Shifting Perspectives

IMG_2367I was getting ready to send this card off to a friend, when it occurred to me how amazing it is that light can filter into our world, even when all seems to be in shadow. I have lived through many times, as you all have, where it seemed that the light was extinguished. Dark tunnels of time, where there was only the gritting of teeth, the wailing of my soul and an endless tunnel of fatigue that swirled about me.

Yet, a shift happened, a change of perspective occurred, that allowed the light to stream forth and illuminate that darkness. This came back to me today as one dear to me, was feeling boxed in by responsibilities and a job that no longer excited nor motivated him. A cloud of depression hovered over him. An opening was created when he allowed himself to consider a move halfway around the world to take up a job that he had once enjoyed.  The attraction came as his friends informed him that the previously harsh work environment had changed dramatically to a much more supportive and sustainable situation. He allowed himself to consider making this move in nine months time. His mood lifted, suddenly his daily life was infused with more joy and peace. He began to relish all the components that made up his day and found new energy to participate in it.

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A dead tree provided the nourishment for this amazing crop of mushrooms. How nature shows us the way to make use of all of our dead and shadowed spaces to create anew.

There was no change in his day to day environment. Yet his world experienced a huge shift. I find that so amazing! It truly is all about the lens we choose to view our world through. If we look through a lens of love, expecting and projecting love, that is what we will encounter. We are the creators of our world. At times, we create the shadowland to abide in, as it offers us some treasure that we hid for ourselves about ourselves. I am so grateful for all of my times walking through those lands as they are what helped me to discover jewels about who I am.

I can relax in the knowing that a more awake and aware aspect of myself, is directing this show. I am growing to love everything that flows into my world with a grateful heart. Trusting the dark and the light to reveal their gifts. Trusting to the timing of that knowing. Trusting myself completely!


Conduit Not Container

IMG_2490Those words came through while I was in a conversation and have been echoing within, awaiting me to type them out. I witnessed some information I read, come in and light me up with a surge of energy and deep feelings. It melted beliefs that had been in place for decades in a moment. My mind then began to read more from this source, wondering if I was to meet this woman. I saw she was giving a talk in Mount Shasta, saw that I could make it to the event if it was important for me. I spent about an hour, reading more, listening to part of her radio show, speaking with a friend…..swirling in it. Just as suddenly as this wave hit me, it departed. I then knew that the woman had no further information for me.  What was of value, I had received. As the truth meter in my body lit up and I felt the sensations, it provided a mirror for me to see more of myself revealed. I could attach to the story therein and follow it further (distraction) or I could let go and allow the next moment to arise in its fullness.

I laughed at the whole experience which so clearly illustrated the concept: conduit not container. We are to let all flow through us, resisting nor holding to none of it. We have been conditioned to be containers, storing experiences, feelings, emotions and information. We have categorized them, stuck labels on them, shoved them in dark corners until we had no room left to be present with the now moment.

IMG_3134We know that this no longer works as we have spent the past few years digging through it all, in order to finally be free of it. We have learned to embrace our shadowy dark sides and bring all of it to love. We have opened to experiencing each moment without doing a search for a match within the memory banks in order to compare, contrast or label it.

My mind had reverted to the old patterning of wanting to create a container for the information that came in. It was scrabbling around in overdrive while my heart patiently waited for me to get with the new flow. When I did, I could only giggle. The information lit me up and I felt it. Old beliefs melted to be replaced by knowing. Done!

There was no more asked of me. If an action was needed, I would be inspired to take it. I saw that my heart expanded in its knowing and that any further pieces were to come from within me. This information had served its purpose by opening me to a greater understanding of a past life and who I am in this life. Gently, oh so gently, we are being guided to the truth of who we are. Our I Am presences are the wisest of mentors, holding our hands as we grow in our knowing.

We are starlight dancing on the water, no need for solid footing as we dance along.

We are starlight dancing on the water, no need for solid footing as we dance along.

In this new year. we are being gifted with energy surges like never before. We are asked to allow all of it to flow through. To be the conduit that offers no resistance, that allows the waterfall of liquidlovelight to cascade over us. We are continually washed clean as all flows, allowing the dance of interconnection as we weave in and out with one another and all beings.

Open, receive, let go……and the knowing grows. I love this dance.

Deepening of December: Wondering Giving Way to Wonder

IMG_5222Lately it has just quieted down and I feel peace and joy in every simple thing. My world is very small and yet expansive right here on this little suburban lot. Grateful for the times like my recent trip to Shasta with friends, some play in the magic that I love but no more so than the quiet day I have just had at home with my son. We planted bulbs, feeling the spring beauty as we did so. Neither of us knows if we will be here to see the blooms, feels like a no, but in this now moment, it was time to plant bulbs. I am so grateful for where I am. LIving each day as if I live here because I do live here now!!

Sounds so simple but for the past few years of wandering, I have had the sense of impermanence. Wondering where my place was on the earth, searching for community, wondering what my purpose was. Now all of that has fallen away. I am here now. The past and the future do not grip or push or pull me. There is no more seeking. The noise of all that wondering has receded. Ha, wondering……my word of late is wonder. The old way of wondering where my mind went in circles has left and my new sense of wondering is about awe, a deep reverence that wells up for the beauty that is ever present. It happened as I moved from my head to my heart. Wondering transformed into wonder.

It is so freeing as I am left fully present for the bird song, for the fire dancing in the hearth, for a shared moment of laughter and the cold of the frosty lawn that I just walked barefoot on to say good morning to Mother Earth. Everything becomes a blessing, every place, holy. I had read and heard of that but never fully experienced it until now. I know its truth.

One of my little figures, communing with our mother.

One of my little figures, communing with our mother.

I am so comfortable in my body. There is rest and ease with her as I tend to her every desire. I read a quote from Osho, an Indian master and the part that struck me was about letting your lion roar. What I took from that was when we allow ourselves to fully express and feel all of our feelings, joy, sorrow, anger, irritation……we keep the stream clear and flowing in our bodies. As he says, “then the lion can come in and go out” freely. There is then rest to be found in the body. But when we bottle things up, allow stagnation, there is no clear space to rest inside. I no longer seek to avoid anything, rather embrace it all as the love it is. I also no longer try to hold on to what I deem good as I fully trust that I am ever evolving into more love, more joy, more beauty. I know that I live in abundance in every area of my life and live that knowing.

A dragonfly on a hummingbird's nest that a friend found in her yard. Wonder

A dragonfly on a hummingbird’s nest that a friend found in her yard. Wonder

The sense of wonder and curiosity are present as I play witness to the outer world. Hearts are opening like flowers, folks so desirous to be the truth of love that they are. My interactions are few, I so appreciate my friends who go out and spread their light in the working world each day. My calling is to hold a specific tone, deeply. It is my work and I am well suited for it. My personality self has had its times of resistance, wanting it to be different, but all that has shifted. The years of driving around the country seeding lovelight were hard but fortunately, I did not realize how hard at the time. I love how my I AM presence coaxes me along each step of the path, telling me whatever story I need to hear to take the quickest path home. Now I feel such a sense of privilege for the part I have been assigned. I am grateful for the soul family that flow into and out of my world as we encourage and acknowledge one another. I am grateful for space in this house and the tender community we have created here. I am grateful for the flow of my days, a gentle wave that offers deep peace.

I am grateful to each one of you for sounding your note, finding your truth, walking your path with such courageous hearts. Know that you are cared for and loved in ways we can hardly comprehend. That knowing has been imparted to me, bit by bit, and it sets my heart afire. They call us “the legends” for what we are doing. Stand in that knowing and give your lion free rein. These are the times of wonder.