Dreamt of Entering the New World

Image from a unicorn book, the swirling vortex that takes us to our freedom.

Image from Michael Green’s Unicornis book, the swirling vortex that takes us to our freedom.

Oh, I love this recent eclipse energy! The night before last, I dreamt of being in a place that was full of mud and slime. My daughter was with me (she is currently in Indonesia), and we were cleaning up all this muck. It was intense work and I was reminding her that we had tools and it made it easier if we chose the right one for each type of refuse we were dealing with. When I awoke, I felt we were working in different hemispheres of the earth, transmuting the dross of humanity’s creation into the golden light of love. I was so grateful to be working with her, she is a mighty warrior of lovelight!

Last night’s dream was spectacular. I got up about 3 a.m. with the dream vivid in my mind. I went outside to be bathed in the moonlight and drink in the wonder that I felt. My elder son was still up and so I was able to share the giddiness I felt with him. Earlier in the evening, my sons and I had sat around a fire as the full moon began its rise in the east. We were so conscious of all that is in the process of collapsing and the gift the moon and eclipse offered all. A reset, a mini- death once again as so much was made clear and a new operating system was installed.

Our outdoor firepit blazing.

Our outdoor firepit blazing.

In my dream, I had been meeting with a group who represented all the kingdoms and races of many universes. We knew one another yet on the surface, we appeared separate. It was as if others viewed us as enemies and yet we knew we were only playing these roles. We had all been trained in the ability to beam our heartlights to such an extent that we could hold humanity in our lovelight. I had been speaking of that with my sons as we sat around the fire, watching the salamanders dancing in the flames and the coals burning bright on the earth. I knew my heart had the ability to burst into a conflagration of fiery elements. I could pulse its heat in waves to all hearts. I understood the phrase, warrior of the heart, on a deep level.

The cover illustration from Michael Green's book. All the kingdoms will be with us once again, including the unicorns!

The cover illustration from Michael Green’s book. All the kingdoms will be with us once again, including the unicorns!

We all knew that an event was on the horizon that would herald the entrance into the new earth. None of us knew the timing but we each held a key to it. We knew a signal would be felt in our hearts to let us know it was GO! We were to then beam our heartlights for all we were worth. In my dream, it happened. As the heartlights beamed bright, a huge sinkhole opened in the earth and in a blink of an eye, we slid into the inner earth and discovered paradise. Our Agarthan (inner earth) brothers and sisters greeted us and our Galactic families joined us. The beauty and sense of freedom were unparalleled. I was giddy with the perfection of the plan! Oh, my it was so simple, so brilliantly executed, so wondrous. It was like a magician pulling a tablecloth out from under the dishes set on the table. Our landscape was pulled out from under us like a rug and we were deposited ever so gently on a new firmament. The wonder of it is still flowing in my veins. We have been taught to look up to the skies but this took place down, into the earth! Expect the unexpected, oh yes.

Stamp of the brotherhood who preserved the Unicornis manuscript. I love this symbol!

Stamp of the brotherhood who preserved the Unicornis manuscript. I love this symbol!

We were all free to begin, like children in a playground. We were free to find our playmates and go off and create whatever filled our hearts with joy. Freedom is a heady elixir! Oh, I am left so glad. So grateful for divine timing, for dropping beliefs and moving into knowing, for my heart that can transmit liquidlovelight like golden rain. We are close. All the wonders are at hand. It makes me savor the morning dew, the hummingbird who came to drink from the flowers nearby, the squirrels busy burying their nuts, the white doves who do a fly by every morning and evening before settling on the wires at the corner of our lot. Their wings glisten in the light and they look like angels dancing in the sky. A deep peace permeates my being this morning. I know my part, I play it well and the success of this play is assured. This is a story that will be told down through the ages as our grandchildren marvel that we were here, members of the cast that performed to standing room only audiences, drawn from the multiverses. My hat is off to each and every one of you. Well done! Know this truth, live it and breath it and it shall be. The golden age of peace is at hand.

Tipping Point Reached……Deep Sigh of Relief

Today is  a day to sprawl out under a beautiful tree and sigh deeply with our mother earth.

Today is a day to sprawl out under a beautiful tree and sigh deeply with our mother earth.

