Triggered by An Emotional Storm

My son painted this as a gift for me. Embedded within is my path home. We assist one another in ways seen and unseen.

I have to laugh at the way tests come when we proclaim ourselves at peace. “Really?” asks our higher self, let’s try this out. Last night, our family went through an emotional storm. I was the target and I was triggered. I felt the flash of anger, the heartache of the mother, the heat of uncomfortableness of not knowing how to move, the sitting with the pain. In the aftermath, I allowed myself space to state my need to go to my room and have a good cry. What a release tears are. I was grateful for those of us who trusted our love enough, to stay present, to cook and eat a meal together in the aftermath of the storm. I honored another’s need to leave, to regroup in order to come to balance.

Whew. I am feeling a bit fragile and tender this morning. “An emotional hangover”, as my former partner stated. Knowing all is well, that at times there has to be the separation or break for a new way of coming together to be found. Honoring each of us for speaking our truth and listening to one another’s hearts. Gratitude for the way we are walking each other home.

Uncovering my flowers to see how they fared in the freezing temperatures, just as we are taking stock this morning of our hearts. How did they fare the storm of last night?

Uncovering my flowers to see how they fared in the freezing temperatures, just as we are taking stock this morning of our hearts. How did they fare after the storm of last night?

I am grateful for not collapsing in the old way, of not accepting another’s interpretation or judgment of my path over my own knowing, of feeling my truth and allowing it to come out raw and unfiltered. This is growth, to accept my truth while honoring another’s and allowing the distance between. To allow anger without feeling shame for expressing it, (Oh, that is a big one.) To witness the old momentary desire to run and choose to stay.  I realize that it has been a long time since I have been in such a storm. It was an opportunity to practice opening to embrace the experience with love rather than closing off and burying any part of it in my heart. I watched the child in me desire to lash out and knew the grace of taking her hand in support. There was a new dynamic as my former partner stood in support of me. That felt good and true. A sturdy bridge we have built between us in this space together.

I sit here looking at my mother’s heart that desires to see everyone “comfortable”, to place a soft blanket around each one. This has caused me trouble and heartache as I created dependencies that then have to be severed. I also see the mother flame that wields a sword of truth dispassionately, cleaving falseness aside, knowing the fallout will land about her. The mother bird who kicks the fledgling out of the nest, trusting it will spread its wings and fly…..holding her breath yet allowing the crash if it is to be. Always the love there, knowing it has many shades. Trusting myself to be the shade needed in the moment, regardless of the cost. Knowing full well, it can cost everything, yet to be out of integrity is too high a price. Peace at any cost is not peace. Love without truth, is but a shadow play.

New landscape to walk upon....Gabriel's art carrying the new codes and seeds of love.

New landscape to walk upon….Gabriel’s art carrying the new codes and seeds of love.

We are all coming into balance within our beings as our Mother Earth leads the way. The earthquakes and storms are as necessary as the gentle breezes and strong rays of sunlight. It is all good. There is an opening created by the upheaval that we can all move in. It is new ground, freshly excavated by exposing our hearts’ truths. It is fertile soil for new plantings of love’s blooms. New colors and scents to be had. I sit staring at the flames in the hearth on this frosty morning, knowing the power of love to melt all into truth and beauty. Trusting each of our souls to move onto this new ground in our own way and time. Trusting our I AM presences to light our paths. Honoring the holiness of each one.

Artwork for purchase at

The Divine Feminine Drops the Robes of Cronehood to Become a Playful Girl

The feminine is beginning to stretch into her fullness!

The feminine is beginning to stretch into her fullness!

April is proving itself to be action packed, as so many of us, felt it would be. I love when it is better than I imagined! Each day is so full of movement and change that I wake up wondering what magic it will bring.

My elder son and I spent the day together as I had to drop my car at the garage for repairs and he was running me to and fro. While we waited, we went to visit my friend with the crystal skulls. She had a book called, Grail, that she felt I needed to look at before my trip. Indeed there were images in it that spoke to my heart. One in particular of the chalice with a sun rising out of it, felt like part of a coding that I carry. I am going to Scotland to unlock this coding into the earth. The templates of ancient times are to be released through our bodies and anchored on this earth plane once again. So many of us are in movement to be in place to drop these templates at the appointed time. I see so many women, heavy with extra weight (how the coding often stores itself), awaiting the appointed hour. I see the weight melting off as we “hit our marks” on the earth plane and lift our voices in songs of rejoicing. This is a time for women to truly open their mouths! Time to speak truth and bring through the ancient wisdom of the feminine. Always it is the feminine that births and we are about to see an explosion of new birth on this planet.

Ixcel, looks abit scary if you are not used to skulls, but her energy is so compassionate. She is opening me to feel new forms, attending to the energy they emit rather than the form housing them. Our earth will soon house myriad new forms.

Ixcel, looks abit scary if you are not used to skulls, but her energy is so compassionate. She is opening me to feel new forms, attending to the energy they emit rather than the form housing them. Our earth will soon house myriad new forms.

I communed with the Mayan skull named Ixcel. She and I have a deep connection that is beyond words. She asked me to place my third eye on the top of her head while she uploaded me with information. It felt like files were being placed in my brain. I had no thought, only could sense the fullness increasing in my head. It expanded me beyond my body and took some time to come back into the room. I understood that the information would be unlocked as I connected to the land in Scotland. I would be called to enact an “ancient ritual and role” once again. The civilizations of Atlantis and Lemuria will arise again as we bring heaven to earth through our body vessels. There is pagentry afoot and it excites my mythic blood that sees life in terms of archetypes and fairy tales come to life. Joseph Campbell was a hero of mine as I felt called to the Hero’s Journey in my life. I always had the sense that I was living a life rich in meaning despite society’s constraints to keep it reined into the realm of the mundane.

It is time to uncross our arms that held our wounds so tightly within.

It is time to uncross our arms that held our wounds so tightly within.

