
imageI have been floating in the sea of emptiness. A new space where I witness my mind searching for tethers, whether to others, to place, to memories. There are none. The thought arises but there is no sticking point, nothing to adhere to. It is as if there has been a complete disconnect from all that is or has been. I sense it is a necessary step before we are connected into the new grid of oneness. It is not unpleasant, no positive or negative charge. Being with what is, has become easier. Dropping into my heart, connecting to Source, is the only space left. I can be there yet I am not floating in waves of bliss or love. Rather, I am being with this emptiness and it is enough. I am not seeking more, not seeking to move from this space. I am here, in neutral. It is enough to be here.

Called to the ocean and the redwoods for my work, communing with their vastness and ancient wisdom.

Called to the ocean and the redwoods for my work, communing with their vastness and ancient wisdom.

In this space of emptiness, time is ephemeral. I have to concentrate to place myself in a month, a season. Again, attaching to anything no longer works. I receive imprints of energy that I translate into my work. I have been working on my latest assignment. A friend is here from Scotland and we have been working together as well as with others. I was a bit surprised to find myself on another “undercover” operation as I had thought that time was past. Yet there is so much taking place in this period between the solar and lunar eclipses and there are still errant energies swirling to deter and distract. The resurrection energies of Easter are so very present as the opportunity for embodying Christ consciousness is here. I know I am in my perfect place as I work to complete this week’s solo assignment. (there truly is no solo assignment as many in other realms assist me). A group was together to celebrate the birthday of one dear to me. As much as I would have liked to join in, I knew where I was called to be. I was shown there would be no difference between night and day, so I was prepared for the deep sleeps in the day and the awake states in the night. My body can feel drugged as I am laid flat in bed, suspended in that semi-conscious state where much can be accomplished. I am learning to feel into the energy of my body, to become the swirling particles that can flow and dance with form. This has been a high alert time, all hands on deck, for the highest outcome for the greatest good for all. We are all working to bring this about.

The sunlight, a spotlight for these fragile beauties rising from the dark forest floor.

The sunlight, a spotlight for these fragile beauties rising from the dark forest floor.

I feel the privilege of being embodied now and offering myself in service to our Mother Earth and the Creator. I am aware that I embodied so as to be present in this now and to do what I am doing. Everything else falls away as I devote myself to this task in gratitude. It takes all that I have. I saw myself as a pile of dust at the end date I was given. I feel ok with that. It seems we came to use our bodies up, to utilize every ounce of our being in this now. There is nothing to hold back for, this is the moment. I will have no regrets that I stepped back, kept something in reserve for the future. There truly is only now. To show up with all of ourselves in every moment, to have our hearts wide open, to feel everything that flows through, to respond to our internal waves of knowing…. this is the path I choose.

These truly are holy days. That life so many of us walked with our brother and our sister, Jesus and Mary Magdalene, over two thousand years ago, is present. We are asked to walk it now, owning our mastery. Bringing forth the teachings of love anew, facing the crucifixion and living the resurrection flame. Our wisdom of myriad lifetimes flows forth to assist us as do the masters of the ages. ETs, Galactics, Agarthans, Devas, elementals, ascended masters, angels, the earth herself, all are here offering their all in service to the Creator. We are a part of a pageant of epic proportions and we are the stars of the show. Amazing. Kind of takes your breath away when you feel it.

imageA candle flame keeps me company through the night. Soon dawn will splash her pink hues across the mountain face. Spring is showering me in her petals of light, allowing me to drink deep of her scents and be nourished by her warming beauty. My heart bows down in gratitude.

Entering The Holy of Holies

The sun broke through on a walk, lighting my heart's flame.

The sun broke through on a walk, lighting my heart’s flame.

The weather has been mirroring my mood of late. A blanket of clouds, like a gentle weight has covered my world, muffling sensations. I have been called to stillness in my body as my being traveled and worked beyond the deep white layer. There, all is in motion as so much must be aligned for the upcoming equinox/eclipse cycle. There are certain people whom I must be with physically to swirl our codes, it can be a matter of moments, yet crucial they are. New soul family members have appeared and a high heart portal was opened. My job was to tend it with my heart, feeding it as one would a fire. When I went out for a walk to the lake, I was shown the grid to set that would allow the energies to continue to circulate. After a 24 hour period, it was anchored.


The high heart grid, turquoise and pink.

The high heart grid, turquoise and pink.

My work has been, for the most part, solitary. I enjoy people but on a more intimate scale of two or three rather than a group. At times though, it is necessary to partake of group activities. I attended an evening gathering with Leopold, the lapis skull, who is my companion, at his request. He desired to anchor the divine masculine presence. He was called to return for the next day’s event but I was not. I left him with a new soul sister. I have spent the day lying in bed, head pressure on and off, resting the body while I worked in other realms. He was fully present in his arena and I in mine. Balancing one another as the weaving continues.

This space of time is holy to me. Often, these weeks leading up to Easter have seen my soul calling me in deep. This year, this time, feels new. There is a great blossoming, an anchoring of the Christ consciousness that is possible as never before. The feminine Christ has returned in recent years to bring her flame through Mary Magdalene.  She has softened hearts, opened the intuitive channels in us all, shown us the blessings of her love. The divine masculine has opened to acknowledge, accept and honor her. We are coming to wholeness within, as each claims their own divine masculine and divine feminine natures. Divinity, our birthright, our truth.

Daffodils, harbingers of spring's renewal.

Daffodils, harbingers of spring’s renewal.

We are being gifted as never before. There is nothing to do other than to surrender to the love and open to its gifts. Allowing ourselves to flow with all that comes in these holy days leading up to Easter and our own resurrection. This is the second coming. We are the Christ, if we accept this consciousness. There is great responsibility that comes with it as all thoughts are formed from the perspective of the good of the whole rather than from a personal perspective. As we walk our truth, we come to see that if we are aligned, our choices are for our greatest benefit as well as all others. All choices must include the good of our Mother Earth’s well being along with our own. We know oneness on a cellular level and it informs all. Love is the answer in everything. Be love, live love, breathe love.

