Flowing with the Waves of March

March has come in so breezy, with up and down drafts of energy. I am learning to flow and ride the waves as they come. This small creek runs through the park where I like to walk most days. Rock strewn in places, smooth going in others…nature always showing me the way. Embracing it all, not complaining of the rocks or narrow passages, simply flowing as that is its nature. As ours is to love, to let our heart lights shine out, no matter what comes into our lives. The refrain, “Resist nothing” has had big play time in my head of late. As I focus on this, I have been surprised at all the moments where resistance still lurked. There is a friend of the homeowner whose house I am renting, who came over to do yard work. He was dear, brought me oranges and lemons and even split a bunch of kindling wood for me. We had a nice chat and I sent him off with some gingersnaps warm from the oven.  He told me that he would likely be coming once or twice a week this month to work on projects. I found myself feeling hemmed in at that thought, not sure I wanted to be social that often. Resisting because I wanted the freedom of knowing I could come and go in the yard in my space of solitude. I know that focusing on the not wanting, creates just that. In a space of allowing, I can trust that when he does show up, it will be a wonderful experience, not something I need to push against.

Embracing all, resisting none. I stopped at an art store for my son to use a gift card. He was only going to be 5 minutes. I decided it was not enough time to warrent figuring out how to put money in a machine that printed a little ticket to attach to your windshield. I went into the store and as we were standing at the check out counter, we saw a parking meter guy placing a ticket under my wiperblade. Argh! Embracing all….not quite! I felt anger flood through me, at myself and the silly system. Then tears as it seemed to represent all the rules and regulations that we have lived under for so long. I felt the weight and limitations of this 3D life and the tears were for all of us. Thank God freedom is at hand and our lives will flow with more openness and light. I was able to laugh after a bit and be grateful for the experience, perhaps it happened for me to express that anger thoroughly and then let it go, clearing that energy. I am moving into the space of seeing it all as a gift from my higher self. All orchestrated expressly for me, for my growth and evolution back into the love that I am. How wonderful it is!

Lying in front of the fire has been a source of such joy for me! I love an open fireplace as you hear all the pops and cracks.

It has been days since I wrote the above. The solar flares have been intense, pushing me into the ground it seems. All beautiful energy from our dear sun to support us to evolve. And tonight the moon has joined by shining her full face down at me. I have not been able to do much of anything, even writing was too far a reach. I made an appointment to get my hair cut but had to cancel it because I was not up for the energy in such a  place. My days are so free that to have a time to meet felt so out of place. I truly need to move as I feel to move. Today, that was not so much. I am allowing my body to lead. Two separate events that required a lot of driving came up of late and I pulled out of both.  Not easy to do as I do not want to disappoint friends when I had made a plan to travel to see them. My personality self had an agenda but my body is trumping all. My body simply said, “No, I am not moving. I am resting.”

Then this energy forecast for March came in my inbox and spoke directly to what I had experienced (I love when this happens!) http://leeharrisenergy.blogspot.com/ Here are the lines that struck me: “Hence one of the first big themes of March – Who comes first? You or those you are in relationship with and to? March will see you needing to ask yourself this question many times. Can you trust that what is right for you is also absolutely perfect for those around you?”

On my walk with my daughter, we felt we were in fairy land with all the sweet scents and blossoms.

Wow, that is a lot of trust! We are not programmed that way at all. I am learning it but it is not easy as it is a new way of being in relationship as Lee points out in his article. Yet if we are to evolve into being in our truth moment to moment, we must begin somewhere. Even if it means folks are disappointed in us or upset with us. The one that I can no longer afford to have upset, is me! I have to take care of my needs first and foremost if I am to be in my truth. So…..can I trust that is perfect for those around me? That is taking some practice as the old guilt comes in for disappointing another. Yet I am letting the part of me that feels guilt know that is old energy and we can move in a new way. I am trusting this new energy even when I see evidence that appears to contradict it. I can not know what is right for another, only what is right for me in the moment. The waves of fatigue hit without warning and my body seems to have no will to resist. I acknowledge this as progress as in the days of old, I would use my will to push through when my body was not willing. Now I give it what it needs when it needs it and the joy is there as we move together.

