Clearing the Way for Love

Muerte is a potent journey of power into the shamanic death realms.

Muerte is a potent journey of power into the shamanic death realms.

Life wishes to flow through us in the grandest of ways, when we allow it. The other day, I went for a play-date with a couple of friends and Marie, my new crystal skull friend. We started off listening to Tom Kenyon’s latest shamanic journey through the underworld. He produced it to assist folks in the transitions that are taking place. Some transitioning from this life, others of us dying to former aspects of ourselves or relationships. It took me deep and I did not become aware until he brought us up through the celestial realms. There I found myself on a balcony, gazing out in wonder at a Maxwell Parrish landscape of soft blues, golds, and magentas. Everything was infused with this surreal light that was made of love. Ahhh, I can still feel it when I stop to breathe it in.

This set the stage for what came next. Some talk ensued and our attention was brought to one of the women’s friend who was hosting an ancient entity that was consuming her. The power was intense of this huge reptilian form with powerful claws.I have lived in close quarters with many of these energies in this lifetime. My body started vibrating with the enormity of it and what I sensed we were being asked to do. We took a snack break to fuel our physical forms to be fully grounded. We were directed to go outside to the labyrinth to do our work. One of my friend’s dogs, who is a guardian, stood watch with us.

The toys we love.

The toys we love.

I invoked Archangel Michael and his legions of protector angels as well as angels oftruthand love. I felt my voice booming out commands in thunderous tones…..amazing what comes through us as we open to be channels for the light! My friends worked their magic with the crystal bowls as Marie, the skull directed the energy. Later, my friend, who is her guardian, shared that was her main purpose, to clear darkness of any kind. I discovered that she is a master! Timing is off such importance, things line up and a window opens that allows movement. I could feel these ancient entities across the globe that have fed on the light. There was a loosening in that moment and in one fell swoop, the angels gathered these energies up, taking them to their next evolutionary spot. The entities themselves were ready for this, having waited to be embraced by the love, as all of life desires. Oh, my. The relief collapsed my knees as I felt the lightening of energies. I could feel the hearts of so many who have been held captive by these energies. They, too were feeling that weakness as what had become a part of them, was removed.

Our donkey helpers. Thank you!

Our donkey helpers. Thank you!

We then called in the love flame to infill the vacancy left in the hosts’ energy fields. All according to God’s holy will and for the highest good of all. The lightening on the planet was palpable. I was suddenly exhausted, my body weak from the power that had just run through it. We thanked Marie, the crystal bowls, the rocks of the labyrinth, the earth, the angels, Archangel Michael with his mighty blue sword, our guardian dog. The two donkeys in the adjacent field let us know that they had participated also and so we petted and thanked them also.

Our angel blessing

Our angel blessing with a rainbow on top.

As we went out to our car to depart, we were greeted by a beautiful angel in the clouds.The sun was beginning its descent and the sky thanked us for our work. When you call in the forces of light, all will respond with love.  Always, life is cooperating for the highest good of all. Each day, in every way, I am shown how this planet is returning to love. Everything is crying out for the love. I could feel compassion and love for these entities where once I felt fear and suffered under their weight. I was shown how love is the mightiest of forces.

I had a dream that night where I was being harassed by a number of women from a tribe that I have been associated with. My former beloved, who is of that tribe,  was there. I unzipped my body suit and stood in my full 20 foot light energy and declared, I AM LOVE. The women melted in their fear and the man fell back. I released him to his own process, knowing the dark entity he had carried for ages, had been lifted from him. Now it was for him to walk his way back to the light and love. I blessed him and turned inward to bathe in the lovelight that is truth.

Marie, the powerhouse of love, entraining crystals while she worked her magic.

Marie, the powerhouse of love, with her new pal, the panther. I am discovering that beings come in all forms and this cat is a new one for me. Wow, she does wear that crown with power and is telling me at this moment, that she was assisting in our work. Everything wants to bring in the love!

Play-dates can be wonder filled. When we surrender our will to that of the Creator and asked to be a channel for love, we will be used. I never know the hows or whens but open to the mystery of it all. I feel such gratitude for hearts newly freed to walk their way to love. I am revealing in the lighter energies of our mother. She sings her gratitude as I sing my love to her.  We weave our notes in a tapestry of light. We are in the time of magic.


Filling Myself With Light

IMG_2496 I felt such a shift in the energies the past couple of days. I slept for most of one day, pulled under over and over again. I was a cat on the floor, following the sun shining in the back glass doors with my pillow and blanket. I was close to the warmth of the fire, getting up every now and again to throw on another log, fetch a glass of water, take a bathroom break,  and move my pillow up a bit so the sun was on my face. I knew that my job was to fill myself up with as much light as I could. I did venture outside to sit for a bit, wrapped in a warm sweater but the elements were too extreme for the way I was feeling. I was a tender babe, needing the utmost comfort. It felt like all I could do to maintain this routine throughout the day. Breathe in light, radiate it to the earth and out to the grid. Over and over. I was a battery being charged. I was birthing a sun in me.