My elder son was cradling the skull, Marie, in his lap. He was softly toning with her. He then spoke saying, “The feminine has become the crone in our society. She can now become the playful girl as she has a strong and supportive father behind her.” Marie was in an ecstasy of delight to be held by a balanced masculine presence. They had vibrated their energy together and Marie experienced great changes. I began to sob as I felt the power of this move out from Marie and my son into the grids of the earth. Liberation is at hand! I have become the crone, weary and worn from the travails of holding the feminine light aloft in the patriarchal world we were born into. We can shed our robes of cronehood, that have become such a familiar weight upon our shoulders that we forgot that we could move in any other way. The robes had become heavy and stiff with suffering and abuse and the time has come to let it all go. We can let go of our old stories of the pain filled journey and begin to dance once more with our Mother Earth. The aches and pains of our bodies can melt in the sunlight of the Father’s love. Mother Earth is shedding her robes of old and putting on her play clothes. She will no longer accept abuse from her children. She is honoring herself once more and calling the feminine to that honoring.

It is a time of re-birth for the earth and all upon her. This knowing went deep into my bones and brought flashes of images that I have seen of myself in Scotland, light and faery like, dancing across the hills.  My heart is full to bursting with this knowing that we can truly become as little children once again. I am reminded of a quote by Jesus:  “Truly I say to you, Except you be converted, and become as little children, you shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.” 

I believe this is what we are called to as we co-create this new earth. We are given the opportunity to become the open, curious, loving, sovereign beings that is our truth. We invite everyone to play, we honor ourselves and extend that honoring to all sentient beings on this planet. The elements are remembered as a part of us. We dance once more with the wind, allow the fire of passion to flame within, draw nourishment from the earth herself, float in the waters as fluidness becomes our truth. Oh, how we have longed for this reconnection!! Our hearts and bodies have been in lock-down mode for so long. We have become numb and dumb…..moving through the days with a sense of duty, enslaved by a system meant to crush our spirits and keep us plodding like oxen.

Out of the desert of our lives, we are no longer limited to being spiney dull beings. We can unfurl our rose petals in a riot of color and fragrance to uplift the world.

Out of the desert of our lives, we are no longer limited to being spiney dull beings. We can unfurl our rose petals in a riot of color and fragrance to uplift the world.

No more! Women, open your mouths! Speak your truth with a roar that kindles fire. Allow the belly laugh that reverberates in tsunamis of delight, stomp your feet in a dance that shakes the earth, flow your love like a flood that washes away the dams created in our hearts. We have this power. We are here to awaken with our mother. There is no more time to lament, no more energy to be wasted on anger at the masculine. Truly it is anger pointed at self for giving away our magical powers so long ago. All was part of the play. All is now finished and it is time for forgiveness. We must forgive ourselves as we forgive all others. The curtain is closing. Do not hesitate to participate in this last ritual of forgiveness. Your being depends upon it, your future unfolds at its feet. Forgive all! Hold to nothing, not stories of suffering nor memories of quiet joy. Let it all go.

We are about to open the curtain on a new play. This is the one that calls upon the skills we garnered from all the other plays we have participated in. This is the role we have waited our entire cycle here on this beautiful earth, to play. It is the role of lifetimes and there is a script with your name on it. To play it, you must drop all the old. You cannot hit the high notes if your your lungs are full of unshed grief. You cannot speak in a voice that carries to the back of the theatre if your throat is still congested with fear. You cannot move about the stage with lightness if you are saddled with heartbreak. Drop all into the fires of rejuvenation. Hold to nothing, clear your fields to let your light shine. This is the performance where you star. This is where you remember that you ARE A STAR! Let your light shine as if your life depended upon it, as in truth it does. We are the light that illumines the pathway to the new earth. Our lights guide others. Please do not leave your part of the path in darkness out of fear or a sense of smallness. We are glorious beings with the capacity to blind with our light revealed. Our hearts temper it, so that it illuminates in the most inviting way as we are mothers, after all. We know the art of gentleness and soft encouragement. We have forgotten this for ourselves as we have shown it to our men and children. Turn your light upon yourself. Embrace your beauty in a pink blanket of the softest wool. Love is who we are. It stands awaiting our embrace.

I choose love this day. I choose to speak my truth in every moment. A quote from a recent article entitled Why You’re Afraid to Claim Your Power, Brenda Hoffman speaks to this:

You no longer have to do what others tell you to do if it does not feel comfortable – that is victim hood. You no longer need to slow your progress to match someone else’s pace – that is care taking. And you no longer need to control anyone – including yourself – that is outer-directed power. So be it. Amen.                                                                          Copyright © 2009-2013, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved.

I loved this fiery flower arrangement in front of the charred wood. This is what we are called to, to be the flames of renewal upon the earth.

I loved this fiery flower arrangement in front of the charred wood. This is what we are called to, to be the flames of renewal upon the earth.

My heart is dancing in the fires of renewal. I look about and grasp your hand as we circle the flames in a dance of ecstasy. Our men are behind us (no, do not look!), their support assured as we stand in our knowing that allows them to take their rightful place once more. The babes are coming from heaven, into the waiting arms of the fathers, who beam with pride to offer shelter and protection. On their faces, such joy to see their women dancing free. All is right in the world, as the fire reveals the essence of love in each heart gathered. This is the new earth. This is our truth. This is why we are here. Dance it my friends, dance it.

You Want to Change the World? Two Simple Ideas

Acknowledgment by another can set our hearts dancing like these sparkles on the water.

Acknowledgment by another can set our hearts dancing like these sparkles on the water.

We all want to create a world of love. We want to help our fellow man. We want to live in harmony with the earth. I offer two simple practices that can move us there. One to do, one to stop doing. We can begin to make a practice of acknowledgment and we can desist with complaining. 

Every sentient thing in this world, wants acknowledgment. We humans, most of all. We want to be seen for who we truly are. Acknowledgment is a powerful gift that we can give one another that feeds our soul in a way that no material gift can. It costs nothing, is a joy to give and the benefits are reflected back to us as we see the other shine their light more brightly. It is true, what you feed, grows. Think of the power of that! We want to live in a world of love so let’s feed that love in one another by acknowledging it in action wherever we find it.