I find myself sighing with relief today as I sense that we have indeed passed the tipping point of light and love on this planet of ours. Yesterday the energy coming through had a newness, a freshness to it that I felt in my bones. Not to mention heat rising, a need for gallons of water as well as more rest as my body released years held tension. It was the plan all along that freedom would return but it has hung in the balance more times than I wish to recall.  I knew we had passed a marker and could hear the cheering from our galactic and inner earth families as we did so.

I am savoring this moment. Breathing into it and allowing the joy to wash through me. I can send ribbons of heartlight out to all of our human family through my intention. These ribbons carry the news, the hope, the rope that says,” Hang on! Love is here in force.” We are standing on a new foundation that we have helped create. From this foundation, we will be able to co-create the new earth that our hearts have dreamt of. Our mother earth is ready for us, she is shaking the last of the old from her back, lending her assistance and love to each of us for a new life.

September 11th is almost upon us. A day to honor those who gave their lives so we could awaken to the truth of unity and love. A day to say no more to being pawns for an overseers’ agenda of war. We will no longer be duped by propaganda that seeks to separate and divide. Let us remember that we are one people and fill our hearts with peace and goodwill towards all men.  Let us vow to make this world safe for all women and children on this planet.


Empty ourselves of the old so that we may be filled with the new.

The fires of purification stand at the ready to release any remaining structures, beliefs, relationships that no longer resonate with this new being that I am and you are.  We have a little less than two weeks until the doorway of the equinox opens. When we step through, we will enter a new land. You cannot enter with baggage, all must be dropped at the gate. These next days offer the opportunity to get ready for our departure. What I know in my cells, is that nothing of value will be lost. No  matter what you are called to surrender, your old griefs, old wounds, attachments, habits……drop them. Forgive everyone, forgive yourself and move on. Step to the doorway naked as you have ever been. Yes, there are some wonderful things we have experienced in this reality. We can be grateful and anticpate creating anew. I am trusting, that there are more wonders awaiting me. Evolution is a forward, expanding process and so what awaits is further expansion of our hearts. . More of our gifts returning, more magical abilities to play with and master.  A greater capacity to love and receive love. Oh, the freedom……I can hear its tones enticing me onward.

Take a deep breath, pat yourself on the back for adding your lovelight to this victory. We came to bring heaven to earth. We no longer have to seek upwards for higher consciousness, it is time for us to recognize that it has always been inside us and to begin to embody it and ground it here on our mother. I can hear the laughter already, egging me onward. There is no one’s hand to hold as all are held by their own I AM presence. I look to myself, call in the fires of purification to burn 24/7 any remaining dross in my being. I desire to be empty in body, mind and spirit so as to be infilled with this new liquidlovelight that is pouring in.  Oh the joy!

The Tightrope Dancers

The sun bursting through the clouds.

The sun bursting through the clouds.

Awoke with this image of so many of us, on a tightrope. We sense that our landing spot is just ahead, though our vision is limited at present. We glance over our shoulder at how far we have come and know that there is no turning back. If we look below, (always a tricky business as we are trying to maintain our balance, after all) we see all the things that we have jettisoned in order to have made it this far. So much that was near and dear to our hearts has been let go of. We feel the lightness and are glad. The wind picks up and begins to blow and it takes all of our focus to maintain our balance on our rope. We start to think of that warm coat, (think traditional employment), the hat that kept off the rain, (think owning a home), a warm meal eaten by a fire, (think family and possessions) and all that we knew to represent comfort and security. Yet, here we are, balanced on a tightrope across a chasm deep.

Our hearts tell us that a new world is just around the corner, we can feel its pulse. Our eyes have yet to see it, our bodies have yet to be warmed by it, our thoughts struggle to understand it. Our hearts dance and twirl with the feeling of it. Expansion ripples through each cell and threatens to throw us off balance with their movement.

We strain our eyes to see through the mist as we are so ready to stand on firm ground and feel rooted once again. The tightrope that lured us, has lost its appeal. Our feet ache from the strain and our bodies long to lie upon the earth. Being an adventurer has grown old, and the onlookers have long gone home.