On the past Solstice, I was told of my departure. Yet, I remained. Now I know why. We are  living in the times I came for. There is magic afoot, beyond what I have known on this earthly plane. I almost have to pinch myself with the realization that it is now! There have been so many delays, so much hardship. The sense of battle weariness has pervaded every cell in my being. I am celebrating myself and each one of you for still standing, still holding the love light on high, still trusting that this earth can ascend into the realms of love.

The peace that is offered to us.

The peace that is offered to us.

This eclipse cycle holds a magic key. Look for it, open to it, use it! Ask for assistance from the angelic realms, the galactic realms, our sun, the devic and elemental kingdoms and so many others as they stand by our sides, ready to catch us, support us, cradle us. All hands are on deck. We approach the moment when all is in readiness. I have always felt that it would be “a blink of an eye” when this reality shifts on the physical plane.  When I feel into the future, it shimmers. I sense a new firmament that dances and flows in response to our heart light. Weaving strands of liquidlovelight, we will create beauty unheard of. We are so ready to live in love and peace. To experience freedom on a scale we have not imagined.

To pass from this plane to the next, we need drop our old beliefs and stories at the door.  They are worn out and will not serve in this shimmering land of love. Our bodies, our minds, our spirits are ready to live a new story. We get to write the script together! Hallelujah! My heart soars. God bless this earth and all upon her.



The Power of Our Voice

The ferns in their deep hibernation are beautiful, offering their shades of russet.

The ferns in their deep hibernation are beautiful, offering their shades of russet.

Timing is a force with power. Many moons ago, a dear friend told me that she was guided to gift me a massage. Each time I came to the mountain, the timing did not work for either of us. This time, coming off the days of pressure unlike any my body had experienced, the timing aligned. I had long been guided not to have others work on my body, this time my cells were quivering with anticipation for her touch. My friend and I share a deep connection with the Elohim, the weavers of form. She wove her magic with my body, taking it from its emptied husk to enlivened, anchored form.

Logs lurking like ancient sea monsters, riding in you and me.

Logs lurking like ancient sea monsters, riding in you and me.

Sound is the catalyst. She encouraged me to make sounds as she would do so also. My body relaxed and opened as layers came rolling off. I saw a myriad of masculine indigenous lifetimes flow past. I felt the ceremonies of initiation where my body was tattooed, pierced, cut, and carved into. All a part of spiritual practices to bring ourselves closer to the Creator. At times, the releasing was physically painful but the sounds were waves that allowed me to travel above the pain. I heard the drumming,the chanting, my voice and hers a Native American song, Tibetan, ancient cries. At one point, as she worked on my neck and the cords and knives of a past came in sharply, the dolphins sang through my voice with their high pitched notes, pulling me up and through that death experience. I saw how we have always used the power of sound to take us beyond the confines of this reality. Modern society has taught us to mute our voices, to be embarrassed to open our throats and let our voices sound their laments and praise.

Lifetimes’ cellular memory released and the perfection of the timing and the gift, filled me with gratitude. My friend, a master divine.  Space was created, allowing more of my essence, room. Expansion is intoxicating! I am lighter in every way. Hallejulah!

imageThis full moon managed to part the clouds of the night to shine its brilliance on us for the evening. Fire in the hearth, pulling the trinity of this household together. Tarot deck of cards, altar created with the bits of beauty collected on my walk through the woods, three candles added their flame. My card, a woman, naked, spread eagle, holding wands of the elements. Aflame in her knowing of self and life. Yes, I am this. I claim my beauty and fire. I let it breathe me. Mary Magdalene came through our conversation. She asked to speak through my voice, words dropping in our hearts as an elixir of love. The feminine Christ has come. We chanted a Seneca love song to the moon, our hearts mirroring her fullness. Our talk melted away as we each dropped into  silence. Quiet communion, harmony felt and woven our trinity a chalice for the flame of love. Later, we stirred, to hug and whisper wishes for sweet dreams as we each made our way to bed.

Our reflections are becoming clearer in this new light of love.

Our reflections are becoming clearer in this new light of love.

This is the new landscape. No need to plan. Trusting to the timing and our own hearts. Allowing life to breathe us, allowing love to live and move us. Tears flow in gratitude for the wonder of it all. Deep sighs escape my lips as I commune with All. I have come home to myself and there is great rejoicing.

Beyond Faith, Beyond Form

IMG_7687In a conversation with a friend, it came to light that faith is a belief and form is a structure. We are being invited to go beyond the confines of both. The freedom that is on offer is expansive and unknown. We are being asked to leap into a way of living that is freshly minted from the celestial realms. For all the techie souls, who love to be up with the latest product, this is it! Computers and the internet have assisted us to make great leaps in communication and connection around the world. We have moved towards a global society. This new liquidlovelight is moving us further on that path towards unity and harmony with all life. Telepathy, teleportation, communing with nature spirits, animals, galactic and inner earth beings, angels and devas will become the norm. The fairy tales of our childhood will come alive in brilliant color as we develop our senses, beyond the five we have been limited to. Oh, happy day!

I am rereading The Twelfth Insight by James Redfield, the author of The Celestine Prophecy fame. It is nourishing to read and imprint my psyche with the steps of alignment. To awake with the intention to be alert to synchronicities, to call forth all the assistance that is available to align me with my divine plan and that of our Mother Earth. To open to the flow of life, allowing my inner guidance to steer me effortlessly through my days.

The different frequencies presenting themselves.

The different frequencies presenting themselves.