How many of us recall an acknowledgment by another that helped us find our path. Someone might have said, “You are a natural teacher. You are able to engage with everyone, right where they are. That is a gift.” That could have set a person’s career path alight in front of them. I am reminded of a Cameron Diaz movie, In Her Shoes, about two sisters. One is the responsible, successful one and the other is seen as a failure. When the one who has appeared a failure, moves to a new environment with her grandmother and her elderly community, she is seen in a new way. She receives acknowledgment for her gifts and after a time, is able to begin to see herself in a new light. Her world changes from one of despair to one of joy. She comes to know herself as a valuable being with gifts to give.

You may never know how your words of acknowledgment to another might be the pole supporting them in their day, just as this tree is being supported.

You may never know how your words of acknowledgment to another might be the pole supporting them in their day, just as this tree is being supported.

That is how powerful acknowledgment can be. It can change our lives.  We have not been taught to acknowledge our own gifts, except perhaps those that provide us a living as a career. Let’s expand that and acknowledge the beingness rather than the doingness of another. Every day we witness others being kind, cheerful, thoughtful, courageous, a pillar of strength, joy-filled, loving, playful, fearless…….the list goes on. By taking the time to acknowledge the gift being shown by the other, we allow it to grow more prominently into being. If I acknowledge the patience that the cashier showed to the elderly man in front of me in line, she is more likely to be patient with the next customer. If I am acknowledged as  a good listener, I will strive to be a better one. As Mother Teresa said, “Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless.”

It works with everything. I acknowledge this laptop, that I am typing on, for its many wonderful years of service to me, always being ready to work when I am. I acknowledge and express appreciation to the salamanders (the elementals of fire) for burning so merrily for me this chilly morning. I acknowledge my car for starting up every time I turn the key. I acknowledge the beauty of the sun as it begins its streaks of color across my backyard. As I walk by my fern plant, I caress its fronds in tenderness and gratitude for its lacy beauty.  I acknowledge our mother earth for the gift of water that I drink and food that I eat. I talk to everything, acknowledging the gifts they bring into my life. I believe that everything responds, reflecting that love back to me. Our world is full of beings that want to serve us just as our natural impulse is to be of service to others.

Our society provides established routes of service: working at the soup kitchen, donating money to charity, volunteering at a shelter, and the list goes on. What about the things that no one sees, that we can’t point to, to feed our egos? Acknowledgment is one such thing; a low key, quick and easy way to uplift the energies of all about us. How about setting yourself a goal of acknowledging something about someone, known to you and unknown to you, a few times a day. Be on the lookout for behavior that you want amplified in this new world and shine your light on it with your words. I believe that it is a practice that will bring you great rewards. Let’s begin a chain of acknowledgment, spotlighting the good we wish to see grow in this world. It begins with me and with you.

Another simple way to clean up our world: stop complaining. Turn those thoughts to appreciation instead. Our words hold power and we are learning to utilize that power in  more mindful ways.  Complaints are weighty and our mother earth bears the effect. They are toxic energy that we all have within our power to clean up. It is a choice that we are free to make each moment. Complaining feeds on itself and can become a way of life. The next time something you do not like shows up in your world, take a breath and connect to our mother earth. Feel how you can view the situation with appreciation for what it has to offer you instead of complaining about it. Our mother will smile and send you a wave of appreciation in return.

When you hear folks complain about all the wrongs of this world, smile and share with them a couple of simple ways to make it right. Trust that you are doing something powerful to assist in raising the vibration of this earth by using your words to acknowledge the wonder that you see about you, in people and things and in yourself. I would love to hear your stories of how implementing this practice has impacted your world. I Know it will spread light everywhere you shine it!

Soothing Our Inner Child and Setting Ourselves Free

Sifting through our buried emotions reminds me of coming upon these bones on a trial in Southern India so long ago. We are asked to reclaim our feelings just as our mother reclaims our bones, freeing all for new growth.

Sifting through our buried emotions reminds me of coming upon these bones on a trial in Southern India so long ago. We are asked to reclaim our feelings just as our mother reclaims our bones, freeing all for new growth.

I awoke from a dream where one of my children was crying in distress. My heart is still feeling this as I tune into the earth in these quiet pre-dawn hours. There are many souls in distress as we move more fully into the light. My mother’s heart wishes to enfold all, as I echo our Mother Earth’s heart that holds us all with such love. I hear her intone the age old mother’s sound, “Hush, hush now my child.” Soothing us, as I did my babes, with a hand caressing our brows. February began with that energy for me, a hush from the earth. We are in need of this soothing touch as the love streaming into our planet is touching each of us in such personal ways. Any wall that we had erected about our heart, as a form of defense, is being melted away. Indeed, the light is piercing inward to all the closets and drawers where we stored feelings that we did not know how to handle. It is as if a mighty wind has blown through and we are left with all our belongings tossed on the curb, for all to see. Distress is indeed present as we attempt to gather the feelings up and stuff them back in drawers. But the winds of love have done their job well as the drawers and closets are damaged beyond repair. There is nowhere to hide these feelings, no place to stuff them safely away. Each feeling must be picked up and addressed, one by one. There is no other way. You may believe otherwise and take off running down the road, only to discover all your baggage following you. You may try to throw it on your neighbor’s pile, thinking no one would notice, but it all comes back to land in front of you, once again. You may stand and shout, “This is not mine!” But it all carries your identifying signature. There is no escaping it. Embarrassment, worry, fear, panic, rage, anxiety…..all may arise in response to all these unfelt feelings. Many are sitting on the curb, wailing their laments. Others are begging for help, which is a wonderful first step as our angelic team awaits our call in order to step in. The process must begin and no one can do it for us.  It takes our commitment and love to release the stored energy. All of it wishes to be freed back to the reality of love that it truly is. All of our feelings arose to assist us in our growth. We were misled, taught to store feelings that felt too powerful, too awful, too raw, into our beautiful  bodies. We were taught to erect a shell about our heart in order to be safe. We were taught that we were not strong enough nor good enough to face the world straight on.