I feel so many around me, taking the leap from the old ways into a new that they cannot name but can no longer resist. Many of my friends are like me, living in a room in someone’s house, staying with their adult children or camping out of their car. We move about as we are called by our soul, a modern day group of nomads wandering the highways and byways. We see the seeming safety of the old world, folks with mortgages and retirement accounts and settled “normal” routines. We wonder, have we made the fool’s choice? Yet, we go on.

There is a palpable feeling in the air and the earth that says we are at the threshold. The mist may lift in the next second, hold on! Hold on! We are about to land.

I see us like children, set free to run and play!

I see us like children, set free to run and play!

I bow to the courage and tenacity of all my fellow tightrope walkers. My heart sends out a ribbon of support as we take these last steps when it seems all the elements have conspired to press us ever more fiercely. We let it all go, let it flow over us and through us, feeling the flame of love engulf us. We are being welcomed home. There is a whole new galley of folks cheering at the finish line. Our brothers and sisters from the stars and our inner earth family, all come to whistle and hoot and clap their hands as we take our last steps on this tightrope. They are ready to wrap us in arms of love and show us around this new world we have longed to see. I see myself dropping to my knees to kiss the ground as I  sob with the relief that we have arrived.

Of course, tomorrow may find me in a well of depression, flat on my back and unable to move.  I am simply savoring this second day of feeling joy coursing through me. I am sharing this tightrope vision but am unattached, allowing the feelings to expand in me, no longer holding to visions or dates or anything outside of my heart. We are wiser beings now!


It is Not Linear and It is Not a Mistake

IMGP5061I have been on a journey, from the heights to the depths and the spaces in between. Today is the first day that there arises the ability to put words to the experiences. The greatest ahas have been that our lives are not linear as we were taught and that I can trust life. We live in a circular space of the now. All is contained in the present moment.  A linear view of our life is limiting and damaging. It serves to keep us past, present, and future orientated rather than present in the now. I can trust that what shows up in each moment has been lovingly tailored for my growth by my own higher self. I have been shown that there are no mistakes, only misunderstandings caused by focusing through a limited view. This has taken some breathing in and out as I allow integration in my system. My head can understand a concept but for my heart to live it, to radiate it, it must become an organic part of my being. My cells have to feel it and embody it, every part of me humming with it. This shows up as the passage of days, weeks, as I tone and sing the song of my heart into my cells and the unity grid of the planet.

Playing with oil paints

Playing with oil paints

On Valentine’s Day, the day of love, I found myself down the rabbit hole once again, standing in a puddle of shame. This holiday, and indeed all holidays, have become fodder for the corporations to feed on the masses with the message to consume in order to prove that you are loved. There is such a narrow band width of love highlighted on this particular holiday, that of romantic love, as we have been programmed to understand it. This leaves most of the population out of the loop, creating separation where true love creates only unity and oneness. As the energies shift, we are becoming more sensitized to untruth. I found myself reacting in anger to the falseness of this energy brought through a dozen red roses, the symbol of this day. It played out with another, the anger pointing outwards triggering a resulting sense of shame to both for falling so far from the vibration of love. We had tapped into old energy patterns brought up through the vehicle of this love day, which allowed us to step beyond, into the truth of our relationship in the now.

Mount Shasta framed.

Mount Shasta framed.

As I pondered how I could have felt the truth of the Christ consciousness in my being only days before and then fallen into the depths of anger and victimhood, my higher self showed me the circular nature of our universe. We see things as steps, moving ever higher on the ladder which keeps us locked in a pattern of self judgment as we compare ourselves with others as well with an external ideal of what rung of the ladder we “should” be on. Beware of all shoulds! These ideals of growth and how it should look are programmed by our culture, religions, race, sex. A part of me interpreted the movement into shame and anger as a step that negated the Shasta experience of birthing Christ consciousness. One canceling out another. If I could experience the highs, how could I return to the lows? What had I done wrong? My soul viewed it in a different light. It is not one step forward and two back. All steps are movement towards the expansion of light. What may appear on the surface to be a step backwards, may be the necessary catalyst for a person’s soul to find its truth. We cannot judge these outer expressions in another as we have all experienced that “hitting bottom” is oft times the only pathway to rising up. So let us refrain from judging ourselves as taking missteps or making mistakes. Let’s allow ourselves to observe from a space of neutrality and always give ourselves the benefit of the doubt, trusting our hearts to be aimed to love, despite what our wounding may be presenting at the moment.  Let us trust that each step takes us closer to our truth.