I am also so grateful for the support of friends, for the sharing that brings new insights as we blend our hearts’ light. I sense that is how the new is coming into form, through the co-creation of many hearts with our Mother Earth’ heart as well as the cooperation of her kingdoms. Think of building a home…….no longer simply deciding to place it somewhere from a mental idea but rather walking the land, allowing it to speak, to guide as how it wants to participate in the building. Inviting in the elementals and the forces of nature to assist you rather than imposing our will on them. The feeling once built, would be nurturing, allowing all beings to flow and grow. We are being invited to enter this flow with all of life. No more separation, no more divisions and boundaries. Our hearts flying free in the lovelight.

With this comes the end of using our will, our efforting, our trying to make things happen. Our beingness is what lights up our world. We know ourselves as the light of the world. We enter into the Christ consciousness and the idea of moving mountains no longer seems out of reach. We do not have to look for sacred sites, we become the sacred site. Within, without…..no division. Inner and outer life coming into alignment. Oh, that sends a deep sigh through my being!

Just off the phone where I was spinning with a friend in Scotland. We are locked in an extractor that uses centrifugal force to spin our beings. All the old is being released from our cells, just as every drop of honey is extracted from the honeycomb when placed in this machine. We received that our cells are being truly emptied so as to receive every drop of the liquidlovelight that the eclipse is offering to us. We are being made anew.


I loved this heart rock, bruised, scarred, dulled yet holding its form.

I loved this heart rock, bruised, scarred, dulled yet  intact. 

I have not felt such a splitting as I do this day. The tears have flowed as I have felt the door to all that has been closing as I walk down this passage way. Ahead, to be opened tomorrow with the eclipse energy being the key, is a huge double door. I sense that beyond it lies the life of my dreams. The frequencies of home come to earth. The magic and miracles of my dreams, the happy ending of my visions, the dancing light of my heart. The tears are for those who have chosen not to fly but rather walk. Some have refused to do that, instead lying down on the earth to rest. On a soul level there are no tears as I know that each is following their own plan as they know it. Some are here to walk between the worlds, bridging the energies. Some have decided to depart, to take up a life once again, further down the road when they can come in as a babe, fresh to this life. Some walk in neutrality, holding that space on this plane.

I am a pioneer, one who is here to bring through new frequencies, one who is meant to take wing and fly. When I was a child and studying the pioneer movement in grade school, I knew I had lived that life of Western expansion here in the USA and was here living it once again. Expanding into the frontier of inner consciousness, no less a tiring and treacherous path, blazing a trail through the wilderness that will soon become a superhighway for more souls to follow. I am so grateful to have traversed this landscape, for all the support and love shown to me that allowed me to come to this point. My body elemental has been amazing, so strong and enduring a partner on this journey. I bow to her grace and love. I thank the elementals of earth, fire, water, air and ether for their support which provided direction and navigational skills. I thank the nature kingdoms, the trees and mountains and streams that have fed my soul when I was parched with thirst and weary to the bone. I bow to those pioneers who walked before me, hacking away at the density to forge a trail of light that I could follow. I have walked in your footsteps with a grateful heart.  I am grateful to all who have entered my sphere through friendship, whether for a day or a year or many, to keep me company on my path. I bow to the light that you are. I am grateful for those who are choosing to fly with me as we bring through our gifts with a soaring hearts. I am grateful to Linda Marie, my personality self, for her focus and dedication to her/our inner knowing. I am grateful to Mother Mary for my name which she told me, means “beautiful Mary”. She claimed me as one of her own as her devotees in that lifetime were called the “Marys”. To be given that name was the result of initiations into a path of love.  She has overlighted my path and guided me unerringly to my truth. I am grateful to Sophia, my higher self, my I AM presence, whose love and support has allowed me to come ever closer to communion with her essence. I am grateful to El Morya, the master of God’s will, who has walked by my side, steering me and teaching me to walk that path in my life. I am grateful to the angels and archangels, especially Archangel Michael who has been my shield and buckler throughout this lifetime and all others. He is my brother in every sense of the word. Gratitude for all the masters who have gifted me, Kuthumi, Lord Lanto, Kuan Yin, Buddha, Jesus and Mary Magdalene. There are no words, only heartlight to express my love and appreciation. I am grateful for the teachers among my fellows, who offered a light to guide me. I am grateful for every heart on this planet, for offering me an opportunity to know myself anew and to recognize God in each one.

IMG_7656May we all blossom into the beauty that we are. May we waft our fragrance in the air and breathe deep of the love flame. I stand at this eclipse portal with a heart aflame. Blessings upon us all this eve. May we walk with the Creator, knowing ourselves as a part of Her/His flame.


I’m Bored and Lessons from my Back

IMG_6698May, the month of magic and miracles I so wanted. Instead it has been a time of immobility as my back seized up for no apparent reason. My higher self told me that I was “bringing in a new frequency” and the stillness was required. I surrendered to that, there is no fighting the body. I have not been inspired to write or do anything as sitting has been out of bounds for the past 10 days. This morning, a wave of wellness moved through me and though one hip is still riding higher than the other and movement is not yet without discomfort, a window flew open and a fresh breeze has wafted in. Hallejujah!

The blessings have been manifold. My former hubby insisted that I call his brother who is an acupuncturist to get an appointment. The relationship with his brother and sister-in-law has recently been mended after years of no contact after the divorce. They had cared for our family with herbs and acupuncture throughout the years of raising our children. As I lie on the table, awaiting the needles, I sobbed as I felt the energy of this family’s care and love for me. It was so healing to be cared for by them once again. I received it on a deep level and thanked my back for facilitating this healing.