We are strong enough. We are good enough. Say that out loud to yourself a few times: I am good enough. I am good enough. I am good enough. How does that feel? Do you believe yourself? Hold that thought and pick up the first feeling in the pile you see lying in front of you. Oh my, it is from my twenty- two year old self, who has just listened to her mother screaming; “Who do you think you are? You will never get that knight in shining armor you seem to think is coming!” Breathing it in, recalling my mother’s pain when I refused a marriage proposal. Oh, this was about her desires and disappointments, not mine. I let the feelings go through, compassion arose, for all her dreams that had not come true. A smile burst forth in my being, I AM going to be met in love. It has not happened yet, but the knowing of its arrival is strong in me. I am worth dreaming big for, I am going for the gold in love. With that, the feeling of pain disappeared. One down, what is next? Oh, this is my three year old self who realizes that she is not to play, but rather be responsible for her siblings. I feel the pressure to keep them safe from the angry adults but am so small myself. I hold her and tell her that I will watch out for the others and she can scamper off to play. She can be the child.

The lightness we feel when we allow our inner light to shine!

The lightness we feel when we allow our inner light to shine!

One by one, we are the adults who can now clear up all this debris. It is possible to have fully open, spacious hearts, allowing each moment a wide field of love in which to unfold. We can choose to feel every now moment completely. If pain arises, I can sit as witness to that pain. I can open my heart field of peace and allow it to be enfolded. There is nothing to fear. This field of love can handle guilt, shame, sorrow, grief…….all of it can be projected onto its screen and viewed as the cry for love that it is. We can sit back and watch it and let it go, ready to view the next scene. We do not have to replay a scene over and over. That is the old way and it got us nowhere. By being the viewer, the observer, we allow the scenes to come and to go. This pile of unresolved feelings begins to disappear. Our hearts grow lighter and we move with new freedom in our bodies. Massage and other body work can be helpful to dislodge deeply embedded emotions. I have sobbed on a yoga mat as a movement released some feeling as well as on a massage table. A loving voice of a friend,  can provide a release as can a piece of music. There are so many avenues open to us to welcome these feelings in and allow them to release back to the love. Acknowledgment from another, validating what you experienced, can be liberating but is not always available. I did not have that opportunity with my parents but give it freely to my children, apologizing for harmful behavior that my awareness now allows. I give it freely to myself, playing the parental role.

We are only as conscious in the moment, as we are. This thought can bring freedom as we let others off the hook, knowing that they did the best that they could at the time. That thought has helped me through many a dark night. The majority of humans want to be good, do good, bring good to others. They give as much as their woundedness allows. We are poised to create a new earth, we need to bring our wholeness to the task. That means we must take the hand of our inner child, soothe them and strengthen them so that our actions reflect our inner field of peace, acceptance, and love. So, pop a batch of popcorn, sit on the sofa and begin the viewing of all that is ready to depart. See it, feel it, love it and release it. Consider it your earthwork, recycling heaviness into light. Our mother will be smiling at you with such love and gratitude.


Full Moon Moving Us as Eclipse Offers Choice Point

A cloud that danced for me as the full moon began to rise yesterday.

Today feels like a demarcation point. The “What do you choose?” has become louder and each of us is answering, aware or not. No choice is still a choice. We can either let go of everything of the old and trust that greater opportunities and experiences await us, or we can snuggle down in the comfort of the known and play that out. No good or bad….simply experiences of the soul. Do I open my heart wide, greet each moment with love or do I remain behind a shield that seems to offer safety. I am choosing the pink rose of love as my shield for there is no greater power on earth. It is to me to unleash that power through the vehicle of my heart.

My heart awoke on wings of love as I set my alarm early to participate in a meditation with this full moon and lunar eclipse. We were sent a script to read out if we choose. I lit my pink candle and opened to the energies. I was taken aback by the love that filled my room. It was radiating love and as I read the words of forgiveness for the parts that we have all played, the good, the bad and the ugly…….and felt the oneness and love of our truth sinking in, tears poured down my cheeks. I had wondered recently at my choice of books from the library. Many were of traumatic events that took place, people who had suffered violence and mistreatment and went on to overcome those memories. One of WWII and its pain. Not my usual choice yet I saw how by immersing myself in these stories and feeling them from a broader perspective, I was bringing all the parts back to love. My heart could be a transformer, it could feel the pain that drove the violence, the fear that flashed out in anger. Oh, my mother’s heart took it in and wanted to wrap it all in pink blankets of love. So, the stories prepared my heart to be fully present with today’s meditation. Another reminder to trust the ways of Spirit, to trust my higher self is always guiding me to my highest path.

My Mother Mary, pink roses, and candle burnt to a stub. She teaches me how to radiate the lovelight.

During the half hour of the meditation, the smell of the sweetest incense filled the air. I looked around, knowing that I had not lit any. I welcomed the fragrance as I realized that one of the light beings present had thought to add to the experience for me. Thank you! The magic is becoming more apparent as I open myself more fully to it. Everything wants to play with us, co-create with us. The rain falling gently on the roof this morning has loosened leaves from the branches. A gust of wind sent them whirling like dervishes and I felt myself spinning in that ecstatic dance of the Sufis. A shot of that played in the documentary, The Quantum Activist, that I watched with my son last night. I used that shot to see myself in flowing white, dancing within the leaf as it made its descent. See how perfectly one thing feeds into the next experience? But we need eyes to see and ears to hear in order to catch these magical moments.

This painting of my son's, Gabriel, leads me through the open doorway beyond, echoing my feelings of the moment.

We stand on the cusp of the most magical month in the history of all of our lives on this planet. Choose to let go, surrender and open to the love and you will find magic aplenty! This is the greatest show on earth that we have waited eons for. Be fully present……you do not want to sleep through the show. Stand up, walk to the front row seat and declare your intent to be one of the co-creators of this new earth. It is an open call, no one turned away that offers an open heart and a willingness to be transformed. I have claimed my seat and my hand is raised. I surrender everything and everyone I have known. I lay it all upon the altar in offering, in trust of the love of the Creator. I desire to be that conduit of love for Her/His love. I polish my chalice in the sure knowledge that there is no loss, only gain as I await the infilling of that divine light. Fill my heart, on Mother/Father God that I might shine as your heart upon the earth!

Mother Earth speaking to me on my walk, I took a stick to outline the offering for others who are to follow.

