The New Year Is Here

fullsizeoutput_5233The Winter Solstice is the start of the new year for me. I have never resonated with January 1st as the date. Energetically, the Solstice holds the potential for new beginnings. I love to celebrate with a fire, releasing all of the old, creating space for the new to infill my being. This year, it was our family Christmas celebration as well as my eldest grandson departed the next day to spend his holidays in Quebec with his Papa and other grandparents. We had a lovely evening which was highlighted by my eight year old and two year old grandchildren dressing up in white robes and silver crowns with lights (battery operated fairy lights) carrying candles to light ones passed out by them to the family. All was in darkness, the children rang bells to signal their approach and cue Silent Night to begin to play. We sat in the dark and watched the light come forth with our two angels flowing down the stairs. They took it very seriously, walking in silence to distribute candles (the youngest’s duty) and to light the flames (the eldest’s duty). There were tears as the magic of fire and music touched hearts. The children then distributed the cookies that they had helped me make and decorate. After the dinner and exchange of gifts, it was the highlight of the evening. The children were so touched by the experience and both thanked me numerous times for creating this opportunity for them.

IMG_0158Moments of magic are missing in our lives. It is not only for the children that we need magic, it is for all of our souls. When we experience it, our souls echo with memories of participating in rituals that created feelings of wonder. I want to bring more of that into my children’s and grandchildren’s lives. I want more in my life! My grandchildren are already asking about the next time we can do something like this.


It is meant to be something shared in community. There are schools, Waldorf Schools for example, that do foster magic in their curriculum but by and large, it is left out in our schools where the focus is academics and test performance. As a community, we need to bring magic back into our lives. Other countries do a better job of including the children in events rather than the separation by age that is so common in the USA. I recall spending a New Year’s Eve in Spain in the coastal town of Nerja with two of my children. On the Balcon de Europa, which faces the Mediterranean sea, townfolk gathered to celebrate the New Year. Everyone had twelve grapes (one for each month) that you were to eat with each of the twelve clock bell strikes.  Each grape represented a wish for each month of the coming year. They were to bring good luck. Grapes and champagne enjoyed by young and old. Fireworks and dancing enjoyed by whole families together. A memory of magic that all shared in.

IMG_0199Our new way of living will include so many more celebrations aligned with nature. As we gather with our soul tribes in villages or my term, love pods, we will be more connected to the landscape. Nature offers her cycles of seasons that lends itself to rituals around planting and harvest, growth and rest, darkness and light. The movement of the sun, moon and planets offer markers for our lives. We are moving into a deeper connection to the plant, animal and elemental kingdoms. 2024 will see more migration as people will feel called to move to places on the earth where they feel more in resonance with the land. Drawn to the place where their soul dances on the earth. Soul tribes will come into being as folks’ frequencies will guide them to one another. That deep love that we all crave will blossom amongst all the kingdoms as all remember how to communicate from the heart. Imagine a daily conversation with the trees, the birds, and ground where you live. Imagine strong hugs with one another as love flows freely from heart to heart.

Maxfield Parrish was famous for his magical landscapes.

Maxfield Parrish was famous for his magical landscapes.

There is so much freedom ahead if we are willing to take it. We are being supported by our ancestors and our future selves to bring all of our Christ light into our forms. This is the wonder and magic of Christmas. To birth the Christ light in our own hearts and walk it into this world. The little children and babes being born, arrive with it intact. They are living love, they spread it through their sparkly eyes and hearts that love unconditionally. There are times where I am stopped in my tracks when one of my grandchildren beams at me. The light is so bright and pure.

May we cherish this light and one another’s hearts. May we know our own beauty and walk it into the world. May wonder and magic flow into our lives as we reclaim our innocence and joy. May peace prevail on earth.

Welcome 2022

IMG_0094My heart rejoices that I am still in a body, even if my bones feel a thousand years old. I am a master builder, born on the 22nd of this month, born of parents also born on the 22nd. A triangle, a pyramid of light that propels me into a new role this year. So many of us have held the vision of the new, lived the frequency that separated us out from the crowd, in ways that were not easy. Now we take a deep breath. Now we let it all down, we let go.

fullsizeoutput_4aa2The new is here. It is anchored and grounded through so many beautiful hearts. My heart offers a deep bow to these ones who have lived their truth when it did not align to what society deemed the path to be. Now the matrix is dissolving, the truths are coming out fast and furious, the world is waking up to who truly holds the power.

We are the powerful creators. We created this time of separation and domination. Now that story is ending and we are free to create anew. What does your heart yearn for? Freedom on every level is beating in the collective consciousness. All are coded to awaken to their own beauty and truth at a time set by themselves before coming to live on this magical planet of ours.

fullsizeoutput_4aa3What a relief I feel! It is done. All is moving into more love, more light. Our hearts are melting with the lovelight streaming in. Old traumas, pains, suffering are rising like mists from the landscape of our hearts. Dissolving in the truth of love. We are left with a pristine landscape that will accept our new brushstrokes. We can create a world beyond anything we can imagine.