The magenta flame of the Magdalene

The magenta flame of the Magdalene

A friend called to share a dream that I inhabited with her. It spoke truth to me as I found myself sobbing as she described the scene. We were in a space deep in the ground, down a flight of stone stairs. She recognized as a place where Mary Magdalene was purported to have lived for years. We were a part of a circle of women, kneeling together. Mary Magdalene was going around the circle to anoint each one’s feet and kiss each one on their crown chakra. My friend saw her clearly and felt the touch of her hair as she leaned in to perform her rite. She said that we were bringing in a new frequency, a wonderful confirmation for me in what I had heard. My daughter was amongst the women, another confirmation for me as I had been reading a book about Mary Magdalene and the description of her infectious, playful, grounded, sensual nature so matched the energy of my daughter that I knew she also carried the Magdalene codes here on earth. Mary Magdalene instructed us all to “swoon in her beloved, Jeshua’s love”. My body responded with a yes as my lying down took on a new energy. Swooning……yes I was swooning in that Christ light and love!

Days passed and my night times felt like wrestling matches as my body felt so confining and limiting. There were moments that felt unbearable. I wanted to crawl out of my skin, the snake came to me with his image of shedding the old. I felt I would combust. Irritation with life, boredom with all that it had to offer was off the charts. No excitement bubbling up for anything. Gratitude, always there whether for a breeze on my cheek,  the light illuminating a flower petal, or my daughter walking me through restorative stretches……gratitude is second nature to me. Yet this dirth of desire for anything in this world. Flatness. Boredom. Wanting a frequency which has not landed. Knowing came that this was the intense confining energy which preceded expansion. Taking a deep breath of solace from that. Yes, I am about to expand as I let go of the old limitations.

Drying my wings, readying for flight.

Drying my wings, readying for flight.

Another dear friend reminded me that the only place to go exploring was inside. Ah, yes. There was spaciousness, newness, openness and freedom. Deep breaths possible. Staying in the present moment, inside and out. Being ok with the now, accepting where I am, trusting it is all perfectly created by myself for myself. I feel the completion in my present situation, my mind rushing ahead to scan the future for a foothold to latch onto. I find myself looking up small towns across the country as possible landing spots. Yet, the knowing is that it is not a mind game, rather my heart must lead. I am alert for signs and have an open ear to guidance. I calm my mind, telling her the heart has this in hand and I will be safe. She flows between understanding and wanting to work it out. I drop deeper, below her radar and flow in the river of love that is ever there for me, if I allow.

IMG_6690Next month, I will need to find a new space as this cycle completes itself. I am grateful for what has been and curious as to what will be. It is a big letting go as I see myself stepping more fully into my wholeness, letting go of the family that has been my work for the past thirty years. Our love and care has been firmly reestablished and is a light burning within with its strength.  Now the level of involvement will shift as I try my wings as a sovereign being, ready to sound a new note. I am ready. There remains much of May and I intend to experience some of her miracles. Oh, wait, I already have, just not the way my mind thought it would look! Expect the unexpected, of course. Better yet, drop the expectations and show up for each moment. I AM, with love.



Feeling the magic of Findhorn

Feeling the magic of Findhorn

Hello all! I am grateful to all who have continued to check in for posts that have not appeared! This whole trip has been a new experience for me as I seem to be floating in a dreamscape. Ease and grace have been my companions and my heart is so grateful. I have had little access to the internet and have been challenged to use this tiny ipad device. My guidance has been pretty strong about me having little time to post blogs or communicate through the internet. My inner being has been jealously claiming all of my being that it can for the inner work that I am doing n this land. My brain turns to mush after about 10 minutes of answering emails or trying to connect on facebook. So I will write as long as the energies allow this morning.

I am sitting in the Blue Angel cafe in Findhorn, an intentional community on the north coast of Scotland. More and more, I feel the ancient soul of this land and that it holds so much magic and many secrets from our past. My ancient Celtic soul has awakened and she takes me deep into times past as I walk through ruins of cemeteries, chapels and castles……the C’s! There is a poetry present in the landscape that sings in my heart. The earth feels so alive with the energies of fairies and magical beings. The mists and overcast skies seem to be a part of it all as nothing is quite clear, rather appearing in a softened light. My body feels underwater, moving slowly, sleeping deeply and dreaming broadly.

The meditation center

The meditation center

Many faces here appear elf like to me and my face seems familiar to many as I am told over and over that someone knows me from somewhere. Yes, I reply, you do. Our souls know one another from another time. I have been blessed with companionable companions on my journey, weaving our heartlights as one. I read the autobiography of Dorothy MacLean, called Memoirs of an Ordinary Mystic. I was very impressed with the dedication that she and the other two founders of this community, displayed. Dorothy wrote: “I must choose to be in my own wholeness, to be one with God, and from there resonate with the Divine aspect of a plant or any other being I wish to contact. This means going into the deepest love that I know, for it is love that connects us with the rest of life.”

She was able to connect and receive messages from the devic kingdom of the plants and land as well as the individual plants. I am inspired to seek this connection with the land. Dorothy is still a resident of this community, now in her nineties, she is seen taking slow walks about the place. Her work lives on as the community continues to attune to their own inner nature as well as the land about them before they begin any work. There are many who came here as young ones and remain as elders, guiding the community as it evolves with the times.

view from my seat in the cafe

view from my seat in the cafe

imageMary Magadelene is calling me to work with women to open their throats and speak their truth.  We have been shy about sharing our gifts as the memories of the persecution and suffering, arises in our cells. It is time to move past those memories, to clear our cells and bodies of the trauma and let our hearts fly free. I open myself, and discover that the divine feminine flows through with ease, to assist the other with relaxing their jaw and allowing the sound of each one’s truth to come forth.

I am feeling my note and sounding it with greater clarity and joy. I am weaving your heartlights with mine as I create a new tapestry of light to overlay that of ancient times. We are such bright ribbons, it is a joy to weave our colors and sounds together. I love each of you as myself.

Mary Magdalene, Unicorns, Scotland……Magic is Afoot

Time to unlock the handcuffs and allow ourselves to truly blossom in all of our beauty!