This earth of ours is such a courageous being. She has decided to ascend as have I, to return ever closer to the heart of the One. Yet, she is making cosmic history as she has determined to take all of us, her children, with her. She will not leave any behind. She has started and had to stop many times to give us more time to mature, to grow into the truth of the love that we are. She now is at the point of no return, the rest of the universe awaits her arrival and move, she must. She has made provisions for those who do not choose at this time, to join her. She will keep a doorway open that they may enter when they are ready. What grace! What love! For those of us who are ready, we will fly with her into the new earth that awaits. None of us know this landscape, nothing is guaranteed as it has never been done. Our dear mother moves ahead with a heart that I can hardly comprehend, it is so magnificent. I offer her blessings as I ask her to ground me firmly to her amazing heart as we take this magic carpet ride. God bless our mother Gaia, may God bless each one of us.

Oneness Dreamscape

Doubtful Sound in the fjords of south New Zealand

Sept 7th I am at Fox Glacier. I arrived after a six hour drive from Queenstown. It was my first experience of renting a car and driving on the wrong side of the road. Twice after pulling out of places as twilight approached and it was pouring buckets, I found myself looking at an approaching vehicle in my lane. Oh, I mean their lane! Move over Linda! Yikes. Fatigue does funny things, my brain defaulted to the right side of the road in its weariness. Definitely a sign that it was time to find lodging. Stopped at a couple of places, one did not answer the bell, one was a full apartment which I did not need nor desire. And finally, one was just right! A cafe a half a block away, a kind innkeeper, warm duvet and an electric heater in the room. It continued to storm throughout the night and I was cozy in my wood paneled room listening to the rain on the roof.

On my drive I discovered that I feel uncomfortable when hemmed in on both sides by forest. My spirit collapses in on itself. I realized this when the land opened into pasture land with sheep and cows and a vista for my eyes to travel. Relief! Later there was the ocean for a brief bit so I got out to walk on the shore with the crashing waves. There were piles of white stones all about, used as tablets by passerbys to leave their messages. Some were in remembrance of loved ones passed on, others carried their names and home countries as a marker of their passing by. I found it moving. I found my rock and left my message of peace and love to this land of New Zealand from California. I do love this land. I flowed liquid  lovelight all along my route, feeling the mountains and rainforests in their pristine beauty. Waterfalls gushed down the rock faces and splashed onto the highway as I passed. I had to stop and wait for a rockslide area that was being cleared. The innkeeper told me that the day before the road had been closed due to the slide and had only opened that morning. There are dozens of one land bridges that you cross, signs tell you if you have the right of way or not though you have to slow down and look before preceding.

sunlight dancing on the water

I told my angels last night that I must be up for the driver of the year award. My, I have driven so many miles of highway in the past three years! Much of it, lonely highway where I do not see many other cars. I tone, I sing, I cry, I sigh. I flow my lovelight and ask the peace to settle deep into our Mother’s core. This morning I fell into a dreamscape. I do not do formal meditation but can access that space of otherness. I was floating on a body of water, arms and legs outstretched, feeling the joy of being held by the Mother and connected to her core as well as the power running through me from the Father, shining His/Her light down into me. From above and below, causing an explosion of light and love in my heart. I intended for that love, peace, abundance and harmony to flow outward. I asked the undines of the water and the sylphs of the air to carry my message on their currents all around the world. Instantly, it was done. I love the elementals! They are so eager to work with us to bring this planet to her divine perfection and to assist all souls to ascend with our Mother.

dolphin doing a spin at the bow of the boat

As I was floating in waves of deep peace, another came who is so dear to my heart. He took my hand and looked over at me as we both lie floating on our backs. He smiled and I smiled back as the oneness engulfed us. There was no need for words as all was known and all was love. Another then came and took my other hand, again I looked over and smiled as the oneness took us deeper. One by one, hand by hand, others joined until all the waters of the earth were covered with folks floating in the oneness and beaming the love flame to the earth. Joy is too small a word for what was experienced. The tipping point came as more people felt the desire to join. It was time to cover the land masses. We all tipped over as it were, now we were facing downward towards the earth as we float in the air just above her. Our hands and hearts were still joined as we beamed our love to the earth. People came out of their houses to see the sight of us. Funny, it was as if we were the UFO’s but we were not unidentified and we were indeed of starry origin. As we have all come from the stars! People could feel the love and their hearts opened to it. They began to reach up to us. When their hearts filled with the love and opened completely, they rose up and joined hands and became part of our circle about the globe. Oh, it was magical! Children were laughing, old folks were crying as all felt the love permeate this planet. All knew that this was a blessed event and the time to join was NOW!

I could hear a hum begin and grow louder as more people added their heart’s flame to the oneness. All began to vibrate in the unity consciousness. Tears fell as I recognized this sound, the sound of home. I had long known that there would come a point when we and the earth would harmonize with one another, with our galaxy,  with the universe and with the Creator. There are no words to describe the beauty of that sound. It contained every blessed thing of this earth and beyond. It sang of a love that I have never experienced in an earthly life. It was the note from Home. The caress of the lover, the comfort and love of being held and rocked in the arms of the Mother, the safety and protection of the Father as his eyes twinkle the message well done, my child, well done!

Later that day, I stopped at a hot pool to soak in the waters. At one point, I found myself floating on my back and the sensation of this dreamscape came rushing in. How beautiful! In that moment, all was right with my world.

sunrise over the Remarkables

Dreaming the New into Being

I am still in this very dreamy space observing as so many strange symptoms and energies move through. Tonight I got cold and could not get warm for hours it seemed. I am in bed with long underwear on, the baseboard heater going, window closed (I always like it open a bit) and my down comforter on..oh yeah. I have added a wool shawl around my shoulders and was just now able to discard the cashmere cardigan. Yes, I had it on over the long underwear! No, it is not freezing here, I am in the Pacific Northwest in

My perch for my morning tea.....bliss

summer, in a house, not sleeping on the ground in the mountains! At 11:11pm  I awoke after an hour or so of sleep. Needed a nibble of food in my belly.  A handful of almonds did the trick. Returned to bed, not to sleep and read for a time. Bladder call so to the bathroom and see it is 1:11am. (the double and triple numbers are so common nowadays whenever I look at a clock, it makes me laugh). Now I take an orange back to bed as I am finally heating up and that cool juice sounds good. Reading glasses found as my eyesight is in its out of order phase. It is perfect at times and blurry at others. I know it is all part of this marvelous metamorphis that we are all going through.