The day before I had participated in a healing of a young woman who had suffered a great deal of abuse in some of the imaginative ways the divine feminine has been defiled. She carried an entity that needed to be released back to the light. That was interesting as the energy was so different from my former dealings with entities. I no longer held any negative judgment towards the entity, rather saw it as something that had become stuck in an old pattern and needed a loving hand to assist its movement forward. We acknowledged the role it had played for this woman, thanked it and sent it on its way with love. It moved with ease and gratitude back to its rightful home. My friend’s crystal bowls do amazing work in clearing so much from the body and energy fields. We added sound which aids in the movement. This woman was so full of light. She had endured much in her young life, and was ready to turn it all into a new story of love and strength. What amazing souls are on this planet! She came to do huge work and it was lovely to be able to acknowledge that for her and reassure her that the pain was now past. It will never be as hard, as dense again. We are creating a world that will be safe for women and children. It is coming by the choices we each make to flood all with love.

If we can create places of safety that this deer enjoys in the nature center where I walk, we can create a world that is safe for women and children. In fact, for all sentient beings!

I was shown how all that comes in my field now is for the collective. We truly are becoming one. I can listen dispassionately to tales at the denser end of the spectrum and hold it all in a space that allows the love to be reborn. I was lying on the floor, filling myself with light to send into all the places that this young woman had highlighted for me. She opened a river of experience that was ripe for transformation. I could feel this frequency clearly from her and was able to ride into that field of energy with my liquidlovelight. What a gift. It demands all of my attention and a focused intention to hold a container that allows love to weave its magic threads. It creates such a healing fabric, a soft pink blanket of peace. To wrap the perpetrators as well as the ones we would label victims in the old vocabulary. Now, we know that all are co-creators, choosing to experience dense energies in order to transform them. The ones who commit the acts of abuse are so in need of the power of love and on a soul level have volunteered to play out this darker role. I blessed them all for their service to the collective. As we clear our energy fields of all hatred, pain, anger, worry, frustration and so much more, we make these darker roles obsolete. When we no longer carry any of this violence and hatred in our fields, peace will flood the land.

IMG_2512The underpinnings of the old earth have been swept away as this great surge of love has anchored into and on the planet. What remains is held in place by our attention to it. It appears solid yet it is as ephemeral as smoke. As we wean ourselves from the lower vibrations and the matrix reality we have lived in, it will collapse. There is no fixing the old systems, as they provide no worthy foundation to build upon. We are tasked with creating the new by our dreaming, our intention and our focused attention on what we desire. Whatever we focus on, is what we choose to have grow. We are entering a time of great freedom and joy. With it comes great responsibility. Our thoughts are creative, each word spoken a vessel of energy. It is a time to chose and act wisely. Everything done in love, creates a field of love. We can wash our dishes in a state of love,  pay for what we need in a state of gratitude for the abundance in our lives, thank our mother for each drink of water and bite of food that her ground has grown.  Each thought of love, each word spoken in kindness, each action of compassion, creates our new earth. This is what we came to do and the time has truly arrived. There is no more waiting. Let us begin.


Standing on the New Firmament in JOY!

The sun breaking over the wonders of Yosemite

The 11-11 energies broke through and within me. The eclipse of 11-13/14 has me standing firmly on the new earth. What a wonder filled time!   I was guided to be in Yosemite National Park for the weekend. (It and Mount Shasta were the two places that called to me when I was in the mountains of New Zealand. They both asked me to bring what I gathered there to them. ) It was a time of grace. Two others joined me to form a trinity of power which was then squared as we connected to another earth being to firmly anchor in these immense energies. All flowed forth with ease and grace, alerting me to the powers that moved through us. To be on the valley floor and to feel the immensity of the rocks surrounding us, literally took my breath away at times on the first day. Fortunately, I had three days there to assimilate the energies. So many gifts were given and received.

the heart of El Capitan

There was a deeper opening in my being to receive as my divine feminine surrendered on a cellular level. The divine masculine came in and merged within me. I had desired to meet my beloved, El Morya as his retreat is over El Capitan. A beautiful rock formation that had a lovely heart carved in its side, seeeming a sign prepared just for me. Its presence filled me with such joy. I felt such peace to stand in the meadow and look up at his majesty. I had asked for this merger, had been preparing myself to stand in El Morya’s blue flame of God’s will. It happened gradually over the three days as the power was immense. The first day, I felt overwhelmed, ready for rest after an afternoon of exploring. The second day, 11-11, we spent the whole day in the park. It was very cold though the sun warmed the air enough for us to take the crystal bowls out to play across the valley. They were so happy to be participating in this portal day, helping to bring in the new energies.  I was wiped out, happy to be in bed by 8 p.m. The third day we did some work with the bowls in our hotel before heading to the park. They told me that we were working on a planetary level which extended universally, and they had been created for this time. They literally sang their joy as we used our bodies as templates for all of humanity as we played the bowls on one another. Much was released, ready to go with the eclipse cycle and there was much anchored as the energies flooded in. It felt incredible to work with the crystal kingdom in this way.