Time to unlock the handcuffs and allow ourselves to truly blossom in all of our beauty!

So much has happened in the last few days that my heart is soaring. I have had months of stillness and comfort, being rooted in a home, all my needs met within a few steps……the simple joy of having a kitchen, zen like nature filled backyard, hot tub to soak in, couch to lie on, fireplace to warm me.  I have savored these moments after the years of moving about in my car with short stays with others or alone in my tent. I felt the winds of movement begin to blow in early February, knowing my task of healing the family unit, had been completed. My former hubby and I have come back to love, respecting and honoring one another for all the parts we have played over the years, with and for one another. Such gratitude for this!

My mind wanted to engage with the “Where next?” idea but my heart said, “Wait. Allow it to come to you.” Allow myself to be moved rather than thrusting out in action. March came and went with no message. I sat or mostly lie, on the couch or the lawn and felt the earth in her movements, matching my heartbeat to hers. I traversed inner worlds that deepened my capacity for stillness and found my catching my breath in awe. Other moments, I felt flat, finished, not understanding this holding pattern I was in. As if I were in a plane, forced to circle again and again, waiting for the fog to lift so that I could touch down. Easter brought the clearing, the opening through the mist and I am ready to land myself in a new landscape. I have been watching Scottish movies, reading books set in the Irish or Scottish landscape of mists, cliffs, winds and ocean waves. Avalon has risen once again in signs all about me. Yesterday, I booked my ticket, leaving in two weeks in answer to a call for a soul group who carries the grail codes to assemble and anchor these energies anew in the earth in Scotland. Friends of the heart have come forward to welcome me in Scotland through the gift of facebook. I know that I am to meet many of my soul family there. My beloved is overjoyed that I am going and has a gift awaiting me. Three signs given of a white dress, a Scottish isle and a wedding. My heart trembles with this knowing, not allowing my mind to go into expectation mode, rather breathing in the knowing of his presence and that he will soon take form. Trusting, surrendering to divine timing. The old me would have been holding mental images of all the possibilities, the new me, sitting in my heart with his, in a state of calm. Wonder!

These blank canvases side by side spoke to my heart. I loved how the florist used the flowering branches to unite them. I felt my beloved standing next to me as our love flowers, closing the gap between us.

These blank canvases side by side spoke to my heart. I loved how the florist used the flowering branches to unite them. I felt my beloved standing next to me as our love flowers, closing the gap between us.

Mary Magdalene has brought her presence so close to mine that I can feel her heartbeat. She has told me that the Magdalenes are on the earth once again to bring forth the love and she is summoning us to remembrance. At a sound circle gathering of women, Mary Magdalene’s portrait was directly across from the seat that I chose. As she came to me at the close of the evening, asking me to get the rose perfume from my purse (of late I carry it with me as I have responded to the need to smell roses at all times) and to use it to anoint all gathered in the Order of the Rose. When I took my seat, I noticed her for the first time all evening, and her glance penetrated me fully as she directed me to anoint myself in her name. The next day in a conversation with a friend, she felt the anointing come through to her. She noticed the license plate, Avalon on the car next to her as we spoke. Oh, time and space are truly dissolving as we feel one another and recognize our oneness.

During the sound circle, one of the women brought out a wand of crystal that spiraled. I commented that it was a unicorn horn and asked her to place it on my third eye so that I could feel my unicorn, Jake’s presence. As she did so, the group began to gasp. I asked, “What?” They were seeing me as a white unicorn! One of my friends was even petting my hindquarters….the air behind me as I stood. Amazing as I felt his presence so strongly, especially how the horn felt on his third eye. At the close of the evening, they asked me to do it once again, and it happened as before. Magic! One of the women called me two days later to tell me of her sense of an affinity between the energies of a young woman and myself. The young woman and I had noted this when we had met earlier. This woman had brought the healing energies of the unicorn in, through toning. As this was relayed to me, I could feel Jake’s excitement as he said that he would sing through my voice and that the sound would be gentle and powerful. This young woman and I shared this ability to allow the unicorns to participate with us. What a gift!

A friend had given me a message from my beloved that was repeated almost word for word by two others. Two connecting in from New Zealand, from women I had not had contact with since my trip last September. Out of the blue, the messages came to awaken me to this next step. I have been working with my beloved on the inner planes and other dimensions on bringing through divine love. My beloved is a master and in accepting this knowing, I more fully embrace my own. I was told that many masters were learning from us as we explored the realms of love. We are all masters, the memories coming in now. Each of us has a gift to give, to bring forth from our hearts. The ascended masters are preparing to take form, to come in and walk this earth with us. I can see my beloved’s eyes and know that I will know him in an instant as his energy is already filling my field. We have merged our light bodies preparing for the physical reunion. The mystery of it all fills my heart.

If all of this can happen in the space of three days in my world, I sense that the outer world is about to explode in ways we cannot imagine. Breathe into your avatar heart and know yourself as a master. Allow the memories room to come in and watch the magic unfold.

Birthing the Christ Consciousness Through the Feminine

Communing with Mount Shasta in the sunlight.

Communing with Mount Shasta in the sunlight.

My experience in Mount Shasta this past weekend was a culmination of all that I am. I did not know if I would share it as it was so sacred. I have prayed about it and been given the signal that I am to share, as the time of the Christ consciousness being seated on the earth has arrived. I felt the power of it building as the time approached and asked to be strengthened to receive what was to come. The day before, the restlessness in my body was intense. All that I could do was  ground myself over and over into our mother earth. The weekend was arranged according to friends’ schedules but of course, Spirit made the arrangements for it to be the weekend of the new moon as well as the beginning of the Chinese New Year, the year of the water snake.