I spent last night with a friend in her one night acting as the caretaker of a lighthouse. The job involved opening and closing the gate to the park each morning and night. It was situated in a lovely spot on the beach. She told me Mount Rainier was right across the water but due to the overcast skies, we would not see it. I called to the spirit of the mountain and asked him to please show himself in the morning.  I awoke today to my friend calling for me to come and see the mountain. He was indeed showing himself and in my gratitude, I promised him a picture on my blog so here he is! He appears to be floating in a sea of clouds.

I sat on a swing looking out at the sea and felt so sated with the salt air, the wind caressing my face, the wild roses in my braid,  the golden and white poppies on the ground, rocking motion to soothe me, my warm jacket to snuggle in, the passing tugs pulling their barges, the picturesque sailboats skimming along and loaded freighters carrying their brightly colored cargo. So much beauty and I sent it all out in a stream of appreciation and love to humanity and the earth. This is my work, my cells were singing. I am taking it all in and then sending it out like a beacon of love for all to see. After all, I am at a lighthouse!

Looking up from my rocking chair I spied this nest of mud and twigs.

Beaming my liquid lovelight so bright that the tears fall. My heart at times expands so that it physically aches. My voice rising in tones of love. Wanting all to have their needs for food and shelter met. Wanting all to know this freedom to be and dance with the elements. Wanting all to have freedom of thought, to step out of the old lives and embrace the new that is in the offing. Wanting all to remember their power to create the lives that they dream of.

interesting bit of driftwood

Later I laid on the sand further along the beach and fell into a deep sleep. I was asking to be a conduit for the love and beauty abounding to move through me into the core of my mother. I was taken down and into a crystal city there of white domes and shining towers. I saw myself as a star, streaming rays of light and love. I saw that we are all stars, shining in ways we have not dreamed of. I connected with others and felt I was in heaven. Oh, this is what I came for, to bring this knowing to us all. To help raise the vibration on this planet so that we can all live in these new frequencies of love and unity.

It was difficult to find my way back as I was so immersed in the love. By spending my days drifting in it, I am helping to bring it closer for us all. Think of that when you have the opportunity to gaze at a tree, watch the sky turn pink, listen to the song of a bird. Savor it all and beam it to our mother and to one another with such joy! So simple and so powerful. We are creating this new world together every moment where we step out of fear and the numbing routine of swirling the past and future to embrace the small miracles that surround us in the moments. Nature is an easy gateway as are linen curtains blowing in the breeze, oil lamps lined up on someone’s private shore dining space, complete with fire pits, flowers, tables, hammocks and chairs (really!) Rocks that fit in your hand just so, a toddler tumbling along on chubby legs, the taste of salmon and asparagus roasted over a bed of driftwood eaten from your lemony fingers, laughter bursting forth between friends. All of it is grist for the mill of the new. Every one of us wants others to acknowledge the gifts that we

Fine linen curtain found in the bathroom.

bring. We begin with acknowledging those of one another as well as all that our mother gifts us with. Everything is energy and appreciates being noticed.

Yes, these linen curtains sang in response to my noticing as did this tree. All is alive. Sing to it and it will sing to you! Time to open the window and turn down the heat…..3;33am, time for sleep.


Feeling with our Mother

Ice still visible on Lake Windermere

Yesterday we went off to spend some time at a hot springs. The drive through the mountains was beautiful. We took a back road, spotted a hawk sitting on a treetop as we passed, herd of elk and deer at their dinner hour in the fields, ravens about with their loud cry.  We stopped for lunch by a lake and had a wonderful view of an osprey nest on a platform built for that purpose.  Mom and Dad both visited and seemed to be tending something in the nest.

Our lunch time entertainment

We watched as they took turns diving in the nearby pond for fish. What beautiful birds! I loved the way they dropped off the nest and then gracefully opened their wings wide and soared upward. High overhead, two eagles plied the airwaves, doing such an elegant dance that my heart rose up in my chest. It reminded me of that scene in the movie, Avatar, where the lovers are riding huge birds with such speed and delight. Yes, I want to do the eagle dance with my love!

I noticed that something was up with me as my friend and I  split a smoked meat reuben sandwich for lunch. For someone who does not eat much meat, as of late, I have eaten barbecued elk, (delicious!), wild game sausages, and a sirloin burger. My body loved every bite, needing the grounding it gave me. This is one reason I do not define myself by what I eat as my body changes in what she needs day to day. The hot springs had a view of the mountains and the warm waters quickly worked their magic. It was such an enervating effect that we did not stay in very long. We ended the day at a spot by another lake. It was the still time of day, just before the sun sets. All sounds could be heard before the source appeared. We heard this pair of geese long before they came gliding into view to make their soft landing upon the water. A train’s deep rumble hit our ears then quieted as it came into view making its way along the tracks on the other side of the lake. I felt a part of the scene, the mountain reflected in the still surface of the water, the trees standing sentinel on the shore, the rocks under my feet, the cry of the geese. What is my part, I asked of it all.

I have collected so many heart rocks over the years and given so many away. This one wants to stay with me for a time.

To absorb and reflect the beauty and love present. Oh, yes. I can do this. Gathering it all into my heart and sending it out on streams of liquid lovelight. This is part of the alchemical process as we drink in the beauty through our senses and then use our heartlight to magnify and transmit. Oh, what a wonder it all is. Breathe in the peace, breathe it out and use the elementals to amplify it. They love doing this!! Our Mother Earth loves it too. She gifted me with a lovely heart rock on the shore, just the right size to lie on my chest. It told me that it was a keeper, that I am to carry it with me for now. I love the solid feel of it on my chest as I write!

