Change….Climate and Otherwise

IMG_20230912_081035138_MPI was mulling over a comment that someone made a post on facebook. I had remarked that on my recent trip to the Atlantic Ocean, I was surprised by how warm it was compared to decades ago when I last swam there. Someone admonished me, saying it was a result of climate change and I should be worried. She felt that I should not be feeling joy about the warm water but instead anger and fear. Interesting. We have been so programmed to feel guilt, shame, worry, and fear.

We are in an evolutionary cycle of change. A big change! It is a privilege to have a body and be a part of this transformation. Mother Earth knows what she is doing, She knows how to heal and move herself into a new space. We are being given the same opportunity to trust our own knowing and clear ourselves of all that is heavy and false.

Nubble LIghthouse near Ogunquit, Maine.

Nubble LIghthouse near Ogunquit, Maine.

My joy in the ocean is more healing to us all then to not partake or to choose to swim alongside anger and fear. I was reminded of my own body’s changes brought about by menopause. I had historically cold hands and feet.  Menopause changed all that. My hands and feet are now warm. Do I rail against my body for these changes? No, I appreciate them. We are always changing. Life changes, the earth changes. Nothing stays the same.

Years ago, I was given a vision of the earth’s temperatures evening out and becoming temperate everywhere. You could pick fruit from the trees, vegetables from the ground, the sun gave nourishment and the waters to swim in were warm and sustaining. Cool drinking water bubbled up from springs deep in the ground. A Garden of Eden where we communed with all of the elementals and Mother Earth herself. Everything needed to sustain life was given freely. We walked in peace and love and harmony with the All.

IMG_20230912_105633659_HDRSo, no, I will not walk with guilt or a sense of shame for being a human on this planet of ours. I recognize things have been done that were harmful. Yet to carry that burden does no one any good. Heavy dense feelings are to be felt and released. There is much of this becoming visible for all to see, to feel and to let go.

Then we return to our natural state of wonder, joy, and love. There is beauty everywhere if we have eyes to see. I played with the ocean and she played with me. How grateful I AM!