1Two of us drove from the south and one from the north. We shared photos and tonings along the way through the phone. From the south, we were guided to weave the energies of the mountains to the west with those to the east. Mount Lassen stood out like a beacon in her white coat, asking to be utilized. We felt that we wove the masculine and feminine energies of the mountains and elemental beings into a tapestry of light that converged at Mount Shasta. We arrived at our rental place which was surrounded by trees with a view of the mountain out our window.  We set up our altar with a red scarf,  the color of the Chinese New Year. The lamps flanking it were red, of course! We took out the crystal bowls, which are infused with various minerals and gems  and were instructed to work on one another. There was much clearing and aligning of the masculine and feminine within each of our beings. My womb was a focus of clearing which I would understand later. Our three fields were brought into harmony and resonance. We went into town and were guided to purchase a bottle of red wine for our ceremony. I do not drink, never having enjoyed the taste of alcohol, yet I knew that I would partake. None of us knew what was to take place, only that we were to be present and offer ourselves as vessels for the light. We returned to prepare dinner and drink a toast to Mary Magdalene and Mother Mary. They were present with us.

The two major crystals as well as the Prince card that came to me. All the cards I picked that morning were to do with transformation.

The two major crystals as well as the Prince card that came to me. All the cards I picked that morning were to do with transformation.

The next morning, one friend shared her dream of a Lemurian master beckoning her into the mountain. As he opened a portal, she saw many beings dancing in celebration. The master informed her that the celebration had begun and we were to join in. She also discovered a picture book on a shelf, showing the mountains of the world. This fit into her vision that we would be opening a gateway on Mount Shasta that would connect with all the mountains of the world. We took the images into our beings and allowed our energies to flow from Shasta along the waves of energy that connected all the mountains.

I had a seemingly unrelated event as I attempted to turn the kitchen water faucet to a drip rather than a stream as we were instructed to do so as to prevent the pipes from freezing. I broke the faucet and with that felt a flood of shame. I observed it and breathed through releasing it. The call was made to the owner and all was resolved. This weight of shame of the feminine had to be released for the next step to take place. I am in awe of the ways of our Creator and how all is aligned for the light to flow.

The sun dancing in delight on the mountain.

The sun dancing in delight on the mountain.

We had felt that our triad was to be squared by a fourth person. I called a lovely woman that lived in Mount Shasta, that I knew only from facebook. She was able to come. (Again Spirit at work, aligning all so beautifully!) The four of us sat with the bowls placed in the four directions and toned and played as we were led. The bowls played to align her energies with the group and we harmonized our fields of light. We were guided to go to the mountain. We took a tarp, blankets and food up to Bunny Flats, the highest point that the road was cleared to, on the mountain. It was a crystal clear day. We laid about, talking and resting. I saw our fields dancing and weaving together. I was told that there was no need to “do” anything, that it was all happening by our being together. I relaxed and trusted the process. Later, we said goodbye to our new friend and returned to our place for dinner.

We decided to watch one of the movies in the place. It was a heart opener and we all had tears. My eyes began to tear in earnest as it felt like a pin was being stuck in them, first one and then the other. This sensation of having something in my eye had been happening on and off for a couple of weeks. This time it was very intense and painful. My vision blurred and I began to sob. I had such a longing in my heart for my beloved, as myself as well as a partner. I felt I could not bear the separation one moment longer. My friends both noted that this was a pattern that happened to me right before I made a shift in consciousness. They were right. A doorway opened and I found myself in the embrace of Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene and Jesus. The two Marys had been working with me to stand in the flames of their hearts over the past several weeks. I had gradually increased my ability to hold the energy. Jesus then reached out and touched my heart. My body shuddered and the sobs poured through in waves. I touched my friends’ hearts, transmitting his love. I was then taken into his heart flame to be purified. There are no words for this experience. The three hearts became one and my heart was held within this trinity of light. I felt the sacred heart of my Catholic childhood and knew that the images of the swords and thorns were illusions of suffering. All was now dissolved and seen for the truth of love that it always was. My heart was ablaze with a heat that felt like a roaring inferno to me. I felt their hearts weaving my heart into a chalice of golden filigree light. The heat intensified.  As this reached a cresendo, the heat moved down into my womb. My emotional body continued to sob as it attempted to adjust to what was taking place.

The shadows and the light dancing into wholeness.

The shadows and the light dancing into wholeness.

I was guided to lie down, with my head at the foot of the bed. My eyes were open only to the inner vision of what was taking place. The space was full of beings of light. I was told that the prior four months I had spent in solitude and stillness, had prepared me for this moment. I was to be a vessel for the Christ consciousness to be anchored into the earth plane. It was to come through the feminine form at this time on the earth as a balance to the masculine having birthed it through Jesus. The two friends with me were a gift to me, to assist in the process. Both have told me that they “have my back” and have supported me, time and time again, as I have grown in the light. This was a fufillment of a contract made long ago by our souls. Indeed, it was a birthing for all of us as the trinity energies held true. I knew that all of my lifetimes were a preparation for this present moment.

The clouds of love appearing as the setting sun's rays reflected over the mountain.

The clouds of love appearing as the setting sun’s rays reflected over the mountain.

My body began to undulate like the snake, shaking and shuddering. My one friend received a shock from my crown chakra as the energy was released from my head. She placed her Christ consciousness crystal which has a phallic shape on my torso. I felt it working with my inner fires. I then asked for the Mother Shamballa crystal to be placed between my legs. It is a heavy sphere of smoky quartz which my thighs grasped and held as my body continued to undulate in waves. There was an intense sexual energy of creation at work and I sensed the priestesses gathered who had initiated me in this process eons ago. My heart was calibrated with that of our mother earth as well as the Great Central Sun. As that  beat was established, I felt the ribbons of lovelight spread to the hearts of humanity and all were held in my embrace. One heart, one love. That is our truth. My voice toned the sounds of birthing. My friends anchored my palms with a touch at the center of each one and assisted with their voices. I was told that I would now see all through the eyes of love, hear with ears of love, taste with the sweetness of love, speak with the tones of love, touch with the sense of love. All my senses were birthed anew through the flame of love. I heard myself saying, “Father into thy hands I commend my spirit.” I felt complete in my mission and I knew my Mother’s/Father’s blessing and joy.