I have walked with anger and rage as my companions of late as I felt the revolutionary energies violently flowing through me. Everything I touched set them off. For one who normally looks through rose colored glasses, I was seeing mud everywhere! I was feeling the energy of the controllers behind the scenes who have: poisoned our waters and food to keep us docile and dumb, exported terrorism all over the world in such a way to allow Americans to believe we are lily white while our money rapes and pillages country after country, set up tax laws and so much else to benefit those with the money, kept ordinary folks out of the loop by writing laws in obfuscating language, indoctrinated our children in our schools to be the square peg to fit in the cubicle hole of adult life.  The list goes on and on. I took all of it in, not having to know all the particulars, rather feeling the energy behind it all; the enslavement of humanity that is now coming to an end. I found myself reading tales of the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia, the oppression of women in Saudi Arabia…..not my usual light fare.  I had to feel it so fully, to be in the cries of the child, the despair of the mother, the soldier trained to numb his soul in order to be a killing machine.  All was in me. The desire to harm another, the power lust that takes hold, this too had to be felt. Man’s inhumanity to man. Owning this as a part of my being. Knowing all that is in expression on this earth, is a part of me. Finding, feeling, expressing all elements of darkness as this anger  surged and screamed through my cells until it reached a fever pitch. Just when my sword burned to be unsheathed and swung into action, to fight fire with fire, I chose to give it all up. To release it all to my Creator. To turn it over to love and breathe anew.

I then was shown how my experience on Shasta was what allowed this fuller expression of all that stood opposite to love to emerge. I could feel it and hold it in a fuller tone so that more could be released from our mother earth’s fields. There is no canceling out, no missteps. All is guided by our higher aspects to allow us movement and growth into the wholeness of our being. Once again, the importance of trust rings through me as I feel how lovingly I am guided by my own being. I take such good care of me! My higher self so loves me. I feel the Creator’s love and know it as my own.

Flowing with the currents.

Flowing with the currents.

This is my work, our work. To be agents of change, to transform our miscreations back to the light of love. To hold the oppressor and the oppressed in my heart, and to see the truth of both hearts yearning for the freedom of love. This is how we create heaven on earth, through my heart, your heart, our hearts. We must each walk through that valley of darkness, feeling lifetimes of pain and suffering that we inflicted as well as experienced. It is a tunnel of fire that will consume all that is not truth. We each must walk blindfolded into this new land, feeling our way by our internal guidance system, gifted to us in our hearts. The old structures and forms are collapsing, there is no one to lead. Uncertainty and change are the norm. Fluidity becomes the stable ground, we are trees rooted in our own beingness, swaying gracefully with the elements. We are being gifted with the opportunity to walk into a new creation of unity and oneness, where all are sovereign in their fields, yet the we consciousness has replaced the I. This is what we were excited about, this is why we volunteered to come! We knew that it was an opportunity to create in a new way, to bring a new version of heaven to earth through the many star nations presently incarnated here. How amazing to have the chance to each bring our flame from home, offering it to the mix, knowing a new song is to arise that will resound throughout the universes.

Begin your fire walk by feeling everything that comes to you, fully, in the moment it appears. Accept all as a gift from your higher self, allowing you movement. Trust that you are worthy of love and all in your world is there to assist you to feel that love. Allow your tone to be tempered in the flames of love and your throat to open to express that love with all that you are. I so love you! I am hearing the harmony of our hearts as we hold the tone of this new earth. My, we are magnificent!

What is Your Greatest Expression on This Planet?

Arranging berries and leaves gave me great joy, informing my expression.

Arranging berries and leaves gave me great joy, informing my expression.

Today I shared a watershed moment with a dear friend. We both felt the movement to embodying the greatest expression of ourselves. So many new aspects of our divinity have landed in of late and are asking for expression. What is the gift that I came to give? What is  my highest truth? What is being called forth in this now moment? As we played with these questions, my heart answered. Has yours?

