cooler and a novel. Then the afternoon by the water..oh, yes, need to get some more sunscreen as I got burnt from my time out yesterday. Baby white skin and intense sun….ow! Moving slowly with the gentleness I feel in the air today.
A Matter of Which View You Want to Look At
I love this picture that is framed by my son’s car window on our recent trip to Colorado. There is some magic that happens when we frame a view, it brings it into focus and can make a more intimate connection. The Rockies were so huge and awe inspiring, by framing this view, I can more easily find a resonance within it. I LOVE choosing how to frame experiences, emotions, and life in this way. I used to have some pretty narrow, dark views but now they are so full of beauty. Anything that is not, is no longer even up for framing…..I shift my attention to a view that I enjoy and bask in it. I have asked to let go of memories, I do not need any. What, even the good ones, you ask? Yes, even those. I trust that there are many more good ones to come. Better in fact than any I have experienced to date! I want more room to decorate with the beauty that gets brighter by the day. The more we notice the beauty, the more there is to see. People’s hearts are the most beautiful of all sights. I cherish those views in my heart.
Being Seen and Seeing Myself for Who I Really Am
It has been a beautiful day, flowing into the new energies of love that are here for us all to tap into. It has been interesting to observe my world and how I am moving through it. This past week has been a testing period of old energies resurfacing to see if I am ready to let go, once and for all. I found myself thinking of people that had rejected me and wanting to go to them and give them a hug or call them and connect somehow. As I described this to my son, he helped me to see ( sometimes talking to another who you resonate with can bring things to the surface so much more quickly) that those were impulses of the old me. I tried so many times to connect through the heart with folks who chose not to connect in that way. I did it for the sake of the kids or the family or some other obligation. Today I felt such love my courageous heart that would go into hostile environments time and time again.
New Moon and Eclipse Leaves Me Floating
What a day! Another solar eclipse and the new moon to set our intentions by. The energies
crystalline and purified and tossed it back to the river to travel its swift current out into the waters of the earth. As we were playing the bowls, a whole gaggle (don’t you love that word?) of geese came swimming along. They walked out onto the shore and clustered all around us. They seemed to enjoy the sound of the bowls as much as we did.
similar ceremonies. It seems that it would add to the fun to have the pretty outfits as we modern day mystics look pretty drab. I think that our society could use some brightening up in this regard. As we assume our new roles, I like the idea of new costumes. Maybe that is what my friend and I will do with our idea for beautiful clothing for women. As the divine feminine makes her return to the planet, we need the clothing to match.