Waves of deep energy running through me during the night. The winds were high, blowing in the window and causing my door to open and shut. I could feel so much running deep down in our mother and me. Again the message to lie still and allow it movement. I did manage to get up for tea and toast and followed the call back to bed. My limbs felt so heavy and I was guided to lie still and let the energy run. Friends emailed about the earthquakes that had taken place deep in the earth in various places. I could feel it in my body. 2pm, I got out of bed to go to my final acupuncturist appointment with the master. He asked me what I wanted his help with now that my body was doing well. That brought up tears. He asked if it was fear of not being able to contain the energy coming in. No, I have faced that fear in the past and truly know that I can expand to accommodate it. No, it was that we are milliseconds away from holding the fullness of our light. Deep breath……everything in me is singing, “The time is now, this is it!!” This makes my heart overflow as it has been such a long journey for us all. With the excitement there is also this deep river running through me of peace, calm, quiet. Two almost opposing emotions all contained herein. He understood and began his magic of connecting needles and points on my body. He told me to watch my mind and see what it had to teach me about being balanced with my spirit and body. I was amazed to see that I love to create fractals of energy in my mind… is busy, moving into ever deepening spirals. This time my body took this mind energy and ran it in waves down through me. I could feel it reach my fingertips and toes and then the Earth energy came up to meet it. I flowed it to her, she absorbed it. She demonstrated co-creation with her as together we can create fractals on her, in her instead of me getting caught in mindloops. OH! So this is how I stay balanced. I love this feeling! The master said to lie and savor this feeling as it was me at my best. Balanced, peaceful, whole.

I love this life. I am so grateful to this man who has helped me to be in my body in a new way and keep my mind and spirit  balanced and at peace. (I saw a Tibetan life where we were siblings playing together in the mountains. I know that soon he will be called to spread his wisdom far and wide and my heart is glad.) We are all so connected. Everyone and everything that shows up in our life has something to tell us, gift us, help us. The eagles showed me the dance of love, soaring apart and then together. The hot mineral water relaxed my being, my heart stone calmed, the mountains spoke of enduring strength. I am well prepared for what lies ahead. I am sated. Hear me oh universe, I am grateful!

Please flow love and violet flame about our Mother Earth this night. Hold her in your hearts as she does her work and ask for ease and grace to be with her.

Feeling our Mother

I have posted this painting of mine before but as I look at it today it has new meaning. I am feeling this intense energy of our Mother. She is unwinding her coils of stuck energy, just as we have been.

I just checked and it has only been three days since I lasted posted. It feels so much longer. Much healing has occurred. As I completed the recent emotional journey, my body went into its journey. I have had a bad cold, me who has not had a cold in years. I have read reports that flu like symptoms would become prevalent as we reset our bodies’ workings. I had gone with my younger son to San Francisco for the day to see the annual flower show at the art gallery where arrangements are made to interpret a particular painting. It came on the heels of a mostly sleepless night. The drive took an extra hour due to fierce rains. The crowds were enormous despite being a weekday. After a couple of hours, we were fried and decided to head home. My body began to feel worse and worse. Fortunately my son decided to spend the night. There is such comfort in knowing that someone is there when we are ill, even if we do not call upon them, we feel their presence.  I almost woke him at one point as I was in such pain. My cells felt like they were on fire. It was very intense. By morning the head and chest joined in for a full blown cold. I was shown a picture of the energy stream we created as we drove there and back and mingled with the throngs. It was another confirmation that if you feel an impulse to do something…trust it. Logically it did not make sense to go that day…..the rain storm, the fatigue but on some other level, it was just right. It was important. Trust is the name of the game for me.

We saw these flowers in red, green and this vibrant yellow! Amazing

We are all doing so much clearing. I am clearing my energy field so as to be a better transmitter or conductor for the pure lovelight that is flowing into the planet. That way, I can hold and move more liquidlovelight…yes it is real stuff! No accident about that name coming to me. I am meant to allow it to flow with ease through my body. This recent emotional and physical cleanse, clears the channel so that it is in better working order. I can feel the earth as she is in the throes of her birthing pains. She has 7 billion of us on her, each carrying their weight of issues. When you are weighed down with fear and anger, (at others but mostly at yourself)  you are a weight that she would like to throw off. For all who have gone through childbirth, you might recall the way you felt when anyone touched you with their own needs or offered their idea of help. You were so deeply in the process of birthing……you wanted to throw them off!  When you love yourself, express joy and appreciation, you are like a feather on her. You can even go from

huge wall hanging of gold flattened bottle caps...loved the rippling waves of it. A tapestry of metal.

being neutral like a feather, to being a help if you act as a conductor of the love energies… bringing the ice chips at the right time, or supporting and rubbing the back. It is our job to tune in to what our mother needs. She cannot spare the energy to tell us, she needs us to simply do it and be it. That support. You can ask to align your heart chakra with hers and offer your beams of love to her. You know how powerful that can be, to have someone holding you in love. I recall a friend making her first video for a worldwide audience. She asked me to sit and beam love at her for the afternoon’s taping and that is what I did. It was a solid thing that she could draw upon as needed.

We are all responsible for clearing our fields. There is no energy left for healing another, trying to move another to a new level of seeing, nor continuing relationships where we are not seen or respected.  It never was our job though we were taught to use our power in that way. Our sole job at this time, is to shine our light  for all we are worth. That means, cleaning the lens so that the light can be seen more clearly. Clearing the emotional body of the old programming of I am not enough, all comparisons, all judgments of self and others. Letting go of duality in all its myriad forms. That is being conscious in every moment: “Does this thought elevate others or myself? Does this thought bring me joy? Does this thought or action ennoble myself or others?” We are creating our world together. We are creator beings. I read a wonderful article about this by Peggy Black and her angel team: She speaks of the power of our imagination when combined with our emotions. These are our creating gifts. My son summed it up after reading this as: imagination+emotion=our genius moments! I like that. She speaks of how worry is the distorted use of our imagination and gives some powerful exercises to turn this around.

Such creativity in interpreting the paintings. I loved the dark, fluid tree form!

