Welcome 2022

IMG_0094My heart rejoices that I am still in a body, even if my bones feel a thousand years old. I am a master builder, born on the 22nd of this month, born of parents also born on the 22nd. A triangle, a pyramid of light that propels me into a new role this year. So many of us have held the vision of the new, lived the frequency that separated us out from the crowd, in ways that were not easy. Now we take a deep breath. Now we let it all down, we let go.

fullsizeoutput_4aa2The new is here. It is anchored and grounded through so many beautiful hearts. My heart offers a deep bow to these ones who have lived their truth when it did not align to what society deemed the path to be. Now the matrix is dissolving, the truths are coming out fast and furious, the world is waking up to who truly holds the power.

We are the powerful creators. We created this time of separation and domination. Now that story is ending and we are free to create anew. What does your heart yearn for? Freedom on every level is beating in the collective consciousness. All are coded to awaken to their own beauty and truth at a time set by themselves before coming to live on this magical planet of ours.

fullsizeoutput_4aa3What a relief I feel! It is done. All is moving into more love, more light. Our hearts are melting with the lovelight streaming in. Old traumas, pains, suffering are rising like mists from the landscape of our hearts. Dissolving in the truth of love. We are left with a pristine landscape that will accept our new brushstrokes. We can create a world beyond anything we can imagine.

There is no going back “to normal”. The old way was one of enslavement and misery. Such tender, courageous hearts we are to have survived it all and come to know life anew. Reach for the stars. Be as tender with this new landscape of your heart as you would a newborn babe. Allow time to sit with yourself, rocking and soothing all that presents. Let it all dissolve as you witness it arise….let the mists transform all of the old weight, into the new light that vibrates to the tone of love. As we each tend the fires of our hearts, the new earth is born. Look into your own eyes and those of all whom you meet, and give a greeting and blessing of love. We are here, we are ONE and life has just begun.