It may surprise you that your gift is not what you perceived it to be up until now. It may not be what you presently do for your occupation. It may, like mine, have no definable label. We are talented in so many ways, we each came laden with a host of gifts to offer this world. But what I am talking about is what is calling to you now? What is asking to be emanated to the world through your unique flame? I am being called to focus my heart light on this one thing, this one expression. When you voice it, the tears may come as they did for me. It is so deep and powerful. We are being asked to dare to dig deep and uncover this deepest desire of our heart and bring it to the light of day. To not diffuse it with judgment (How can I claim to be an artist when there are so many great ones in the world?, How can my love of flowers be of note in the scheme of things?) We have to turn off the old records that warn us: “Watch out, you may experience disappointment, you know how painful that can be. You may fail, it is better to play it safe, and be comfortable in the groove you have worn.” Silence those voices with a stern: “No! I am no longer listening. I am tuning my dial to my heart and that is the voice that I shall heed. That is the song that I shall sing. ” Our hearts speak in a tone of love, gentleness, and encouragement. Drink that in deep. Let go of complaining about anything or anyone. Let go of the critic in your head. Let go of the idea of suffering. Let go of your old stories. Let go of excuses as to why you can’t. Let go of all that no longer serves your expression of your gift. Be that habits, people, activities. Stand in your truth. Feel into it, moment by moment. There is no road map, that is exactly what makes this time so exciting!

2013 is the year of creation and community. We are the rainbow tribe. How can we co-create this new earth if you do not bring your gift to the table? We are weaving the tapestry of this new world and new human. We need your particular color of thread, the texture you bring to create the beauty that is us. I am a weaver of heartlights. My work needs yours in order to create. We are all interconnected. We feed one another with our essence.

My friend is desiring to dance her dance, the dance that encompasses all of her flames. Her dancing changes the world with its beauty. She dances with life, her every movement in the world, informing the dance that is continually birthed. This is her passion, her gift to the world. Mine is not so definable but it came through loud and clear. I am to be the mother’s light, to be the heart that holds the octaves of sound, allowing the love to infuse the deeper tones and move them into higher registers of light. I am to be the lighthouse of love, of neutrality that embraces all frequencies that exist. To be the breast that the sobbing child flings itself upon, the smile that offers soft encouragement, the eye that sees truth when one rails against the world.

Our pods being drawn together like this group of rocks, singing our tones.

Our pods being drawn together like this group of rocks, singing our tones.

This expression is the thing that you do with no thought. It is natural for you, it moves  you with grace. This is not to say that it is easy. It asks of you total focus. It asks to be embodied each moment of every day. It is the lover you wish to shine for, it calls out what you knew not you had in you. It asks for me to be the divine human that I am. As we each embody this essence, it acts as a beacon. Each heart sends out its tone that draws to it, like a moth to a flame, all others who carry a resonate tone. This is how we discover our soul family and how we will be met by our other half who carries the same tone. Can you imagine the joy of finally being met on every level of your being? That time is arriving at our shores. By becoming our truth, so fully breathing it in the world, we are putting out the call. We are calling to all those who speak our language of light. Our tribes will come together, creating communities focused on central themes. We will play in the co-creative energies and rest deeply in the love shared.

Life is a symphony waiting to be played, movement by movement, note by note. All comes into harmony in the most glorious sound that fills the heavens. It is time to play our notes with all that we have. Our Creator stands, baton in hand, to conduct the song of the new earth.


Filling Myself With Light

IMG_2496 I felt such a shift in the energies the past couple of days. I slept for most of one day, pulled under over and over again. I was a cat on the floor, following the sun shining in the back glass doors with my pillow and blanket. I was close to the warmth of the fire, getting up every now and again to throw on another log, fetch a glass of water, take a bathroom break,  and move my pillow up a bit so the sun was on my face. I knew that my job was to fill myself up with as much light as I could. I did venture outside to sit for a bit, wrapped in a warm sweater but the elements were too extreme for the way I was feeling. I was a tender babe, needing the utmost comfort. It felt like all I could do to maintain this routine throughout the day. Breathe in light, radiate it to the earth and out to the grid. Over and over. I was a battery being charged. I was birthing a sun in me.