There is no going back “to normal”. The old way was one of enslavement and misery. Such tender, courageous hearts we are to have survived it all and come to know life anew. Reach for the stars. Be as tender with this new landscape of your heart as you would a newborn babe. Allow time to sit with yourself, rocking and soothing all that presents. Let it all dissolve as you witness it arise….let the mists transform all of the old weight, into the new light that vibrates to the tone of love. As we each tend the fires of our hearts, the new earth is born. Look into your own eyes and those of all whom you meet, and give a greeting and blessing of love. We are here, we are ONE and life has just begun.

Musings On This New Year’s Day

IMG_2310Lying here watching the flames dance in the fireplace, the dense logs (stone wood, my son calls eucalyptus) resisting then slowly surrendering to the fiery furnace. This is my New Year’s Day morning mediation. As I place myself, solid in form, dense with old beliefs and conditioning, in the fire of the Creator’s love, I observe the transformation. Some aspects of my being catch flame quickly, others take ages to soften, to allow the turning from heavy dark wood to red glowing coals that settle into light airy ash. It takes time and I sense the meditation will take the day.

A vista of delight for my senses. Son, Gabriel's painting.

A vista of delight for my senses. Son, Gabriel’s painting.

A friend was starting off the new year at a meditation retreat. He spoke of the sitting and the dharma talk and my being knew that was in the past for me. Years ago, I went to a Buddhist center in Sante Fe for a calligraphy workshop by a Japanese master. I loved the brushwork but was called to task for my non-observing of the rules of the place. I did not find the walking meditation about the room, the sitting staring at the wall, to hold joy. I went outside and laid under a tree and drifted in peace, until I was harangued for being there. There were signs everywhere admonishing one to “drink your tea in peace”, “walk in mindfulness” while I experienced the server wiping my table to hurry me along as I was drinking my tea in peace. Rules that held form but not embodied by the ones living there. My freedom loving self has not been able to adhere to group rules, awaiting the forming of groups with no need of structure or rules in order to harmonize.

No, give me the solitude of this fire. The freedom to turn to netflix (how fortunate we created such things for these ascension times!), to chocolate chip cookies, to a light novel,  to a call with a friend. My meditations are states of being rather than prescribed form. I like my spirit to fly free and at one with what is in my world. I can feel exhaustion descend like a leaden weight only a few minutes later to find myself bustling about changing sheets. I have to flow to follow this self, she is a wonder being full of surprises!

A friend gave me a plant to place in the garden of my new home....I was touched that she sees that coming as I do.

A friend gave me a plant to place in the garden of my new home…I was touched that she sees that coming as I do.

Love, the love. I spent New Year’s Eve with my beloved self. Slight headache and unease in the body, so grateful to be on my own, floating in a quiet space. I have been withdrawn into the stillness this holy week. Three days of pjs and no shower, awake in the night, dead asleep in the day, allowing myself the “coma” of isolation. Outdoors sunlight beckoned but I could not answer, turning to the couch, the pillows and quilt. Now tendrils moving out to loved ones but still the call to stillness. It felt a bit strange this Christmas Day that my three children were all with their new families, the families of their partners. My former hubby with his also. I felt the joy that each had been welcomed by dear hearts and found more love. It brought back memories of that first Christmas with my in-laws and the family that I would become a part of. I felt my alone state with tenderness, knowing the love that only I can offer.

Bright tights and a kaleidoscope, gifts making ready for play.

Bright tights and a kaleidoscope, gifts making ready for play.

This path is a strange one, my deep desire for connection, for community and yet no desire to join, to participate in that which brings it. Alone for the most part, awaiting the timing when the frequencies allow my full participation. Trust and trust again. Eight years of  this solitary state outside of the marriage and yet it was there in all the years prior. I recently had to fill out forms and wondered at our classification system as you had to choose from: single, married, divorced, widowed, or separated. I did not see sovereign as a choice. I am sovereign. It is time for the old identifying systems to dissolve in the flames.


My soul has been called to hold its note, to swim in this stream on my own. The knowing has grown of all the love and beings that are beside me, my heart full of the love that never ceases to flow from the One Source. The trust has deepened to a fuller note, that has character and staying power. The fire has quieted, a cave of orangey-red coals drawing me in. I trust in my visions of the love pods come, a beloved in form to play with as the year of the fun loving monkey gets underway, co-creative adventures with hearts harmonizing with mine. I look to none of it to fill me, as I know love is an inside job.

Answering the call of this cave of coals with a grateful heart. Allowing the transformation, the rendering to ash. The resurrection. The love.  This love, this fiery love! I AM.