The rock portal that you drive through as you enter the park. Aren't they beautiful!

There were so many blessings during our time. To be ringed by huge rocks, to feel the presence of the trees and grasses, oh, I felt enveloped by their love. I can now close my eyes and return to that magic; the pleasing crunch of the snow under my boots, the yellow glow of the leaves yet hanging on the branches, the sun setting low in the sky, streaking it with wonder as it took its leave for the day, the tiny snow showers that streamed down as the wind shook the branches, one a big plop that hit me with a resounding whack on my eye, the mists that rose from the cold, shrouding all with a sense of mystery, the black raven pairs that seemed to alight whenever we got out of the car to view a new place, whispering of magic afoot, the sense of strength of the immense rocks surrounding me, infusing me, the cannon like shot as ice fell off Bridal Veil Falls, shaking the valley floor with its thunder, the joy of walking in the woods, feeling the fairies all around.  We saw a big buck standing with his head held high, his rack of antlers a thing of beauty. He exuded such a proud king of the forest sense, that one of my friends declared that she would like to mate with his energy! I concurred! He defined the masculine in all its strength and beauty. There were so many images and sensations of wonder.

It invites you in and you are changed by the meeting.

I was changed by this visit to Yosemite. I was seeing with new eyes and an expanded heart.  I have heard it called a sacred cathedral. That resonates with me as it is so easy to worship the divine there as everything is singing Her/His praises. I loved singing my heart song with all my fellow beings. As I walked through the snow covered woods, I felt my mantle of power, my beautiful robe woven of light, that shimmers so bright. As I sang, I heard the

The ice of bridal veil falls

tinkling bells that were attached at the ends of my robe, each one had a tiny fairy attendant that loved to set them ringing. I put my shoulders back and with my head held high (the buck set the example for me) I knew that my robe went out for miles and miles, weaving heartlight throughout the grids of the earth. What magic we get to participate in! I do not, as yet, see the elementals and fairies with my eyes as many do, but I sense them and enjoy them with my inner sight. Everything is speaking and I am listening. They are telling me the story of who I am and what I stand for. They are telling the story of love and reminding me of how loved I am by the Creator and all of Her/His creations. We are all on this beautiful blue planet of love to experience giving and receiving this love. What wonder is this! I fell in love with the rock beings of Yosemite and now carry them deep in my heart. Thank you dear Mother Gaia for this gift.

Half dome reflected in the water

Oh, how I love this rock!


Playing in the Fields of New Creation

In a dream, I was given handfuls of fluffy cotton candy looking stuff to play with. I was laughing and throwing it about, forming it into various shapes and tucking it here and there. The unseen givers told me that they would be back, I was to simply play with it for now. It was the most magical feeling as I have dreamed for so long of creating through my heart and here was this tangible heart fluff to mold to my desires.

All who know me have heard me speaking of this for a couple of years or more. Knowing that creator abilities exist in my heart and palms. I can feel it! I had my very first experience of this a few days ago in Mount Shasta…..yes the place of magic! I was in the crystal bowl store with my friend who was adding a new one to her collection. There are hundreds of bowls in the store, gleaming in their brilliance, deep reds, blues, oranges and golds……truly every color radiating their light. My eye was drawn to a luminescent pink one, rose quartz and platinum. I asked if I could play with it. I sat on the floor and with a light tap of the wand, began to make it sing. Oh, what a song she sang! She is a bowl of gentle love, a love that can enter hearts and oh so softly, with a mother’s tenderness, open them. I knew that she and I could do some wonderful things together for others. Yet, I am not in an acquiring stage in life, I am desiring to be lighter in all aspects, possessions being one.

My friend, Jan's mandala of the heart that I was fortunate enough to sleep under.