I am also feeling the freedom that is coming as we each act from our truth in each moment. Such freedom to not have to spend any time wondering if someone else is ok, if they are happy or not. To know that everyone is moving in their joy, to their own rhythm and that if they needed or wanted anything, they would seek it. No second guessing others’ motives or desires. To each be responsible for ourselves. Can you feel that wind of freedom? That is the energy of March coming in. I am so glad that we are moving this way as it will get easier as more get on board and we all begin to trust this. It has not been easy being on the forefront of moving in this way as it can bring energies of resistance.That has been a lesson as I can chose to go into my pain body about someone’s reaction to my actions or I can chose to remain neutral and trust while holding all of us in love.

My beautiful quilt from my dear soul sister. I love the heart in the center of it all!

Feeling such gratitude for a beautiful quilt made by a friend to wrap myself in. I have never received such a gift of so many hours of thought and work (no, she says it was play!) for me. I love the heart in the center of the house shape. I have found my home in my heart and I am immensely grateful. It is another freedom that I have found. I am grateful for the afternoon of my son napping under my quilt as the fire blazed. For the unexpected weekend alone with my daughter to play and connect again before she heads off for a year in New Zealand. We did not do much but laughed a great deal, took a walk from days of old, cooked and ate together. The simple things that make life sweet. That is what I am feeling as I flow with these wild energies of March…sweet. Life is getting sweeter as more of our true self is showing up to experience it. Loving that!




The Sweetness of Life

branches plucked from a backyard tree, stuck in a glass jar, set on a checked table cloth, soft with the colors of spring......sweetness!

I am lost in wonder at how the days fly past and I have moved through so many landscapes. The past three days have seen me very close to the earth, literally, pulled there. Lying on her or the couch, or lounging on the front stoop where it is sheltered from the chilly breeze and warmed by the sun. No walks to speak of and the exercise routine that was happening, is not any longer. Though, yesterday my youngest son and I had many laughs watching each other take turns with a weighted hula hoop. Pretty funny! We both got the hang of it but had entirely different body motions to keep it from falling at our feet. Most laughing that I have done in awhile and it felt great! I prefered the swaying hip movement and he did the back and forth pump. Oh, how silly as we tried to keep it aloft when it began the descent down the legs!

Our physical symptoms are so diverse as we go through this ascension process, For me, great gulps of rest these days as well as great quantities of food to keep me warm. Pants are getting tight, I have put on weight which I am trusting is just what my body needs as it morphs into more and more light. I spend half the day drinking gallons of water and the other half peeing. Truly, it takes heaps of my day! Heavy vise grip on my head on and off for the past few days. Various ares of my body buzzing, aching, vibrating. All is well! When I feel my angels at work, I tell them to go at it. Get me ready for what is ahead. I feel tremendous gratitude that I have the freedom to rest when I need to. I know that I am doing exactly what I planned for myself. I have let go of judgment about how others seem to do so much as I lay here. This is my piece of the puzzle, this is my path and it takes all that I have to give each day, to be it.

A friend called today to say that her angels had responded to her request for an upgrade on her knee that had been troublesome for years. She asks daily to have her body prepared with ease and grace, as do I. Today she was walking in her garden, felt her knee give way, as if her leg had disappeared, when she saw three angelic beings whose gaze was focused on her knee. Instantly, she knew that her knee was being replaced. She thanked them and has felt a newness in the area just above and below her knee as she adjusts to this replacement. How magical is that?! Ask and you shall receive. If symptoms become too much for me, I ask my angels to ease off and they do. As I am right now in a space where I can simply be, I ask them to take full advantage and go for it! The more light I can comfortably hold in my body, the greater service I can offer my mother earth. I can anchor the incoming energies and allow them to move through her with ease. This helps her ascension process as she reciprocates in grounding me to aid me in mine. It is a beautiful system where as we help another, we are helped. As we feel joy, we open the earth for more joy. Magic, I tell you it is magic!

Purple cauliflower, how beautiful! I love eating all the colors!

