Teachings From A Two Year Old

Scottish cows grazing peacefully under the looming sky.

Scottish cows grazing peacefully under the looming sky.

As I spend days with my grandson, I marvel at how free he is. When he is unhappy about something, he lets out an “ahhhh” cry that can last two seconds or thirty seconds. Quickly he dispels the energy of frustration and is then fully present for what is next. He has a wise mom in my daughter, who allows him to voice his feelings in sounds. He is not fully verbal and truly what words are as effective in moving energy as a quick sounding of the feeling. Sounds are so much closer to the truth than the language we use which so often falls short.

I found myself asking my daughter if this was something she should try to get her son to stop. She pointed out the freedom in letting the emotions come fully through without shame or attempts at regulation. I saw how conditioned I was to some old standard to what was acceptable behavior in children. I could see how quickly things moved through my grandson. He is such a teacher in being present with what is in each moment. I am grateful for his example and honor my daughter for her wisdom in trusting him completely to be his true self. She nurtures that capacity in him which in turn, hones her own capacity and all who come into contact with this little one.

Nature shows up, ever present with what the seasons bring.

Nature shows up, ever present with what the seasons bring.

My daughter verbalizes his frustration as he vents. She says, “I see you are upset as you wanted to read another story” ….or whatever it is. She acknowledges his feelings, and in that acknowledgement he is seen and can more easily let it all go. Oh, that we could all emulate this behavior! Our bodies would be healthier as nothing would be stored deep in our cells to cause illness or disease. All would flow, moving swiftly through without getting stuck by creating stories about any of it.

This is a lesson for our times, to allow all feelings. To understand that feelings are not right or wrong, they simply are. It is what we do with our feelings that can cause harm. If we act upon them in ways that are harmful to others, then we have to take responsibility for that. Yet the feelings themselves are not harmful. We are invited to fully feel each feeling, allowing it room. I remember my shock when I allowed the feelings of bereavement to surface after my marriage dissolved. I had held them at bay for the first year or so, frightened that they were so huge as to undo me. Once I was able to face them and allow them room, I found underneath, a sense of peace that enveloped me. What a gift!

The sunlight illuminated these ferns so they seemed to glow from within.

The sunlight illuminated these ferns so they seemed to glow from within.

Everything is asking us to flow. Our world is shattering forms about us as we come to a new way of living on this planet. All is change, flowing from moment to moment. We witness time morphing and disappearing at an ever faster pace until we will live only in the now. No past nor future as a lens to look through. We will be free! Imagine that, the feeling of being present with whatever is in front of us, trusting explicitly that it is just what we need to continue to grow and expand as a being of light.

I tip my hat to my grandson for teaching me the ways of freedom. He continually shows me how to access more joy and wildness within my own being. May we sit up and take notice of the love that these little ones are streaming into the planet. May we open our hearts to be tutored in these wild ways of loving and living. I am so grateful to be where I am.

My Prayer Flags Speak to Me

IMG_6002As I lay in the hot tub yesterday, my prayer flags brought me a message. I so love how everything seeks to converse with us and work with us to bring forth greater love. I was watching how the breeze was stirring them up, twisting and spinning them about. I had previously gotten up on a ladder to straighten and untangle them. The flags laughed and showed me how some that were twisted around the day before, were now hanging straight, and others were now tumbled. They surrender to the elements, allowing the rain and wind and sun to have their way. Here is their message:

IMG_5999“Dear one, you no longer need to use your mind to attempt to bring things to “right”. The elementals and the pink flame of your heart bring all that is needed in each moment. Twisted, upside down, tumbled…..allow all to be. The wind comes in to unwind, to move, to shift and your part is the allowance. There are moments of perfect stillness where one hangs in the void of emptiness. There are moments of gentle movement as if one is caressed by the All that is. At other times, fierce winds threaten to untether you, yet you are held firmly by your I AM presence, the cord connecting you to the Creator who ever has you in hand. Fear not the fraying, your threads flying off, scattering about. The birds pick them up and use them to build nests for their babies…new life out of the old. Thread by thread you are asked to let go. Know that what is true and strong remains, as you offer yourself as a vehicle for movement, a living prayer flying high. Rejoice in this!”

I embrace myself as a living prayer this day, open to the winds of change, the nourishing rain, the growth and weathering by the sun. I drink all in, savoring each moment. I AM a pink prayer flag of love. Today I am working on making bright orange flags to play with the pink, bringing my creative fires to dance with the flame of love.


August 7th, the eve of the Lion’s Gate

The sunflowers against the blue and mustard of a kitchen I painted so many years ago makes my heart sing in joy.

A peace has opened up in me today. I am floating in these viscous energies that do not allow sudden movement. As if I am covered in gel or moving through a cloud. It feels like a blessing. We are being held so close to our mother’s bosom of love. Our hearts are softening, opening. Folks who have not cried in ages. are becoming fountains of tears. The hard layers of self protection are dissolving along with the masks that we wore to feel safe. Transparency is the new norm. Folks may still try to use pretty words to convey a deceitful intent but we are reading the energy behind the words and discovering the truth. Lying, manipulation, coercion are left lying by the wayside. We are moving into the heartland of our mother. We are feeling the oneness in a new way.

The ribbons streaming are how I feel and see the energies moving in my mind's eye.


The energies are swirling in a mad dance. Mini tornadoes are whirling all about. Staying centered is paramount or one can be tossed like a rag doll. We are being asked to find the still point. To come to our quiet core and rest there. To observe our life from that vantage point. Planning events is not working as it once did. People are realizing that they need to check in and see what they are feeling in the moment rather than push themselves to be social when their being is calling for quiet. They are disavowing a  presribed path. They are seeking the freedom of open spaces in their agendas rather than the packed schedules of old. We were taught that a full day planner meant a full life. We are seeing through this lie and discovering the joy of the blank page in our schedule. Busyness had become the badge of honor which we are now unpinning. We see how it limited us from discovering ourselves. How it was a clever ruse to keep us from looking within and discovering our truth and thereby, our power. Oh yes, it has all been an attempt to keep us from our power. There are a hundred ways that we have been kept in the dark about who we are. Our dear sun with its continual gifts of solar flares is changing that along with energies from our earth mother and our starry families. We are being gifted with new sight. We are seeing beyond the illusion and feeling the flames of freedom moving our way. We are moving into the present moment more and more.  We are allowing ourselves to move as we feel to move rather than to meet a preset agenda. We are discovering more fluid ways of interacting. We are learning to flow with the currents rather than battle our way upstream..

I am so encouraged by what I am witnessing in those around me. I am ready to step through the portal of tomorrow’s Lion’s Gate and move ever closer to home. Here is one take on what the Lion’s Gate is all about by Emmanuel Dagher at:  thttp://www.magnifiedmanifesting.com/

On August 8th, a powerful portal known as the Lion’s Gate will magnify our ability to manifest from the invisible into the physical/ material realms with much more ease & grace. The Lion’s Gate doorway is usually associated with great amounts of light or fire pouring into our paradigm, so grounding & just allowing ourselves to ‘be’ is key at this time.

During these next few weeks, there’s a uniting of the two hemispheres of the brain which will open us up to even more paradigm shifting ‘aha’ moments & revelations that will support us in sowing the seeds to the next part of our journey. This is a really great time to align ourselves with things that bring us joy & to also get clear on what we want to create more of in our lives & in the world. This year’s Lion’s Gate is playing a large role in our collective awakening, & that in itself is cause for celebration. Time for another major upgrade.
Holding you all in liquid lovelight!