The day before I had participated in a healing of a young woman who had suffered a great deal of abuse in some of the imaginative ways the divine feminine has been defiled. She carried an entity that needed to be released back to the light. That was interesting as the energy was so different from my former dealings with entities. I no longer held any negative judgment towards the entity, rather saw it as something that had become stuck in an old pattern and needed a loving hand to assist its movement forward. We acknowledged the role it had played for this woman, thanked it and sent it on its way with love. It moved with ease and gratitude back to its rightful home. My friend’s crystal bowls do amazing work in clearing so much from the body and energy fields. We added sound which aids in the movement. This woman was so full of light. She had endured much in her young life, and was ready to turn it all into a new story of love and strength. What amazing souls are on this planet! She came to do huge work and it was lovely to be able to acknowledge that for her and reassure her that the pain was now past. It will never be as hard, as dense again. We are creating a world that will be safe for women and children. It is coming by the choices we each make to flood all with love.

If we can create places of safety that this deer enjoys in the nature center where I walk, we can create a world that is safe for women and children. In fact, for all sentient beings!

I was shown how all that comes in my field now is for the collective. We truly are becoming one. I can listen dispassionately to tales at the denser end of the spectrum and hold it all in a space that allows the love to be reborn. I was lying on the floor, filling myself with light to send into all the places that this young woman had highlighted for me. She opened a river of experience that was ripe for transformation. I could feel this frequency clearly from her and was able to ride into that field of energy with my liquidlovelight. What a gift. It demands all of my attention and a focused intention to hold a container that allows love to weave its magic threads. It creates such a healing fabric, a soft pink blanket of peace. To wrap the perpetrators as well as the ones we would label victims in the old vocabulary. Now, we know that all are co-creators, choosing to experience dense energies in order to transform them. The ones who commit the acts of abuse are so in need of the power of love and on a soul level have volunteered to play out this darker role. I blessed them all for their service to the collective. As we clear our energy fields of all hatred, pain, anger, worry, frustration and so much more, we make these darker roles obsolete. When we no longer carry any of this violence and hatred in our fields, peace will flood the land.

IMG_2512The underpinnings of the old earth have been swept away as this great surge of love has anchored into and on the planet. What remains is held in place by our attention to it. It appears solid yet it is as ephemeral as smoke. As we wean ourselves from the lower vibrations and the matrix reality we have lived in, it will collapse. There is no fixing the old systems, as they provide no worthy foundation to build upon. We are tasked with creating the new by our dreaming, our intention and our focused attention on what we desire. Whatever we focus on, is what we choose to have grow. We are entering a time of great freedom and joy. With it comes great responsibility. Our thoughts are creative, each word spoken a vessel of energy. It is a time to chose and act wisely. Everything done in love, creates a field of love. We can wash our dishes in a state of love,  pay for what we need in a state of gratitude for the abundance in our lives, thank our mother for each drink of water and bite of food that her ground has grown.  Each thought of love, each word spoken in kindness, each action of compassion, creates our new earth. This is what we came to do and the time has truly arrived. There is no more waiting. Let us begin.


May’s Love Day Builds the Bridge

A bridge along the Oregon coast sometime last year

Love day. How beautiful that today was celebrated as love day. Here are the things that happened for me today.  My former husband reminded me that this was the day that we met 30 years ago. It was the day we celebrated each year as our anniversary.  We laughed that here we were, once again, working together on a yard project. After all these years, how strange it all was. We created a bridge over some formerly turbulent waters of our past. We acknowledged how we had helped one another to grow. How the years of unloving had led me to love myself. We talked about friendship and offering that in a new way to one another. Immediately, he started to tell me how he had little time for friendship, offering excuses. I laughed and said, “Oh, I see your offer was too much and you are now withdrawing it.” An old pattern surfacing. A beautiful new thing happened then. He recalled reading something about how when you achieve a peak experience or new level in a relationship, you need time to process it and integrate it. If you are not conscious about it, you end up creating a crisis or argument that leads to a time of separation which then allows the integration. By being conscious, you can state that you need time to assimilate the new aspect in the relationship and peace can be maintained. It was so lovely to hear him state his need and to be able to honor it. A new way was bridged and I felt such gratitude. So proud of both of us. When we can openly state our needs with love, there is freedom to be found.

Beautiful clouds as the day waned.