The sweetness has been growing with my sons. We are creating a resonance, a frequency of such love, it is a tone almost. It feels peaceful, open, and so deeply heart connected. We share things we read and cry with the beauty of the expression of some aspect of life. We go to the farmer’s market and marvel at the colors and variety presented for us to chose from. We cook together and savor the tastes of fresh vegies and fruits. We each spend time alone and treasure the times we come together, lying on a blanket on the ground, feeling the peace of the other in the house somewhere, warm hugs and stillness.  I know that this is the energy of the new communities, the pods to come. I play with the air that tells me it is taking this frequency that we are sharing and it is spreading it out into the ethers. There it is being woven into a tapestry of the new life we are co-creating with our thoughts and feelings. Feeling the peace and bliss is so important! I cannot describe exactly what the new looks like but I am feeling the edges of it more each day. And the sweetness of it, takes my breath away! This is how we will live! The love we will feel for each other is a memory of home from deep in my soul. This is truth, there is only love!

A bench on my river walk where I can sit and watch the water flow past.

There is great change afoot. I see March as the month of magic. There will be announcements of arrests of folks who have been in control of this whole game here on earth. We have been enslaved on so many levels and the truth of the ways and means of it all, is coming to light. Know this to be the step towards our freedom. There will be more ufo sightings as our galactic brothers and sisters make themselves known to us. They are here to help us restore our planet. The inner earth beings, the Agarthans, more of our family, are ready to join us on the surface of our earth, once again. If this sounds like science fiction to you, be open to the wonder of it all! We have come from stars across the galaxy and many of us from other universes to be part of the ascension of the earth  to the fifth dimension, the Age of Aquarius, the Golden Age of Peace. It is such an honor to be here, to add our light to this mission. It is time to greet our relatives from our home planets, to hug our families and friends that we left so long ago to incarnate here on earth. What a celebration awaits us all!

We are in the midst of the evolution of our species. We are becoming new humans as we return to more of our galactic and angelic natures. Day by day, the memories are being restored as we begin to honor the light that we are. I see the softening of hearts, the yearning to let go and live in peace and harmony with nature and one another. The nature kingdom is helping all it can, loving to interact with us, to play in the fields of possibilities. No one knows what we will create, how it will look as we are all bringing our puzzle pieces to the table. I only feel the vibration of it and hear the tone……oh, the beauty!! Know how important you are, how unique and beautiful is the gift of you. Please love yourself, know that you are so deeply loved for choosing to be here and play your part. Open to the beauty that is all around you. Take deep drinks of nature in any way you can each day. Today I laid my sheets out on chairs to dry in the sun, no clothesline available. I love the thought of my daughter coming to stay in a day or two and feeling her delight as she heads to bed and slips into the smell of sun-kissed sheets. It was one of the little treats that I loved to gift my kids with. Soak it up; the smile returned by the person you pass on the street, the hug of a friend, the sharing on the phone with a dear heart, the bird singing outside the window, the hot water hitting your face in the shower, the water that is plentiful from the tap to quench thirst, the smell of spring rising from the earth. Gratitude and love fill my heart tonight.

Hearts Overflowing

This blossom represents to me our hearts, that are being opened by the light of love that is streaming onto our planet.

Hearts are overflowing with emotions these days. I am seeing it in my loved ones, as so much comes to the surface. Today my daughter and I each shed some tears as we moved through some old patterning. My sister said that she seems to cry all the time these days. My son came home depleted from work, I suggested a salt bath and a good cry while he was in it to let some of the tension drain away. It is more difficult for men in our culture to allow themselves the tears. I can recall a Friday afternoon at work, getting ready to head home after an intense week. My boss and I were speaking of an issue that had been troubling, I said, “I am going home to watch a sad movie and have a grand old cry.” He looked at me in amazement and replied, ” I wish that I could do that.” I wished that he could allow himself that release also. More than water is produced, there are actually chemicals released that help us shift our moods. It is interesting how more and more, science is proving what was thought to be simply stories or old wives’ tales, to be fact.

I believe that we have to learn to dance through this shift that is taking place. We have a few tools at our disposal: being in the moment, letting go of shoulds, expressing our truth, letting go of the why about life, taking a deep breath, accepting what is, expressing gratitude are some that come to mind . There are others but we are making much of this up as we go. I see it as a dance, moving back into a known series of steps here, exploring a new step there, finding that fun, taking a few more twirls, getting off balance, returning to the familiar to stabilize ourselves, a breath or two and then stepping out there in a new way once again.