The bowl showed me that there are so many hearts yearning to feel. I was searching for an object for the verb feel but stopped…….yes, yearning to feel. We have been so disappointed, disillusioned, disheartened (I never truly understood the truth of that word….dis-heart-ened, before) that we have accepted a life lived in a narrow bandwidth of emotion. We no longer expect to experience great love. We put up barriers to prevent the experience of great sorrow. We numb ourselves to the beauty of this world, fearing its power to captivate us and take us on a journey to depths untold. We play it safe. We cling to our routines and beliefs to prevent any wildness taking hold. We attend meetings and groups that provide checklists of how to structure our day. We take our medicine to even out our emotions, we read the latest info about which foods are safe, which activities will put off dementia, which product will give us youth. Why do we wish to prolong this small safe life? We become so caught up in the rules of it, that we forget the reason for doing it. Why do you want to live longer? Answer that in the quiet of your heart. For me it can only be to love more fully and to serve as an instrument of that love.

The mother of the world, by artist Nicholas Roerich, her veil allowing her to see the truth of all of us.

Love is not safe. It is not routine. It has no rules that it abides by. It moves like the wind and can blow through your life with the force of a hurricane as well as the gentlest of breezes. It can caress, it can destroy. In the destruction are birthed the seeds of the new. I no longer wish to live in the world that I grew in. I spit out the milk toast manner of living…..I plunge the depths and heights for all that life offers me in each moment. I am a creator being and it is time to create anew. I desire deep connection with all life. I open myself fully to my role in birthing this reality. I open my heart to dream BIG, to claim my right to be a play a role in the greatest love story ever told. I will be the Magdalene meeting her Yeshua at the well, I will be Kali consuming the dross of the world, I will be Mother Mary, holding the Christ in her womb. I will be the Christ shining his/her light in this world. Yes, I claim myself as a exquisitely cut facet of the diamond of my Mother/Father’s heart.

All of this comes to us through experiencing of the full spectrum of emotion; raging with anger’s bright fire, sobbing with broken hearts, laughing with the absurdity of life, being overcome by beauty’s bright light. In the fullness of the emotion, lies the treasure waiting to be unwrapped. The moments then become notes in the most sublime symphony. It requires us to retune our ears, to open new chambers in the heart, to allow our fingers to feel the bee’s sting and the velvety softness of a kitten’s ear. To taste the bitter and the sweet. By tuning ourselves to a richer frequency, moving from AM to FM on our dial of life, we truly begin to live. Each fear that arises, we face full on. It becomes a game as we laugh at what comes calling. Death holds no fear for me as it is simply another doorway to my Mother/Father’s heart. Why would I fear that? I want only to serve that fire, whether from this side of the veil or the other, it matters not. I accept the gift that this life is. I accept my forgetting in moments and my knowing that grows stronger by the day.

Do we want to live our whole lives curled tight, afraid to let our beauty unfurl?

As I live in this richness, my life becomes simpler, more peace filled, sweeter. Place matters less, as I am tuned to the beauty in everything. This amazes me. The colors are more vibrant, the sounds softer to me ear. I can hear the neighborhood lawn mowers and the birds’ songs as different expressions of the same note. I am wowed by this. I beam my smile at one with a hardened expression and marvel to see the beauty I know, reveal itself in an answering abashed smile in return. We have grown shy of letting our light out. Of letting anyone see our truth. Fearing that in that smile, something might be taken from us. Oh, we have become a timid race, keeping to someone else’s construct, allowing our power to be taken with barely a murmur. Thank goodness, this reality is crumbling and we are donning our mantles of power once more.

Come take a seat with me to observe the magic and the mystery!

Back to my bowl……I could feel how she wanted to work with me to open hearts. To bring folks back to the remembrance of their own beauty and light. I thanked her and left the store and went to commune with my favorite mountain once again. The next morning, I was taken aback to discover that I had indeed created something with my heart. The pink bowl was in my heart! She told me that I am to use my eyes to stream the presence of our Mother/Father’s heart while I use my voice to play her song into hearts desiring this opening. Oh! This is the heart whispering that I was told months ago, I was to do. I open myself as a channel for this love to flow through. I hold the perfection of the person’s heart, the immaculate concept that Mother Mary trained me in all those lifetimes ago, and step back and witness the streaming of heartlight from our Mother/Father’s heart to the other. LIquidlovelight is a substance so pure, so golden in its hue, it melts all in its path. It is the alchemist’s tool gifted to me for use. A shudder of wonder as I take this in.

Each of our pieces is needed to make make the pathway whole so that we can walk with ease home.

I invite you to step into your heart today, look around and discover where your power lies. Open to its gifts and shine them out to the world, hungry to know you. Without your light shining bright, a piece of the puzzle is missing. I am so ready to view the whole scene! Please lay your puzzle piece on the table, fitted in with the others so that the picture can take form. There is no other who can add your piece. You are the only one who knows what it looks like and where it fits in the picture. Perhaps you think that you are only a part of the sky and so will not be missed. But the sky has a hole in it where you belong. You are needed, for in you, the whole of creation resides. Trust this, know this. You are loved beyond our human understanding of that word.

I love you.