Ten days ago, I asked my former husband if I could spend the night at the family house as I was get-ting in late and my car was here, as were my sons. He would not be here as he is only here three nights of the week. He graciously agreed. I am still here. This was not planned. The energies streaming in have kept me pretty grounded. I have small bursts of activity….looked at 2 apartments today (neither was a yes) and then rest, food and water are required. At times, the thought of getting up to go to the bathroom seems beyond me. Truly!  I cannot move. I laugh at how my higher self has orchestrated this time, not something I was looking for yet here I am. And tonight’s bridge to a new friendship is the reward. I am being shown over and over to trust my heart, trust the universe to guide me to the situations that lead to my  greatest growth. Our minds would not choose them as we tend to avoid things thought to be painful but if we allow our hearts to lead, we are led to healing and freedom.

A mural at a restaurant, birds flitting about.

I was doing yoga outside (managed 10 minutes before fatigue overtook me, but it was 10 minutes!) when in triangle pose I looked up. A hawk was circling above me. I watched him executing his graceful turns with wings outstretched and felt I was drifting with him on the air currents. Hawks are my power animal, showing up often in my life. I felt he was giving me a message that my love would soon be with me. I thanked him and sent him a beam of love. Right before going outside a friend had sent a message that her beloved was soon to join her. It all felt interconnected to me, our loves are coming as we open our hearts to our own love. The Venus transit on June 4th is already in motion, bringing in big love energies. I know myself as Venusian and feel a sense of home coming.

Hearts everywhere, even in a bag of chips!

An apartment manager I met today shared that his 22 year old son had commited suicide six months ago. He wanted to talk about the pain he felt, the guilt of being too hard, the frustration of years of his son’s drug addiction and rehab efforts that did not succeed. He showed my son and I,  his son’s picture and admonished me to cherish my son. He said he now called his other children regularly. He was expressing his love on this love day in wanting to share stories of his son with us. Wanting us to know of his beauty and struggle. Love, oh how we search for it, need it, desire it.

It has been a long journey to this new world where love will be the rule. Where hearts can open wide and that will be the norm. I am witnessing the transformation all around me. Begin to look for evidence and it will be given. Yes, this is the time to turn on our heartlights and never turn them off again. That young man could not see past the pain of separation and so chose to open a different door. We have hoped, we have yearned to live in love and now the reward is at hand. A world of love is being born. Thank God we are here to participate in it. Don’t wait to begin, now is the time to turn your heartlight on high! This is what our high beams were made for!  Our hearts are the instrument to birth this world we desire. Free your heart of everything but love, drop all else and shine it so bright. No child, no one has to live in a world without love. We are the ones to make this a reality for ourselves, our children and the generations to come. It all starts within……your heart, my heart, one heart.



Pink blossoms, muffins and Shambhala Masters

Sitting in bed at 11:33 pm eating the remains of this morning’s delicious muffin. Last night I did not sleep much at all. I felt nauseous and out of sorts, the earth was moving on some deep level and I with her. Today I napped in the late afternoon with the feeling that I could sink into the bed forever. We are entering into the equinox, the time of balance. Am I turning upside down in mine? Many are feeling overwhelmed as they continue to push themselves to work that seems to have no end and schedules that allow no room to breath. This is happening everywhere as there is less staff and more work in most businesses. People try to keep up, to juggle all the balls in the air until eventually something gives. For me, I began to cry in meetings, cry in my office, tears of frustration that it was not possible to do all that was asked. For many it is their health that gives way and allows a way out. All strives for balance and what is not in balance will come to the fore for resolution. The old way of moving through the world will not be sustained in the new energies. This can feel frightening yet each moment offers the possibility of balance and peace. For me it seems that it all comes down to trust. Trusting that all will be well. The old way of trying to control it all is not working. Doing more is not the answer. Surrender is the name of the game.

The rain today is feeding my soul. As did these pink hollyhock blossoms, catching the raindrops and filtering the misty light through their petals. I am in this blue/green/grey/white world of forests, mists, and waters and then there is this wild pink! A shock almost of color that dances across my heart. I am a lover of pink. One of the things I loved so about India was the use of bright pink and orange together. I was just doing a meditation where they described the color of the love flooding in as pink-orange! Of course.