In all this, we have to be so kind to ourselves and everyone around us. We have all lived through our own internal earthquakes and tsunamis. We can say, “I don’ t have it as bad as that person in Japan or that man in Libya.” Yet, our internal landscape is being uprooted and no one on the planet is immune at this time. We cannot tell by looking at someone, no matter how self assured an appearance they present, what they are currently dealing with. Dealing with losing your home is not worse than watching your loved one become lost in the fog of Alzheimer’s. Losing a dear pet is no less a loss than losing your business. You can say that there are degrees of loss or of difficulties but the heart feels it all as loss. Degrees do not matter, the heart registers pain. So, be gentle with yourselves in your losses, your letting gos. We are all going through it and even when it is some part of us that we are ready to release, there is still a grieving for what was. I think that we need to honor all that is going and honor ourselves as we move through this process. Kindness is the new currency of the land. It asks to be spent every day, on ourselves and others.

The love is streaming in, opening hearts far and wide. All the events on the world scene are working on our hearts, softening them, opening them. Our hearts are becoming entrained to one another. I participated in meditations this past week that had 50,000 people online all focused on emanating love for our brothers and sisters and for our Mother Gaia. Isn’t that amazing? So many people want to help, want to be of service, want to be a better human being. I have been praying in a way suggested by Dr. Emoto, the water crystal photographer and scientist from Japan. It is a simple practice, done in my kitchen each morning and night. It takes a few moments of time and yet, I believe that it is powerful. http://www.therainbowscribe.com/japandremotoprayer.htm

It is our intentions that make the difference. My daughter and I discovered that this morning as an old pattern came up, we were both feeling one another’s words as arrows when neither of us sent them that way. Once we cleared the old pattern that came up for release, and spoke of the intent held behind our words, we could clearly see the love that was being sent by each to the other. Our wounded aspects called them arrows but our hearts showed us how to see those perceived arrows as love. The wounds were drawn up to be healed and by staying present with one another, the healing happened. These are the moments to celebrate and recognize. We need much kindness and witnessing of one another as we stretch and contract, stretch and contract our way through this new landscape of the heart. Our hearts want to be clear vessels and are bringing everything that is blocking that pure love, to the surface to be healed.

Makes me think of Cupid with his arrows of love. Perhaps that story is pointing the way as the arrows that inflict pain to our heart, are sent in love (even if the sender does not know what he/she is doing) to awaken our hearts from their hiding. The pain is an awakener in a way that we do not really understand. I cry a couple/few times a day. Oft times it is in response to beauty as well as to sadness. I cry as my heart comes on line and I feel it more and more. It is so beautiful and I ache with that beauty. Our hearts are weaving a beautiful grid of light around our planet. We are connecting, heart to heart in new and magnificent ways. That is something beautiful to put our attention on, something worth opening our hearts’ doors to. We are becoming one tribe. The rainbow tribe of many colors that Little Grandmother Kiesha Crowther talks of. http://littlegrandmother.net/default.aspx (She is offering a meditation for Japan at 9am PST this Saturday, if you are interested.)

We are learning to witness one another’s pain from a place of neutrality as this allows the other to tap into their own strength and knowing. We can no longer see one another as victims as that energy no longer serves. We can offer our hearts, our aid in any way we feel called. We can honor one another for walking our walks. We can offer that larger, softer view that can see the new growth peeking out from under last year’s withered branches and leaves. The old must be cleared away as I used to do in the spring with my perennial plants, clipping off the old stalks so that the tiny new shoots could reach for the sun. We are all in need of a good pruning in this springtime of our lives. We want to blossom forth and show the world our beauty. Oh, the colors and new forms that are to appearing! I believe that we will harvest bouquets, this autumn, that have never been seen before. We are about to be dazzled by ourselves! So, I stand at the still point, honoring the losses, the letting go, the dramatic changes and the suffering as well as holding the knowing, deep in my heart, that there is new beauty being born.