There is a huge letting go…of relationships that no longer serve us, possessions that we do not use, activities that do not uplift us, any way of giving away our time or energy that does not feel good! Our emotions truly are our guides in this. I have a reoccurring theme in my dream space. I hear this message: As the chaos rises, so too must your inner core of peace and calm. You have been prepared for this. I can feel that there are more earth changes ahead and I am told to see it is necessary in the birthing and to hold to the larger vision of what is taking place. When you are in labor, you do not need anyone freaking out because you are exhibiting pain. You do not want someone saying, “Oh my, this is awful, you poor thing! This should not be happening.” That does not help. You want to be surrounded by folks who are calm, centered and offer soothing words of support like, “You are doing great!” Who hold the vision of the beautiful baby to come. Our mother is birthing herself anew and the world to

lovely scene of spring flowers

come is of a beauty that we cannot imagine. Already it takes my breath away and I can only feel its presence as it makes its way down the birth canal. Wow!!! Hold to that vision of beauty. When you hear of earth changes, know our mother knows what she is doing as do all beings who may transition from the changes.On a soul level, they have agreed to this. Offer prayers of support and love but do not stand there adding energy of fear or upset.  Birth that beauty in yourself. Do you truly see that as you birth the truth of your own beauty to yourself, you allow others to see your radiance and you gift our mother with so much.

Wild and wonderful!

My sons had an encounter with an older gentleman sitting outside the local store. He could have been mistaken for a vagrant as he had a weathered countenance and appearance. They sat and had a conversation with him and it turns out he was a retired professional football player. He said that he could see that they were of “we consciousness” rather than “me consciousness”. He shared that he was in town for the passing of his mother and what a heart opening and sacred event it was for him. As they went to leave, he said, “You are both so sparkly!” As we stand in our truth, we are seen by those who have eyes to see. Our light is shining as we birth our higher Christed selves into this form. This is a time of magic.

A bit of green in honor of St Paddy from the stairwell of the art museum.

Oh, speaking of magic, Happy St. Patrick’s Day!! Truly take in the wonder of where we are and savor these holy moments as we go through this shift of the ages. It is all sacred. It is all divine. Including you! Take a moment to expand into the love that you are…….and feel the magic.

Trying to Catch Up with Myself

The energies have been flying for me. I found myself wanting to remain at every place that I had a little hit of these past couple of weeks. Why am I moving so quickly? My emotional and physical bodies are not wanting this speed but my soul is prompting me onward. What is up with the energies??

Look at this beautiful river. I swam across it (not very far) and felt so embraced by its clearness, its coolness. I wanted to spend days looking for rocks in its crystalline depths. It was surrounded by huge redwood trees. I laid on the rocks and went out……a deep sleep that seemed to pull me into the center of my mother. Bliss. I enjoyed two nights on a beautiful piece of property that is a sanctuary for the earth. My new friends tend it with such love. They have planted trees, trucked in loads of rocks, hauled in silt and organic matter that the plants desire, move their chicken coop about so that there is fresh grass for the chickens. The woman speaks with the plants and her beloved worms. They tell her what they want. She hears their
excitement when she is prepping veggies from her garden in the kitchen. She has about six bins filled with compost and worms. They let her know which bin gets that day’s worth of

veggie matter and they wriggle with delight as she stirs it in. The soil that they produce for her is dark and rich. It looks like
you could eat it! I wanted to sit at her feet and absorb her wisdom. I went out to pick blueberries ( I gorged myself on them) and then blackberries. As I was attempting to pick, the berries told me to hold up the colander and the ripest ones would simply hop in. And they did! I almost dropped the strainer as I was so surprised to hear them speak. It was like being in an enchanted land. Everything worked together to create harmony. My friend explained that everything wants to give to us. They plant and harvest eucalyptus

trees for firewood. She told me she felt sad when it came time to cut them down. The trees told her that from the moment that she had planted them, they knew the moment of their demise. They were happy to be of use as firewood. They told her that it is the same with us, when we are born, we know the timing of our death. So interesting how nature wants to be of service to us. We can play our part and join in the cycle of service and love. I was touched deeply by this land and know that I will be a part of this cycle of the land soon.

Fleeting images and sensations: eating gluten free coffee cake fresh from the oven to celebrate a friend’s 60th birthday, sitting on a bed with two other women, rubbing essential oils into one another’s feet and anointing our third eyes like the priestesses we are, walking on the ocean shore gathering rocks that felt like treasures, later spilling our finds and exclaiming over the beauty as we made the difficult decisions as to which ones could travel with us, (how many pounds of rocks can Maxie carry!) returning to a small hotel in Ashland run by a sweet Indian family and being given a room with a view of their veggie garden out back and the rolling hillsides (wore earplugs for the highway sounds as the view was worth it), eating steamed greens at the colorful coop in town, having a clear view of Mount Shasta once again as I cruised south and hearing his gentle laugh with me, stopping at the headwaters to fill my water bottles with its sweet elixir, laying on a blanket staring up at my son’s favorite tree and hearing his hawk cry above us, seeing my friend’s beauty as a shawl that called out to me for her, enfolded her when she needed it as she had come from days of caring for an ill friend, connecting and clearing energies with a crystal bowl and a dear friend, speaking with my daughter and hearing her strength and joy. So many moments, each so perfect and full.

And me on the highway again. Feeling the pull back to explore each one more fully yet knowing that there is only forward motion. Hearing that these are my seeds, the vibrations of each fill my heart and I carry them onward to plant in new soils/souls. Sighing deeply as I hear to savor this time. Savor the days of travel as soon there will be a landing spot. Savor the world as duality is ending and unity is the all. I feel a peace seeping into the land wherever I lay. Each day, I find a place to connect and go in. Mother wants me deep now. My friend asked me to anchor her as she went into meditation. I saw a tree root like a rope bind her and me and take us down to the core of our mother. We both fell instantly asleep and when I awoke, I could not move my limbs. The sense of peace is filling my cells so that they want to flow downward and spread like liquid gold on the land. I am feeling how the seeds of peace are spreading. How we have become peace, we are the new cities of light, we are the streams that flow. My heart rejoices that we have arrived. That we are living in the new and these currents are reaching up to slow folks down, to let their hands loosen on the bundle of their lives. We can watch and allow the relaxation with wonder. We are seeing how beingness moves the energies without our efforting. It is a time of wonder. Off to dreamland, to flow in that river of peace.