Today a friend called to ask me to vision with her. She began to tell me what had come to her to prompt the call. She saw us looking down at a “verdant valley”. Those two words triggered an outburst of sobbing. I was sitting in a cafe at the time but the tears knew no time. I could not say what it was but it was as if the words were a key that opened a deep recess in my being. Every cell in my body knew to respond to those words. We journeyed into a space of such beauty. She is the visionary, I the feeler. Together we see. We were asked to don our Shambhala robes. We were told that we had earned them and that they were eternal. More sobs. Shambhala masters were with us, greeting us and working with us. We were seeding our visions of the New Earth. The women were in a circle, then an outer circle of men. Light came streaming in the center of our circle. My free hand was moving, weaving the strands of light. There were babies coming in, we were holding them. Then the men bent down to gather the babes in their cloaks, guarding and protecting them. It was so beautiful as it was the new masculine, sure in its strength and clear in its role. The women were laughing and dancing, flirting with the men as they were free to play. The raising of the children was shared by the fathers as well as the trees, the air, the elementals. The babies were so protected and honored by all. I cried at the freedom for the young women, to dance and laugh and be in their joy. And I cried at the pride of the young men as they delighted in the women’s play and in their strength as the protector. The babies were so excited to be here, to be in this place of peace and joy. Codes of light streamed down from the heavens. The earth opened to receive this light with such reverence. All felt sacred.
The time is here. We are called to our roles. I feel drawn to the stillness to purify my being. To make sure that there is no distortion in my field as this template must be laid down in truth and in peace. All that is not truth, will be magnified so it must come through with purity and love. We have been witness to the distortions in Atlantis and other times and I cannot bear to have it end so. Every part of me is focused on bringing this vision through in its pristine wholeness and holiness.
I write and speak these things not to elevate my ego but rather to aid in my own adjustment to who I am. We are each beings of great light. We are masters or we would not be on the earth at this grand juncture. My personality self shies away from claiming my self hood. As I speak of these things, Shambhala master robes, being a creator being, crowns of stars…I am allowing myself to breathe into the vastness of who I am. I know that we cannot play small any longer. We must shine our full light out into the world. As I step into my truth, I widen the space for each one to enter into their truth.
Here is a fairy house I came upon in the woods. Isn’t it cunning the way the spider wove the roof and the leaves laid the carpet? My grandchildren will be able to play with the fairies openly, all will be seen and known. The delight of this knowing, fills my heart. The fairies are pretty excited too! They are ready to be seen and interacted with on a grander scale. All is ready to be seen on a grander scale. We are ready to be seen by others and most importantly, by ourselves on this grander stage. I love the costumes! We get robes of fabulous colors and textures as well as swords, crowns, staffs, unicorns and dragons to ride and crystals and wands to play with. We do indeed get to be as little children again as we learn to live in the moment. I heard Lindsey Wagner speak (the actress who played the Bionic Woman on TV years ago) and she said to watch little children emote. They are so dramatic in their tears and tantrums but then they are free to feel the next wave of emotion that comes if we do not stop the process. If we allow the expression, it clears and they are free of the emotion. I loved this quote of Lindsey’s: “Pain is a wave. Suffering is a sea wall.” That really hit home for me. It is time to ride the waves in our lives. We can be choose exhilaration or terror. It is all our choice. I am ready for the ride of my many lives!

Full Moon Waves of Energy

My son and I went to do our laundry this morning. The treat for me was having time to linger at the flower shop next door.I love flowers! One of these beautiful bouquets came home with me today as well as one for our neighbors as a happy Spring wish. There is also a coffee shop and internet available in the front of the laundry mat so it is as pleasant an experience as one could want. We had driven to our favorite bakery for the almond croissants that melt in your mouth so were well armed with our coffee, croissants and internet to pass the time.

Almost time for bed, 11:11 as I begin this post. Numbers are speaking to me frequently this week. What a weekend! The energies continue to stream in in mighty waves. I feel
humbled, awed by what is transpiring within us and without. Today I have ridden waves of joy, waves of grief, waves of bliss, waves of intense electrical energy. The power just blinked out and back again. Thunder, lightening and rain pounding outside. No full moon viewing tonight. Glad to have my candles lit, glad for the fragrance of the flowers that I bought today, filling the room. Glad to have acted on my inner prompting of the past couple of days to get some supplies in