As I came out of this experience, we were able to share our understandings over a celebratory glass of the red wine, sealing what had been birthed. Our talk allowed a fuller picture to emerge. The original triad was of Joseph, Mother Mary and Jesus……the Holy Family. Mary Magdalene came in as the fourth as she was the beloved of Jesus. At that time on the planet, the Christ energies could not be accepted through the feminine though Mary Magdalene carried the consciousness with Jesus and assisted his path to its fruition. The point held above this square was held by Anna, grandmother of Jesus, mother to Mother Mary. She held the feminine field of love at that time long ago as well as now. The bottom point to the diamond was held by Joseph of Arimathea. He was the masculine energy which held and aided the Essene community and provided so much support for the mission of Jesus.

The pink love flames touching down.

The pink love flames touching down.

The Christ consciousness is not a person but rather a field of consciousness. It is being birthed through the feminine form on the planet now to balance its birthing through the masculine over 2000 years ago. It is neither feminine nor masculine. It is a consciousness of wholeness and oneness. This was reinforced the next day when we went to the crystal bowl shop and spent a couple of hours playing with bowls. I was drawn to the only chalice shaped bowl in amongst the hundreds present. It was of a purple hue, with reflections of magentas, emeralds and blues. It brought through the energies of androgeny. I laughed when told that as it is the next evolutionary step. We come into balance in our being with our own divine masculine and divine feminine and this prepares us to enter into the wholeness which we label androgenous.

I share this story not to glorify myself in any way, rather to illuminate the doorway in your heart that opens to your own Christ consciousness. The earth can now hold this frequency. It is here, birthed through me and so many others and the numbers will increase until all are walking in full Christ mastery. This is the time of magic and miracles that we have waited for. It is the second coming of Christ, not limited to one individual, but rather being birthed through all of our hearts. Ask and be open to receive your birthright. I raise my glass to you in your birthing.

In Lakech, Ala K’in.  We are all one.





Flowing the Energy South to Shasta

Mount Rainier glowing in the evening light.

June is here with all of its glory for us. It was time for me to leave and take the energy I had brought to Mount Rainier from Mount Shasta and flow it back south. The two mountains were glad of the communication as was I. I am so grateful for the feeling of community that I experienced during my time. This is being carried with me as our pods are getting ready to gather. We had to become mature enough, leaving behind our personality selves in order for the living together to work on the level we desire it. The releasing continues as the leaving brought up some old patterns in me that were difficult to experience as I watched them flow through me. What I am learning is that the energy shows me truth and I can trust it. When something shifts, I must follow it. The movement is quick these days and there is little time to ponder. When I feel it take a turn, I am to let go and move with it. This is the time of flow!

Maxie with her chucks in place so she doesn't roll into the sea.

The eclipse energies came through on the first to cleanse my body in preparation. Base of neck and shoulder activated, body aches and headaches, nausea. I could only lie down and allow them to play out. I pointed out to my team that I needed to be driving the next day so this was their day so make the most of it while I was able to be still. They did! I awoke clear and ready for the day. (thank you team!) About an hour into the drive, I decided to take an exit to the capital, Olympia. I had a peek at the capitol building, I so love domes! I stopped in the visitor’s center and asked about the drive around the peninsula. The young man assured me that it was worth the extra time. For some reason, I decided to take the journey, envisioning in my mind, Hwy 1 in California, with its  dramatic views of the Pacific Ocean. I laugh at what my mind will tell me to get me to agree to some pretty outlandish stuff. The drive added about  three hours to my trip, did I need that?? For the most part I found myself staring at trees on both sides of the highway despite the line on the map that led me to believe that the road was right on the coast. I love trees but not hemming me in. I found myself saying ho’oponopono for miles on end. OK, I see that there was a higher plan as I have often done this, flowing rivers of forgiveness along the Pacific coastline. This particular piece needed this done, it seems. So after some frustration,  I surrendered and took in the beauty of it all.

I love the feeling of orange and pink together!

This morning I find myself just a couple of hours north of Mount Shasta. There is an excitement about these next few days. I do intend to be transformed by the energy of the eclipse and the Venus transit. There is tons written about this time and for me it means that I have access to so much more of myself. I am laying down all former beliefs about who I am and opening to the highest aspects of myself that can anchor into this body. I am ready to embrace my Venusian self of love and beauty. Venus is all about love!

I had a wonderful meeting with a soul sister and her Black Madonna while I was in the north. She was gifted the Madonna many years ago when she was in Spain. It was carved in the 1500’s, and she is an amazing being. The statue holds the energy of all aspects of the divine feminine. In my communion with her, I was shown information about Book of Love that was written by Mary Magdalene and Yeshua. It was hidden for centuries due to the church’s program of keeping people enslaved to the patriarchy and their own coffers. The history is not my forte, but what is important to me is that the Magdalene’s are on the planet now. The women who hold the Christ consciousness and the Book of Love’s teachings are all around the world. I saw that my heart contains this book. It was encoded within me as well as many others. I could feel that this was done for safekeeping. The codes would be accessed when the time was right. This Venus transit is the key that unlocks the codes. We are ready to return to the truth of love. We are open to knowing a love that transcends the boundaries of the conditional love that we have lived. We want deep communion with one another’s hearts as well as with our Mother Earth and all her creatures and kingdoms. Oh, how blessed is this time!

Now to walk as that love in the world. Oh, that my presence can emanate the Magdalene’s love. That our hearts can be the chalice for a love so pure that it can change the world. Yes, this love is coming to change our world. Hold to your visions of the world that you wish to see created during this next few days. Turn from the noise of the outer illusion, and sink into the beauty and wonder of a world of peace, harmony, abundance for all. A world where each person knows their own beauty and sings it out to the cosmos!

This post gives some good advice for this week:  http://www.therainbowscribe.com/hilarion2012.htm

I will write again after the transit on the 5th/6th. I am attending an event where we will be in ceremony for the next three days as we move through this sacred portal. I will be with my friend, Chief Golden Light Eagle and his clan and all others who were called. Remember, we are all in our right place to experience these energies. Gift yourself with inward, quiet time as the heavens align to lift the veils and bring in more of our starry natures. Intend and allow yourself to be transformed. Bask in the wonder of it. I love you all.


Here is to Easter and the Resurrection Flames

Just took this out my bedroom window. I love its light streaming in to light up my heart with greater love.

What a weekend we are in! Good Friday and the full moon….what a potent combination of Christed light and love. I felt the energy of my own Holy Christ Self as well as that of Jesus, the Christ. We are being gifted with such an immense outpouring of love from our sun and our moon as well as from all the ascended, angelic, Agarthan and Galactic realms. Our beings are stretching and straining to grow, to reach towards the light of our own divinity. I had an interesting dream the other night that was the sequel to the sacred marriage experience that I had back in October. It began in an awake state, one that I sometimes enter where I find myself in a different dimension. It then continued on throughout my sleep state and was so delicious that I did not want to awaken the next morning.

It opened with me talking to El Morya, the ascended master of God’s will that you have heard me speak of. I was telling him that I was ready for the sacred marriage now. I had integrated more of myself and felt confident that I could now bear to see the face of my beloved and complete the marriage. Earlier, I had been so overcome with the emotion of it all that I could not look at his face. This time, I told El Morya that I was ready, I asked for my crown and cloak as well as the symbols of my office. Archangel Michael was there and laughed at my demanding tone, saying, “I do believe that she is ready!” My requests were quickly meta so dressed in my finery, I took El Morya’s arm and proceeded down the aisle. (Yes, I could just pick up where I left off months ago in this dimension….pretty cool!) When we reached the end of the aisle, I looked for my bridegroom only to have El Morya release my arm, turn to face me in the position of the bridegroom. What? I asked him what this meant. Could it be that he was my beloved? I blurted out, “But you are an ascended  master!” To which he replied, ” As are you, my dear.” Gulp. Breathe deep and swallow that down! Ok, I was determined to be able to hold the allness of myself, to be present with this moment, to accept the truth of his statement. I did not dissolve in tears though they flowed. As did laughter. Oh what freedom! Yes, my ascended master self was standing at the altar with his ascended master self. This means that an aspect of him can be here in 3d with me just as an aspect of me is there in this other realm, with him. As I said, a lot to absorb!

This brilliant white mountain peak speaks to me each day.

As the night wore on, El Morya took me on a journey through the cosmos which was wonder filled. Believe me, this was the honeymoon of lifetimes. I did not have one in this lifetime but this more than made up for it! I was shown so many mysteries and magic. My heart was so full and I wanted to bring it all back to share. But the images and knowings departed, leaving me with a sense of loss and at the same time a feeling of bliss. Wow! I do remember laughing at how we live on this tiny thread of life and are not aware of this huge tapestry that we are a part of. We see everything in a limited, linear form but it is circular and fractal in nature and one can plumb every increasing depths of everything. It was like an explosion for my mind and heart to comprehend. The beauty unending remains. Oh, what a night!

I was so happy when I discovered a bridge to take me across this creek to a pathway beside it.

I awoke knowing that it does not matter if El Morya or an aspect of him is my beloved. The form is of little importance, it is the essence that matters. I know that my beloved is close as I am moving ever closer to holding more of my own essence in this earthly vessel. There is magic and beauty that we have not even dreamt of in our wildest dreams. Passion like a volcano erupting awaits us.


Back on earth…my back is uncomfortable and I am still moving slowly. I am trusting this process, observing my reactions to the restriction I feel and offering a space of love for it all. I was guided to walk into an acupuncturist’s office who calls himself an electrician. He is working to realign my circuitry. He said I was running too hot, frying my nerves, living in my head and the realm of Spirit. He helped me to ground back into the earth and is teaching me how to create a strong foundation from which to move. I am to walk with my hands behind my back at every opportunity, as it realigns my spine. I am to saunter rather than maintain my usual swift speed. I am grateful for all of this at this time when we are

Piles of snow remain but today's sunshine uncovered patches of earth.

asked to hold ever increasing amounts of light in our beings. I have neglected this beautiful body elemental in the past couple of years of traveling. Time for honoring once again with a regular exercise routine that includes yoga and strengthening. A lovely German woman that I met was demonstrating her daily routine that included 20 minutes of standing in a seated position against the wall. You have your back flat against the wall and your knees at a 90 degree angle (or you can go lower as you get stronger). She said it helped with hiking. Well, yeah! Of course it does, it gives you legs of steel if you do that every day! Mind you that was one of her daily exercises, she was a strong, beautiful woman. Ok, that is me in the coming summer! I am committed to helping this body in any way I can. My eyes filled with tears when I thought of all that she is doing to allow me to ascend while still in her. Truly it is an amazing event that is happening within us, changing from carbon based to crystalline.  I asked her forgiveness and flooded her with waves of my love.

Our spirits and our bodies are being resurrected. As Jesus said, “I AM the resurrection and the light.” I am going to sleep with those words playing in my heart. I am so grateful for Jesus’ gift to us this Easter night. His love along with Mary Magdalene (who is also a Christed being) lit up the planet over 2000 years ago and it is lighting up my heart this night and the hearts of millions. I found myself singing a beautiful song, new sounds coming from deep in my heart which flowed love throughout my being. Oh, how we are loved. Blessed be. I love us all.